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twenty-two years' commissioned service. (Jume 4, 1920, c. 227, grades, and assignments of the officers nnd enlisted men of
saibclialter I, § 4, 41 Stilt. 762.) the Army, and the number, kinds, and strength of organiza-
7. Filling office of chief during absence.-Durlng the absence tions pertaining to each branich of the seiviee. (June 4, 1920,
of the Quarermaster General, or the chief of nny military c. 227, sulichapter I, § 4,41 Slat. 762.)
bureau of tile War Deparitmen, file President is authorized to 14. Corporal buglers and buglers first class.-There re cre-
empower some officer of the department or corps whose chief is ated in tileArmy the grades of corporal bugler, and bugler,
absent to take charge thereof, and to perform the duties of first class; and for each battallon and sqiuadron headquarters
Quarl ernuister General, or cliief of tie department or corps, as of units In which the grade of bugler was authorized oii July 1),
the e:ise fany be, during such absence. (I. S. § 1132; Feb. 27, 1918, there shall ie one corporal bugler, ind for each colilaliy,
1877, e. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 2-12.) battery, troop, or organization liwhich the grade of iugler was
8. Assignment of officers and men to branches of Army.- anthorized oilJuly 9, 1918, there hll le one bugler, first class.
Otilcers and enlisted iiem shall he assigned to the several (July 9, 1918, e. 113, subehapter XX, 40 SlatS93.)
branches of the Army as hereafter directed, a sultable pro- 15. Use of Artiy as posse comitatus.-It shall nt lie law-
portion of each grade in each branih, but the President may ful to employ iny pmrt of the Army of the United States, us it
increase or diinish the number of officers or enlisted mn posse coinitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executling the
assigned to afy 1ialch by not more than it total if 30 per 'aws, ex.ept iu such cases and ultler such clrculstallices its
ctitlin of sid ollicers or 15 per ceiitui oif said enlisted inln: such empynient of sald force faiy Ile expressly autithorize by
1'rotid'd, That the total number authorized Ill filly grade is not the Coe,.-titutlon or by act of Congres.i; and aiiy person will-
ewceded: Provided further, That the number of enlisted ien frilly vlhting the provisions of tilissection shall le deeed
mu horlzed for faily brnnlich shall inclide such numner of Philli- guIllty of a milsdenior and oilconvition thereof shall le
llie Scouts as may le organized in t htbraneh: Proridcd fit - iuniished by fine not exceeding $10,000 or Ilmlrilsonment not
thor, That no olicer shll]be transferred fromone iirallch of tlie exceeiding two years or by both such line and lmprisonment.
service to another under the provis,ions of this section without (Jule 18, 1878, e. 263, § 15, 20 Stat. 152.)
his own consent. (June .1,1920, e. 227, subchapter I, § 4, 41
Stialt. 762; June 3, 1922, e.253, 12 Stat. 723.)
s c.
9. Establishment and purpose of, Army War College.-lTh 21. Creation of General Stuff Corps.
e1tHiiIisneit of tilie Ariiiy War College is anthorized., liiving 22. Counposllon of (General Staff Coi l1.
for Its object tie direction and coordintiin of the Instructi 2:1. Composition of War I lepartment tencrai Staff.
Staff witm Irooli.
in the various service schools, extension of the opportunities 21. ('Oiiiposition of (iril
25. Eligbilllly to htail lind lerliod of duty.
for investigation and study in the Army aad militia of tile 21. (,eirail Stfi Corpis eligtible i1t'.
United States, and tie collection and disseiInution of military 27. Lino ollicers subject to detaill ; lri'eviiq service with trnopq.
infomatton. (May 26, 1900, c. 5S;, § 1, 31 Stat. 209.) 28. llles'r4 coniissioined Iiit shtffcoils subject 1o 1011ill li General
Siif Corl4i ; lir('viotiN tervle' with triolis.
10. Band leaders.-Notlhing contained In section) 591 of Ithis 2D. What coiisttiiihes daly with tiioops.
titlesh'-lll 'eveit tile apint iment of qualified liinad leaders 30. Acting (uiilal Stuff oflicers.
for authorized ilands. (June 310, 1122, c. 253, Title 1, 42 Stat. 31. Aitittonail nlinhlers of (iierail Staff Cor.s.
72:1.) :12. lestrlction oildiuthii of liniei'i's of (eu'eriil Staff Corps.
11. Army Band leader.-The Secretary of War Is hereby '13. Dulh' of Clief of Stuff.
:1t. liilhs of War I elpartinent lenrail Staff.
authorized to appoint a warrant officer of the Ilegular Army "15.lii leq of ('eerairi Staf with troops.
leader if the Any Banli, w'ho, whilIIe holdilig sucl appolt- 316.Siiliils'loli to Cong'iess (if plans ail'ffectiig nati oni ilifense, ic
inea t, sliall reeive, In lien of aiiy fll illIpay and allowances iiecoinilillicnt by btid3y preli'ii'd by War Depirtumient Geiieatl
as varrl'it olicer, tie Iliac ay aid tlie allowances of a :17. I'lns for iiallhi org
i lzoitIon inil ierrttortil dtst riuitioi of Organ-
captain of the legulir Army in the third pay period aind Ized liesirves and Natlional Gilxldi.
shall Ie entitled to longevity pay provided for an oficer for i8. Polies anad inglihuloilis for governlmiiit of Organized lle. erves aind
ech three years of service idcr such appoiitlnct ]14u allny Nitloilal UOtard.
ll'evlouis active coilliiissioeil service inder a Federal lp- Section 21. Creation of General Staff Corps,-ihere Is estab-
pollitinnt wiIich tle aippoiltee ]illy have had, bat shall not llslied a General Staff Corps, to tie coiiposetl of officers detilled
be entitled to pass to it higher pay period. Tie leader if the froa the Ainy fit large. (Feb. 14, 1903, c. 553, § 1, 32 Stlt.
Aimy land may be relicei from ii Is appo liiei t as such li nil 830.)
returned to his fornier status it the discretion of tlie Seire- 22. Composition of General Staff Corps.-Tlie General Staf
tiiry of War. Upoln retireiient lie siall Ile retired itsa wvar- Corli, shll consist of the Chief of Staff, the War )cportnment
rant otticer aidi slall receive lie retired pay to wich Ile Gei'eral Staff antd lhe General Staff with troops. (June .4,1020,
woulhd lave bIca enllitled ]lad lie not beel lippoilted and re- c. 227, sulhiiiler I, § 5, -l1Slut. 712.)
tCive(l tile iiliv alidl allowances of leader of the Army ]',all(1: 23. Composition of War Department General Staff.-The
Provided, That no bicik pay or allowane's sliill be illowed to War Deliartient General Staff shall consist of the Chief of
lie lender of the Ar.ny ]lald by reason of tie provision of Stuff aid four asslstHuiis to the Chief of Staff ,elected by the
lis si thm: And proridcd further, That nothing contained Il President from the gemieral officers of the lhie, and elghly-
i; svlIon shall operate to increase tille authorized nlmibier eight other officers of grades
nit below that of captain. (,June
of 'omllsiilled olh'ers or warrant oillcers of the Regular •1, 1920, c. 227, § 5, 41 Stat. 762.)
Armiiy ior to (ei'rcii e tie nubleor of warrant officers aiutiior- 21. Coinposilion of General Staff with Troops.-The General
zed Iy a. (Miar. :1, 1925, c. 412, 13 Stat. 1100.) Staff with troops shall consist of such nuiber (if officers not
12. Bands at recruiting depots.-One of the comllanies at helow the
grade of c'itiii as fiiiy be necessary to perform
en li'iecruitiig delot shall have tiie organiilzat ion of fu llIl-the General Staff
duties of tlie headquarters of terrltorial
fiilty ind, to which recruits slowing ai allitItile for inusic depl'tmenits,
a miilies, arniy corps, divisoins, alid brigades, ilid
mn1y be aittached for examinati uan i lstructtoi before as- is Militiiry attaeitcis
abroad. (June 1, 1120, c. 227, subehapter
Siglillent to ergaiilzitiiis in the Army. (Mar. 3, 1909, c. 252, I, § 5, 41 Stitt. 763.)
3- Stat. 715.) 25. Eligibility to detail and period of duty.-In tiiile of peace
13. Annual reports as to organization of Army.--Tlie Secre the detali of tni officer ms i ineln'r
of the Genral Staff
lary of War sliill annually report to Congress the nuinbers, Corps shall be for itperiod
of four years, unless sooiner relieved,
TITLE 10.-ARMY § 36
and such details shall be lhnlted to ofilcers whose names are c. 227, sublchapter T, § 5, 41 Slat. 761; Sept. 22, 1922, e. 4'23,
borne on the list of General Stuff Corps eligibles. (Jine :1, § 1, 42 Stit. 1032.)
1916, c. 134, § 5, 39 Stat. 167; June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchalpter 31. Additional members of General Sthff Corps.-n order jo
1, § 5, 41 Stit. 76:3.) Insure in telligent cooperation1 between Ii ic General Staff al tl.o
26. General Staff Corps eligible list.-The Initial eligible list several nioncomibatant branches, otlicers of siuclh brancls hilily
shall be prepared by a board consisting of the General of the lie detilited Its a(ddiiionol lenibers of tii Genera l SOnf Corp;
Army, the coiniandant of the General Staff College, the coal- under such special r'guiltions ias to (eltgIblty will redotall 1,
mandant of the General Service Schools, and two other gen- may be prescribed by the l'residiit, but not nice than two
eral ofih:ers of the line, selected by the Secretary of War, ofllcers front each slch Ibranch slall I(, detilled as mieiilier
who are not thenimembers of the General Staff Corps. This of the War Departinet Geiieral Siaff. (.Jun ,4, 1920, c. 227,
board shall select ald report the names of all officers of the subchapter I, § 5, 41 Stilt. 763 ; Sept. 22, 1122, c. 423, § 1, 42
Regular Army, National Guard, and Ofih'ers' Reserve Corps Stilt. 10:32.)
of the following classes who are recoiniceided by them as 32. Restriction on duties of memlbcrs of General Striff
qualifled by education, military experience, and character for Corps.-Meniiiers of the General St aIT ('orps :-hali be confilleid
General Staff duty; s'trictly to tIn' dischlarge of duties of the golvr'il 1liltuIe (if
(a) Those officers graduated from the Army Staff College those specilied for them in this cliliter (if tils title, and they
or the Army War College prior to July 1, 1917, vho, upon sliili not het perluitted to 1isu nie or ci gilge i] vork of .imi
graduation, were specifically recoinmended for duty as (0om- minlnistratsve nature tlit pertils to establilsh Iurlnis or
muander or chief of staff of a division or higher tactical unit, ollhei (of t~ie War Depinrtiimint, or that, being .ssiiied olr enl-
or for detail In the General Staff Corps; gaged in I y nreiiers of the General StMift Corps, woold in'oh e
(b) Those officers who, since April 6, 1917, have commanded htlliiriiient of the responslibility or initiative of s1eh1 iinrciims
a division or higher tactical unit, or hae demonstrited by or oflices, or wold cause iiljuri s or minmeccssltry 1(l iclitilin
actual service in the World War that they are qualified for of or dehly III the work therl'f. (Jnie 4, 1920, c. 227, sub.
General Staff duty. chapter 1, § 5, 41 Stit. 7t4.)
After the completion of the initial General Staff Corps eligible 33. Duties of Chief of Staff.-Thhie lf of Staff shll lpr'siile
list, the name of no officer shall be added thereto unless upon over ftic War Dprtnint eneerail Staff anmll, lnlder tlie ( ic- '
graduation from the General Staff School he Is specifically tioa of the Presidet, or of tille Secretary of War under the
recommended as qualified for General Staff duty, and Ito officer direction of the Presilent, shall causie to lie rilde by te War
of the General Staff Corps, except the Chief of Staff, shall be Department Generul Stuff, the necessary pll1n11 for recrulting,
assigned as t member of the War Department General Staff organizing, SUlililylig, ('lnil)lIng, 111(iillizinig, hIllinng, till le-
unless he is a graduate of the General Staff College or his name nobilizhig the Army of the Uilitel States, til(] for the if
Is borne on the Initial eligible list: Provided, That the name of the military forces for national dtfeilse. IIe 111shlltrillisiit
any National Guard or reserve officer who has demonstrated by to tile Seeretary of War tie plaits aind recolinnmdlit toiis pre-
actual service with the War Department General Staff during pared for that purpose by the War Department (lienral Stlff
a period of not less than six months, as hereinafter provided and advise him in regard thereto; upon the upproval (if such
for, that lie is qualified for General Staff duty, may, upon the 1la or recommendations by the Secretary of War, he slill
recorn'nendution of a board consisting of the general officers of act its the agent of the Secretary of War in carrying the sil ll
the War Department General Staff, assistants to the Chief of into effect. (June 3, 1916, e. 134, § 5, :19 Stilt. 107; Jnie I,
Staff, be added to said eligible list at any time. The Secretary 1920, c. 227, sublchipter 1, § 5, 41 Stat. 764.)
of War shall publish annually the list of officers eligible for 34. Duties of War Department General Staff.-The duils of
General Staff duty, and such eligibility shall be noted In the the War Deplirtment Gemeral Staff sh1all lie to l)relre lalms
annual Army Register. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § for national defense and the use of the military forces for tlt
5, 41 Stat. 763; Sept. 22, 1922, c. 42.3, § 1, 42 Stat. 1032.) purpose, both Eeparately ali(] in conjunction with tie n1idal
27. Line officers subject to detail; previous service with forces, and for tile mliliztIi1n of the mnanhlod of tilt, Nation
troops.-In time of peace no officer of the line shall be or remain and its material resources in t1ll emiergency; to iivestigilte ant
detailed as a member of the General Staff Corps unless lie has report upou t1l questtons iif'eethlg tie tllhlenicy of tile Armily
served for two of tile next preceding six years In actual coma- of the Unitcdt Stantes, n1d its stiate of Iireinition for military
mand of troops of one or more of the combatant aris. (June operations ; till(] to render lrofesshimal l ila(1 assislinie to till
4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 4, 41 Stat. 762.) Secretary of War m1id the Chief of Stalf. (Jun1 .1, 1920, c. 227,
28. Officers commissioned in a staff corps subject to detail sullchapter I, § 5, 41 Stat. 763.)
in General Staff Corps; previous service with troops.-An 35. Duties of General Staff with Troops.-The duies of tie
officer coammissioned In a staff corps shall not be or remiain (lIc- General Staff Nitli troops shall lie to Ve'nelr r)fussiomill still
tailed as a member of tile General Staff Corps unless lie lIiis IIl a.i.
.11" itllve to tile gelelr:li ohlicvi,' ot',r ]hill ; oI Mliit sI 1114,i
served for one of tile next preceding five years with troops of ligeits Il iiiniiilolliZ g tile lillns, diletics, ill] operllilii of the
one or more of the combatant arms. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, sub- vii-ouq orgnizations anl services i eiiim'thir Jiirisdioii')ioul, ili
chapter I, § 4, 41 Slat. 762.) preplarilig dtetaliled Instrnctions for tiihe i'\ilit(ion of tIll', p1Ins
29. What constitutes duty with troop.-Ia the ininintra- of tile eo riiaiiiirIing gelerills, til i Slliervisilig tOii v'Xi'illtiil
tion of the provisions of tie two next preceding sections all of suc1h instrniiitin. (.Julie -4, 1920, c. 227, ,bapnllter 1, § 5,
duty performed between April 6, 1917, and July 1, 1920, inclu- ,41 Stirt. 713.)
sive, or as a student at service schools, other than those of the 36. Subniission to Congress of riais affecting national I-
noacombatait branches, tit any time, shall be regardedias sItis- fense, etc.; accointanineat by stludy plrepar'd by War Depor t.
fying the requirements of service with combatant arms. (Jule ment General Staff.-\'hiuiiiver iiny lihi or r,'voi'iiiinm diohIitIII
4, 1920, c. 227, subchnpter I, § 4, 41 Stat. 762.) involvilig legislation ]uy Congregs iifetilco u . 11111ltajial (lfIlsi' (r
30. Acting General Staff oflicers.-If at any tine the numer the rorgnii of the Arly Is lile-ellt(Ii
on:tiiih by1hie Sini'lrllry
of otlicers available and eligible for detall to the General Staff of Wiir to Ciqiir('-, or to oil(, of tle conmiltes of ('ongnis,
is not sulliclent to till ill vacancies tierein, majors or captains tle same shall Ite lciteeiniiiliihid, wltn hot Inompatili \itihll!
may be detailed its acting Generul Staff ollicers under such Iublic interest, by a stludy prcpar1ed ii the aplprinalte dlvihm
regulations as the President may prescribe. (Julie 4, 1020, of the War Detpartmnlt General Stuff, Inelhding the ('oiniiinmits
§ 37 -TITLE 10.-ARMY 172
and recommendations of said division for or agaiist such plan, 52. Appointment of expcr accountait.-One expert ate-
iand such pertlinent comlents for or againt tie plan ats may couitant for (lie Inspector General's Departien,, shall be ill-
be iade by the Seeretary. of War, the Chief of Staff, or Indl- pointed iII ('ase of vacancy, by tile Secretary of War. (Feb. 21,
vhdual ollers of (lie division of the War Dcpartient General 1891, c. 284, 26 Stat. 773.)
Staff In which the plan was prepared. (June 4, 1920, c. 227,
subehapter I, § 5, 41 Stilt. 704.)
and territorial distribution 31 ENT.
37. Plans for initial organization
of Organized Reserves and National Guard.-SubJect to revi- Se'.
Coimposition of Jidge Advoeatv (leaciral's l)epartilit.
sion find approval by the Secretary of War, the la11s tnd regn- 61. (12. Duties of Jdtake Advocate General.
lIntions under which the Initial organization and territorial 13. 1)ut es of Judge advocatts.
(list1ribution of the National Guard and the Organized Reserves 64. Filling vacancies In grade of captilln.
MOl le niade, shall be prelpred by a cointittee of tle branch
Section 61. Composition of Judge Advocate General's De-
or division of tie War Department General Staff, hereinafter
partment.-T'rhe Judge Advocate General's lDeparlient shall
proviled for, which is charged wllh lie l)reparation of plalns consist of one Judge Advocate General with the rink of major
for the nut loni defense and for the nobilization of tilelind
general and eighty ollicers in grales from colo1el to cia|lhl,
forces of the United States. For the liurposo of this task
inclusive. (.une 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 8, 41 Stitt. 705;
said colilnlittce shall be COlllseld of inembers of sald branch
June 30, 1922, c. 253, 42 Stitt. 723.)
or division of the General Staff and ll equal number of rt-
62. Duties of Judge Advocate General.-lie Judge Advo-
.crvv officers, including reserve otlicers who hold or have held
cate General shall receive, revise,,and cause to Ie recordel the
cmmilssiolns in the National Guard. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, sub-
proceedings of till courts-mrtial, courts of inquiry, and miii-
chapter 1, § 3, 41 Stitt. 760.)
tarT conlisilils, anl1d ]perforu such other dilos as vere for-
38. Policies and regulations for government of Organized
nierly performed by the Judge Advocate General of tile Army.
Reserves and National Guard.-Ail policies and regulations (it. S. § lin99,)
affecting th' organization, distribution and tralinlg of the 63. Duties of judge advocates.-Judge advocates sliil per-
National Guard and the Organized Reserves, and all policies
form their dules under the directioln of the Judge Advocate
anad regultions iiffecting tie appoinlient, asigninent, promto- General. (It. S. § 1201.)
tion, ianddischarge of reserve ollicers, shall be prepalred by
6.1. Filling vacancies in grade of captain.-Any vcancy liu
ciniiittees of appiropriate branches or divisions of the War
the gradetiof captain lin the Judge Advocate (leneral's Depart-
lhipartcnent General Staff, to ilhilch shall lie added alt (eual
ment, not filled by transfer or detail from another branch,
lilllller of reserve ollicers, Incllig reserve otllhers who hold
may, In the discretion of the President, be filled by appoiltment
or have hel comnialssions in the National Guard, and whose
from reserve Judge advocates between the ages of thirty and
mies are borne ott lists of ollicers suitable for such duty, sub-
thirty-six years, and such aplloilntee shall be placed upon tile
iittcd by tie governors of the several States and Territories.
promotion list immediaely below the junior captiin oin said
For tie purpoises specified herein, they shiall be regarded as
list. (June 4, 1020, c. 227, subchapter I, § 24, 41 Stat. 774.)
addltiomal nemibers of ilie Gieieral Staff while s , serving.
(Jine 4, 1920, C.227, subchapter I, § 5, 41 Stitt. 763.)
71. Composliion of Quartertnillter Corps.
(I. I 'upostlon of Adllulaut General's Department. 72. Duttes of Quarterinister Genoral.
4*.' tPlllltions of lPerholnnl IluIreanI.
7i. Tranportatlon for National Muset11n1and Government departments.
11l11l4nioIIIl mulusteur rolls ot 'ilintcr forcos rendmrel to AdJutalnt 74. 1Ini 1ltatih ol Issue of reserve supplles or equipment.
(Gnral;sv Sectin 156 of Title 5. 75. Rat ions furnished to lnulding parties of bentiCOaor lnrlner co-
Section 41. Composition of Adjutant General's Depart- operailng with land troops.
7(6. Equlplllt, etc., furnishcd to lanilng par.tes of sultninl or itarlneq
ment.-The Adjut1ant Generial's Delmrhnent shlil consist of I'lle toolratlng i [h land trop.js.
Adjulant General with the rank of major general, one assist- 77. Technical experts eaplo3ed In QuarI rionflter General's efllce.
ant with the rank of brigadier general, who shall be Chief of
Section 71. Composition of Quartermaster Corps.-The
lit' l'ersonnel Btureau, fin1dsevelty- 'no oflicrs ill grades front
Quartermaster Corps shall consist of on Quarterniaster Gen-
e,'hllel to callain, inctlsive. (June 1, 1920, c. 227, sublapter
eral with the rank of major general, three assistaIts with the
1, . G1,-11 Stilt. 765; June 30, 1922, c. 253, 42 Slat. 723.)
rank of brigadier general, seven hundred and thirty-live officers
.12. Functions of Personnel Bureau.--The Personnel Bureii
In grades from colonel to second lieutenant, Inclusive, find eight
shall be charged, llder .nucih regulatlons itsmay ie prescribed(
thousand nine hundred al twenty-eight enlisted mea. (June
by the Secretary of War, with the oellrating functions of lro-
•, 1920, c. 227, subehapier I, § 9, 41 Stat. 766; June 30, 1922, c.
crtiineit, assignment, prootio, tlransfer, retirement, and dis-
charge of till oflicers and enlisted men of the Army: I'roecd, 253, 42 Stat. 723.)
'hat territorial commanders aid the chiefs of the several 72. Duties of quartermaster General.-The Quartermaster
Iraiihes of tii Arily shall be charged with such of the above- General, under the authority of the Secretary of War, shall lie
lecrlied duties within their respective jurisdictions as may be charged with the piurchase and procuremnent for the Army of atll
prescribed hy the Secrelary of War. (June 4, 1920, e. 227, suppIlles of standard intnufacture and of all supplies common
suIhmh:pter I, § 6, 41 Stat. 765.) to two or more branches lut not with the Irehase or the pro-
Chapter 4.-INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. curenient of special or techlileal articles to be used or issued
Si-c. exclusively by other supply departments; with the dlirection of
5I. Collialon of Inlmpctor General's Departiaent. all work pertaining to the construction, maintenance, iand repair
52. Appoitme t of cxpert accotnitant. of buildings, structures, and utilities other than fortifications
Section 51. Composition of Inspector General's Depart- coiected with lie Army ; with the storage and Issue of sup-
ment.-The Inspector General's Department shall cotisist of oie pilies ; with the operatio of utilities ; with the acquisition of all
Inspector General with the rank of major general and forty- real estate and the issue of licenses In connection with Govern-
three olficers iii grades from colonel to captaiit, inchtsive. intnt reservations ; with the transportation of the Army by
(Jun 1, 1920, e. 227, slichapter I, § 7, 41 Stitt. 7(5; June 80, land and water, including the transportation of troops find sup-
1922, e. 253, 42 Stitt. 723.) plies by mechanical or animal means; with the furnishing of

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