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Module 5b – The Trouble Mind

Abnormal Psychology Intra-psychic Theory – focuses on the emotional basis

of abnormal behavior.
Abnormal psychology - is the scientific study of
psychological disorders.  Intra-psychic theorists believe that conflicts in
early childhood cause people to worry or have
 These disorders affect the way people feel,
other unpleasant feelings throughout life.
think, speak, and behave.
 The term neurotic is used to describe people
 The field of abnormal psychology may be called
who sometimes behave abnormally but can
usually cope with everyday problems.
 Studies in abnormal psychology are conducted
 Psychotics are individuals who lose track of
mainly by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists,
reality. They believe in very unrealistic ideas
and social workers.
called delusions.
o These experts collect data by such
o May also think perceptions such as
means as personality and intelligence
“hearing voices” or “seeing visions,”
tests, experiments, and case studies.
called hallucinations, are real.
 Psychoanalysis – a treatment used to help
 Theories of abnormal psychology describe
neurotics and psychotics understand and
mental illnesses, suggest possible causes of
resolve their conflicts and psychotics.
these illnesses, and propose certain methods of
o The patient talks to the therapist, called
treating them. These theories can be divided
into four main groups or schools:
o Free association, a technique where the
o (1) biophysical
patient talks to the analyst about
o (2) intra-psychic
whatever thought, images, or feelings
o (3) existential
come to mind.
o (4) behavioral
Existential Theory – stress the importance of current
Biophysical Theory – emphasizes on the importance of experiences and the person’s view of himself or herself.
underlying physical causes of psychological
disturbances. The condition, drug, or medication is  Existential therapists try to help patients gain
believed to cause mental problems by affecting the insight into their feelings, accept responsibility
brain or parts of nervous system. for their lives, and fulfill their potential.

 Disturbances include 2 main groups: Behavioral theories – emphasizes on the effects of

o Those related to a medical condition learning on behavior.
like a disease or injury.
 Behaviorists use a learning process called
o Those related to the use of a drug or
conditioning to change abnormal behavior.
o Behaviorists treat disturbed people by
 Biophysical theorists think such factors also
teaching them acceptable behavior
underlie mental disturbances whose causes
patterns and reinforcing desired
have not yet been identified.
behavior by rewards.
o Believed disturbances result from
inherited physical defects.
o Treat mental disorders mainly with
tranquillizers, antidepressants, sleeping
pills, and other drugs.
o They use electric shock or surgery on
the brain or parts of the nervous
Module 5b – The Trouble Mind
Criterion/Ways to define Abnormal Behavior

Deviation from statistical norms - defines abnormal

behavior according to what is uncommon in each

 Those who may be considered to possess a

statistically uncommon trait and who behave
accordingly are often seen as being different.

Maladaptiveness of behavior - includes the

uncontrollable behaviors that are considered
ineffective, unproductive, or unlawful.

 These behaviors often lead to a significant

impairment of daily functioning and meaningful

And the last criterion would be level of personal

distress a person may feel about his/her thoughts and

4 Basic Perspectives in Understanding Abnormal


Biological perspective - explains mental disorders in

terms of disturbed neuro-endocrine functions.

Psychoanalytic perspective - emphasizes the

importance of unconscious conflicts and maladaptive
use of defense mechanism.

Behavioral perspective - focuses on abnormal

behaviors as learned experiences.

Cognitive perspective - concerned with conscious

mental processes that cover the areas of motivation.
emotions and conflicts.

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