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Old Testament 2 – 2020 – BGO


Date: March 15, 2020
Devotional No. 06

Scripture Text: Obadiah 1

Creative Devotional Title: Family Is Forever


For the past ten year in the ministry, I have discovered that it is not always a happy family
inside the life of the church. There are rivalries and even drama that make a church-family so
dysfunctional, even more chaotic and dramatic than the telenovelas we see on Philippine
television—a far cry from the admonishments we would find in the Bible.

This strange reality of relationship flaw, if left unchecked, will bring doom down to the
members of God’s family just like what happened to Edom as described in the book of
Obadiah. Obadiah tells us Edom (a nation whose father was Esau) gloated over Judah just as
Esau pursued Jacob. Edom did violence against Judah instead of coming to the aid of their
brothers in time of foreign invaders. That’s not only what the Edomites did during that time.
They also encouraged the destruction of Jerusalem and rejoiced over it. Taking advantage of
the misfortune, Edomites looted and took Judeans into slave trade. Even they come from a
common ancestry, they did not treat each other as brothers and did not act as siblings. They
engaged in war and hate against each other. For Obadiah, what Edom did exemplify extreme
hostility towards God’s people. Because of this harsh treatment towards a family member,
God’s wrath and retributive justice with severe punishment went to Edom that this nation is
condemned more often in the Bible than any other enemy nation.

If God held Edom responsible for all bad things they’ve done with God’s people, He will do the
same to the nemesis of God’s people in every generation because we belong to God’s family.
As adopted in His family, we are brothers and sisters and this relationship should stay forever.
Although we might bicker like siblings, we all know that blood is thicker than water and our
family roles and responsibilities must prevail. We should love our brothers and sisters and do
good to everyone especially to those who are in the household of faith.
For Facilitator Use

Your Facilitator will use the following rubric to rate your assignment. Your overall rating will be
the sum of points across all criteria.

Criteria 19-20 pts 10-18 pts 0-9 pts Points

The title does not catch

The title is somewhat
The title is catchy and is attention and
Creative Title interesting and related to
related to the material disconnected to the
the material

The biblical text is fully

Fairly explains the text Poorly explains the
Explanation explained and the
and some theological biblical text and does not
of the Text theological truths are
truths are identified. identify theological truths

The illustration is well The illustration fairly The illustration poorly

chosen and enhances the enhances the enhances understanding
understanding to the understanding of the of theological truths and
theological truths theological truths may not be related at all

The application is very The application is fairly The application is missing

Application clear and related to the clear and not so related or inappropriate for the
truths to the truth truth.

Form and
Follows the format and Misses some of the Misses the format and the
Style of
the style is clear format and style is fair style is unclear

Overall Rating:

Overall Feedback:

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