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Introductory paragraph;
General statement; Gadgets can be described as a small
mechanical or an electronic device that has
a myriad of uses that can help human with
little tasks.
Specific statement; The most commonly known of gadgets are
smartphone and tablet. Gadget has been
widely used in the society. Even though, it
is true that it changes how we used to
communicate with people around, but I
wouldn’t go as far as saying that it
destroyed communications among family
and friends. As people are using their
gadgets to communicate more.
Thesis statement; Thus, I disagree that gadget addiction
destroyed communication among family and
friends as gadget is an information saver
and an efficient communicating device.

Body paragraph 1;
Topic sentence; Gadget is an information saver. It provides
people with information’s daily, thus it help
people keep up to date with news around the
world. Moreover, information can enhance
the quality of our communication as we can
talk to our friends and family about new
topics going around or finding new interest
Concluding sentence; Thus, the reason gadget does not destroyed
communication among family and friends is
it serve as an information saver.

Body paragraph 2;
Topic sentence; Moreover, gadget can serve as an efficient
communicating device. As communicating
via gadgets is faster other than face to face
but nowadays people spend mostly their
time working thus, it is hard for those
people to set up a time for meet up with
friends and family. Meanwhile,
communicating through gadgets we can chat
and even see our friends and family faces
via myriad of application, making it more
easier and effiecients.
Concluding sentence; Therefore, the reason gadget does not
destroyed communication among family and
friends as it serves as an efficient
communicating device.

Concluding sentence;
Restatement of topic sentence; Hence, the facts that gadget is an
information saver and an efficient
communicating device is the reason why
gadget addiction does not destroyed
communication among family and friends.

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