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Format the Master Schedule and Sub-schedules

Before sub-schedules are merged into a master schedule, all sub-schedules and the
master schedule should have basically the same format.
• All columns should be the same type and in the same location. That is, if
the master schedule has one column with text on the left side of the schedule,
then all sub-schedules should also have such a column in the same position.
• The symbols and horizontal bars should be the same or similar, and in the
same positions in the toolbox. When the sub-schedules are merged into the
master schedule, the master schedule’s symbology is used.
• The date range should be the same. If the date range (see Chapter 2 pg.
2-11) in the master schedule is different than the sub-schedule’s the information
will still be merged into the master schedule; yet the master schedule’s date
range may need to be reset to see all the symbols and bars.
The formatting in the master schedule (rows per page, symbol size, text size, chart
size, shading, etc.) is applied to all symbols and text that are merged into it.
How can formatting all of these schedules be made easier? Use or create a template
and apply it to all existing schedules (see Chapter 2 pg. 2-37). Optionally, choose
Lock Layout from the Layout tab to prevent other users from changing formatting
aspects of a schedule.

Create a Master Schedule

The master schedule references one or dozens of sub-schedules which will merge
together into the master schedule.
1. Open the Milestones
schedule that will be the
master schedule.
2. Choose File | Master/
Update | Master
Schedule. The Master
Schedule Properties
dialog box displays.
3. Select Treat the Current
Schedule as the Master
Schedule to assign the
schedule in the Milestones
window as the master
• Select Insert Page Breaks Between Sub-Schedules to have sub-
schedules separated by page breaks in the master schedule.

Manage Multiple Files 8-3

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