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Risk factor for leukemia

Causes of leukemia aren’t known, several factor have been identified may increase risk.
- family history of leukemia
- smoking
- genetic disorder such as myelodysplastic syndrome, which sometimes called PRELEUKEMIA
- chemotherapy or radiation
- exposure to high levels of radiation
- exposure to chemicals such benzene


- unintentional weight loss

- bone pain and tenderness
- painless, swollen lymph nodes (neck and armpit)
- excessive sweating
- fatigue and weakness that don’t go away with rest
- hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
- petechiae
- frequent infections
- fever or chills


- complete history
- physical examination
-Blood test
 Complete blood count ( determines the number of the specific cell and abnormal appearance)
- biopsies
1. Take from the bone marrow or lymph nodes
2. Liver and spleen biopsy can show the spread of cancer.

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