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Mario Mancia

Mrs. Ramirez

English 4

8 March 2021

Exposing the Lies About COVID 19

COVID 19 is a claimed respiratory illness jeopardizing the lives of many. Society has

lived the past year with many restrictions and lockdowns across the world. Specialists have

determined there is 99% survival rate. This indicates COVID 19 deaths are embellished, in the

past year, my family and I have disobeyed all COVID 19 related guidelines and restrictions.

We’ve defied mask mandates, stay at home orders, etc. We used the spare time to learn, take on

new hobbies, and improve in all aspects of life. With cancellation of school and sports seasons, I

practice basketball every day, I received certification in scuba diving, and learned how to drive.

Despite never wearing a mask, exposing myself to other people while playing basketball and

sharing a dirty ball, I have had no COVID 19 symptoms, no health problems, in fact I feel

healthier than ever. Doctors and specialists have proven COVID 19 PCR testing (polymerase

chain reaction) increases likelihood of a positive test result. Non mask wearing members of

society have been denied entry/ business, enforcement of mask wearing is unconstitutional.

We're subjected to discrimination. Students, athletes, and business owners have suffered at the

hands of our government. The restrictions and shutdowns are crimes against humanity in the

name of public safety. Many people across the world have challenged the validity of COVID 19.

PCR testing is used as a COVID 19 detector. PCR testing is known to be a flawed testing method

and is claimed to increase likelihood of a positive test result. Society must practice civil

disobedience to fight for our rights in order to resume ideal life.

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Recently, attorney Reiner Fuellmich stated he plans a class action lawsuit against the

American and German government for flawed testing methods and violating our rights.

According to doctors, PCR testing is seldom, if ever, effective. Polymerase chain reaction is a

chemical reaction that delicates specific targeted segments of the virus's RIVA before enough is

detected. This is a clear indication that positive test results are likely. Targeted segments are

deliberately chosen to be unique to the COVID 19 virus and therefore not found anywhere in the

genome. The PCR testing was made to increase positive cases in effort to strike fear into society

to hide the government’s alternate agenda. According to the evidence presented above, a

well-designed test will guarantee that any reaction and replication occurs only with genetic

material from the COVID 19 virus, and that no false positives result from the test interacting

with other biological material. The gathered evidence makes sense and provides answers to many

questions. It’s clear our medical specialists don’t have our best interest and designed testing to

keep us enslaved.

Among all the madness in the last year, illegal mask enforcements have been

implemented in businesses and facilities all over the world. Mask enforcement is illegal and

unconstitutional because it violates our first amendment rights and an individual’s right to make

decisions about their own health and body. I own religious and medical mask exemptions . Both

exemptions aren’t honored in certain places of business and many other public buildings. Those

with underlying health conditions cannot wear masks under any circumstance. Restricting a

person’s breathing will lead to major health complications and even death. Society must defy the

government and educate themselves about our fundamental and constitutional rights. Mask

wearing leads to more health problems than any virus can cause. Restricted breathing leads to

lack of oxygen to the brain which is detrimental to our health. The high carbon dioxide intake
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results in many different health risks. Despite news reports, society must think for themselves

and form their own opinions, Rather than trusting members of the government who will report

and preach anything to keep us under their control. Despite my religious and medical exemptions

I refuse to wear a mask because I don’t want to promote fear. Our government has instilled fear

into our people through a virus. I've gone against the mandates and I’m as healthy as can be. The

pause in life has altered our futures and I refuse to be controlled. Non mask weares face major

discrimination. Discrimination against non mask wearers can be extreme and exists all over

America. With health risks and basic rights to health being violated, it’s a form of discrimination.

I am constantly ridiculed by my peers for refusing to wear a mask. I shouldn’t be held

accountable for others’ fears and health. Mask exemptions aren’t accepted in many businesses

which is a crime in numerous ways. Forcing a person with medical problems to cover their face

is jeopardizing a patron’s heath. Exemptions aren’t being honored, I’m constantly denied entry

and service. Oftentimes, businesses won’t accommodate me. Employers, businesses, and schools

won’t accept anybody who can’t/won’t wear a mask. These are direct infringements on our

rights. How are we expected to be productive members of society while being denied

everything? El capitan high school didn’t honor my exemptions when I attempted to resume in

person learning. The examples previously mentioned all are considered forms of discrimination.

The ignorant have been conditioned to hate and shun those who think for themselves and

practice individuality.

Our civil liberties and fundamental rights are violated in the name of public safety. Local

businesses have suffered and gone out of business completely. Meanwhile, big technology

(google, apple, zoom, uber eats, etc.) and big pharmaceuticals are benefitting more than ever,

Students aren’t receiving the education they deserve. Same goes for extra curricular activities
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funded by taxpayers. Athletes at every level haven’t had a fair accommodation if any at all.

Distance learning is completely ineffective. I’ve noticed my academic regression since we began

distance learning. There are endless distractions, teachers are unmotivated because they are still

earning ideal salaries while doing the bare minimum. During an ideal school year, I participate in

three sports. This year all sports begin during one season. Limiting me to choose one sport to

participate in. This affects my potential attention from colleges as well as my right to pursue

happiness. Millions of people across the world have been heavily affected by our leaders’

choices to lockdown. COVID 19 has forever changed how society feels about human interaction,

public gatherings, etc. The censorship of the people against COVID 19 shutdowns should speak

volumes. Social media posts, videos, and comments are almost immediately removed when

speaking against COVID 19. Our government wants us to remain enslaved. The more we tune

into daily media reports, the more fearful we are. The indoctrination of our people has led to

division among society. When analyzing the biggest winners in the last year, it’s big technology,

and big pharmaceuticals, this shows me that our “pandemic” was planned. Myself and many

others have suffered the last year. Which is why I refuse to wear a mask and follow COVID 19

mandates. My frustration continues to grow with the ignorant people of the world.

In conclusion, the world has trusted our elected officials and aren’t realizing our leaders

don’t want what’s best for us. We’re governed by greedy, selfish individuals who will do

anything for a bigger piece of the pie. If we want to resume normal life, we must practice civil

disobedience against COVID 19 mandates. Otherwise, prepare to be controlled and completely

enslaved by our government. Human interaction and outdoor activities will be nonexistent.

Avoid and decline COVID 19 tests at all costs. More often than not, you will test positive. Ditch

the masks, breathe fresh air, pursue happiness, don’t live in fear. If one feels strongly about mask
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wearing and public safety, don’t discriminate against non mask wearers, it’s against the law.

Protect and fight for our liberties, don’t stay indoors. Explore what our world has to offer before

it’s too late. Challenge COVID 19’s validity and hazards. Both are virtually nonexistent. Plenty

of evidence has been gathered proving the PCR testing is flawed. Stop the injustices against

humanity by defying the government peacefully. Do your research, be open minded. If COVID

19 cases continue to “rise” by the day, it’s clear the shutdowns and mask mandates are

ineffective. Analyze the winners throughout the “pandemic”, read evidence and different

opinions. It’s up to you to form your own opinion.

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Works Cited

Jarry, Jonathan. “The Psychiatrist Who Calmly Denies Reality.”, Mcgill University, 24

Sept. 2020,


Fennell, Oliver. “An 'Old Man in a Chair' Pulling Rabbits from His Bag of 'Truths'.”

Https://, 27 June 2020,


“ Reiner Fuellmich | Full Length Interview in Berlin | Planet Lockdown.” Reiner Fuellmich | Full

Length Interview in Berlin | Planet Lockdown, Truth Matters, 25 Dec. 2020,

D'Ambrosio, Amanda. “Simone Gold Arrested for Role in Capitol Insurrection.” Medical News

and Free CME Online, MedpageToday, 20 Jan. 2021,

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