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A FOURTH Force is emerging in psychology Transpersonial
Psychology. It is appearing at a time when the Third Force, Human-
istic Psychology, is beginning its second decade and developing at an
accelerating rate as a vital part of the general field of psychology.
Although overlappingt in part, the Third and Fourth Force do not
conflict with each other. Each complements the other. There are
many indications that humanistic and transpersonal psychology arc
integrally related to each other. Each seems to clarify the respective
areas of the other, thereby serving to delineate more accurately the
expanding scope of proper scientific psychological inquiry.
This announcement is directed to the readers of JHP. It seems
fitting, therefore, to present some background material in order to give
them an early opportunity to become acquainted with what has only
recently become a logical extension of the incalculable promise of the
Humanistic (Third Force) development. A more comprehensive state-
ment of the emergence of the Fourth Force in psychology will be
included in the first issue of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology,
which is now in preparation.
Definitions are understood to be formulations subject to change
as required by the development of the objective, living conditions,
relationships, forces, etc., that they may represent. The definition
presented below, therefore, is assumed to represent conditions and
developments at the present date. Moreover, as a definition, this for-
mulation is to be understood as subject to optional individual or group
interpretations, either wholly or in part, with regard to the acceptance
of its content as essentially naturalistic, supernaturalistic, supra-natural-
istic, or any other designated classification.
developments at the present date.
Transpersonal (or Fourth Force) Psychology is the title given to
an emerging force in the psychology field by a group of psychologists
and professional men and women from other fields who are interested
in those ultimate human capacities and potentialities that have no
* Chairman, Committee on Organization. The other members of the committee
are: Abraham H. Maslow, Miles Vich, Harriet Francisco, James Fadiman, Sidney
Jourard, and Joe K. Adams.
t The overlapping of Third and Fourth Force psychology is perhaps most clearly
shown in Dr. Abraham H. Maslow's article, "A Theory of Metamotivation," in the
Fall, 1967 issue of JHP.

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systematic place in either "First Force" (positivistic or behavioristic
theory), "Second Force" (classical psychoanalytical theory), or "Third
Force" (humanistic) psychology. The emerging "Fourth Force" (Trans-
personal Psychology) is concerned specifically with the scientific
study and responsible implementation of becoming, individual and
species-wide meta-needs, ultimate values, unitive consciousness, peak
experiences, B values, ecstasy, mystical experience, awe, being, self-
actualization, essence, bliss, wonder, ultimate meaning, transcendence
of the self, spirit, oneness, cosmic awareness, individual and species-
wide synergy, maximal interpersonal encounter, sacralization of every-
day life, transcendental phenomena; cosmic selfhumor and play-
fulness; maximal sensory awareness, responsiveness and expression;
and related concepts, experiences and activities.1
The Statement of Purpose of the Journal of Transpersonal
Psychology will be presented in the first issue of J.I.P. which is now
being prepared.
I Dr. Abraham H. Maslow and Miles Vich have been most helpful in the
writing of this definition. However, the
author sole responsibility for its
present formulation.

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