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Hashim Sarmad

Nielsen: Market Research for Pantene

Management Problem: Reasons for the decline in market share of Pantene from 22.5% to 20%

Type of Research Objective Research Methodology/ Outcome

Research Process
Nielsen able to sell annual

subscriptions of the entire

Auditors visiting the category for $4000-$20000.
nt service nt service

To provide detailed 16000 stores every Helped attain greater

information on sales, month with scanners accuracy in extrapolation
Captured electronically Provided information

which channels, about ‘Television Audience

programs and measurement which was a
Measured national TV commercials watched joint venture with the
viewership when and why IMRB and provide data
Home scan is used to Insights about penetration,
Customized Consumer


To track the purchasing track the information buying rates, loyalty,


behaviour of over related to demographic demographics and brand

125000 representative characteristics and switching for the
households in 24 media consumption and categories, repeating
Questionnaire is Provided solutions to

designed for data market strategy,

collection which will be communication
analysed effectiveness, brand equity
and consumer satisfaction

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