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IPTeC Preceptor Feedback


Verbal Positive Feedback

 Great job incorporating learners into lecture

 Good pauses waiting for answers
 Natural and strong presenter
 Smiles at students and creates connection
 Work is completely on time
 Incorporates feedback into teaching style

Verbal Room for improvement

 Work on time management

 Decide how much information in lectures is necessary and can too much information be
 Find active ways to incorporate knowledge into lectures

Written Feedback from preceptors

 Strengths: 
o Faria is a natural teacher - energy, flow, tone, etc. Great job incorporating feedback
from past classes to next ones in DM class.”
o Great energy/tone/flow. You are always a very clear speaker!  
o Great job elaborating on the simple slides when there are just a few words. (IE: Why do
we care? – few stories and analogies for the students to understand what you are saying)  
o You seemed well prepared and knew exactly what you were going to say when. Your
practice of transitions and clarity in thoughts was apparent!  
 Areas of Development: 
o Asking Questions: “What are some screenings you are aware of that you know”. This
was a little vague and maybe why students weren’t willing to throw out a bunch of answers.
You could ask, “What screenings outside of the realm of pharmacy are you aware of?” to
help them start thinking that these screenings/public health is not pharmacy specific. In
general, practicing or planning your questions to ask students can be helpful. I always ask a
bunch of questions, but I notice that sometimes I’m really vague (IE: think what I’m thinking
type of questions). Just something to keep in mind J  
o Don't be afraid voice opinions/preferred meds for DM class, be cautious about
generalizations such as stating that a trend or "rule" is always true.”
o Continue to be conscientious about timing/allotted time for presentations (ie Public
Health presentation)”
 Breakout Session Feedback: 
o Since we were running a little short on time, could have went through the questions to
the patient case together without giving them the full time to work up the answers. You cut
it off a little before so that you could. 
o Great job facilitating this discussion! I thought you had a great case and great questions
to probe their knowledge. You and Molly did a good job coordinating talking about different
topics in your cases.   

Positive Feedback

 Strong feedback style with students: things that went well, things that did not go well, things to
work on in future
 Does a good job creating calendars with multiple moving parts
 Incorporates other preceptor opinion into planning learner calendar and experiences
 Stays assertive and leads regardless of learner age and position

Room for improvement

 Have material prepared for student examinations

 Make sure to document interactions with students in case of issues arising where it is “he said
she said”

Written Feedback from preceptors

 “Student feedback, questioning with authority no matter who the learner is.. When precepting
learners this next quarter really focus on mindfully choosing your preceptor role and employing
 “A very quick learner who asks appropriate, clarifying questions”
 “Well organized and prepared far in advance, assess other preceptors opinions and availability
for learner schedule "way far in advance :)”

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