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World History Name: Addie Schlegel

Evidence to Inference Exercise Period: 1st

Around the same time that Mesopotamia and Egypt developed civilizations, another
civilization grew up in the Indus River valley region. Archaeologists have discovered that
they had a written language consisting of at least 400 symbols, the longest stretch of
symbols discovered so far is only 25. Unfortunately, no one has been able to decode this
language and no Rosetta Stone has been unearthed to help them crack the code.
Therefore, we must speculate about what the culture may have been like based on
material evidence. The following are some of the pieces of evidence that historians have
to go on. Using this limited bit of evidence, make inferences about what the Harappan
culture must have been like and what might have happened to them.

 1. Bricks found at three of the major This suggests that they had an organizational
sites of cities are all uniform in their size building method and they have building
and shape standards.
 2. They created thousands of seals with Animals were powerful symbols in their society
animals and writing many of these seals and animals were very important to them, thus
have been found in Mesopotamia including animals in their seals.
 3. At Mohenjo-Daro, an artificial
mound was discovered 50 feet high, They had a reliable food surplus and
surrounded by a brick wall. Some of the specialized workers. They have advanced
rooms were used for ammunition. A construction technology. They may have
large bath was connected, as well as hostile relationships with their neighbors.
storage space for grain.
4. Cities reflect urban planning. They
They were very modern/advanced in their
are all laid out with major roads running
ways of designing buildings, roads, and cities.
north and south.
 5. No palaces for royalty have been Everyone lives equally and there still may have
discovered. been wealthier people but not more powerful.
 6. No large religious temples or statues
have been discovered. However, a Women were seen in society as child-bearers
number of small figures have been whose jobs were primarily to raise children.
found, of female figures who appear The men were higher in power because they
pregnant and often have children with had animals around them and I assume that
them. There are also nude male figures since animals were important to their society
with horns, seated in yoga position and they were a sign of wealth and significance.
surrounded by animals
In the animals kingdom, bulls are powerful and
 7. Many of the government seals have
travel in groups sometimes. It may be a sign of
pictures of bulls on them
wealth and dominance.
 8. Houses are often 30 feet square and They were very modern and updated in their
may have been more than one story.
housing and sewage systems. They probably
They had indoor toilets and showers
have fairly good hygiene.
with underground sewer systems.
Similar to today, children enjoyed playing with
 9. Many toys and games have been toys and people of all ages needed some form
found of entertainment so games could have
provided that for them.
They believed when people died that they
 10. Some pots, weapons and a few
would go to an afterlife where food, supplies,
sacrificed animals have been found in
animals, significant belongings, etc were
Catching fish and marine animals was one
 11. At one of the major cities, Lothal,
important way to provide food for themselves
docks were constructed that could
and they needed to be able to go out at any
adjust with the tides
time of day to get necessary food.
Beads were a form of money to trade with and
 12. A bead factory was discovered over
they needed factories and places to create
5,000 square feet of building space
enough beads to trade and sustain life.
They were smart and resourceful and
 13. They were the first to grow cotton
discovered that you could weave cotton to
and weave it into clothing
make tougher clothing.
Their society was beginning to crumble and
 14. Later excavation shows that cities
they just let their lives fall apart a little. It
started to allow garbage to build up in
became less apparent that they were steady
the streets (Turning point)
and stable.
 15. Some skeletons were found in dead
end streets in Mohenjo-Daro, in Their cities were attacked and they died trying
positions that suggest that they were to flee.
running or hiding
 16. Some city walls were 40 feet thick They were trying to defend themselves by
and 35 feet tall protecting themselves with tall walls.
They had either stolen a lot of jewelry or they
 17. Hordes of jewelry were found
were trying to hide it.  
Their society was beginning to crumble and
 18. Some later houses were not built as
they just let their lives fall apart a little. It
sturdily as the original houses. They
became less apparent that they were steady
appeared to be built up on platforms
and stable.
 19. Lots of silt has been deposited on The cities had not been touched for many,
the sites of some of the cities. many years.
 20. Mesopotamian literature refers to a
They traded with Mesopotamia for supplies
land to the east, where they traded
and resources.
wool, leather, and olive oil.
 21. Some fire altars have been They kept warm by burning fires.

World History Name: Addie

Harappa: Making an Argument Period: 1st

Making an Argument: The Basics

An argument consists of evidence used to support a statement or thesis. Using the Evidence to
Inference Exercise on the Harappan Society, you will make an argument about how this
civilization collapsed.

Your two arguments will follow this basic format:

Assertion (general statement of fact)

Evidence (concrete details supporting the assertion)
Analysis (an explanation of WHY something happened or is the way it is based on the evidence)

Here is an example of an argument about the economy of Harappa and the Indus Civilization:

Assertion: The cities of the Indus River Valley Civilization were able to produce large surpluses
of agriculture.
Evidence: At Harappa, archaeologists have found a large number of toys. They have also
unearthed a 5000 square foot bead factory.
Analysis: To devote so many craftsmen to items unnecessary for survival indicates that the basic
needs of the people were met. There was a division of labor into several areas of craftsmanship.
Only large agricultural surpluses can free workers from food production and allow them to take
on crafts such as bead and toy production.

And here is how this would look in an essay:

The cities of the Indus River Valley Civilization were able to produce large surpluses of
agriculture. At Harappa, archaeologists have found a large number of toys. They have also
unearthed a 5000 square foot bead factory. To devote so many craftsmen to items unnecessary
for survival indicates that the basic needs of the people were met. There was a division of labor
into several areas of craftsmanship. Only large agricultural surpluses can free workers from food
production and allow them to take on crafts such as bead and toy production.

Now, using the evidence from the exercise, your will build two arguments about why the Indus
River Valley Civilization collapsed.
Assertion: Harappa collapsed because they were invaded.

Evidence: There were skeletons found in the middle of streets in running/hiding positions.

Analysis: Harappa was invaded quickly and they were not prepared for it. The civilization died
because of it. The buildings were destroyed and the people all died. It is clear that there was an
invasion because the entire city was layered in silt and there was destruction when it was first

Assertion: They needed to devote too many people to war and construction of wars that they
had no people left to keep the city tidy which led to diseases.

Evidence: There were 50 foot walls discovered and they began to let tons of trash pile up.

Analysis: People became overworked and sick and if people are living together disease will
spread quickly especially if they are already getting injured in battle.

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