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A practical explanation of a Naive Bayes

classi er

The simplest solutions are usually the most powerful ones, and Naive Bayes is a good
example of that. In spite of the great advances of machine learning in the last years, it has
proven to not only be simple but also fast, accurate, and reliable. It has been successfully
used for many purposes, but it works particularly well with natural language processing
(NLP) problems.

Naive Bayes is a family of probabilistic algorithms that take advantage of probability

theory and Bayes’ Theorem to predict the tag of a text (like a piece of news or a customer
review). They are probabilistic, which means that they calculate the probability of each tag
for a given text, and then output the tag with the highest one. The way they get these
probabilities is by using Bayes’ Theorem, which describes the probability of a feature,
based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to that feature.

We're going to be working with an algorithm called Multinomial Naive Bayes. We’ll walk
through the algorithm applied to NLP with an example, so by the end, not only will you
know how this method works, but also why it works. Then, we'll lay out a few advanced
techniques that can make Naive Bayes competitive with more complex Machine Learning
algorithms, such as SVM and neural networks.

A Simple Example

Let’s see how this works in practice with a simple example. Suppose we are building a
classi er that says whether a text is about sports or not. Our training data has 5

Text Tag

"A great game" Sports

"The election was over" Not sports

"Very clean match" Sports

"A clean but forgettable game" Sports

"It was a close election" Not sports

Now, which tag does the sentence A very close game belong to?

Since Naive Bayes is a probabilistic classi er, we want to calculate the probability that the
sentence "A very close game" is Sports and the probability that it’s Not Sports. Then, we
take the largest one. Written mathematically, what we want is P (Sports | a very close
game) — the probability that the tag of a sentence is Sports given that the sentence is “A
very close game”.
That’s great, but how do we calculate these probabilities?

Let’s dig in!

Feature Engineering

The rst thing we need to do when creating a machine learning model is to decide what to
use as features. We call features the pieces of information that we take from the text and
give to the algorithm so it can work its magic. For example, if we were doing classi cation
on health, some features could be a person’s height, weight, gender, and so on. We would
exclude things that maybe are known but aren’t useful to the model, like a person’s name
or favorite color.

In this case though, we don’t even have numeric features. We just have text. We need to
somehow convert this text into numbers that we can do calculations on.

So what do we do? Simple! We use word frequencies. That is, we ignore word order and
sentence construction, treating every document as a set of the words it contains. Our
features will be the counts of each of these words. Even though it may seem too simplistic
an approach, it works surprisingly well.

Bayes’ Theorem

Now we need to transform the probability we want to calculate into something that can
be calculated using word frequencies. For this, we will use some basic properties of
probabilities, and Bayes’ Theorem. If you feel like your knowledge of these topics is a bit
rusty, read up on it, and you'll be up to speed in a couple of minutes.

Bayes' Theorem is useful when working with conditional probabilities (like we are doing
here), because it provides us with a way to reverse them:
In our case, we have P (Sports | a very close game), so using this theorem we can reverse
the conditional probability:

Since for our classi er we’re just trying to nd out which tag has a bigger probability, we
can discard the divisor —which is the same for both tags— and just compare


This is better, since we could actually calculate these probabilities! Just count how many
times the sentence “A very close game” appears in the Sports tag, divide it by the total, and
obtain P (a very close game | Sports).

There's a problem though: “A very close game” doesn’t appear in our training data, so this
probability is zero. Unless every sentence that we want to classify appears in our training
data, the model won’t be very useful.

Being Naive

So here comes the Naive part: we assume that every word in a sentence is independent
of the other ones. This means that we’re no longer looking at entire sentences, but rather
at individual words. So for our purposes, “this was a fun party” is the same as “this party
was fun” and “party fun was this”.

We write this as:

This assumption is very strong but super useful. It's what makes this model work well with
little data or data that may be mislabeled. The next step is just applying this to what we
had before:

And now, all of these individual words actually show up several times in our training data,
and we can calculate them!

Calculating Probabilities

The nal step is just to calculate every probability and see which one turns out to be

Calculating a probability is just counting in our training data.

First, we calculate the a priori probability of each tag: for a given sentence in our training
data, the probability that it is Sports P (Sports) is ⅗. Then, P (Not Sports) is ⅖. That’s easy

Then, calculating P (game | Sports) means counting how many times the word “game”
appears in Sports texts (2) divided by the total number of words in sports (11). Therefore,

However, we run into a problem here: “close” doesn’t appear in any Sports text! That
means that P (close | Sports) = 0. This is rather inconvenient since we are going to be
multiplying it with the other probabilities, so we'll end up with

This equals 0, since in a multiplication if one of the terms is zero, the whole calculation is
nulli ed. Doing things this way simply doesn't give us any information at all, so we have to
nd a way around.
How do we do it? By using something called Laplace smoothing: we add 1 to every count
so it’s never zero. To balance this, we add the number of possible words to the divisor, so
the division will never be greater than 1. In our case, the possible words are ['a',
'great', 'very', 'over', 'it', 'but', 'game', 'election', 'clean', 'close',

'the', 'was', 'forgettable', 'match'].

Since the number of possible words is 14 (I counted them!), applying smoothing we get

The full results are:

Word P (word | Sports) P (word | Not Sports)

a (2 + 1) ÷ (11 + 14) (1 + 1) ÷ (9 + 14)

very (1 + 1) ÷ (11 + 14) (0 + 1) ÷ (9 + 14)

close (0 + 1) ÷ (11 + 14) (1 + 1) ÷ (9 + 14)

game (2 + 1) ÷ (11 + 14) (0 + 1) ÷ (9 + 14)

Now we just multiply all the probabilities, and see who is bigger:

Excellent! Our classi er gives “A very close game” the Sports tag.
Advanced techniques

There are many things that can be done to improve this basic model. These techniques
allow Naive Bayes to perform at the same level as more advanced methods. Some of
these techniques are:

Removing stopwords. These are common words that don’t really add anything to the
classi cation, such as a, able, either, else, ever and so on. So for our purposes, The
election was over would be election over and a very close game would be very close game.

Lemmatizing words. This is grouping together di erent in ections of the same word.
So election, elections, elected, and so on would be grouped together and counted as
more appearances of the same word.

Using n-grams. Instead of counting single words as we did here, we could count
sequences of words, like “clean match” and “close election”.

Using TF-IDF. Instead of just counting frequency we could do something more

advanced like also penalizing words that appear frequently in most of the texts.

Creating a Naive Bayes Classi er with


You now know how Naive Bayes works with a text classi er, but you’re still not quite sure
where to start. Well, instead of starting from scratch, you can easily build a text classi er
on MonkeyLearn, which can actually be trained with Naive Bayes.

But what is MonkeyLearn? Basically, it’s a machine learning platform that analyzes text in
two ways –  by classifying it according to topic, aspect, sentiment, urgency or intent and
by extracting key information such as keywords, names, and companies.
You don’t need to be a machine learning expert to use MonkeyLearn, or even know the
ins and outs of Naive Bayes to build and use a text classi er.

It’s simple to use

You don’t need to be a machine learning expert to use MonkeyLearn, or even know the
ins and outs of Naive Bayes to build and use a text classi er.

No setup is required:

You don’t have to worry about building the underlying infrastructure for a text analysis
model. MonkeyLearn does it for you. Performance, scalability, logging, architecture, tools,
etc...MonkeyLearn has it all under control!

You don’t need to code:

MonkeyLearn is ready to use straight away. All you need to do is integrate it into your
codebase, made super easy thanks to MonkeyLearn’s beautiful API. It comes with SDKs for
every major programming language, as well as well-written documentation.

Faster training:

The tagging process within MonkeyLearn is much quicker, thanks to a clean and simple
interface speci cally built for tagging text data. This process is also faster thanks to active
learning, a machine learning technique that suggests tags within text data, as you’re
training your model.

We've made a strong case for why you should create your naive bayes text classi er with
MonkeyLearn, but let's see how easy it is to create your model. Here's a step-by-step
guide to help you get started.

1. Create a text classi er

Sign up for free to MonkeyLearn and go to the MonkeyLearn Dashboard, select 'Create
Model' and click on the 'Classi er' option:
2. Select 'Topic Classi cation'

Sentiment analysis focuses on how positive or negative a text is, while intent classi cation
aims to categorize texts according to their purpose. In this case, we want to classify texts
according to the topic, so let’s choose 'Topic Classi cation':
3. Upload your training data

You can easily upload texts from an Excel or CSV le, or seamlessly connect with third-
party apps such as Gmail, Twitter or Zendesk… there’s a wide range of options.
Remember, it’s always best to upload a large bunch of data to make sure your model has
enough training data:

4. Create your tags

In this step, it’s important to keep the number of tags to a minimum. At MonkeyLearn, we
usually recommend starting with no more than ten. Once the model is performing well,
you can add more tags:

5. Train your classi er

We know what you’re thinking: what about naive bayes? We’re almost there, but rst, it’s
crucial to teach your classi er how to tag di erent text units. Just click on the correct tag
for each piece of text and con rm. Soon enough, your model will start making predictions
which you can con rm or correct:
Don’t worry if more than one tag applies to a given text, just use both tags to classify it. If
you start noticing that the features (pieces of information from a text that are useful for
the algorithm) don’t match any tags, you can create a new tag by clicking on the add
button next to 'Tags'.

6. Change to Naive Bayes

After training your model, go to the Settings section and change the algorithm from
Support Vector Machines (our default algorithm) to Naive Bayes. Save your settings and
go back to training your model to test it:
From that moment on, MonkeyLearn will start training your classi er with Naive Bayes.

7. Test your Naive Bayes classi er

Is it ready? This phase will show you whether it's time to put your model to work or
continue training it. Click on the 'Run' tab and type something into the text box. Did your
model predict the correct tag? Try a few more times to make sure you're using a classi er
that's ready work for you:
Just to make sure, you can look at the classi er stats to see how accurate your Naive
Bayes classi er is.

8. Start working with your model

It's time to reap what you sowed! Run brand new pieces of text through your classi er,
which you can import in various ways:

a) Using MonkeyLearn’s API with the programming language of your choice:

With some quick and simple coding, you can integrate MonkeyLearn into your codebase
and run your classi cation model automatically. There are di erent SDKs available:
Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, and Java.
b) Go to the 'Batch' tab and upload a CSV or Excel le:

After running text data from your le through your model, you'll get a new le in return
with all the tag predictions, in just a few seconds.

c) Use third-party Integrations:

MonkeyLearn has various integrations, including Google Sheets, Zapier, Rapidminer or

Zendesk, so that you can analyze data without any hassle. Just go to the 'Integrate' section
and take your pick:
Final words

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what Naive Bayes is and how it can be
used for text classi cation. This simple method works surprisingly well for classi cation
problems and, computationally speaking, it’s very cheap. Creating a classi er from scratch
also takes a lot of time, and that’s where MonkeyLearn’s classi er swoops in to save the

Whether you’re a Machine Learning expert or not, you have the tools to build your own
Naive Bayes classi er. You don’t need to spend hours studying and coding – just sign up
to MonkeyLearn, create a model in just a few steps, and integrate it with your application.

If you’re interested in learning more about these topics, check out our guides to machine
learning and natural language processing.

Bruno Stecanella

May 25th, 2017

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