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Topic: Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.

Discuss the advantages and

disadvantages and give your own opinion.

As we all know, nowadays, technology has become an important part in our lifes. It is everywhere
and through the years, almost every school has included technological facilities, which simplifies
schoolwork and other activities. I think that there are lot of advantages when it comes to
computers as an essential part of school lessons, but offcourse, not everything is good, especially
when it comes to the social and economic aspect.

During the pandemic, schools had to change the way they worked. They faced the necessity of
transformation, and became virtual schools. Students around the world started taking classes
through their computers so they did not have to quit school. Some of the advantages are, that the
access became easier and kids had more time to spend with their families. For exaple, if someone
had to enter to a class at 7 am, he or she didn’t have to wake up two or three hours earlier to get

On the other hand, this problematic showed the lack of resources of some students. They had
problems with virtual school because they couldn´t afford to buy a computer or pay Wi-fi service.
A lot of students weren´t able to study during the pandemic, for example, children that study in
small colombian towns were forced to stop studying because they didn´t even have electricity,
which is a huge problem and represents a important disadvantge.

In conclusion, i think that the advantages of this situation may not be as relevant as the
disadvantages. The social and economic difference between students it´s a huge problem that not
every country can solve, so, in my opinion, the government should work with this students by
providing them what they need.

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