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Conceptual model

One-to-many relationships

Urban ecosystem services and disservices and their management. Ecosystem services provided green
areas have been recognized to an increasing degree. Urban trees in particular provide urban dwellers with
a variety of ecosystem services. However, urban trees are also the source of various types of harm,
nuisance and costs. These bad aspects may be labeled as ecosystem disservices. On a general level,
ecosystem disservices can be defined as the functions , processes and attributes generated by the
ecosystem that result in perceived or actual negative impacts on human wellbeing.

Biodiversity rich, semi natural areas inside city limits are often experienced as suffering from a lack of
maintenance, as opposed to intensively maintained but biodiversity poor urban parks.
Hierarchal model

his level contains:


Molecule: it contains a group of atoms

Bio molecular Complex: it contains a group of biomolecules

Subcellular level: this level contains organelle which is made from the functional groups of biochemical, bimolecular reactions and interactions.

Cellular level: the cell which is the fundamental unit of life and it is a group of organelles.

Multicellular or super cellular level: the multicellular level contains some functional parts. They are

Tissue: a group of the cell together makes a tissue.

Organ: comprises various functional tissues.

Organ system: the organ system comprises different functional organ

Ecological levels: the ecological level contains many subcategories like

Organism: it is the fundamental of all living systems. It might have one or more cells formed by the elements of the lower

Population: organisms of the identical groups come together to create population

Community: when inter specific species try to interact with the population it becomes a community.

Ecosystem: a combination of the organism from the different biological domain in the physical environment makes up the ecosystem.

Biome: grouping of the ecosystem on the basis of geographical areas and climatic conditions.

Ecosphere or biosphere: it contains all biotic or the physical environment on earth.

Physical view

The life cycle of Dicrocoelium (fluke)

In large numbers adult Dicrocoelium can cause cirrhosis of liver or leading to decreased function, anemia,
edema, and serve weight loss. A drug called Praziquantel is usually highly effective. It leads to permanent contraction
of the parasites muscles, causing paralysis. And A fluke, also called trematode, is a type of flatworm. They look very
different from nematodes. Flukes can be divided into two major groups:

Tissue flukes- that effect the bile ducts, lungs or liver.

Blood flukes- that inhabit the blood.

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