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1 Rev. Peter Kumah-Nseakyure Tamale Central Head Pastor/D.O
2 Rev. Bernard Asewie Wurishie Head Pastor/D.T
3 Rev. James Bavoh Wu/Gumani Head Pastor
4 Pastor Thomas Shero-Tia Guno Head Pastor
5 Rev. Samuel Awuni Damongo Head Pastor
6 Rev. Mark Tomah Yapei Head Pastor
7 Rev. Timothy J. Lansah Buipe Head Pastor
8 Pastor Seidu Musah Kablipe Head Pastor
9. Pastor Nasala Caleb Gmaricheri Head Pastor
10 Awuni Christy Damongo Pastor Wife
11 Priscilla Shero Tia Guno Pastor Wife
12 Johnson K. Awuni Tamale Central Elder
12. Dai Kwaku Michael Tamale Central Elder
13 Barnabas Sonyiri Tamale Central Elder
14 Mark Dundaa Tamale Central Elder
15 Samuel Kassim S Wurishie Elder
16 Abdulai E. Amadu Buipe Elder
17 Yendik M. Samuel Buipe Elder
18 Mary Owusu Ama Buipe Elder
19 Alhassan Rubaki Daniel Buipe Elder
20 Neindow Tong N Saeed Torope Elder
21 Njom Abraham Wawuhugu Elder
22 Kamtari Tia Daniel Dinyogu Elder
23 Alhassn Bartholomew Tolon Leader
24 Issah Matthew Kpaligun Elder
25 Gbulo Adia Rebecca Damongo District Women’s Ld.
26 Saaka Abiba Tamale Central District Children Cor.
27 Alhassan Simon Wumpini Wurishie ECGCM, Tamale Dist
28 Abudu Mahama Robert Tamale Central Men’s Corrd. Tamale
29 Fatawu Fuseini Mordecai Tolon Sunday Sch. Teacher
31 Mrs. Felicia Kumah Nseakyure Tamale Central Pastor Wife
32. Mrs. Janet Asewie Wurishie Pastor Wife
33 Mrs. Martha Lansah Buipe Pastor Wife
34. Mrs. Mary Alhassan Buipe Dist. Treasurer
35. Mrs. Christian Adam Damongo Dist. Secretary
36. Mrs. Christiana Nasala Gmaricheri Pastor Wife
37 Mr. Adamu Damongo Elder
38 Mr. Abraham Muniro Wurishie Evangelism corr.
39 Mrs. Esther Mark Tomah Yapei Pastor Wife

Agenda: Opening, Roll Call, Apologies, Devotions, Main Talk, Reports, Previous Minutes Matters Arising,
Sub District.


Devotions: Rev. Emmanuel Alhassan led the morning devotions, he spoke on Matthew 18:21-35 as the main
scripture and pointed out the below:

Helping one another: He said as leaders and members of the church we must learn to support each other.

Imprisonment: He also stated that, sometimes we are trapped in situations, which is not due to our fault and
when such happens we should continue to look up to the Lord who in due time would send us help.

In summary, he conclude by admonishing the house to hold unto the faith that our Lord has left behind no
matter what one is going through.

Main Talk: Rev. Peter Kumah Nseakyure, the District Overseer spoke on the theme “Our Year of
Transformation” denoting the following bible text: Roman, 12: 1-2, Roman 1:16-17, 6, 7 – 16.

The D.O focus on Paul and highlighter on the below:

Living Sacrifice, What God has done, what we should do as believers, the work of God for mankind, Faith and
Believe and so many others.

Reports: Reports were given by the representatives of: Campus Ministry, Children Ministry, Youth Ministry,
Men Ministry, Women Ministry, District Treasurer, Local Church Pastor’s and other institutions in the
district. Achievement, Challenges and prayer requests were made by all reporters. The house prayed for all the
ministries and institutions.

Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the District Assembly meeting for 2019 was read by Rev. Timothy J.
Lansah the District Secretary to the house, after which some corrections were made. Rev. Timothy then
moved for the acceptance and was seconded by: Rev. Bernard Asewie.

 Pastor’s Appreciation: Elders again this year were charged to take their pastor’s appreciation very
serious and ensure that it is always organized well and observed by all Churches and Preaching points.
Some Churches that were able to observe theirs, included: Buipe, Tamale Central, Wurishe, Cheshe,
just to mention a few. Those who were not able were encouraged to do so this year.

 G.O’s Appreciation: All participants were reminded of the G.O’s appreciation this year, which would
fall on 8th March, 2020.

 Mr. Paul: As captured in last year’s minutes, Mr. Paul (CTC) care-taker has been released from the
Centre. He was send off with an amount of Two Thousand Ghana Cedis and one year accommodation

 Rev. Issah Gyani: When the delegates met Rev. Issah and his wife, they confirmed that, they were no
more at Buipe but Benkorom.

 Pastor Seidu Musah: As suggested to Pastor Seidu Musah to tend in a letter stating his intention of
purchasing chairs with his preaching point offering, it was reported that, he sent in the letter. He also
noted the house on his future plans towards his movement.

 Committee: The committee to meet Mr. Kim, met him and after sometime of discussion he agreed to
send the support through the District Overseer of which he obliged for just one month.

 Para-Groups: The para-groups reformed their executives, who would be serving for another term.

 District Motor-bike: The district motor-bike has been bought, it was dedicated by Rev. Bernard
Asewie at the District Assembly.


 Ordination: Pastor James Bavoh ordination was successful, it was held at Central Church.
 Pastor Caleb: Pastor Caleb has written a reminder to the National Church regarding his ordination.
 Rev. Samson Makanda: The house was informed of Rev. Samson’s demises, it was also mentioned
that he has since been buried and the funeral is yet to be plan.
 Women’s Leaders Meeting: The assemble was informed of women’s Leaders meeting which would be
held at Accra on 27th February,
 Rev. Jonathan Kumah: The district sent her contribution toward the retirement service which was held
on 26th January, 2020. Participants were informed of Rev. Leonard A. Atubiga’s retirement slated for
March. The District has already mobilized the contribution towards his retirement.
 General Executives Meeting: The G.E meeting would be held in March 11th -14, 2020. It was
suggested that Tamale D.O and the incoming D.O for Damongo / Buipe Sub District should all attend
the meeting.
 Damongo / Buipe Sub District: At the assembly, the decision to separate Damongo/Buipe sub district
from Tamale District was implemented. Nominated executives for both sides were presented and
prayers said for them.
Finances, the house agreed that, each side would take 50% of the remaining balance in the bank
account of the District. In adding, Damongo /Buipe Sub district would be given the old motor-bike.
 Personnel: Mr. Yendic Samuel was made an elder to support the newly created group at bridge.
 Funeral: The funeral of late James Mahama Dinkeri would be plan by the Local Church and the
family in consultation with the District and National Church.
 Easter Convention: Each District was asked to organize this year’s convention.
 Elder’s Conference: There would be an elder’s conference this year.
 Letters: Rev. Issah Gyani sent in a letter, it was conclude that a copy of it should be sent to the
National Church.
 Isaac Nabin: A letter of internship was read to the assembly from Isaac Nabin, after sometime of
discussions it was concluded that he serve at central church.


Under AOB the below were discussed: Salary of Pastors, Databank Policy, and Professional in GA.


Finally D.O urged that, Churches should support their pastors.


Rev. Peter Kumah, (D.O) used Roman 12:46 as his closing remarks and blessed members with a word of

Rev. Mark Tomah moved for the close of the meeting and was seconded by Rev. Samuel Awuni, gave
the closing pray.

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