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• What do you understand by the term “law enforcement”?

By the term “law enforcement” I understand that this is a separate group of state bodies that are
authorized to carry out activities for the protection of law and order, as well as the protection of human
rights and freedoms

• What purpose does law enforcement serve? Give reasons why it is essential in maintaining
social control.
Purpose of law enforcement are: Protection of civil and human rights and freedoms. It is essential in
maintaining social control, because otherwise the country will be in chaos and disorder, so the state
will be impossible to manage

• How can you characterize our law enforcement system?

Our law enforcement system can be characterize so: the Parliament is the highest representative body
of the people of the Republic of Moldova and the sole legislative power of the state. The Parliament is elected on the
basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret and free vote, for a term of four years, which may be extended
by organic law in the event of war or disaster and the Parliament consists of 101 deputies.

1. Read, translate and memorize. Verbs and nouns that collocate* with law:
2. observe the law-to obey the law (a respecta legea) obey the law-follow the law (a respecta legea) break the law-to contravene the law (a incalca legea) introduce a law-to institute a law (a introduce o lege) respect the law-to observe the law (a respecta legea) act within the law-to proceed according to the law (sa actionezi conform legii) uphold the law-to fulfill the law (pentru respectarea legii) follow the rules-to respect the rules (sa respecte legile)
9.the rules/the regulations require/ stipulate (regula/ enforce the law-to establish the law (pentru a pune in aplicare legea) pass a law-to make a law (sa treaca o lege)
12.the law forbids/prohibits –to forbid a law (a interzice o lege)
13.the rules/the law permit/allow-rule allows (regula permite)
14.the rules/regulations apply to-the rule is used (regula se aplica) comply with the regulations-to appreciate the regulations (sa respecte reglementarile) bend the rules/ the law-to confuse the rules/the law (a incurca legea)

2. Work with your vocabulary notes or dictionary. Give synonyms to the

following words.
to bend-to flex, to bow, to curve
to forbid –to prohibit, to ban
to respect-to esteem, to honor, to regard, to revere, to reverence
to allow-to let, to allow, to permit, to have, to admit, to suffer
to require -to demand, to claim, to ask, to take, to call for
to introduce- to enter, to input, to introduce, to inject, to set, to bring in
to follow- to abide by, to result, to steer, to ensue, to behoove
to break- to break down, to crack down, to bear down, to beat down
to act -to operate, to work, to function, to proceed, to do
to uphold – to support, to maintain, to endorse, to sustain, to encourage, to keep in

1. Answer the questions.
1. What are the Ministry of Internal Affairs essential branches?

Moldova’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) is one of the country’s 16 government ministries

2. What are the police missions and activities?

The police missions and activities is to defend fundamental human rights and freedoms by its activities of
maintaining, assuring and restoring the public order and security; and by preventing, investigating and discovering
crimes and misdemeanors.

3. Decipher the abbreviation NCB.

The Interpol National Central Bureau
4. What are the activities of NCB?
The activities of NCB are: the reception, processing, maintenance and sharing of information on
international fugitives, stolen motor vehicles, stolen works of art and antiques, arms and explosives

5. What are the Police division and Interpol community fighting against?
The Police division and Interpol community fighting against are: fighting serious transnational
crime, trafficking in human beings, illegal migration, drug trafficking, terrorism, money laundering,
currency-related crime, counterfeiting of documents

6. List the NCB plans for the national police units.

The NCB plans for the national police units to develop training programmes which will be
delivered to all national police units; to expand access to Interpol databases to all national law
enforcement officers.
7. What should not the police apply or encourage?
The Police do not apply, do not encourage or tolerate torture, inhuman or degrading treatment

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1) Moldova’s Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the country’s 16 government ministries. 2) The
Police do not apply do not inhuman or degrading treatment. 3) Police mission is to defend
fundamental human rights and freedoms. 4) Police activity is conducted exclusively on law
enforcement 5) Police act in the interest of citizen and community 6) The NCB’s activities include
the reception, processing, maintenance and sharing of information. 7) The NCB plans to develop
training programmes, which will be delivered to all national police units

III a) Write definitions of your own to the following words.

• law enforcement-this is a separate group of state bodies that are authorized to carry out activities for
the protection of law and order, as well as the protection of human rights and freedoms

• law -an act that is adopted by a representative (legislative) body of state power in a special order
regulates certain social relations
• freedoms - for everyone to do what they want, live as they please, and not be bound by any law
• human rights- rules that protect the dignity and freedom of each individual

Compare your definitions with those given in a dictionary and decide if you
were right or not. Whose definition is the most precise?
More precise definitions in the dictionary. Since it is intended to reveal the
meaning of a word, prevent or eliminate misunderstandings of words and terms.

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Noua lege interzice consumul de alcool în locurile publice.

New law drinking alcohol in public places

2) Am putea face o excepţie, să ne abatem de la regulament şi să-i permitem Mariei să

susţină examenul altă dată.

We could make an exception, band from the regulations and allow Maria to take the exam
another time.

3) Activitatea Poliţiei se desfăşoară exclusiv în baza şi pentru executarea legii, în interesul

persoanei, al comunităţii şi în sprijinul instituţiilor statului.

Police activity is carried out exclusively on the basis and for the execution of the law, in the
interests of the person, the community and in support of state institutions.

4) Un avocat acţionează întotdeauna în cadrul legii.

A lawyer always acts within the framework of the law

5) Poliţia nu aplică, nu încurajează şi nu tolerează tortura, tratamentul inuman sau


The police do not apply, encourage or tolerate torture, inhuman or degrading treatment

6) Poliţia este o instituţie publică specializată a statului, în subordinea Ministerului

Afacerilor Interne.

The Police is a specialized public institution of the state, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal

7) Poliţia are misiunea de a apăra drepturile şi libertăţile fundamentale ale persoanei prin
activităţi de menţinere, asigurare şi restabilire a ordinii şi securităţii publice.
The police have the mission to defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person through
activities to maintain, ensure and restore public order and security.

A long time ago, there was a "Good example" state on Earth and no one in this state broke the law,
everyone tried to observe it only. And every Sunday, ' favorite activity of the residents was to come up
with new laws. And in one of them, a citizen Katalin suggested: "Since everyone in our country loves ice
cream, let's punish those who do not respect the law –by life imprisonment of the right to eat it and even
touch it»... All residents were afraid of the introduce of this law, because they could not imagine their life
without ice cream, but as statistics show, after that the state did not become just a "Good example", but
"Ideal".128 By this, I would like to say that there are still measures that prevent mass violations of the law,
and such an example is the deprivation of the most important thing-his freedom, but most likely this is not
enough if every day there are new cases that carry the nature of offenses. 198

Давным-давно на Земле существовало государство «Хороший пример» и никто в этом государстве

не нарушал закон, все старались его только соблюдать. И каждое воскресенье любимым занятие
жителей было придумывать новые законы. И вот в одно из них, житель Каталин предложил: «Так
как в нашей стране все любят мороженое, давайте наказывать тех, кто нарушил закон –
пожизненным лишением права его есть и даже прикасаться к нему» … Испугались все жители от
постановления этого закона, так как без мороженого жизнь они свою не представляли, но как
показывает статистика после этого государство не стало просто «Хорошим примером», а
«Идеальным». Этим я хотела сказать, что и до сих пор существуют меры, которые предотвращают
массовое нарушение закона и таким примером является лишение человека самого главного-его
свободы, но скорее всего этого недостаточно, если с каждым днём происходят новые случаю,
несущие характер правонарушений.

V. Fill in the gaps using the vocabulary notes. Use each verb once only and
put it in the correct form.
1) In law-abiding societies, ordinary citizens are usually happy to obey or observe the law. But
there are also rather different societies where most people feel that it is not such a serious
matter to break the law. In such places, people do not seem to follow the law and even the most
honest of citizens does not expect always to act within it. The rulers of such societies have no
difficulty in introduce or pass new laws but the police have considerable problems when it
comes to enforce or uphold those laws.
2) The new law forbids smoking in all public places.
3) The rules allow members to bring guests into the club only at weekends.
4) These rules/regulations apply to all students, not just new ones.
5) If we respect the rules, at least 20 people must be present at the meeting.
6) The regulations require that all students must register for the course.
7) We have to comply with the regulations concerning the testing of equipment.
8) I hope we can bend the rules and let her take the exam on another day.
VI. Strange laws around the world. Select the correct words in each
statement. Two answers are required.
1. In London it is _________to drive a car while not sitting in the front seat.
a) allowed
b) illegal
c) legal
d) against the law
2. Dueling is _________ in Paraguay as long as both parties are blood donors.
a) permitted
b) prohibited
c) legal
d) illegal
3. Every citizen in Kentucky is _________ to take a bath once a year.
a) required
b) prohibited
c) legal
d) legally bound
4. In Massachusetts, snoring is _________ unless all the bedroom windows are closed and
securely locked.
a) prohibited
b) required
c) forbidden
d) allowed

VII. Match the sentence parts in A with their completions in B

1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
6. G
7. J
8. I
9. L
10. K
11. M
12. N
13. F
14. H

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