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On the topic of Freedom and Discipline


Before the abundance of resources in human life, everything done was meant for increasing the chance
of survival in a very dangerous world. There was no choice but to work continuously and tirelessly to stay
alive. It is safe to say such a life was not free, but humans then did not know or even start to think about
that. This essay of mine will try to look at freedom and so-called discipline in modern life with the aim to
prove that discipline should be the choice of freedom that everyone can make.

To start with, freedom is a birthright of all humans, it is also a power that is bestowed upon each
individual with discretion. To my understanding, freedom is the ability to start and stop doing anything at
any given moment. However, the cost of living is always high, sometimes so high that a person needs to
give up his own freedom to keep staying alive. It is often in the form of labor or in a more modern term,
occupation. The reason why we can say working is not a form of freedom is because we can not stop
working when we want to, bound to a contract, we can only stop working when the time is due or have
to pay with ever greater freedom. In the modern world, there are traps everywhere to rid you of your
freedom or even make you pay for your own liberty.

Unfortunately, since early childhood, discipline is often forced upon us by parents without our consent or
any understandable explanation. However, this is done because the majority of parents know that
discipline is your best chance at survival in the complicated world awaiting you in adulthood. Even the
whole education system is set up to train students to be more disciplined. Unfortunately, as a
consequence, many people grow up trying to stay disciplined to a set of rules without being able to
make their own discipline. This is one of the biggest flaws in the entire human education system either a
domestic or a public one. The reason is that forcedly disciplined humans act like machines, and they
habitually give their own freedom to the authority at very little cost.

In the face of such circumstances, the choice of discipline will be your best chance at retaining your
freedom and make the best out of it. At first, discipline when chose willingly will bring great benefits. The
most obvious one is that it helps people attain their goals. This is the purpose of discipline, it makes
people persevere through difficulties without losing sight of their true aims. To make the most out of
discipline, you need to inform yourself with the right kind of discipline. For example, waking up at the
right time every day and drink a cup of water right after is better than consistently going on diet and
starve yourself. It is safe to say that most disciplines was set up with great understandings, so following
them can be very helpful to your health, your mind, and your livelihood on the whole.

All in all, I believe discipline, especially the skill of self-discipline is one of the most important ones that
should be taught to children at the very start of their life. Currently, we are already losing, and at the risk
of losing a fair bit of our freedom at all times. It is mostly because of a false educational tradition that
should be revoked. With discipline, everyone will likely be able to enjoy a much more fruitful and
meaningful life.

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