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1 Iordache Beniamin

Agricultura Anul I

Interview with a farmer

I am an editor, for a magazine specialized in farming called Farming UK. I wanted an
introduction, so I asked him to describe himself:
-My name is Michael I have 33 years old and I been involved in farming since I was a little boy.
I remember even now when I had 6 years old and I used to take eggs from poultry. I stay near
Liverpool but I moved a few times. I lived in London for three years.
If you mentioned poultry what other chores did you have growing up on the farm?
I milked the cows and the goats sometimes and I scared away a few foxes is this count. We had
two dogs, I did it for pleasure mostly. I studied at Royal Agricultural University for a bachelor
degree then I started creating my own farm. Nowadays I have mostly cereals and trees for juice
cider and smoothie. Yeah, smoothie become more and more a serious market where I can make
serious money.
In which crops you achieved a good success and how?
I plant what is profitable like potatoes salat and tomatoes. Recently we extended and we don't
sell only these but we prepare to sell more exotic fruits. We didn't start yet very soon.
What is the hardest part of farming for you?
To always have very clean water to water the crops when is not raining enough. In UK is raining
I but a have enough land on the continent mainly in France.
If you said what is complicated in farming say what you find to be the most satisfying part?
To plant almost all I want and to be positive about them growing in a nice manner. Not too much
because I lose money but enough to make me happy to continue this.
How many acres is this farm if I can ask?
A thousand here but two thousand in France.
What do you think was the most useful advance in farming?
I like the irrigation systems that are using my phone and the crop sensors are great. Is easier to
use fertilizer this way.
What did you grow on the farm when you first started?
I started with potatoes and wheat. I also had almost a hundred acres of beetroot. I had contacts, I
made good profit for two years but they find another farm where they bought more vegetables
for the restaurant chain focused on vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Is farming your only source of income?
Most of the time yes but if I need more money for a future investment or something important
needs fixing, I can let other people deal with the administrative duty. I have people for
cultivation killing pests keeping animals out, harvesting them when they are ready. I don't have
another bachelor degree I have some courses about photography and translating.
How do you deal with weeds? With Insect pests?
I use pesticide only is necessary. I try to be green and natural.
1 Iordache Beniamin
Agricultura Anul I

What do you think was the most useful advance in farming?

Simply and obvious answer would the vehicles like tractors and combines planters, sprayers etc.
I think the modified plants GMO are very useful and when I use the safe types of plants
everybody is happy
How have farm subsidies affected you?
I didn't need the money, only a couple of times and then I get the money to repair some real
damage made by the rain but also other factors. I will not continue to speak about it. It was pretty
rough for a few days or weeks.
Are there any differences between your farm now and your farm when you were a kid?
I suppose it looked easier for me. I don`t find another good answer. To be complete serious the
vehicles used were older and more complicate to control them. I said older because my parents
didn't have the money for new ones so they bought them second hand but only slightly used.
How do you see your role in the community? I
help the people how I can but I sell farther than my area where I live. They don`t like GMO
crops.I still make an ok sale there.
In conclusion I think it was an interesting theme and I learn some things about farming.

1 Iordache Beniamin
Agricultura Anul I

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