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Satiation, satiety and their effects on

eating behaviour nbu_1753 126..173

B. Benelam
British Nutrition Foundation, London, UK

1. Introduction
2. Physiological mechanisms of satiation and satiety
2.1 Physiological mechanisms of satiation
2.1.1 Gastric mechanisms of satiation
2.1.2 Intestinal mechanisms of satiation
2.2 Physiological mechanisms of satiety
2.2.1 Gut hormones – episodic signals of satiety
2.2.2 Tonic satiety signals
2.3 The integration of satiety signals in the brain
2.3.1 Anorexigenic pathways in the hypothalamus
2.3.2 Orexigenic pathways in the hypothalamus
2.3.3 Other areas of the brain involved in satiation and satiety
2.3.4 Reward pathways
3. Measuring satiation and satiety
3.1 Measuring satiation
3.2 Measuring satiety
3.2.1 Free living vs. laboratory studies
3.2.2 Preload studies
3.2.3 Self-reported measures of satiety
3.2.4 Measuring food intake
3.2.5 Quantifying satiety
3.3 Confounders in satiety research
3.3.1 Physiological confounders
3.3.2 Behavioural confounders
4. The effects of foods and drinks on satiety
4.1 Protein and satiety
4.2 Carbohydrates and satiety
4.3 Fibre and satiety
4.4 Intense sweeteners and satiety
4.5 Fat and satiety
4.6 Liquids and satiety

Correspondence: Bridget Benelam, Nutrition Scientist, British Nutrition Foundation, High Holborn House, 52–54 High Holborn, London

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4.7 Alcohol and satiety

4.8 Energy density and satiety
5. The effect of external factors on satiation and satiety
5.1 Palatability
5.2 Variety
5.3 Portion size
5.4 Sleep
5.5 Physical activity
5.6 Television viewing and other distractions
5.7 Social situations
6. Satiation, satiety and weight control
6.1 Obesity genes and satiety
6.2 Physiological differences in satiation and satiety responses in obese people
6.3 Behavioural differences in the response to satiation and satiety in obesity
7. Conclusions

Summary In the context of the rising prevalence of obesity around the world, it is vital to
understand how energy balance and bodyweight are controlled. The ability to
balance energy intake and expenditure is critical to survival, and sophisticated
physiological mechanisms have developed in order to do this, including the control
of appetite. Satiation and satiety are part of the body’s appetite control system and
are involved in limiting energy intake. Satiation is the process that causes one to
stop eating; satiety is the feeling of fullness that persists after eating, suppressing
further consumption, and both are important in determining total energy intake.
Satiation and satiety are controlled by a cascade of factors that begin when a food
or drink is consumed and continues as it enters the gastrointestinal tract and is
digested and absorbed. Signals about the ingestion of energy feed into specific areas
of the brain that are involved in the regulation of energy intake, in response to the
sensory and cognitive perceptions of the food or drink consumed, and distension of
the stomach. These signals are integrated by the brain, and satiation is stimulated.
When nutrients reach the intestine and are absorbed, a number of hormonal signals
that are again integrated in the brain to induce satiety are released. In addition to
these episodic signals, satiety is also affected by fluctuations in hormones, such as
leptin and insulin, which indicate the level of fat storage in the body.
Satiation and satiety can be measured directly via food intake or indirectly via
ratings of subjective sensations of appetite. The most common study design when
measuring satiation or satiety over a short period is using a test preload in which the
variables of interest are carefully controlled. This is followed by subjects rating
aspects of their appetite sensations, such as fullness or hunger, at intervals and then,
after a predetermined time interval, a test meal at which energy intake is measured.
Longer-term studies may provide foods or drinks of known composition to be
consumed ad libitum and use measures of energy intake and/or appetite ratings as
indicators of satiety. The measurement of satiation and satiety is complicated by the
fact that many factors besides these internal signals may influence appetite and
energy intake, for example, physical factors such as bodyweight, age or gender, or

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behavioural factors such as diet or the influence of other people present. For this
reason, the majority of studies on satiation and satiety take place in a laboratory,
where confounders can be controlled as much as possible, and are, therefore, of
short duration.
It is possible for any food or drink to affect appetite, and so it is important to
determine whether, for a given amount of energy, particular variables have the
potential to enhance or reduce satiation or satiety. A great deal of research has been
conducted to investigate the effect of different foods, drinks, food components and
nutrients on satiety. Overall, the characteristic of a food or drink that appears to have
the most impact on satiety is its energy density. That is the amount of energy it
contains per unit weight (kJ/g, kcal/g). When energy density is controlled, the
macronutrient composition of foods does not appear to have a major impact on
satiety. In practice, high-fat foods tend to have a higher energy density than
high-protein or high-carbohydrate foods, and foods with the highest water content
tend to have the lowest energy density. Some studies have shown that energy from
protein is more satiating than energy from carbohydrate or fat. In addition, certain
types of fibre have been shown to enhance satiation and satiety. It has been suggested
that energy from liquids is less satiating then energy from solids. However, evidence
for this is inconsistent, and it may be the mode of consumption (i.e. whether the liquid
is perceived to be a food or drink) that influences its effect on satiety. Alcohol appears
to stimulate energy intake in the short-term, and consuming energy from alcohol does
not appear to lead to a subsequent compensatory reduction in energy intake.
The consumption of food and drink to provide energy is a voluntary behaviour,
and, despite the existence of sophisticated physiological mechanisms to match
intake to requirements, humans often eat when sated and sometimes refrain from
eating when hungry. Thus, there are numerous influences on eating behaviour
beyond satiation and satiety. These include: the portion size, appeal, palatability
and variety of foods and drinks available; the physiological impact on the body of
physical activity and sleep; and other external influences such as television viewing
and the effect of social situations.
Because satiation and satiety are key to controlling energy intake, inter-individual
differences in the strength of these signals and responsiveness to their effects could
affect risk of obesity. Such differences have been observed at a genetic, physiological
and behavioural level and may be important to consider in strategies to prevent or
treat obesity.
Overall, it is clear that, although the processes of satiation and satiety have the
potential to control energy intake, many individuals override the signals generated.
Hence, in such people, satiation and satiety alone are not sufficient to prevent
weight gain in the current obesogenic environment. Knowledge about foods, ingre-
dients and dietary patterns that can enhance satiation and satiety is potentially
useful for controlling bodyweight. However, this must be coupled with an under-
standing of the myriad of other factors that influence eating behaviour, in order to
help people to control their energy intake.

Keywords: appetite, behaviour, obesity, satiation, satiety

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1. Introduction
Satiety Cascade (Blundell et al, 1987)

Maintenance of energy balance and a healthy body-

weight has been critical to human survival, and sophis-
ticated physiological mechanisms exist in the body to
maintain homeostasis (the maintenance of a constant Post-absorptive
Sensory Cognitive
internal environment in the body) (Woods & D’Alessio Post-ingestive
2008). The control of energy intake is vital to energy
balance, and satiation and satiety are part of a complex
system of appetite control, which regulates how much FOOD Early Late

we consume. Definitions of satiation and satiety are

shown in Box 1.
Figure 1 The satiety cascade showing the influences on satiation and
satiety over time (Source: Blundell et al. 1987. reproduced with permission).
Box 1 Definitions
Satiation The process that leads to the termination taste, texture and smell of the food or drink and any
of eating, which may be accompanied by associations with previous experience that arise. Once
a feeling of satisfaction the food or drink reaches the stomach, post-ingestive
Satiety The feeling of fullness that persists after factors start to take effect. Initially, the distension of the
eating, potentially suppressing further stomach sends signals to the brain, initiating satiation.
energy intake until hunger returns As digestion continues in the intestines, hormones that
promote satiation and satiety are released from the gut.
In the post-absorptive stage of the satiety cascade, nutri-
Over the course of a day, people typically have a ents themselves are detected by specialist receptors in
number of eating occasions including meals, drinks and various sites of the body, including the brain, providing
snacks. Satiation is important in controlling the amount information about nutrient status that also affects
of energy consumed at each of these eating occasions, satiety (Blundell et al. 1987). In the longer term, satiety
while satiety affects the period of time between eating may also be affected by signals such as leptin, which
occasions and potentially the amount consumed at the convey information about the level of fat storage in the
next. Total daily energy intake is a function of both the body (Wynne et al. 2005a).
number of eating occasions that day and their size. Thus, the body has a complex network of signals
Hence, both satiation and satiety affect energy intake. involved in the development of satiation and satiety.
In the context of the rising prevalence of obesity, it is However, for free-living humans, choices about what
important to consider the impact of satiation and satiety and how much to eat are affected not only by internal
on energy balance, and whether they can be enhanced in appetite signals such as satiation and satiety but also by
order to facilitate the reduction of energy intake, aiding many other factors including the palatability of the
weight control. However, although this briefing paper food in question, the portion size provided, the time of
will focus on the relationship of satiation and satiety to day and the presence of other people (Bellisle 2003).
obesity, it is worth remembering that there are many The amount of energy we consume is completely
instances where low energy intake is of concern, for accounted for by voluntary behaviour, namely the acts
example, in the elderly or those with eating disorders. In of eating and drinking, influenced by physiological,
these cases, it may be desirable to reduce the effects of psychological and cultural factors. This is in contrast to
satiation and satiety in order to allow greater energy energy expenditure, between 20% and 40% of which
intake. is under behavioural control via voluntary physical
The factors affecting satiation and satiety from the activity (Blundell 2006). Thus, the study of appetite,
start of eating to late satiety have been characterised by including satiation and satiety, must take account of
Blundell et al. (1987) in the satiety cascade, showing both physiological and behavioural evidence in order
sensory, cognitive, post-ingestive and post-absorptive to gain a full picture of how satiation and satiety affect
stages shown in Figure 1. eating behaviour.
As this figure demonstrates, satiation and satiety are This briefing paper aims to give an overview of how
initially affected by sensory and cognitive factors includ- satiation and satiety develop in the body, the factors
ing expectations about what is to be consumed, the that affect this and how satiation and satiety interact

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with external influences to impact on eating behaviour, the integration of these signals in the brain to affect
particularly with regard to excessive energy intake and satiation and satiety have become more fully under-
obesity. The physiological mechanisms of satiation and stood. An outline of the pathways involved in commu-
satiety will first be outlined, followed by a description of nication of satiation and satiety between the body and
the different techniques used to measure satiation and the brain is described in Figure 2.
satiety. There is a potential for any food or drink to This section describes the mechanisms by which satia-
induce satiety. Thus, it is important to gain evidence as tion and satiety signals affect specific areas of the brain
to whether, for a given energy content, particular foods, to maintain energy homeostasis. It also highlights the
drinks or their components are more satiating than possibility that hedonic systems within the brain (i.e.
others. The evidence for the effect of a number of foods, those affected by the pleasurable aspects of food) may
food components and nutrients on satiety is reviewed. interact with homeostatic systems and may override
Humans may eat when sated and refrain from eating satiation and satiety signals.
when hungry, so it is clear that internal appetite controls
are not the only influence on energy intake. Some of the
2.1 Physiological mechanisms of satiation
potential external influences on energy intake are then
discussed. Appetite control is one of the potential Satiation is the feeling of satisfaction that signals eating
factors that could affect the risk of obesity (Foresight to stop. The time course of satiation means that factors
2007). In light of the current prevalence of obesity, it affecting it must occur early in the satiety cascade, when
may be important to consider whether differences in the food is selected, smelled and eaten and in the first
satiation and satiety or sensitivity to these signals can stages of digestion. Satiation appears to be a very basic
increase the risk of obesity. There is evidence that this animal function that even rats with only a hindbrain
may be the case, and this is outlined in the final section. exhibit (Ritter 2004).
This Briefing Paper does not examine functional foods
and ingredients and satiety in detail, as these have
2.1.1 Gastric mechanisms of satiation
recently been reviewed elsewhere (Thomas & Chapman
2008). Changes in satiation and satiety in those with When food or drink reaches the stomach, nerves com-
eating disorders or other clinical conditions (other than municate an increase in gastric volume to the brain
obesity) are also not included. In addition, the area of (Ritter 2004). It appears that gastric distension pro-
health claims, satiation and satiety, with reference to the motes satiation, independently of nutrient content
European Commission regulation that came into force (Phillips & Powley 2000). In addition, there is evidence
in 2007 (EC/1924/2006), is not included in this paper that when food is removed from the stomach after inges-
because this is currently the subject of the Institute of tion, satiation does not occur. In experiments where
Life Sciences International, Europe Appetite Regulation cannulas are fitted that allow food to drain from the
Task Force, which will provide a thorough investigation stomach, animals eat continuously, but quickly reach
of the methodologies, relevant food components and satiation when the cannula is closed allowing food to fill
appropriate physiological biomarkers to provide scien- the stomach normally (Davis & Smith 1990).
tific substantiation to a satiety claim. This paper does There is the possibility that gastric distension could be
not constitute a systematic review but aims to give a used as a biomarker of satiation. There are a number of
picture of the research in the area of satiation, satiety possible indirect methods for measuring gastric disten-
and eating behaviour. sion, for example, measuring changes in water pressure
in the stomach, which are outlined in a review of biom-
arkers in satiation and satiety by De Graaf et al. (2004).
2. Physiological mechanisms of satiation
Although further work is needed to develop direct
and satiety
markers of gastric distension, this is a possible marker
Early animal experiments characterised areas of the for future research on satiation.
brain involved in satiation and satiety by observing the
effects of damage in particular locations in the brain, on
2.1.2 Intestinal mechanisms of satiation
food intake behaviour. In this way, a number of areas
within the hypothalamus were identified as important in From the stomach, food and drink are released into the
the control of hunger and energy balance (Morgane & small intestine where digestion continues and nutrients
Jacobs 1969). More recently, the way the body commu- are absorbed. It appears that information about the
nicates influx, circulation and storage of nutrients and absorption of nutrients can be communicated to the

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Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 131

Effects on energy intake



Figure 2 A schematic representation of
physiological satiation and satiety signalling. Vagus
nerve Gut
When food is consumed, the gastric distension hormones
is communicated to the brain via the vagus
nerve, which connects the gastrointestinal tract
to the brain, initiating satiation. Gut hormones
from the stomach and intestine are released Gut Stomach
when food is consumed and act on areas of hormones
the brain involved in appetite. Leptin from
adipose tissue and insulin from the pancreas are
related to the amount of fat stored in the body Intestines
and act on the brain to modulate satiation and
satiety in the longer term. All signals are
integrated in the brain to affect energy intake
and expenditure (Adapted from Wynne et al.

brain and contributes to satiation. Experimental infu- gut, particularly after fat- or protein-rich meals (Wren
sions of fat, carbohydrates and proteins directly into the & Bloom 2007). CCK’s effects on satiety appear to be
intestine promote satiation. In the case of protein, car- mediated via receptors in the vagus nerve (the nerve that
bohydrate and fat, digestion to their respective building connects the gut to the brain) and are blocked when this
blocks of amino acids, sugars and fatty acids is neces- nerve is removed in rats (Smith et al. 1981). The mecha-
sary in order for satiation to take place (Ritter 2004). nisms by which signals from CCK are integrated within
The gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) appears to the brain are discussed in section 2.3.
be involved in satiation. The satiating effects of CCK CCK is a potential biomarker for satiation (De Graaf
were first demonstrated in 1973, when Gibbs et al. et al. 2004). However, it must be noted that changes in
showed that administering CCK reduces subsequent the levels of this gut hormone are only one part of the
meal size in a dose dependant manner in rats (Gibbs process leading to satiation and cannot be seen as a
et al. 1973). This has since been confirmed in humans direct marker of satiation.
(Kissileff et al. 1981; Muurahainen et al. 1988), In addition to effects on satiation, CCK also delays
although the distension of the stomach by food or drink gastric emptying and stimulates pancreatic enzyme
is necessary for this effect to take place (Lieverse et al. secretion and gall bladder contraction (Liddle et al.
1995). 1985; Moran & Schwartz 1994), thus playing a role in
CCK is mainly synthesised by the endocrine L cells in co-ordinating digestion. CCK is also found in the brain,
the duodenum and jejunum (the beginning and middle where it acts as a neurotransmitter involved in reward
of the small intestine) and is rapidly released into the behaviour, memory and anxiety, as well as satiety
circulation in response to the presence of nutrients in the (Crawley & Corwin 1994). CCK may act synergistically

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Table 1 Gut hormones and their actions

Name Site of production Effect on appetite Mechanism Additional effects

Ghrelin Stomach ↑ Hunger Via ghrelin receptors in the brain Long-term effect on energy balance
Cholecystokinin (CCK) Duodenum and jejunum ↑ Satiation Via vagus nerve Delays gastric emptying
Stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion
Stimulates gall bladder contraction
Acts as a neurotransmitter
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) Intestine and brain ↑ Satiety Via GLP-1R in brain Incretin (stimulates insulin production)
Slows gastric emptying
Oxyntomodulin (OXM) Intestine and brain ↑ Satiety Via GLP-1R in brain Slows gastric emptying
Via reductions in ghrelin
Peptide YY (3-36) (PYY 3-36) Ileum, colon and rectum ↑ Satiety Via Y2 receptors in brain Slows gastric emptying and intestinal
Reduces gastric secretions
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) Pancreas ↑ Satiety Via Y5 receptors in brain –
Via vagus nerve

with the hormone leptin, which signals the level of fat is relevant to the onset of satiety, it has also been
storage in the body. This is discussed in section 2.2.2. included for discussion. These hormonal signals are
In summary, there are a number of variables that termed as ‘episodic’ signals of satiety as they occur
influence satiation and thus the amount of food eaten at alongside episodes of eating. These are considered sepa-
one sitting. When nutrients reach the small intestine, rately from tonic signals, which signal the level of energy
satiety signalling, which affects the time interval before storage in the body, but it is important to note that there
hunger and the desire to eat returns, is initiated. may be interactions between tonic and episodic satiety
Although the distinction between satiation and satiety is signalling. The way in which all these signals are inte-
an important one, they are part of a continuum in the grated by the brain are discussed in section 2.3.
ingestive process, and there may be some overlap
between the later stages of satiation signalling and that Ghrelin is a peptide hormone mainly produced in the
of early satiety. The next section outlines the mecha- stomach and, when administered experimentally to
nisms affecting satiety. animals and humans, stimulates appetite and increases
food intake (Tschöp et al. 2000; Wren et al. 2001). When
released, ghrelin acts on receptors in specific areas in the
2.2 Physiological mechanisms of satiety
brain. The integration in the brain of signals from gut
Broadly, satiety is influenced both by short term or hormones is described in detail in section 2.3.
‘episodic’ signals in response to the consumption of food Ghrelin levels rise before meals, suggesting that it may
and by longer term or ‘tonic’ signals indicating the levels play a role in meal initiation in humans (Cummings
of energy stores in the body. These act in various ways et al. 2001), although studies have not found that
on the hypothalamus in the brain, which in turn pro- ghrelin levels predict the interval between meals
duces signals that affect energy intake and expenditure. (Callahan et al. 2004). The mechanisms causing release
This section explores the satiety signals from the body of ghrelin from endocrine cells in the stomach are not
and their effects in the brain. yet known. However, the suppression of ghrelin after
meals is proportional to the energy intake at the meal
(Callahan et al. 2004). In addition, on a per-kilojoule
2.2.1 Gut hormones – episodic signals of satiety
basis, fat appears to be less effective than carbohydrate
A number of hormones are secreted from the gut to or protein at suppressing ghrelin (Monteleone et al.
indicate that food has been consumed. These act directly 2003; Overduin et al. 2005).
or indirectly on specific areas of the brain to promote Ghrelin may also play a role in long-term energy
satiety. A summary of gut hormones and their actions is balance. In humans, ghrelin levels are inversely
shown in Table 1. Ghrelin is the only known gut correlated with levels of body fatness; that is, they are
hormone that causes hunger and, as its suppression low in obese subjects (Tschöp et al. 2001), higher in lean

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subjects (Shiyya et al. 2002) and abnormally high in OXM has also been found to reduce food intake in
subjects whose energy intake is chronically restricted, humans (Cohen et al. 2003) and enhance weight loss
such as those suffering from anorexia nervosa (Tolle (Wynne et al. 2005b) and appears to increase energy
et al. 2003). expenditure (Wynne et al. 2006). OXM can bind to the
GLP-1R found in areas of the brain involved in appetite
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and oxyntomodulin control (Dakin et al. 2001) and reduces plasma ghrelin
(OXM) are both products of the preproglucagon gene, concentrations in rats (Dakin et al. 2004) and in human
which is expressed in the brain, pancreas and intestine. subjects. A study using physiological doses, adminis-
In the pancreas, the preproglucagon gene product is tered intravenously, found that fasting levels of ghrelin
processed to produce the hormone glucagon, whereas, were suppressed by 40% compared with those in con-
in the intestine and brain, GLP-1 and OXM are pro- trols when OXM was administered (Cohen et al. 2003),
duced (Murphy & Bloom 2004). and this might be a factor in its satiating properties.
Both GLP-1 and OXM are released into the circula- Similar to GLP-1, OXM also slows gastric emptying
tion in response to nutrients in the gut (Le Quellec et al. (Schjoldager et al. 1989).
1992; Herrmann et al. 1995) and appear to have an Overall, GLP-1 and OXM have similar actions on
effect on satiety. Experimental administration of GLP-1 satiety and gastric emptying, although OXM, as well as
to humans reduces food intake, decreases ratings of the GLP-1R, may work via effects on ghrelin. OXM does
hunger and increases ratings of fullness in normal- not have the incretin effects of GLP-1 but may have more
weight, diabetic and obese subjects (Flint et al. 1998, potent effects on weight loss (Wren & Bloom 2007).
2000a; Näslund et al. 1998, 1999a; Gutzwiller et al.
1999a, 1999b; Toft-Nielsen et al. 1999). There is some The PP fold peptides include peptide YY (PYY), pan-
evidence that GLP-1 is reduced in obese subjects (Holst creatic polypeptide (PP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). PYY
et al. 1983; Ranganath et al. 1996; Näslund et al. and PP are produced in the gut and are discussed below.
1999a) and that levels are restored by weight loss NPY is produced in the brain and is described in section
(Verdich et al. 2001). Receptors for GLP-1 (GLP-1R) 2.3 on the integration of satiety signals in the brain.
can be found in areas of the brain involved in appetite,
and it is thought that GLP-1 mediates its effects on PYY is produced in the L cells of the ileum, colon and
satiety by acting directly upon these areas (Yamamoto rectum (Adrian et al. 1985a; Ekblad & Sundler 2002)
et al. 2003). GLP-1 also slows gastric emptying and and is released into the circulation in proportion to the
modulates gastric acid secretion, contributing to the amount of energy consumed, reaching a plateau after
‘ileal brake’ mechanism of the upper gastrointestinal 1–2 hours and remaining elevated for approximately six
tract, a combination of effects that controls the transit hours (Adrian et al. 1985a). This release begins before
of food from the stomach into the intestines, allowing the nutrients reach the distal portion of the gut where
effective digestion (Näslund et al. 1999b). PYY is produced, so it appears that PYY secretion may
In addition to its effects on satiety and digestion, initially be stimulated indirectly, possibly via the vagal
GLP-1 is a potent incretin, in that it potentiates the nerve (Fu-Cheng et al. 1997). Fasting suppresses the
production of insulin (MacDonald et al. 2002). Thus, secretion of PYY (Adrian et al. 1985a). The main form
GLP-1 appears to have multiple roles in promoting of stored and circulating PYY is known as PYY(3-36) (a
satiety, in the ileal brake and in encouraging the release truncated version of the full peptide) (Grandt et al.
of insulin. 1994).
GLP-1 is a potential biomarker for satiety (De Graaf The administration of PYY has been found to reduce
et al. 2004). GLP-1 can be measured from blood food intake both in rodents (Batterham et al. 2002;
samples and is seen to rise for two hours after a meal, Adams et al. 2004; Chelikani et al. 2005) and in
compared with the fasting level (Orskov & Holst 1987). humans (Batterham et al. 2003a; Degen et al. 2005).
More work is needed to establish whether or not GLP-1 Batterham et al. investigated the effects of PYY(3-36) on
is a reliable marker of appetite. A recent study on both lean and obese subjects and found that, in both
protein and satiety found that, despite an increase in cases, energy intake at a buffet lunch two hours after
ratings of satiety after a high-protein vs. low-protein administration was reduced by approximately 30% and
preload, GLP-1 levels were unchanged between the two that there was also a significant decrease in energy
conditions. Other peptide hormones, peptide YY (PYY) intake during the 24 hours after treatment. In addition,
and ghrelin (also discussed in section 2.2.1), were also fasting PYY levels were lower in obese than in lean
found to be unaffected (Smeets et al. 2008). subjects, and body mass index (BMI) correlated

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negatively with PYY levels. Post-prandial PYY release fat mass and BMI, and are reduced by weight loss.
was also lower in the obese subjects, despite the fact that However, there is inter-individual variation in the
they consumed more energy (Batterham et al. 2003a). amount of leptin produced at a given percentage of body
This raises the possibility that a deficiency in circulating fat (Maffei et al. 1995).
PYY could be involved in the development of obesity, Leptin appears to influence bodyweight via its effect on
although it is currently unclear whether low levels of energy intake and expenditure. Chronic administration
PYY are a cause or an effect of obesity. of leptin to rodents causes increased energy expenditure,
PYY also inhibits gastric emptying, increases transit reduced food intake and loss of bodyweight and fat mass
time through the intestine (Savage et al. 1987) and (Halaas et al. 1995). Reduction in leptin levels as a result
reduces gastric secretions (Adrian et al. 1985b), indicat- of weight loss is associated with increased hunger in
ing it may play a role in the ilieal brake mechanism. humans (Keim et al. 1998). Leptin may have a synergistic
PYY, like other PP fold peptides, binds to Y1-Y5 recep- interaction with CCK, a gut hormone involved in satia-
tors (Larhammar 1996). PYY(3-36) binds most strongly tion (see section 2.1.2), in that small doses of CCK (which
to the Y2 receptor and it is thought that its effects on are not effective alone) decrease food intake when leptin
satiety are mediated by binding to this receptor in the is administered at the same time (Barrachina et al. 1997).
brain. A mutation of the ob gene, resulting in a lack of
circulating leptin, causes severe obesity in humans
PP is mainly produced by the pancreas but also in (Montague et al. 1997), which can be reversed by
small amounts in the colon and rectum (Adrian et al. administering exogenous leptin both in children
1976). Like PYY, it is released into the circulation after (Farooqi et al. 1999) and adults (Licinio et al. 2004). In
eating, in proportion to the amount of energy consumed addition, in those with a heterozygous leptin deficiency
(Track et al. 1980). Experiments have also shown that (i.e. one rather than two functional copies of the ob
PP administration reduces food intake in humans. When gene), there is a greater prevalence of obesity and a
administered two hours before a buffet meal, PP higher percentage body fat than in subjects with a fully
reduced energy intake by 22% at this meal and through- functional ob gene (Farooqi et al. 2001).
out the evening and the following morning, leading to a The leptin receptor is expressed in areas of the brain
25% decrease in energy intake over the 24-hour period involved in appetite control, and leptin is thought to
(Batterham et al. 2003b). PP, like PPY, signals to the mediate its effects by acting directly on these receptors
brain via the Y family of receptors and is thought to act (Flier 2004). The effect of leptin in the brain will be
on Y5 receptors. It may also signal to the brain via the discussed in section 2.3. Leptin is transported across the
vagus nerve (Wynne et al. 2005a). blood–brain barrier via a saturable process (Banks et al.
Interestingly, both basal and post-prandial levels of 1996). This appears to be affected by energy balance in
PP are suppressed in those with Prader–Willi Syndrome that starvation reduces leptin transport across the
(PWS), a genetic condition associated with hyperphagia blood–brain barrier, and refeeding increases it (Kastin &
(overeating) and obesity (Zipf et al. 1981). Administra- Pan 2000).
tion of PP reduces food intake in some PWS subjects Although, as mentioned above, a very small propor-
(Berntson et al. 1993), indicating that an altered PP tion of obesity cases involve impaired leptin secretion,
response may be a component of this syndrome. most obese people have relatively high levels of circu-
lating leptin (Maffei et al. 1995), and the administration
of exogenous leptin has only a modest effect on body-
2.2.2 Tonic satiety signals
weight (Heymsfield et al. 1999; Fogteloo et al. 2003).
Tonic satiety signals communicate the levels of fat This indicates that leptin resistance, rather than defi-
storage in the body to the brain, so that energy intake ciency, may be associated with obesity. The mechanisms
and expenditure can be balanced to maintain a relatively by which this could occur are not yet clear, but impaired
constant bodyweight. These signals act over the longer transport across the blood–brain barrier may be
term than episodic satiety signals that are activated at involved (Kastin & Pan 2000). Blood–brain barrier
each eating occasion. transport of leptin in mice is reduced by diet-induced
Leptin is a peptide hormone, mainly produced by the obesity (Banks et al. 1999). There is also some evidence
adipose tissue. It is a product of the ob gene, which was in animal models to suggest that neurones in the brain
first identified and cloned in a severely hyperphagic that respond to leptin may become resistant to its effects
(over-eating) and obese strain of mutant mouse (Zhang after chronic exposure to high levels of leptin (Sahu
et al. 1994). Circulating leptin levels are proportional to 2002).

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Leptin has been suggested as a biomarker for satiety lating leptin production. In turn, the leptin receptor is
(De Graaf et al. 2004). However, because high leptin expressed in the pancreatic b cells that produce insulin,
levels do not appear to reliably increase satiety, it cannot raising the possibility that leptin affects insulin produc-
be assumed that changes in leptin will cause a corre- tion (for a review see Kieffer & Habener 2000).
sponding change in appetite. Thus, leptin might be useful
as a biomarker of satiety in the longer term but may not
2.3 The integration of satiety signals in the brain
be useful in subjects with chronically high leptin levels.
Thus, while a lack of leptin causes severe obesity, Both tonic and episodic signals of appetite control act
high circulating levels do not have a similarly dramatic directly through receptors in the brain or indirectly via
effect in reducing body fat, which has been described as the nervous system on areas of the brain involved in
leptin resistance. It is also important to consider that appetite control. Neurones within these areas express
leptin’s ineffectiveness in preventing obesity at high neuropeptides that have downstream effects on energy
levels may be a result of internal satiety signals being homeostasis. This section describes how these signals
ignored in the face of easily available, energy-dense and are integrated to affect energy intake and expenditure.
palatable foods. Early animal experiments involving stimulation or
Insulin is a metabolic hormone produced by the pan- damage to different brain regions established the hypo-
creas. Unlike leptin, which does not rise directly thalamus as a centre for appetite control (Morgane &
in response to food intake, insulin secretion increases Jacobs 1969), and this picture has since been developed
rapidly after meals (Polonsky et al. 1988) and acts to by establishing pathways originating within the arcurate
control blood glucose levels. However, over the longer nucleus area of the hypothalamus, which controls
term, levels of plasma insulin are directly related to feeding and satiety. These pathways can broadly be
changes in adiposity, so that levels increase with obesity divided into anorexigenic (inhibit feeding) and orexi-
(Bagade et al. 1967). genic (stimulate feeding) pathways. Each pathway can be
In animal models, experimental administration of both stimulated and inhibited by signals from the
insulin results in a decrease in food intake and loss of gut, pancreas and adipose tissue. The overall effect is to
bodyweight (Woods et al. 1979; Ikeda et al. 1986), and increase feeding and decrease energy expenditure or vice
inhibition of insulin’s actions leads to increased energy versa, depending on the availability of nutrients and
intake and weight gain (McGowan et al. 1992). This the levels of energy storage in the body. The pathways
suggests that insulin contributes to satiety. Obesity and involved and how they integrate the tonic and episodic
lack of physical activity are associated with insulin resis- signals that have been described in previous sections
tance, which may be accompanied by dislipidaemia are summarised in Figure 3. Other areas of the brain are
(high plasma triglycerides, and low high density lipo- also involved in satiation and satiety, and these are briefly
protein (HDL) (‘good cholesterol’), central fat deposi- outlined in section 2.3.3. In addition, reward pathways,
tion and high blood pressure (Coppack et al. 2005). It is conveying the pleasurable qualities of food, may also
also possible that obese subjects are less sensitive to the influence satiety and are discussed in section 2.3.4.
satiating effects of insulin. In a study investigating
passive over-consumption of high-fat foods in lean and
2.3.1 Anorexigenic pathways in the hypothalamus
obese males, hyperinsulinaemia in the obese subjects
was associated with a lack of appetite control compared Neurones that express the neuropeptides pro-
with lean subjects (Speechly & Buffenstein 2000). The opiomelanocortin (POMC) and cocaine-and-
results of a study that measured responses to insulin in amphetamine-related transcript (CART) have an
the specific parts of the brain involved in satiety, sug- anorexigenic effect and are stimulated by leptin. POMC
gested that insulin resistance may attenuate the effect of is a precursor for the neuropeptide a-melanocyte-
insulin on these areas (Anthony et al. 2006). stimulating hormone (aMSH), which acts on melano-
Insulin crosses the blood–brain barrier and is thought cortin 3 (MC3) and melanocortin 4 (MC4) receptors
to act on insulin receptors that are found in the brain (Ellacott & Cone 2004). Administration of aMSH to
(Corp et al. 1986). The signalling pathways activated by rats inhibits feeding (Rossi et al. 1998) and increases
insulin are discussed in section 2.3. energy expenditure (Pierroz et al. 2002); humans and
Interestingly, it has been suggested that there is cross animals that have a mutant POMC or MC4 gene are
talk between leptin and insulin. Although leptin levels hyperphagic and obese (Yang & Harmon 2003). CART
are associated with fat mass, there appear to be other is co-expressed with POMC in the hypothalamus.
factors involved, and insulin may play a role in stimu- Administration of CART to rats inhibits feeding both

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136 B. Benelam

Arcurate nucleus Increased food

intake and decreased
energy expenditure

Stomach Grehlin

Intestine OXM AgRP

Figure 3 Circulating hormones influencing

energy homeostasis via the arcuate nucleus
Pancreas Insulin (adapted from Murphy & Bloom 2004).
Continuous lines indicate stimulatory effects,
CART receptors
and dashed lines indicate inhibitory effects.
AgRP, agouti-related peptide; CART, cocaine-and
amphetamine-related transcript; GLP-1,
glucagon-like-peptide 1; aMSH,
Adipose tissue Leptin Decreased food alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone; NPY,
intake and
neuropeptide Y, OXM, oxyntomodulin; POMC,
increased energy
expenditure pro-opiomelanocortin; PP, pancreatic
polypeptide; PYY, peptide YY.

under normal conditions and during starvation. Con- convey their signals downstream, producing the effects
versely, inhibiting the actions of CART increases feeding on energy homeostasis described in section 2.3. A
(Kristensen et al. 1998). detailed description of the neurotransmitters and path-
ways involved is beyond the scope of this paper, but see
Wynne et al. (2005a) for a review.
2.3.2 Orexigenic pathways in the hypothalamus
The brainstem is also an important area of the brain
Neurones that express NPY and agouti-related peptide for energy homeostasis. It receives signals from the gut
(AgRP) are orexigenic and are stimulated by ghrelin via the vagus nerve (Sawchenko 1983) regarding gastric
and inhibited by PYY 3-36, GLP-1, OXM, PP, insulin volume and information about the presence of nutrients
and leptin. Administration of NPY in animal models in the gut via signals from CCK (Schwartz et al. 1993;
causes hyperphagia and obesity (Stanley et al. 1986) and Mathias et al. 1998). The brainstem is thought to affect
reduces energy expenditure (Billington et al. 1991). energy homeostasis both through downstream signals in
NPY is thought to increase food intake and decrease response to input from the vagus nerve, peripheral cir-
energy expenditure by acting on Y1 and Y5 receptors in culating signals and via reciprocal connections with the
the hypothalamus (Gehlert 1999). NPY may also have hypothalamus (Wynne et al. 2005a).
an inhibitory effect on neurones, producing POMC
(Roseberry et al. 2004), therefore having a dual effect of
2.3.4 Reward pathways
stimulating feeding while inhibiting pathways that
reduce feeding. AgRP is an antagonist of the MC3 and Reward pathways, which are involved in signalling the
MC4 receptors, inhibiting the reductive effects of hedonic qualities of food and drink, may also influence
aMSH on appetite, so injection of AgRP causes an satiety, at least in the short-term. Several signalling
increase in food intake in rats (Rossi et al. 1998). systems are involved in the hedonic response to food.
Opioids appear to affect food intake. In mice, a lack of
opioids removed the reinforcing quality of foods (the
2.3.3 Other areas of the brain involved in
amount of work subjects are prepared to put in to
satiation and satiety
obtain food), in the fed but not the fasted condition
Neurones that express POMC/CART and NPY/AgRP (Hayward et al. 2002). Similarly, opioid antagonists
connect with other areas in the hypothalamus and have been found to decrease palatability but not to

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Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 137

Key points
• Satiation is induced via a number of mechanisms, including gastric distension and the gut hormone CCK.
• Satiety is controlled by both episodic (following an eating episode) and tonic (longer-term) signals.
• Episodic satiety signals are made by gut hormones. Release of ghrelin, which is associated with hunger, is
suppressed after energy intake. A number of gut hormones are released from the gastrointestinal tract when energy
is consumed, inducing satiety.
• Tonic satiety signals provide information about the amount of fat stored in the body. Leptin is secreted in
proportion to the amount of body fat, although there are inter-individual differences in leptin levels at comparable
body compositions. Although low leptin levels strongly stimulate energy intake, obese people have chronically high
levels of leptin, suggesting that leptin resistance is developed. Baseline levels of insulin also vary according to
adiposity, and insulin can impact on satiety.
• Specific areas in the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, are involved in integrating signals of satiation and
• In these areas, populations of orexigenic and anorexigenic neurones translate signals of satiation and satiety via
downstream pathways to modulate energy intake.
• In addition to the pathways controlling energy intake, reward pathways involved in the pleasurable perception
of food may interact with homeostatic controls and could also affect eating behaviour.

affect hunger or satiety in humans (Yeomans et al. not mutually exclusive and either process may occur
1990). However, in one study, subjects prone to binge under particular circumstances. It is self-evident that the
eating consumed fewer snacks when given opioid pleasurable sensory aspects of food can override internal
antagonists, despite ratings of hunger and satiety being satiety signals, and increased sensitivity to hedonic
unaffected by the treatment (Drewnowski et al. 1992). stimuli might be a risk factor for over-consumption and
The dopaminergic system is also involved in feeding- obesity (Blundell & Finlayson 2004).
reward behaviour. Mice that cannot produce dopamine
die because they do not feed, and dopamine replacement
restores preferences for palatable foods (Szczypka et al. 3. Measuring satiation and satiety
Both satiation and satiety are processes that affect
Endocannabinoids appear to act on both the homeo-
eating behaviour. They can be measured directly via
static and hedonic systems controlling feeding behav-
food intake or indirectly via subjective sensations. The
iour via the hypothalamus and other areas of the brain.
methods used and the issues that must be considered
They act on receptors throughout the body, including
when using them are outlined below.
the brain, adipose tissue, muscle and gastrointestinal
(GI) tract, increasing energy intake and fat deposition
and decreasing energy expenditure. In the presence of
3.1 Measuring satiation
palatable food, they affect appetite by both stimulating
the desire to eat and blocking signals to terminate eating The satiating qualities of foods and drinks can be mea-
(Woods 2007). The ability to block these actions was sured by allowing subjects to consume them ad libitum
exploited by using the cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1) and monitoring how much is eaten before satiation is
inverse agonist known as Rimonabant (Sanofi-Aventis). reached, compared with a control food. Because the
This prevented the effects of endocannabinoids, which termination of a meal may be affected by factors other
reduced appetite and aided weight loss (Poirier et al. than physiological signals, measurement of satiation is
2005). However, Rimonabant was withdrawn from the usually performed in a laboratory setting, where the
European market in 2008 because of the incidence of environment can be controlled to eliminate confounding
psychological side effects, such as depression, associated effects. These include the variety of foods offered, the
with its use. dietary restraint (tendency to consciously restrict the
Both homeostatic and hedonic pathways in the brain amount of food eaten) of subjects or the appeal and
are complex, and it is not clear whether they operate palatability of the food (Mattes et al. 2005). Confound-
independently or interact. Indeed, these possibilities are ers are discussed further in section 3.3.

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138 B. Benelam

3.2 Measuring satiety preload design, which is discussed in the following

The measurement of satiety can be achieved through
methods that allow subjects to record feelings of satiety
or hunger, and/or by measuring food intake directly. 3.2.2 Preload studies
Studies on satiety are complicated by the psychological
Studies that aim to measure the effects of a particular
and environmental factors that can conjointly affect
variable or variables on the short-term regulation of
eating behaviour, and these may be controlled where
food intake and appetite often follow a preload design,
possible in studies on satiety. Some of the methods for
generally carried out over part or all of a single day. This
studying satiety are outlined below.
involves first giving subjects a preload food or drink
where the variable of interest is manipulated in order to
monitor subsequent effects.
3.2.1 Free living vs. laboratory studies
The test and control preloads are matched (as far as
In attempting to measure satiety and eating behaviour, possible) for taste, appearance, texture and other
there has to be a compromise between being able to sensory qualities that might affect palatability. However,
measure these precisely and making the results appli- they may be different in energy content, macronutrient
cable to the ‘real world’. Because of potential confound- or ingredient composition, depending on the hypothesis
ing by behavioural and environmental factors on satiety to be tested. The subjects should be blinded to the
and energy intake, studies are often conducted in a differences between control and test preloads if the
laboratory environment. This allows the greatest pos- investigators wish to measure only the physiological
sible degree of control over the external conditions of effects of the manipulation. If the purpose of the study is
the study and this means that the endpoints of interest to measure both physiological and cognitive effects of
can be measured accurately. the changes made, the subjects may be told how the
However, when extrapolating the results of labora- preloads differ. The formulation of the preload is very
tory studies to free-living subjects, where conditions are important in the ability of the study to measure a dif-
not subject to the same rigorous control, it may be ference between the test and control preloads. Energy
difficult to determine how relevant these are. In particu- content appears to be particularly important. Small dif-
lar, short-term laboratory studies generally make efforts ferences in the energy content of test and control pre-
to reduce the effect of learning about the post-ingestive loads or comparisons of preloads containing relatively
effects of consuming a particular food or drink, for small amounts of energy, but differing in their compo-
example that hunger returns more quickly after a sition, may mean that no effect of the test preload is
reduced energy version of a product. These effects might detected; whereas, if the same variables are changed in
have a meaningful impact on eating behaviour in the preloads with higher energy content, significant effects
longer term (Livingstone et al. 2000). may be seen (Livingstone et al. 2000)
In practice, free-living studies require subjects to self- Typically, visual analogue scales (VAS), a type of self-
report dietary intakes, and these measurements are reported measure of appetite, are used to monitor
prone to bias. In particular, the underreporting of hunger, fullness and motivation to eat (see section
energy intakes (Black et al. 1993; Goldberg & Black 3.2.3). VAS may be recorded both before and at inter-
1998) and misreporting of macronutrient consumption vals after the preload is given to monitor changes in
(e.g. underreporting of fat consumption) (Pomerleau reported satiety.
et al. 1999; Goris et al. 2000) can be problematic in After a pre-determined time interval after the preload,
obtaining an accurate picture of dietary intakes. In a test meal is given, and energy intake is measured. The
addition, the lack of control over the subjects’ environ- time interval between the preload and the test meal is
ment may make it difficult to interpret results and draw critical to the results of the study because different
conclusions about the effects of the dietary manipula- physiological mechanisms play a role in satiety during
tion in question. the sensory, cognitive, post-ingestive and post-
Thus, although it is desirable to conduct studies absorptive phases of the satiety cascade (see Fig. 1). If
whose results are relevant to free-living populations, in sensory, cognitive or gastrointestinal factors are of inter-
reality, it is extremely difficult to gain meaningful results est, then the time delay must be 30 minutes or less. A
in uncontrolled conditions. Therefore, the vast majority longer time interval is needed to measure post-
of studies on satiety have been conducted in the labo- absorptive effects on satiety. However, if the interval is
ratory under controlled conditions. Many studies use a too long, differences between the test and control

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Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 139

preloads may not be detected (Livingstone et al. 2000). VAS are generally completed at intervals throughout a
The measurement of food intake in studies of satiety is study to monitor changes in appetite. Traditionally, VAS
discussed further in section 3.2.4. have been paper based but can now also be administered
Depending on the study, another meal may be offered by using portable electronic notepads, which have the
to test the effect of the preload over a longer time period advantage of logging the results automatically. Elec-
and subjects may also be asked to self-report their food tronic notepads can also provide alarms to prompt
intake for an allotted time after the study. Preload subjects to complete the VAS (Stratton et al. 1998).
studies generally have a crossover design, meaning sub- However, because the scale appears smaller on the elec-
jects consume both the control and test preloads on tronic notepad than on paper and subjects appear to be
separate occasions, so that effects of inter-individual more reluctant to use the extremes of the scale when in
differences are minimised. Differences in self-reported electronic form, paper and electronic VAS, although
ratings of satiety and energy intakes after consumption equally reliable, should not be used interchangeably
of the control and test preloads are then analysed to (Stubbs et al. 2001).
establish whether the variable in question had an effect VAS are relatively easy to use and process and have
on satiety. been found to be reproducible and valid on a short-
term basis, in that the satiety/hunger ratings correlate
with energy intake (Flint et al. 2000a). However, there
3.2.3 Self-reported measures of satiety are concerns that this association with food intake is
modest and that caution should be taken in interpret-
VAS Originally developed in the field of pain research, ing the results of studies by using VAS, especially if this
VAS are a simple tool to allow subjects to rate their level is the only measure of appetite used (Mattes et al.
of hunger, fullness or desire to eat. The scale consists of 2005).
a line, usually 100 or 150 mm, anchored by an extreme There are some issues with the interpretation of VAS.
answer to the question posed at either end, for example Although subjects make a mark on a continuous scale
‘How hungry are you?’, ‘Not at all hungry’ vs. ‘As and this is quantified, it cannot be assumed that a mark
hungry as I have ever felt’ (see Fig. 4). Subjects make a of 40 mm along a satiety scale indicates a sensation of
mark on the line, indicating how they feel at that half the magnitude of a mark that is 80 mm along the
moment, and this is quantified by measuring the dis- scale. It has also been suggested that subjects may be
tance from the left end of the line to the mark. Because reluctant to make full use of the scale, either avoiding
there may be inter-individual differences in the way the use of the extremes of the scale or preferring them
VAS are completed, a ‘within subject’ study design, (Livingstone et al. 2000). Despite these issues with VAS,
rather than separate groups of control and test subjects, they remain one of the most widely used tools in
is generally used where subjects act as their own research on satiety and are often used alongside mea-
controls. sures of food intake (see section 3.2.2 on preload

Category scales Category scales work on the same

How hungry are you? principle as VAS – subjects self-report their feelings of
hunger or satiety in response to questions. However,
Not at all hungry As hungry as I have ever felt instead of a continuous line, numbered categories
(usually from 1 to 9) are provided. These may go from
How satisfied are you? the absence of a factor to its extreme (e.g. ‘How hungry
are you?’ 1 = not at all, 9 = extremely hungry) or repre-
Completely empty Cannot eat another bite sent the extremes of two variables (e.g. 1 = extremely
hungry, 9 = extremely full).
As with VAS, there are interpretation issues. Although
How much could you eat? statements appear on a linear numerical scale, it cannot
be assumed that the associated statements have a linear
relationship; for example, the difference between state-
Nothing at all A lot
ments 3 and 4 might not be equivalent to that between
Figure 4 Examples of visual analogue scales for hunger/satiety (from Flint 5 and 6. As with VAS, there may also be a tendency for
et al. 2000). users to avoid extremes.

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140 B. Benelam

Satiety-labelled intensity magnitude (SLIM) scale The After a study in a laboratory, participants may be
SLIM scale was developed by Cardello et al. (2005) in asked to record their food intake and/or appetite ratings
order to provide better quantitative data from self- (using VAS or another self-reported method) when they
reported measures of satiety, using a series of experi- leave the laboratory, for a period after the study to
ments designed to quantify the meaning of a number of monitor any subsequent changes in appetite (e.g. for the
statements on hunger and satiety. The responses were rest of the day, after a morning spent under laboratory
used to select and quantify a number of phrases to label conditions or for the following 24 hours after a day’s
a magnitude scale from +100 through zero to -100. study). The problems of an uncontrolled environment
When compared with VAS, the SLIM scale was found to and misreporting of food intake persist, but the results
be more sensitive and reliable (Cardello et al. 2005). gained in the laboratory provide a context in which to
However, this scale requires further development (e.g. interpret this. Longer-term studies may provide food to
translations of terms into different languages) before it be consumed ad libitum and monitor the amount eaten
can be widely used. and may also measure changes in bodyweight. If it is
assumed that subjects eat until they are full when eating
ad libitum, which may not always be the case, energy
3.2.4 Measuring food intake
intake and any changes in bodyweight can give an idea
Measuring food intake is a common way to assess of the satiating properties of the diet as a whole.
satiety, but eating patterns may be affected by factors
other than internal appetite signals. Humans eat in the
3.2.5 Quantifying satiety
absence of hunger for a number of reasons (e.g. the
availability of palatable foods, boredom or emotional By using the preload design described in section 3.2.2,
stress). They may also refrain from eating when hungry methods have been developed to quantify satiety.
if psychological, social or environmental factors prevent
them from consuming food (Mattes et al. 2005). Satiating efficiency A test of ‘satiating efficiency’ was
Because eating behaviour can be affected by numer- developed by Kissileff in 1984 and aims to determine the
ous different variables, studies on satiety tend to be satiating power of foods according to particular factors
conducted in a laboratory setting where the environ- such as nutrient composition and energy content. A
ment can be closely controlled. This allows subjects’ number of preloads are given, varying one factor at a time
eating patterns to be monitored directly by keeping a to different degrees (e.g. increasing the energy content
record of foods consumed and using a nutritional analy- while keeping the proportions of macronutrients con-
sis software to calculate energy and nutrient intakes. stant). These are followed by a test meal at which energy
The amount of food or drink consumed can also be intake is measured. The energy intake at the test meal is
measured covertly and automatically by using a univer- then plotted against the factor in question, and the slope
sal eating monitor (UEM), which consists of a set of of this line is the ‘satiating efficiency’ per unit of the factor
weighing scales concealed under a table cloth, connected in the food in question (Kissileff 1984).
to a computer that measures the amount of food con-
sumed over time (Kissileff et al. 1980). The satiety index The satiety index (SI), designed by
In these studies, it is important to consider the kinds Holt et al. (1995), involves giving the food to be mea-
of foods offered and the way these are presented to sured as a preload, then taking VAS every 15 minutes
subjects in the laboratory, as this potentially affects how after the preload for the next two hours. Subjects are
much will be consumed. Obviously, foods must be then given a selection of food and drink to consume ad
acceptable to subjects in the study or they will not be libitum. A ‘satiety response curve’ is plotted by using the
consumed, and it is advisable to first conduct pilot change in satiety ratings on the VAS from baseline over
studies to test the palatability of test meals. Buffet type time. This is shown in Figure 5.
meals are often offered to allow subjects to choose from The SI score is calculated by dividing the area under
a variety of foods. However, it is known that offering a the satiety response curve (AUC) of the test food by the
wide variety of foods can increase energy intake through group average AUC of the reference food (white bread),
sensory specific satiety (i.e. a subject may feel sated with which contains the same amount of energy (1000 kJ),
by one kind of food but will consume more when alter- and multiplying the resulting number by 100. Thus, the
native foods are offered) (Rolls 1984). This should be SI compares foods relative to white bread to allow the
taken into account when designing and interpreting satiating properties of foods to be ranked (Holt et al.
studies (Livingstone et al. 2000). 1995).

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Satiety response curve be controlled for. Some possible confounders in satiety

research are outlined below, subdivided into physiologi-
Change in satiety rating scale units

cal and behavioural factors. Some studies may measure
2.5 the effects of these factors on their results, and, in these
cases, the factors of interest will not be controlled for.

White bread
Test food
3.3.1 Physiological confounders
Bodyweight Obese and lean subjects may respond dif-
ferently to tests of appetite and energy intake, not least
0 because their energy requirements are different – the
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 energy requirements of obese subjects are generally
Time (minutes) higher than those of lean subjects. There is also some
Figure 5 A schematic example of a satiety response curve as used by
evidence to suggest that there may be differences in
Holt et al. (1995) to calculate the satiety index (adapted from Holt et al. some aspects of physiological appetite control between
1995). lean and obese people that could potentially affect the
results of studies on satiety (see section 6). For these
reasons, studies may choose to include lean, overweight
The satiety quotient The satiety quotient (SQ), devel- or obese subjects only. In some cases, however, the dif-
oped by Green et al. (1997), provides a measure of a ferences between these populations may be of interest,
food’s ability to decrease motivation to eat. It is calcu- and satiety and energy intake may be compared in lean,
lated by measuring the motivation to eat immediately obese or overweight subjects.
before a test preload then at intervals afterwards. The
SQ is calculated from the difference between these Age The age of subjects may impact on satiety respon-
pre- and post-consumption motivations divided by the siveness, in particular to sensory specific satiety. This is
weight or energy content of the food or drink being the phenomenon whereby satiety is reached for a par-
tested. This gives a measure of the rate at which the ticular food or type of food, but, when different foods
motivation to eat returns, by weight of food or by are presented, appetite returns, stimulating further
energy content (Green et al. 1997). energy intake (Rolls 1984). This is discussed further in
These methods provide a way to compare the effects section 5.2. Sensitivity to sensory specific satiety appears
of different foods on satiety. However, they are only as to decline with age (Rolls & McDermott 1991), and this
reliable as the measures taken to calculate them and, as may be particularly important if the test meal offered is
discussed in section 3.2.3, self-reported measures to in the form of a buffet where subjects are offered a
indicate satiety have potential problems, which need to variety of foods.
be considered when using satiating efficiency, SI and SQ.
In addition, comparisons using these methods can only Gender The gender of participants in studies may affect
be made either within a study or between studies that their appetite and energy intake. First, simply because
have exactly the same study design. A comparison women have lower energy requirements than men, they
between studies with different designs would be mis- are likely to eat less, and this must be considered if
leading, as the values obtained are dependent on this. energy intake is an endpoint of the study.
In addition, if female participants of childbearing age
are included, it is important to take the menstrual cycle
3.3 Confounders in satiety research
into account. Women’s energy intake fluctuates within
Research into satiety generally aims to investigate the the menstrual cycle, with two distinct periods of
effects of a particular food/nutrient on eating behaviour elevated energy intake that appear to be related to
(e.g. whether fibre-rich foods enhance satiety, causing a hormonal fluctuations. The difference in energy intake
decrease in energy intake). Indeed, energy intake can be between these two phases and baseline intakes (364 kJ
used as a measure of satiety. However, this is complicated or 87 kcal/day) has the potential to confound research
by the fact that other factors can affect how much people on satiety that uses energy intake as an indicator, and
eat and how satisfied they feel after eating. If researchers this should therefore be noted and controlled for
do not wish these to impact on results, then they need to (Lissner et al. 1988).

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3.3.2 Behavioural confounders studies on satiety that wish to exclude the effect of
dietary restraint on results.
Habitual diet, alcohol and physical activity The
habitual diet, alcohol consumption and physical activity Prior knowledge and beliefs about test foods Most
of subjects can also affect satiety and eating behaviour. studies on satiety manipulate the content of test meals
Attempts may be made to ensure that participants are covertly in order to control the influence of beliefs or
not significantly different with regard to these factors knowledge about the foods or drinks in question on
before studies commence, and subjects may be excluded subsequent intake. However, this is very difficult to do
on this basis or asked to refrain from physical activity comprehensively, and subjects may still be able to detect
and alcohol consumption the day before a study. differences between the control and test meals. If the
Control of diet before a study may be particularly study requires a number of visits to the laboratory to
important in those who may not be in energy balance test different formulations, subjects will become accus-
before the study, for example, obese subjects or those on tomed to the conditions of the experiment and what is
a weight loss diet (Livingstone et al. 2000). However, expected of them, and this may also affect their response
Gregersen et al. (2008) found that standardising the diet (Livingstone et al. 2000).
of subjects prior to the study did not improve the repro- Studies that have tested the effect of prior knowledge
ducibility of ad libitum energy intakes and actually led about differences in the energy or fat content of foods
to an increased energy intake on the following day. This have found that these can affect both subsequent energy
issue may require further clarification. intake and feelings of satiety. When subjects are given
identical preloads but told that one is high in fat and
Dietary restraint Dietary restraint refers to the ten- the other low in fat, more energy is consumed after the
dency to restrict food intake in order to maintain or preload labelled as low fat (Caputo & Mattes 1993;
lose bodyweight and is often associated with dieting Shide & Rolls 1995). In addition, in a study of restrained
behaviour. Dietary restraint may be associated with eaters, sensations of hunger and fullness were affected by
‘disinhibition’, where control over eating is lost, result- the perceived energy content of a liquid preload even
ing in binge eating. Obviously, this type of behaviour in when this information was incorrect (Ogden & Wardle
the subjects of a study on satiety could affect the 1990). Thus, although difficult to do, it is essential that
results, and investigators commonly use questionnaires these factors are controlled as far as possible, unless the
such as the Dutch eating behaviour questionnaire (Van effect of prior knowledge and beliefs about the foods in
Strien et al. 1986) or the three-factor eating question- question is one of the variables to be measured.
naire (Stunkard & Messick 1985) to assess potential
dietary restraint behaviour in study subjects. These use The effect of other people It has been observed that
a series of questions on aspects of eating behaviour, people consume more energy when eating with others,
providing a score indicating the degree of dietary although the nature of the relationship with these other
restraint exhibited by the subject. Those who score people may modulate this effect (De Castro 1994, see
above a threshold level are commonly excluded from section 5.7). For this reason, subjects in satiety studies

Key points
• The effects of foods and drinks on satiation can be measured by the amount consumed ad libitum.
• Satiety can be measured directly via recording energy intake and indirectly by using self-reported measures of
• Visual analogue scales (VAS) are the most commonly used method of self-reporting appetite.
• Many studies on satiety use a preload design where a food or drink of interest or a control is given, generally
followed by VAS at selected intervals. Then, after a predetermined period of time, a meal is given, and energy intake
is measured.
• A number of physiological and behavioural factors can potentially confound studies on satiety and, as far as
possible, are controlled for in studies that wish to exclude their effects.
• In order to create a controlled environment, satiety studies are generally conducted in a laboratory. However, this
can make it difficult to extrapolate results to the ‘real world’, where conditions are not controlled for in this way.

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Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 143

generally eat alone or in separate booths to minimise 4.1 Protein and satiety
the social effects of the presence of others on eating
behaviour. Many studies have investigated the effects of protein on
satiety, and most but not all have found that, at suffi-
ciently high levels, protein has a stronger effect on
4. The effects of foods and drinks on satiety
satiety than equivalent quantities of energy from carbo-
It is possible for anything we eat or drink to affect hydrate or fat. Most studies investigating the effects of
satiety, so it is important to understand whether, relative protein on satiety have followed a preload design, where
to their energy content, different foods or components the protein content of the preload is varied and the
of foods may have consistently differing and meaningful effects on subsequent self-reported ratings of appetite
effects on satiety and subsequent energy intake, at a and/or energy intake are measured.
feasible level of consumption. A review of studies on protein, satiety and weight
This section looks at the effects on satiety of particu- loss by Halton and Hu (2004) looked at both short-
lar nutrients and food components, for example, fat and term and longer-term studies on satiety, energy intake
fibre, and other variables such as energy density and the and bodyweight change. The studies were selected on
degree of hydration (liquid vs. solid). Satiety, rather than the basis of making a comparison between higher and
satiation, is the main focus, as this is where the most lower protein preloads or diets monitoring satiety,
research has been conducted. It should be noted that this energy intake and bodyweight change. The authors
section does not systematically review the evidence in highlighted that the methodologies used were too dif-
this area but aims to present an overview of the effects ferent for a systematic comparison to be made and
of different foods and drinks on satiety. that the review was qualitative in nature. Out of 14
Studying the effects of one variable in food or drink short-term studies, 11 found that the higher protein
while keeping others constant is inherently difficult, preload significantly increased ratings of satiety, and 8
especially if researchers do not want the differences to out of 15 studies found that the subsequent energy
be discernable to subjects. For example, adding fibre to intake was significantly lower in the higher protein
a food can also decrease its energy density and palat- condition than in the control (Halton & Hu 2004).
ability, both of which could affect satiety. Conversely, The test period in the different studies ranged from 1
adding fat could have the opposite effect. Laboratory to 24 hours, and the proportions of macronutrients in
studies control test foods, so that only the factors of the test and control preloads also varied with 29% to
interest are varied. However, this may generate differ- 100% protein in the high protein test and a variety of
ences in the attributed effects of specific macronutrients higher carbohydrate or fat preloads for the control.
between laboratory situations (where many confound- The form of the preload also varied, from mixed meals
ing factors are largely controlled) and the real-food envi- to single drinks (Halton and Hu 2004). Another study,
ronment (where they are not). (not included in the Halton and Hu review) found
Although studies generally make efforts to control for that, in the short-term (over 5 hours), when the
confounding variables, it may not always be possible to macronutrient content of a test meal was varied but
keep all factors constant, and this should be considered the energy density was kept constant, there were no
when looking at the results. Many short-term studies in differences in appetite ratings or subsequent energy
this area follow the preload design, monitoring appetite intake (Raben et al. 2003).
ratings and energy intake after a test food or drink. In Halton and Hu (2004) also looked at the effect of
the longer term, changes in bodyweight in subjects high-protein diets on weight loss. Of the 15 studies
eating ad libitum may be measured to draw inferences identified, seven found a significant weight loss after a
about the effects of particular dietary patterns on satiety. high-protein diet compared with the control. Of the
Often these studies do not include measurements of studies selected, all 5 of those that allowed ad libitum
appetite, so, although it is assumed that subjects who intake found a significant weight loss, whereas only 2 of
are not consciously restricting their intake will eat to the 10 studies that provided isocaloric high- vs. low-
fullness, caution must be exercised in drawing conclu- protein diets had significant weight loss results (Halton
sions about satiety in these cases. Finally, epidemiologi- & Hu 2004). Although appetite ratings were not taken
cal studies may find associations between particular during these studies, it may be that increased satiety on
dietary patterns and bodyweight, and, although these the high protein diets vs. the control diets mediated
cannot demonstrate a causal effect of a particular diet lower energy intakes in the ad libitum studies, resulting
on satiety, they can lend weight to a line of evidence. in weight loss.

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A subsequent study that looked at the effects of LC, ketogenic diet (30% energy from protein, 4%
both isocaloric and ad libitum high-protein diets lends energy from carbohydrate) with a high-protein, MC,
support to this theory. Subjects were given a diet that non-ketogenic diet (30% energy from protein, 35%
provided either 15% or 30% energy from protein (car- energy from carbohydrate). The energy density of the
bohydrate was kept constant at 50% of energy and fat LC and MC diets were the same, but the carbohydrate
varied from 35% to 20% of energy). For the first four and fat contents varied reciprocally. The study had a
weeks of the study, the high- and low-protein diets were crossover design, so that subjects consumed both diets.
isocaloric, and subjects reported significantly higher The foods for each diet were provided, and the subjects
ratings of satiety on the high-protein diet than on the instructed to eat ad libitum for four weeks. Hunger and
low-protein diet. For the following 12 weeks, the energy intakes were found to be significantly lower on
macronutrient proportions of the diet remained con- the LC ketogenic diet than on the MC non-ketogenic
stant, but subjects were allowed to eat ad libitum from diet, and subjects lost significantly more weight on the
foods provided. This resulted in a spontaneous reduc- LC ketogenic diet. Other measures of appetite were
tion in energy intake on the high-protein compared with tested, such as fullness and prospective consumption
the low-protein diet of 1852 kJ (441 kcal) per day on (how much subjects thought they could eat), but were
average and an average weight loss at the end of the not found to be significantly different between the two
study period of 4.9 kg. This reduction in energy intake diets (Johnstone et al. 2008). It is not possible to con-
did not appear to cause a reduction in satiety according clude whether it was the ketosis on the LC diet or the
to self-reported appetite ratings (Weigle et al. 2005). difference in fat content between the two diets that
Lejeune et al. (2006) conducted a study on protein caused the reduction in hunger and energy intake, and
and satiety in respiration chambers, allowing energy the relevance of ketosis to satiety may warrant further
expenditure to be assessed. For four days, subjects were investigation. It should be noted, however, that there
fed either an adequate-protein diet (10% energy from are safety concerns about very-high-protein diets and
protein) or a high-protein diet (30% energy from that caution should be exercised in promoting them
protein), which were isocaloric. VAS measurements (Eisenstein et al. 2002).
showed that satiety was significantly increased and Some studies have investigated the short-term effects
hunger was significantly reduced on the high-protein of different protein sources on satiety. Uhe et al. (1992)
diet, compared with the adequate protein diet, despite measured the relative satiating effects of protein in beef,
energy intakes being the same. Sleeping metabolic rate chicken and fish over a period of three hours. VAS
and diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) were significantly measures of satiety were found to be significantly higher
higher on the high-protein than on the adequate-protein after subjects consumed fish than beef or chicken (Uhe
diet (Lejeune et al. 2006). These results confirm those of et al. 1992). Subsequent energy intake was not mea-
a similar study performed by this research group in sured. Similarly, Borzoei et al. (2006) also looked at the
1999 (Westerterp-Plantenga et al. 1999). In a subse- satiating effects of beef and fish and found a non-
quent review on the effect of protein intake on weight significant increase in satiety and a significant decrease
management, Westerterp-Plantenga et al. (2007) high- in energy intake at a subsequent meal after the fish
light the relationship between DIT and satiety, both of compared with the beef (Borzoei et al. 2006). However,
which are increased on high-protein diets. It is suggested both studies were relatively small (6 and 23 subjects,
that the associated increase in body temperature and respectively) and included only lean men. The mecha-
oxygen consumption when on the high-protein diet may nism by which fish protein might exert greater effects on
enhance satiety (Westerterp-Plantenga et al. 2007). satiety is not known, but the authors hypothesised that
A feature of some popular high-protein diets that it might be a result of differences in amino acid content
are also very low in carbohydrate is the induction of or in the slower rate of digestion of fish protein.
ketosis. This is the state where ketone bodies are gen- Mycoprotein, which is a high-protein food produced
erated from fat stores in response to reduced glucose from a fungal source, has also been tested for its effects
availability when carbohydrate intake is very low. An on satiety. Burley et al. (1993) and Turnbull et al. (1993)
intervention study with obese male subjects by compared the effects on satiety of a mycoprotein-based
Johnstone et al. (2008) was designed to test whether meal with those of a chicken meal, with the same
high-protein, low-carbohydrate (LC), ketogenic diets protein content. In both studies, subsequent energy
were more satiating and caused greater weight loss intake was lower after the mycoprotein than after the
than high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (MC), non- chicken meal. Although the meals were matched for
ketogenic diets. The study compared a high-protein, energy and protein, it should be noted that the

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mycoprotein meal was higher in fibre, which may have intake, but when the protein content was reduced and
affected the satiety response. It is therefore not possible carbohydrate was added, there was no significant reduc-
to draw conclusions about the specific the effects of tion in energy intake (Anderson et al. 2004). Overall,
protein on satiety in this case (Burley et al. 1993; evidence suggests that the source of protein itself, at
Turnbull et al. 1993). Williamson et al. (2006) com- levels feasible in foods, does not have a large and con-
pared the effects on satiety of a mycoprotein preload sistent effect on subsequent appetite and food intake.
with those of chicken and tofu, with matched protein In summary, there is relatively consistent evidence
contents. Energy intake at the test lunch was reduced that energy from protein, in a sufficient dose, has a
after both the tofu and mycoprotein preloads, compared greater effect on satiety than an equivalent amount of
with the chicken preload. There was no significant dif- energy from carbohydrate or fat, in the short-term,
ference in this reduction in energy intake between the although it is important to note that this effect has
tofu and mycoprotein preloads. There were also no not always been observed in studies that have matched
significant differences between any of the three preloads the energy densities of macronutrient preloads. This
on the ratings of appetite or energy intake at the evening appears to translate into larger amounts of weight loss
meal. However, this does mean that subjects did not in longer-term studies when ad libitum high-protein
compensate for eating less at lunch time (after the tofu diets are compared with lower-protein diets. This may
or mycoprotein preloads) by eating more at the evening be a result of a higher satiating effect of protein,
meal (Williamson et al. 2006). although appetite measures are often not taken in these
Different types of isolated protein added to meals studies, making it difficult to confirm this.
have also been investigated for their potential effects Differences in study design make it difficult to pin-
on satiety. Lang et al. (1998) looked at the effects of egg point the optimum dose or percentage of energy needed
albumen, casein, gelatin, soy protein, pea protein and to observe significant effects of protein on satiety.
wheat gluten on satiety, using a preload design, and Anderson and Moore (2004) suggest that at least 50 g
found no significant differences in their effects on appe- of protein in a food or meal is necessary to see a signifi-
tite (Lang et al. 1998). The doses used in this study were cant effect on satiety, but that there is not currently
extremely high (70 g of protein per meal), and this was sufficient information to describe a dose–response rela-
followed up with a similar study using casein, gelatin tionship. There is currently no formal definition of ‘high
and soy protein at lower doses (50 g and 25 g). protein’ as a percentage of energy in a meal or diet. In a
However, again, there were no significant differences review of the safety and efficacy of high protein diets,
found between the different types of protein (Lang et al. Eisenstein et al. (2002) suggested that protein intakes
1999). higher than 25% energy should be defined as ‘high’ and
Hall et al. (2003) compared the effects of drinks con- over 35% energy as ‘extremely high’ based on the US
taining very large amounts (48 g per serving) of whey vs. dietary recommended intakes which give 10–35% as the
casein (both milk proteins) and found that energy intake acceptable range of protein intake (Eisenstein et al.
was reduced by 19% at a subsequent meal by the whey 2002).
compared with the casein preload (Hall et al. 2003).
Anderson et al. (2004) compared the effects of 45–50 g
4.2 Carbohydrates and satiety
of protein in liquid preloads from whey, soy protein, egg
albumen, sucrose and a control (water) on subsequent Carbohydrates are a diverse group that includes mono-,
energy intake. Whey and soy protein suppressed energy di- and oligosaccharides and starches made from long
intake at a meal provided one hour later, but egg chains of glucose. The rate at which sugars (mono and
albumin and sucrose did not, resulting in a greater disaccharides) and starches are digested, absorbed and
energy intake overall (preload plus meal). Whey was metabolised are different because the longer chain length
more effective at suppressing subsequent energy intake of starches increases the time needed for digestion com-
than soy, resulting in compensation for the energy in the pared with sugars. In addition, there are a number of
preload of 96% and 59% respectively, after the whey monosaccharides (e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose) that
protein preload and the soy preload. are combined to make disaccharides, such as sucrose,
In a separate experiment, the effect of 50 g of soy lactose and maltose, and there are also variations in the
protein was compared with a combination of 25 g of metabolism of different monosaccharides. Therefore, the
soy protein and 25 g of carbohydrate (either glucose or effect of a carbohydrate on satiety depends on the form
amylose) on energy intake at a meal one hour later. Soy of the carbohydrate and other aspects of the food (e.g.
protein alone caused a significant reduction in energy fibre content) from which it is delivered.

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In the 1950s, the glucostatic theory of appetite regu- but were blinded as to their composition. The drinks
lation was developed by Mayer (1953), which hypoth- provided were actually diet and sugar-sweetened ver-
esised that blood glucose levels determined appetite, sions of a well-known brand of soft drink. However,
initiating energy intake when low and causing satiety subjects were told that the drinks had been created
when increased. Although the effect of nutrients on especially for the study to minimise any associations
appetite is now understood to be far more complex subjects might already have with this particular brand.
(Stubbs 1996), glucose concentration does play a role in The study had a crossover design so that subjects were
appetite control. Because the brain depends heavily on tested with both the sucrose and aspartame containing
glucose as a source of energy, glucose levels are tightly drinks and acted as their own controls. The weekly
controlled, and there are multiple sites in the body allocation (comprised of four 250 ml bottles to be con-
where glucose levels are detected. This information is sumed over the course of the week) of sucrose-sweetened
integrated in the brain, feeding into a number of neu- drinks provided 1800 kJ, whereas the aspartame-
ronal pathways, including those affecting energy intake sweetened drinks provided 170 kJ/week. No effect was
(Marty et al. 2007). Thus, appetite regulatory systems seen on ratings of satiety, but the timing of appetite
appear to be directly affected by glucose in addition to ratings was not designed to detect short-term changes
the hormonal signals discussed in section 2. in appetite after the drinks. In the sucrose condition,
A number of sugars have been investigated for their subjects reduced their energy intake, partly compensat-
effects on satiety. As with studies on protein, a preload ing for the additional energy from sucrose. However,
design is commonly used, and, in order to assess the because compensation was approximately 50%, con-
effects of individual sugars, the preload is often a drink sumption of sucrose-containing drinks resulted in an
with the sugar in question added. With regard to increased energy intake compared with the baseline mea-
sucrose, (a disaccharide of glucose and fructose), review surement. Consumption of the aspartame-containing
studies have found that 25 g as a single dose appears to drinks resulted in a small reduction in energy intake,
be the lower detection limit in terms of inducing satiety compared with the baseline (Reid et al. 2007).
(Anderson & Woodend 2003), and 50 g or more of Glucose and fructose preloads have also been found
sucrose has been shown to increase satiety and reduce to reduce subsequent energy intake (Anderson &
food intake in the following 20–60 minutes in adults Woodend 2003). There is some uncertainty regarding
and children, although the reduction in energy intake the relative effects of glucose and fructose on satiety.
does not fully compensate for the additional energy Studies comparing the two tend to be small and short-
from the sucrose preload (Anderson 1995). It should be term and have yielded conflicting results as to which is
noted that the studies included in these two reviews the more satiating (Anderson 1995; Anderson &
were relatively small and short-term and so conclusions Woodend 2003). Glucose and fructose are absorbed and
about the longer-term effects of sucrose consumption on metabolised differently and may act differently on
satiety or energy intake cannot be drawn. satiety pathways. Glucose itself is detected in the brain
In a review of the effects of refined carbohydrates on and causes insulin release, which also acts on appetite
satiety and mood, Hammersley et al. (2007) emphasised centres in the brain to induce satiety (see section 2.1.2).
the difficulty in disentangling the physiological effects of The way in which fructose feeds into satiety pathways is
refined carbohydrates on satiety and the psychological less clear, and some studies have found that leptin levels
effects of sweetness. Results from the short-term studies are reduced and ghrelin levels are not suppressed in
on carbohydrate and satiety were inconsistent, and the response to fructose ingestion (Teff et al. 2004). This
authors of the review highlighted the fact that a number might be expected to lead to impaired satiety although,
of studies had not blinded subjects to the content of the because there are many other factors involved in satiety-
test foods/drinks. With the longer-term studies on car- signalling pathways, this cannot be assumed.
bohydrate and satiety included, it was also difficult to A number of studies have compared the effects of
draw overall conclusions because of the influence of sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on satiety.
the inherent palatability of sweetness on food intake HFCS is typically comprised of 55% fructose and 45%
(Hammersley et al. 2007). glucose, although other proportions exist, and so is not
Reid et al. (2007) investigated the effects of drinks that dissimilar to sucrose in terms of its composition.
containing sucrose vs. those containing aspartame on During the storage of soft drinks, sucrose (50% glucose
satiety and energy intake for a period of four weeks in and 50% fructose) is 90% inverted to glucose and fruc-
133 free-living female subjects with healthy body- tose within three months (Hein et al. 2005). So, in this
weights. Subjects were provided with drinks each week case, the composition of sugars in drinks sweetened with

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sucrose compared with HFCS may not be that different. fibre. Both short-term studies (one day or less) with
A number of studies have investigated whether drinks liquid carbohydrates (e.g. glucose or fructose in water)
sweetened with HFCS compared with sucrose have or foods and longer-term studies (2 weeks – 6 months)
different effects on satiety, and a significant difference were included. Twenty-six short-term studies using
between the two types of sweetener has not been found foods were selected. While some studies were inconclu-
(Akhavan & Anderson 2007; Monsivais et al. 2007; sive, 16 out of the 26 studies concluded that satiety was
Soenen & Westerterp-Plantenga 2007). For more infor- increased with low-GI vs. high-GI foods. The authors of
mation on liquids and satiety, see section 4.6. the review concluded that, despite some possible con-
Aside from sugars, much research on carbohydrates founding factors, such as the fibre content and palat-
and satiety has focused on the impact of glycaemic ability of the foods, there was evidence that low-GI
index (GI) or glycaemic load (GL). GI is a measure of foods had greater satiating effects than high-GI foods in
the capacity of carbohydrate-containing foods to raise the short-term. However, seven longer-term studies were
blood glucose compared with a standard, usually identified, and their results did not suggest that the
glucose or white bread. GI is defined as the incremental increased satiety seen in the short-term studies had an
area under the blood glucose curve of a test food con- effect on energy intake or bodyweight over the longer
taining 50 g of carbohydrate, expressed as a percentage time periods studied (Bornet et al. 2007).
of the response to a portion of the reference food con- A study by Alfenas & Mattes (2005) compared ad
taining 50 g of carbohydrate, taken by the same subject libitum high- and low-GI diets over a period of 8 days.
on a different day (FAO/WHO 1998). A high-GI food is A selection of high-GI and low-GI foods were provided,
one that is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract rela- and subjects ate only those foods for the duration of the
tively rapidly, resulting in a sharp peak in blood glucose, study. The high- and low-GI foods were matched for
rather than in the more gradual rise over time seen with macronutrient composition and palatability, but the
low GI foods. low-GI diet was higher in fibre. Appetite ratings were
GL is calculated by multiplying the available carbo- taken on days 1 and 8 after breakfast and lunch, and
hydrate (the total carbohydrate minus fibre) in a serving energy intake was recorded throughout the study. No
of the product by its GI and then dividing by 100. This differences were observed in appetite ratings or in
was introduced for providing a measure of glycaemic energy intakes between the high-GI and low-GI diets
response that was relevant to a realistic portion of a (Alfenas & Mattes 2005). This suggests that, under
food, rather than a constant amount of carbohydrate carefully controlled conditions, the GI of foods does not
(Jenkins et al. 2002). For example, a carrot has a high affect satiety or energy intake.
GI but a low GL, as the amount of carbohydrate per Das et al. (2007) conducted a randomised controlled
portion is relatively small. When considering the effects trial (RCT) that looked at the effects of two energy-
of GI or GL, it is important to note that there are a restricted diets, one high- and one low-GL. All foods
number of different factors that influence GI and GL, were provided for the first six months of the trial, and
including fibre content and fat or protein content, all of subjects were guided by individual eating plans prepared
which may have independent effects on satiety. In par- during discussions with dietitians. The researchers
ticular, low GI foods may also be high in fibre, which designed the diets to avoid confounding factors, such as
can enhance satiety (see section 4.3), and this can be a the palatability and variety of the diet. Satisfaction, with
confounding factor. Thus, the literature on GI/GL and the quantity and types of food provided, hunger, and
satiety is complicated by the fact that, unless the com- desire to eat foods that were not included in the study
position of test foods is very carefully controlled, any were measured during the first three months of the
observed effects on appetite or energy intake may not be study. There was a significant decrease in satisfaction
a result of differences in glycaemic response per se, but with the foods provided, within the high GL group, but
due to other factors, such as macronutrient composi- not within the low-GL group, but there were no signifi-
tion, fibre content and palatability. cant differences over time between the high- and
A review by Bornet et al. (2007) examined a number low-GL groups. Both groups decreased their energy
of studies that had investigated the relationship between intakes, compared with baseline, and lost weight and
the glycaemic response to foods and its impact on satiety body fat, but, again, there were no significant differ-
and weight management. Confounding factors were ences between the high- and low-GL groups (Das et al.
taken into account when selecting studies for this 2007).
review. However, the authors commented that there was Aston et al. (2008) performed an RCT measuring
difficulty in distinguishing the effects of GI from those of the effect of a higher- vs. lower-GI ad libitum diet on

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appetite, dietary intake and bodyweight using a cross- were specifically due to the fibre content of the low-
over design (subjects were tested with both diets and energy density diet or to the effect of energy density
acted as their own controls). The diets were matched for overall or to some other factor.
energy content, macronutrient composition and fibre Studies on a number of whole foods, such as fruit,
content. No differences were found between the higher vegetables, oats, barley and bread, were included in the
and lower GI conditions for any of the endpoints mea- review. Most, but not all, studies showed an effect of
sured (Aston et al. 2008). Overall, the evidence suggests fibre on satiety and subsequent energy intake. The
that, when potential confounding factors are controlled, amount of fibre was important, and larger doses were
the GI or GL of foods does not have a significant impact more effective at promoting satiety and reducing energy
on satiety. intake. Other factors also appeared to play a role, such
Thus, carbohydrates are a diverse group of com- as the extent to which the food was refined or processed,
pounds, and it is difficult to make generalisations about the particle size in grain-based foods and energy density
their effects on satiety. Although carbohydrates have (Slavin & Green 2007).
been suggested to be intermediate in their impact on Many types of isolated fibre were included in this
satiety – less satiating than protein, but more so than fat review, and some, but not all, had a significant effect on
– comparisons between the satiating power of carbohy- satiety and/or energy intake. Generally, those studies
drates and fats have provided inconsistent results (see that used high doses of fibre (e.g. more than 10 g in one
section 4.5). dose or 30 g over the course of a day) had more positive
results. However, in some cases (e.g. when using poly-
dextrose), even high doses had no effect. The more
4.3 Fibre and satiety
viscous fibres, such as pectin, psyllium and guar gum,
The term ‘dietary fibre’ encompasses a variety of com- were the most effective at increasing satiety and had an
pounds that reach the colon undigested, including impact on satiety even at relatively low doses. Slavin and
insoluble fibres such as wheat bran, soluble fibres from Green (2007) suggested that viscous fibres could
oats and fruits, resistant starches and oligosaccharides. prolong the digestion of food and absorption of nutri-
These may be found naturally in foods or isolated and ents, extending the time available to stimulate pre- and
used as functional ingredients (for more information, post-absorptive mechanisms of satiety. The bulking
see Lunn & Buttriss 2007; Buttriss & Stokes 2008). The effect of fibre can increase chewing time and gastric
effect that a type of fibre has on satiety depends on its distension, promoting satiation. Adding fibre also
physical properties when eaten and its physiological reduces energy density, which may also promote satiety
effects in the gut. (see section 4.8) (Slavin & Green 2007).
The literature on dietary fibre and satiety was Novel fibres, which form gels in the stomach because
reviewed by Slavin and Green in 2007. They looked at of a chemical reaction with stomach acid, have been
studies using high-fibre diets, whole foods and isolated developed and tested with respect to their effect on
fibres that can be added to foods. With regard to high- satiety and energy intake. Hoad et al. (2004) tested the
fibre diets, two studies in this review looked at the effect effects of drinks containing alginate fibres (one that
of a high-fibre breakfast on subsequent energy intake formed a gel in the stomach and one that did not)
at lunch (Burley et al. 1987; Silberbauer et al. 1996). compared with drinks containing guar gum (a fibre
Neither study detected an impact of fibre on energy whose viscosity is unaffected by stomach acid) and a
intake but Burley et al. found that the high-fibre break- control (a sweetened milk drink) in 12 overweight and
fast caused greater fullness in subjects’ appetite ratings. obese subjects. All the drinks containing added fibres
Another study compared the effects of ad libitum high- were significantly more satiating over a 240-minute
and low-energy density diets on satiety, energy intake period than the control, and there was a trend for
and eating time over five days. The high-energy density increasing satiety with increased viscosity (the gel-
diet was achieved by using products that were high in fat forming alginate being the most viscous) (Hoad et al.
and sugar and by avoiding fibre. The low-energy density 2004).
diet was made up of high-fibre foods and was low in fat. Pelkman et al. (2007) compared the effects on energy
Subjects consumed half the amount of energy per day on intake of drinks providing two different levels (1 and
the low- compared with the high-energy density diet, 2.8 g) of a gelling pectin-alginate fibre in a drink, com-
and eating time was 33% longer on the low-energy pared with a control drink without added fibre, in 29
density diet (Duncan et al. 1983). However, it is not overweight and obese subjects. The drinks were con-
possible to discern from this study whether the results sumed twice a day over 7 days, and energy intake at an

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evening meal was recorded. The 2.8 g dose of pectin- intake within the context of a controlled diet
alginate caused a decrease of approximately 10% in (Drewnowski & Bellisle 2007).
energy intake at the evening meal, which was not com- Appleton and Blundell (2007) investigated the effects
pensated for by an increase in energy intake later. The of intense sweeteners and sugars on habitual high (HC)
1 g dose reduced energy intake in some, but not all and low consumers (LC) of drinks containing intense
subjects (Pelkman et al. 2007). Paxman et al. (2008) sweeteners. In LC subjects, subsequent energy intake
tested a gelling alginate fibre vs. a control in 68 men was increased in response to the sweet tastes of both
and women for 7 days. Daily consumption of the fibre preloads containing intense sweeteners and sugar,
resulted in a 7% reduction in energy intake in these whereas, in HC subjects this increase was not observed.
subjects (Paxman et al. 2008). Thus, this novel action of This suggested that HC subjects had learnt to dissociate
gelling fibres appears to be effective in inducing satiety sweetness from energy provision, whereas LC subjects
and reducing energy intakes, but more studies may be had not (Appleton & Blundell 2007). This study indi-
needed to confirm these effects. It should also be noted cates that previous experience with intense sweeteners
that some consumers might find products containing may affect appetite and energy intake after their
these fibres unpalatable (Hoad et al. 2004). consumption.

4.4 Intense sweeteners and satiety 4.5 Fat and satiety

Intense sweeteners provide a sweet taste in foods or Dietary fat affects satiety by slowing gastric emptying,
drinks without delivering energy. There has been some stimulating the release of satiating gut hormones and
debate surrounding their effects on satiety and energy suppressing the release of ghrelin (Little et al. 2007) (see
intake, in particular whether they help to reduce energy section 2.2.1). However, it has been suggested that the
intake overall or disrupt appetite regulatory systems, effect of fat on satiety is weaker than that of either
resulting in a loss of appetite control and overeating. protein or carbohydrate (Rolls et al. 1988; Westerterp
Because there are a number of different intense sweet- 2004). This view is not supported by all studies, and it
eners that can be used in a variety of products, this is a is important to note that an increase in the fat content of
complex area and effects may depend on the sweetener a food or diet tends to increase palatability and energy
used and the product containing it. density, both of which can also affect satiety and energy
Drewnowski and Bellisle (2007) reviewed this area intake (Rolls & Hammer 1995). Some of the studies
and highlighted that, as energy density is an important that have investigated the effects of fat on satiety are
determinant of energy intake (see section 4.8), the effect outlined below.
of intense sweeteners on energy density of foods is an Blundell et al. (1993) investigated the effects on sub-
important factor. In those soft drinks in which the sequent energy intake of the addition of either a carbo-
energy content is provided by sugars, the replacement of hydrate or fat supplement of 1.52 MJ (362 kcal) to a
sugar with intense sweeteners produces a large reduc- standard breakfast in lean male subjects, 90 and 270
tion in energy density, to almost zero. In solid foods minutes after eating the breakfast. The carbohydrate
where energy is also provided by protein and fat, supplement resulted in a reduction in energy intake after
replacement of sugars with intense sweeteners has less 90 minutes but not after 270 minutes, but the fat supple-
impact on energy density. The studies investigating the ment produced no reduction in subsequent energy intake.
impact of intense sweeteners on satiety and energy Although the fat and carbohydrate supplements were
intake, reviewed by Drewnowski and Bellisle, had matched for energy content, the higher energy content
mixed results, with some finding increases in appetite per gram of fat than of carbohydrate results in a higher
and/or energy intake, some a decrease, but the majority energy density (kJ/g; kcal/g) in the fat supplement. So it is
finding no significant effect on these parameters. Differ- not possible to discern whether the results in this study
ences in study design make it difficult to reach any were due to the specific effects of fat on satiety or
overall conclusions about the effect of intense sweeten- differences in energy density.
ers on satiety, but it appears that intense sweeteners do In a further study, obese female subjects were fed
not enhance satiety. The reduction in energy intake either a high- (4.12 MJ/985 kcal) or low-(2.21 MJ/
because of the reduced energy density of foods/drinks 527 kcal) energy lunch, and then given an evening meal
containing intense sweeteners does not seem to be com- where they were allowed to choose from either a range of
pensated for by an increase in subsequent energy intake. high-fat foods (minimum 50% energy from fat) or a
However, this could only be helpful in reducing energy range of high-carbohydrate foods (minimum 50%

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energy from carbohydrate). There was a non-significant consume less energy and lose more weight on low fat
increase in energy intake at the evening meal after the diets, without any restriction on the amount of food
low- vs. the high-energy lunch of 0.59 MJ (139 kcal). eaten (Glueck et al. 1982; Lissner et al. 1987; Kendall
However, exposure to the choice of high-carbohydrate et al. 1991). Glueck et al. took a number of daily appe-
or high-fat foods caused a significant difference in energy tite ratings and found no significant differences between
intake with subjects consuming an average of 2.84 MJ the high-fat and low-fat conditions. Lissner et al. and
(677 kcal) and 5.59 MJ (1336 kcal) on the high- Kendall et al. did not measure appetite. These studies
carbohydrate and high-fat meals, respectively (Blundell suggest that humans do not detect a reduction in energy
et al. 1993). Thus, providing foods with a higher fat when the fat content of the diet is reduced and thus do
content stimulated passive over-consumption of energy not compensate by eating more. However, although pal-
at the evening meal. However, again, increasing the fat atability of the high-fat and low-fat diets was matched
content of foods also increased their energy density com- in these studies, energy density would have been lower
pared with the high carbohydrate foods, and it might be in the low-fat condition, so it is not possible to conclude
energy density, not the fat content per se, that led to the whether it was the reduction in the fat content of the
increased energy intakes observed in this study. diet specifically or the lower energy density of the low-
Stubbs et al. (1996) looked at the effects of breakfasts fat diets that led to the reduction in energy intake. As
high in protein (HP), carbohydrate (HC) or fat (HF) on mentioned in section 4.1, Raben et al. (2003) found
appetite ratings and energy intake at a test lunch, five that, when energy density was kept constant, varying
hours later and for the rest of the day (until 11 pm). The the macronutrient content of meals did not affect satiety.
breakfasts were matched for energy density and palat- The effect of energy density on satiety is discussed
ability. They found that hunger was highest after the HF further in section 4.8.
breakfast compared with the HP and HC breakfasts, Overall, it appears that when energy density is con-
and that the HP breakfast was the most effective at trolled, fat does not have a lesser effect on satiety than
suppressing hunger throughout the day. However, these other macronutrients do. However, for free-living
differences did not translate into significant differences people whose conditions are not controlled, high-fat
in energy intake either at the lunch or during the rest of foods and diets will often also have a higher energy
the study day (Stubbs et al. 1995b). density than high-carbohydrate or protein foods. So, in
Bell and Rolls (2001) compared the effects of meals practice, fat content and energy density are closely
containing varying amounts of fat, matched at two dif- linked. The palatability of high-fat foods/diets is also a
ferent levels of energy density. This created six different factor that could contribute to their over-consumption.
experimental conditions: lower-energy density with a The chain length of fatty acids in a triaclyglyceride
low-, medium- or high-fat content or higher-energy (fat) affects how they are absorbed and processed by the
density with a low-, medium- or high-fat content. body (French 2004), and this and their degree of unsat-
Thirty-six subjects attended the laboratory on six occa- uration (e.g. MUFA vs. PUFA) have also been suggested
sions (to test each experimental condition) and ate to influence satiety. However, where effects have been
breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening snack. Ratings shown, they have generally been small or occur only on
of appetite and daily energy intakes were measured. No extreme diets (Stubbs & Harbron 1996; van Wymelbeke
significant differences were seen in appetite ratings, but et al. 1998; French et al. 2000; Lawton et al. 2000;
energy intakes were significantly higher (by 20%) on the Krotkiewski 2001) and some studies have failed to dem-
higher-energy density than on the lower-energy density onstrate an effect (Kamphuis et al. 2001; Kovacs et al.
diets. When energy density was matched, the fat content 2001; Bendixen et al. 2002; Alfenas & Mattes 2003;
of the diets did not affect energy intake, indicating that Flint et al. 2003; MacIntosh et al. 2003).
it was the energy density and not the fat content that
influenced satiety (Bell & Rolls 2001). 4.6 Liquids and satiety
Saltzman et al. (1997) conducted a study with seven
twin pairs, investigating the effects on energy intake of a Trends in sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption have
high-fat vs. a low-fat diet eaten ad libitum over 11 days. increased alongside increases in obesity prevalence, par-
The two diets were matched for energy density, and no ticularly in the US, leading to a speculation that these
significant differences were detected in energy intakes drinks may be partly responsible for the obesity epi-
between the two diets (Saltzman et al. 1997) demic (Malik et al. 2006). It has been suggested that
When high-fat diets are compared with lower-fat diets caloric soft drinks could lead to excess energy consump-
in the longer term, it has been found that subjects tion because energy from liquids fails to trigger satiety

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compared with equivalent energy intakes from solid ratings were comparable for the solid and liquid foods,
food (Mattes 2006). Drewnowski and Bellisle (2007) all of which were rated more satiating than the apple
reviewed the literature on liquid energy and weight gain juice. However, energy intakes tended to be lower after
and found that studies comparing the effects of equiva- the soups than after the solid foods. Thus, soups appear
lent amounts of liquid or solid energy on satiety have to have a particularly satiating effect, which may be due
yielded inconsistent results and do not consistently in part to their lower energy density. It has also been
support the hypothesis that liquid calories go undetected suggested that cognitive factors are important in the
by appetite control systems. However, they emphasised satiating effect of soups. The fact that soups are seen as
that the consumption patterns of caloric soft drinks (i.e. part of a meal and consumed in response to hunger,
consumption when thirsty and with meals rather than as compared with drinks, which are consumed to address
a source of fuel when hungry) and their relatively low thirst or to accompany food, may have important impli-
cost might be more important in determining their rela- cations for the effect of soups on satiety and energy
tionship with excess energy consumption and obesity intake (Mattes 2005).
than their physiological consequences (Drewnowski & Overall, there is inconsistent evidence to suggest that
Bellisle 2007). energy from liquids is less satiating than energy from
Sugar-sweetened drinks have been the focus of much solids. However, the mode of consumption and the per-
research, but it is also important to consider drinks spective a person has on the function of the liquid (i.e. as
containing protein or fibre, which may have greater a food or as a drink) may modulate the effect that
effects on satiety, although there are few studies on these liquids have on eating behaviour.
to date.
With regard to drinks containing protein, 1% milk
4.7 Alcohol and satiety
(3.4 g protein/100g) did not exert a stronger effect on
satiety than orange juice (0.5 g protein/100 g) or cola Raben et al. (2003) compared the effects of protein,
(zero protein content) (DellaValle et al. 2004). However, carbohydrate, fat and alcohol on satiety and subsequent
a yogurt drink containing 17.1 g of protein was found energy intake. The energy density of the meals was
to be more satiating than a dairy fruit drink containing matched, and no differences were seen in appetite
2.6 g of protein, or a fruit drink that contained no ratings or in energy intakes at the following meal
protein (all were matched for energy and volume) (Raben et al. 2003). This suggests that, under controlled
(Tsuchiya et al. 2006), indicating that there may need to conditions, alcohol can stimulate satiety and reduce
be a threshold amount of protein present to have a energy intake in a similar way to the other macronutri-
significant effect on satiety. With regard to fibre in ents. However, when alcohol is tested in a more realistic
drinks, fibre added to a beverage increased its viscosity context (i.e. alcohol or a non-alcoholic control given as
and produced higher satiety ratings (Mattes & a drink before or with a meal), it does not reduce
Rothacker 2001), and addition of a fruit puree to a energy intake and indeed appears to stimulate appetite
drink has been found to increase the drink’s satiating (Westerterp-Plantenga & Verwegen 1999; Hetherington
power (Haber et al. 1977). et al. 2001; Yeomans & Phillips 2002). These effects
In addition to the effects of drinks on satiety, the effect occur fairly rapidly after alcohol consumption and so
of liquid foods (in particular, soup) has also been inves- are likely to be a result of the pharmacological rather
tigated. Rolls et al. (1990) compared the effects of three than metabolic effects of alcohol (Yeomans 2004).
energy-matched preloads – tomato soup, melon and The mechanisms by which alcohol could increase
cheese with crackers – on subsequent energy intake. energy intake are not clear. Yeomans (2004) suggests
Soup was the most effective at reducing subsequent that alcohol could act both by enhancing the hedonic
energy intake. Although the cheese with crackers had a (pleasurable) effects of food and by inhibiting satiation.
higher energy density, the melon and tomato soup were In those who consciously restrain their eating, alcohol
matched for energy density. Therefore, soup appears to could have a disinhibiting effect, although it appears
have some additional satiating qualities (Rolls et al. that the belief that alcohol has been consumed, rather
1990). than actual consumption of alcohol, mediates this effect
Mattes (2005) tested the effect of soups on appetite (Yeomans 2004). Overall, lack of satiety and the stimu-
ratings and energy intake with energy-matched preloads lation of appetite after alcohol consumption may lead to
of comparable solid foods (chicken soup vs. chicken passive over-consumption of energy. For more informa-
breast, peanut soup vs. roasted peanuts and apple soup tion on the effects of alcohol on energy intake, see Foster
vs. whole apples) and a beverage (apple juice). Appetite and Marriot (2006).

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4.8 Energy density and satiety reduced subsequent energy intake. However, the equiva-
lent amount of water served as a drink with the meal did
Energy density is the amount of energy in a given weight not have the same effect (Rolls et al. 1999).
of food or drink (kJ/g, kcal/g). A number of studies have Incorporating air into a food to increase its volume
shown that, when subjects are allowed free access to a without increasing energy content has also been found
range of foods, they will consistently consume a similar to increase satiety in a study by Rolls et al. (2000).
weight of food each day, rather than a constant amount Subjects consumed yogurt-based milkshakes that had
of energy (Rolls 2000). This means that the lower the been whipped up to increase their volume by incorpo-
energy content of the foods eaten (i.e. the less energy rating air. The milkshakes contained the same amounts
dense they are), the lower overall energy intake will be of energy and were of relatively high, medium or low
and vice versa. volume. Energy intake after the milkshakes was 12%
The primary determinants of energy density are water lower following the one with the highest compared with
and fat, and foods with the lowest energy density are the lowest volume, and satiety was increased by both the
those with the most water and least fat. Conversely, high- and medium-volume milkshakes compared with
high-energy dense foods are typically high in fat and low the one with the lowest volume (Rolls et al. 2000).
in water. Fibre can also help reduce energy density Although this study did not strictly alter the energy
(Drewnowski 1998). It is important to note that energy density in kJ/g, as the weight of the milkshakes was
density tends to be proportional to palatability, which unchanged by the addition of air, simply increasing the
itself affects satiety (see section 5.1), and therefore it is volume of the drink without any additional energy led
important for studies investigating the effects of energy to a reduction in subsequent energy intake.
density to control for palatability (Drewnowski 1998). A number of studies have shown that covertly altering
Investigating the effects of energy density on satiation the energy density of foods results in significant differ-
(i.e. how much energy is consumed in one sitting), Bell ences in energy intake. Stubbs et al. (1995a) gave sub-
et al. (1998) tested the quantity of foods with high-, jects a HF, medium-fat or low-fat diet for 7 days. Energy
medium- or low-energy density that female subjects con- density varied in proportion to the fat content of the
sumed over two days, using a crossover design, so that diet. Subjects consumed significantly more energy on the
subjects tried all three dishes on separate occasions. The HF diet, without any concurrent increase in satiety; in
dishes were matched for fat content and palatability, fact, there were no differences in appetite ratings
and energy density was reduced by adding vegetables. between the diet conditions (Stubbs et al. 1995a). These
The subjects ate a similar weight of the meal in each case, findings were confirmed in a follow-up study that tested
which resulted in a 30% reduction in energy intake from the same diets over a two-week period (Stubbs et al.
the meal with the low- vs. high-energy density, without 1995b).
any differences in ratings of hunger or fullness (Bell et al. Covert manipulation of a high-carbohydrate, low-fat
1998). This study showed that higher-energy density ad libitum diet to be of high- or low-energy density was
foods were less satiating, but did not provide further investigated over a 14-day period (Stubbs et al. 1998a).
information about satiety or subsequent energy intake. Subjects consumed significantly less energy and lost
Rolls et al. (1998) tested the effects of energy density more bodyweight on the low-energy density diet than on
on satiety using a milk-based preload, which was diluted the high-energy density diet, but were also significantly
with varying amounts of water to change the energy hungrier. In a further study by the same group, varying
density. The energy and nutrient contents of the pre- the energy density of medium-fat diets, energy density
loads were the same, but the volume increased to increased energy intake without altering appetite ratings
decrease energy density. The preloads were followed by (Stubbs et al. 1998b).
an ad libitum lunch and then dinner. Energy intake at Leahy et al. (2008a) looked at the effect of reducing
lunch was reduced by 18% after the lowest, compared the energy density of a dish served at lunch on energy
with the highest energy dense preload, and this reduc- intake in children aged between 2 and 5 years. Higher-
tion in energy was not compensated for by an increase in and lower-energy density versions were served along
energy intake at dinner (Rolls et al. 1998). As these with other side dishes, and children were allowed to eat
studies had reduced energy density by adding water, this ad libitum. The lower-energy density version led to a
group also tested the effect of drinking water with a decrease in energy intake from both the dish itself and
meal compared with incorporating it into the meal itself. the lunch overall (Leahy et al. 2008a). This finding was
Water added to the meal (chicken soup compared with confirmed by a further study that also tested changes in
a casserole with less added water) increased satiety and portion size. For both portion sizes, reduction in energy

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density reduced energy intake from the dish and the Saquib et al. (2008) looked at the effects of long-term
lunch. As the energy density was reduced by adding reductions in energy density on bodyweight in a large
vegetables, this also led to an increase in the children’s group of overweight female breast cancer survivors
vegetable intake (Leahy et al. 2008b). The effect of over a four-year period. The intervention group
reducing energy density on children’s energy intakes was members were counselled to lower their dietary energy
then tested for breakfast, lunch and snacks over two density by reducing fat and increasing fruit, vegetable
days. It was found that children consumed a consistent and fibre consumption and were given telephone
weight of food over the two days, so that energy intake support, cooking classes and newsletters to promote
was reduced when energy density was lower (Leahy dietary change. The control group was given printed
et al. 2008b). Although appetite measures were not materials with US dietary guidelines and sent newslet-
taken in these studies, the amount the children could eat ters with health and nutrition information. The inter-
was not restricted, and, if it is assumed that they ate to vention group had a small but significant weight loss at
fullness, this would mean that the lower-energy density one year. However, although the intervention group
foods were no less satiating than the higher-energy maintained a diet of lower-energy density compared
density versions. with the control group, no differences in energy intake
When eating patterns and bodyweight are assessed in or weight loss were seen between the groups after four
the longer term, energy density also appears to affect years. No information was collected on the effects of the
energy intake and bodyweight. Greene et al. (2006) diets on appetite (Saquib et al. 2008). Thus, it is not
followed up people who had participated in a weight clear whether the apparent satiating effect of low-energy
management programme approximately two years density diets in the short-term can help to maintain
previously, which promoted the consumption of low- weight loss in the long-term, and further long-term
energy dense foods to determine which dietary pattern studies are needed to investigate this.
aided weight maintenance. All subjects ate a similar A number of epidemiological studies (some cross-
amount of food, but those who maintained their body- sectional and others prospective) have looked at
weight ate a lower-energy dense diet overall and ate whether there is an association between the energy
smaller portions of high-energy dense food than those density of the diet in different populations and body-
who put on weight (Greene et al. 2006). No data were weight or weight gain. In cross-sectional studies, higher
collected on satiety, but, again, if it is assumed that dietary energy density was found to be an independent
subjects ate until they were full rather than restraining predictor of obesity (Mendoza et al. 2007) and a risk
their consumption, this suggests that satiety was not factor for higher BMI or greater waist circumference
reduced by the lower-energy density diet. (Howarth et al. 2006; Murakami et al. 2007).
A year-long trial compared two weight-loss diets, one In an eight-year prospective study of women (the
where subjects were counselled to reduce fat intake (RF) Nurse’s Health Study), increases in dietary energy density
and the other where they were counselled to reduce fat were associated with greater weight gain (Bes-Rastrolo
and to increase consumption of water-rich foods, par- et al. 2008) and, in another US study, lower energy
ticularly fruits and vegetables (RF + FV), reducing the density diets appeared to moderate weight gain (Savage
energy density of the diet to a greater extent. Both et al. 2008). A cohort study of children in the UK found
groups were told to eat ad libitum within these recom- that higher energy density at 7, but not 5 years old was a
mendations. Both groups reduced their fat intake to a risk factor for excess adiposity at 9 years old (Johnsone
similar extent, but those on the RF+FV diet had a lower- et al. 2008). McCaffrey et al. (2008) assessed the rela-
energy density, consumed a larger weight of food and tionship between the energy density of children’s diets at
reported being less hungry than the RF group. Both 6–8 years and change in adiposity to adolescence. Five
groups lost weight, but the RF+FV group lost signifi- different methods to assess energy density were used, but
cantly more that the RF group (Ello-Martin et al. 2007). results from none of these methods were related to
A six-month intervention trial tested the effects of measures of body fatness in adolescence (McCaffrey
different levels of dietary advice, resulting in a reduction et al. 2008). So there is a relatively (but not completely)
in energy density of the diet and weight loss. When consistent relationship between dietary energy density
subjects were categorised according to the reduction in and weight gain or higher bodyweight. These studies did
energy density resulting from the intervention, it was not collect any information on satiety, and, in free-living
found that both modest and large reductions in energy subjects who can eat as much as they like, increased
density were associated with weight loss (Ledikwe et al. satiety on a low-energy density diet could be a factor in
2007). the apparent reduction in energy intake. Overall, the

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energy density of foods and drinks appears to have a generally measured by using one of the rating scales
major impact on satiety and this may be more important described in section 3. Palatable stimuli act on hedonic
than macronutrient composition in terms of enhancing pathways in the brain, stimulating a positive emotional
satiety and helping to reduce the risk of weight gain. response and increasing the drive to consume more
(Berthoud 2007).
Increasing the palatability of food by, for example,
5. The effect of external factors on
adding fat, increases appetite, meal size, meal duration
satiation and satiety
and eating rate (Yeomans 1998). Hence, if composition
Despite the internal mechanisms that exist to control is not controlled, the most palatable foods tend to be
appetite, most people know from experience that, in the least satiating and the least palatable foods the most
certain circumstances, people eat when they are sated satiating (Drewnowski 1998). However, there is a
and refrain from eating when hungry. Therefore, there strong relationship between palatability and energy
are external factors that may affect or act independently density, in that higher-energy dense foods tend to be the
of our responsiveness to internal signals of satiation and most palatable and vice versa (Drewnowski 1998),
satiety that are important to take into account. Some of perhaps reflecting innate preferences for energy-rich
these are discussed in this section. foods (Berthoud 2007). However, the relationship
between energy density and palatability is not fixed, and
the association between the two can be (experimentally)
5.1 Palatability
manipulated by altering the taste and appearance of
Palatability refers to the pleasurable experience when foods while keeping energy density constant.
consuming food. It is somewhat difficult to define, as it A study by Bobroff and Kissileff (1986) found that
is not an inherent characteristic of a food, but a person’s adding cumin to yoghurt reduced palatability and
evaluation of his or her experience of eating food under intake. Yeomans et al. (1997) added oregano to a
particular circumstances (Yeomans 1998). Palatability is tomato sauce served with pasta, which made the dish

Key points
• Studying the effects of specific variables within a food or drink, without affecting others, is inherently difficult,
and, when considering the results from studies on the effects of foods and drinks on satiety, it is important to
consider any confounding factors that could have had an effect.
• Energy from protein seems to have a greater effect on satiety than the other macronutrients.
• The effect of sugars on satiety has been investigated, and although they can stimulate satiety and reduce
subsequent energy intake, this compensatory reduction in energy consumption may not be complete.
• Although it has been suggested that low-GI foods are more satiating than high-GI foods, current evidence shows
that, when other factors such as fibre content are controlled, GI does not have a significant effect on satiety.
• Fat invokes a satiety response, but, in typical food compositions, it is associated with high energy density and
palatability, so that it is readily over-consumed, leading to higher energy intakes.
• Some types of fibre can promote satiety, but this is highly dependent on the dose and especially on the type of
fibre. Viscous fibres, such as petin, or novel gelling fibres, usually alginates, appear to be the most satiating.
• There has been debate surrounding whether intense sweeteners increase, decrease or have no effect on satiety,
which is complicated by the different foods or drinks that contain intense sweeteners and the different types of
sweetener used. Overall, evidence suggests that intense sweeteners do not increase or decrease satiety, although the
reduction in energy intake associated with their use is not compensated for by a subsequent increase in energy
• Energy from drinks has been suggested to be less satiating than that from solid foods. However, evidence to
support this is conflicting. Studies using soups, which tend to be highly satiating, indicate that observed effects are
not directly related to liquid vs. solid composition.
• Alcohol appears to stimulate appetite in the short-term and may lead to passive over-consumption of energy
• Energy density is important in the satiety response and may be more important than macronutrient content.
Lower-energy density foods appear to be more satiating than higher-energy density foods.

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more palatable, and compared this with the same sauce sensory-specific satiety (SSS), whereby the desire to eat
without oregano, which was rated as bland. Hunger a food that has already been tasted is significantly
increased in the early stages of eating the dish with reduced compared with one that has not. This was
oregano and then declined, while it fell throughout con- initially demonstrated by allowing subjects to taste and
sumption of the dish without the herb added. Subjects rate the palatability of small portions of 8 or 9 foods,
also ate more quickly when given the more palatable then offering an ad libitum meal containing one of
dish (Yeomans et al. 1997). these foods. After the meal, the foods that had been
De Graaf et al. (1999) investigated the effects of rated initially were then rated again, and the palatabil-
reducing the palatability of a soup on satiation and ity of the food eaten at the test meal was found to have
satiety by adding increasing amounts of citric acid. Pal- significantly decreased compared with the ones that
atability was found to be inversely related to the amount had not (Rolls 1984). Hetherington et al. (1989) com-
of citric acid in the soup. Satiation was measured by pared the palatability ratings of the foods after the test
allowing subjects to eat the soup ad libitum, and satiety meal 2, 20, 40 and 60 minutes later and found that the
was measured by giving a fixed amount and then mea- decrease observed in the tasted vs. the non-tasted foods
suring appetite. When the soup was offered ad libitum, was most pronounced at 2 minutes after consumption.
the amounts consumed were inversely related to the For the most palatable food, the palatability recovered
palatability. No effect was seen on appetite ratings after somewhat after 60 minutes (Hetherington et al.
the standard portions of soup, indicating that, in this 1989). The rapid nature of this response suggests that
case, palatability affected satiation but not satiety (De SSS occurs because of the sensory properties of food,
Graaf et al. 1999). rather than effects associated with digestion and
Poortvliet et al. (2007) attempted to dissociate the absorption.
inverse relationship between palatability and satiety by There also appear to be age-related differences in SSS.
designing a healthy meal that was both palatable and Rolls and McDermott (1991) tested SSS responses in
satiating and comparing this with a palatable control adolescents, young adults, older adults and elderly sub-
meal that was more energy dense. The healthy meal was jects and found that the response was most pronounced
high in fibre and protein and low in energy density, and, in the adolescent subjects and decreased with age, with
as energy was kept constant across the two meals, the the elderly group showing the lowest response (Rolls &
serving size for the healthy meal was greater than the McDermott 1991).
control (400 g vs. 185 g). Hunger, prospective consump- It is not clear whether consuming an increased variety
tion (how much subjects thought they could eat) and of foods in the longer term would lead to increased
desire to eat were significantly reduced by the healthy energy consumption, but it has been shown that consum-
meal compared with the control, and subsequent energy ing some foods (e.g. meat, shellfish) repeatedly for a
intake from a dessert after the meal was significantly period of time reduces their acceptance, although, for
lower (Poortvliet et al. 2007). Thus, although palatable staple foods like bread and highly palatable items like
energy dense foods have been shown to increase energy desserts, this does not appear to be the case (Rolls 1984).
intake and reduce satiety, it appears to be possible to Overall, it appears that restricting the variety of foods
design lower energy density foods and diets that are eaten can stimulate satiety via SSS, and, conversely,
both palatable and satiating. increasing the variety of foods available could stimulate
It should be noted that, although the ‘liking’ of pal- energy intake by avoiding SSS.
atable foods may be important, the motivation to eat or
the ‘wanting’ of foods should also be considered. These
5.3 Portion size
two factors may occur together, but evidence suggests
that they may also operate separately (Mela 2006) and In the US, portion sizes of many foods have been
that, in the real world, ‘wanting’ may be more impor- increasing since the 1970s (Young & Nestle 2002).
tant than ‘liking’ (Castro & Plunkett 2000). There does not appear to have been a consistent increase
or decrease in portion sizes in the UK, and, although the
variety of portion sizes available has increased, standard
5.2 Variety
portion sizes appear to have remained relatively con-
A number of studies have shown that the greater the stant (FSA 2008). If the amount eaten was determined
choice of foods offered at a single eating occasion, the only by internal satiation and satiety mechanisms, the
more people will eat (see Rolls 1984). This effect portion sizes of foods served should not affect energy
appears to be mediated by a phenomenon known as intake. However, it appears that, when presented with a

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larger portion, most people will consume more food ing children to finish their food, may have a negative
(Ello-Martin et al. 2005). effect on children’s ability to control their energy intake
Very young children are a notable exception to this (Savage et al. 2007).
pattern. When children 3 years old and younger were It should also be noted that, within the studies men-
served increasing portions of macaroni and cheese, their tioned above, there was an inter-individual variation in
energy intake remained constant. However, when the the response to portion size, and it is likely that indi-
same portions were served to 5-year-old children, they viduals vary in their sensitivity to the effects of portion
significantly increased their energy intake as the portion size on energy intake.
sizes became larger (Rolls et al. 2000). This effect was
also seen in 4-year-olds, who ate 25% more when they
5.4 Sleep
were served a portion double the size appropriate for
their age (Fisher et al. 2003). Epidemiological studies have linked a chronic lack of
A number of experiments have tested the effect of sleep to obesity (Magee et al. 2008), and it has been
increasing portion sizes on adults’ energy intake in the suggested that restricted sleep has an impact on the
short-term. These have used a number of different foods, appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin (Knutson 2007).
including macaroni and cheese, sandwiches, crisps, As outlined in section 2.2.1, ghrelin, the so-called
pasta, salad and drinks, and consistently found that ‘hunger hormone’ secreted from the gut, appears to
increasing the portion size leads to an increased energy stimulate appetite and is suppressed after eating. Leptin
intake. The effects on satiety vary, with two studies is primarily produced by the adipose tissue in propor-
finding that satiety increased with bigger portion sizes, tion to fat stores. A fall in leptin stimulates appetite,
while the others found no differences in appetite ratings while an increase has an inhibitory effect (see section
between larger and smaller portions sizes, despite a sig- 2.2.2). Both hormones operate according to a circadian
nificant increase in energy intake when consuming the rhythm whereby they reach a peak level during sleep
larger portion size (Rolls et al. 2002, 2004a, 2004b; (Yildiz et al. 2004). Sleep restriction has been found to
Diliberti et al. 2004; Kral et al. 2004; Flood et al. 2006). reduce leptin and increase ghrelin levels and to increase
Further studies have investigated this effect over a appetite (Spiegel et al. 2004). The association between
longer period to assess whether increased energy intake reduced sleep and a reduction in leptin and increase in
from larger portion sizes is compensated for by a sub- ghrelin was also observed in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort
sequent reduction in energy intake. Studies conducted study, although, in this case, no measures of appetite
over 2 days, 11 days and 2 months found that subjects were taken (Taheri et al. 2004). The importance of these
continued to eat more for the period of the study when findings requires further study, as there may be other
portion sizes were larger than when they were smaller, aspects of short sleep duration, apart from its potential
without reducing energy intakes to compensate for the effect on appetite, that could increase the risk of obesity,
additional energy consumed (Rolls et al. 2006, 2007; for example, having more time available to eat, reduc-
Jeffery et al. 2007). tions in physical activity when tired, or more unhealthy
Generally, greater portion size appears to increase food choices (Knutson 2007).
energy intake. Some studies have found that this also
increases satiety, while others have found no difference.
5.5 Physical activity
So it appears that the ability of internal appetite controls
to detect extra energy intake is limited, especially Physical activity generally affects the body by increasing
because no compensatory reduction in energy intake is fitness, changing body composition by increasing lean
typically observed. The fact that people eat more when body mass and increasing energy expenditure (see Miles
given larger portion sizes also indicates that, for many 2007). The effects of physical activity on appetite and
people, the presence of food acts as a stimulus for (con- satiety have been investigated. For example, a number of
tinued) consumption and that, within the time frame of studies have tested the effects of an acute bout of physi-
a meal, this positive stimulation can be more powerful cal activity on appetite. These studies have consistently
than the physiological signals that inhibit eating. It is found that, even when large energy deficits are induced,
interesting to note that very young children (<3 years) this does not result in a compensatory increase in hunger
eat a consistent amount, regardless of portion size, and and energy intake (see Blundell et al. 2003). This con-
it may be that, at this age, children are more sensitive to trasts with studies that have induced negative energy
internal signals of satiety (Rolls et al. 2000). There is balance by reducing energy intake, resulting in increased
some evidence that parental behaviour, such as pressur- appetite and energy intake (Lawton et al. 1993; Green

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et al. 1994; Delargy et al. 1995; Hubert et al. 1998). Thus, it appears that satiety pathways may not always
Intense physical activity actually appears to suppress detect changes in energy balance caused by physical
hunger for short periods (Thompson et al. 1988; activity. This is the case both when physical activity is
Kissileff et al. 1990; King et al. 1994, 1996; Westerterp- increased, which can lead to substantial energy deficits
Plantenga et al. 1997). This phenomenon, known as without corresponding reductions in satiety and
physical activity-induced anorexia, is not seen in increases in energy intake, and when it is reduced, where
moderate- or low-intensity physical activity and may be the reduction in energy expenditure does not appear to
a result of the redistribution of blood flow away from the increase satiety or reduce energy intake. Although large
gut to the muscles (Blundell et al. 2003). energy deficits due to physical activity cannot be main-
The effects of a physical activity-induced energy deficit tained in the long-term, physical activity can aid short-
in the longer-term (over a number of weeks) have been term weight control and help maintain a healthy weight.
investigated in lean men and women, and it appears that
subjects can tolerate this energy deficit without a com-
5.6 Television viewing and other distractions
pensatory increase in energy intake for approximately
two weeks. After this, energy intake begins to increase, Some studies have reported that children (Bellissimo
but, initially, compensation is incomplete, accounting for et al. 2007; Temple et al. 2007; Manios et al. 2008),
approximately 30% of the deficit on average after 16 adolescents (Van den Bulck & Van Mierlo 2004) and
days. There were inter-individual differences in how adults (Stroebele & de Castro 2004) increase their
much subjects adjusted their energy intake to account for energy intake when eating while watching television,
increases in physical activity, and it is not clear what the compared with eating undistracted.
reasons for this were (Wyebrow et al. 2008). Some of these studies monitored appetite as well as
Lim and Lee (1994) investigated the impact of five energy intake. Bellissimo et al. (2007) monitored the
months of military training, while eating ad libitum. appetite ratings and energy intakes at lunch of boys
They found that lean body mass remained constant, between 9 and 14 years old, with and without watching
but body fat was reduced progressively throughout the television. They also tested the ability of the boys to
training. Consequently, subjects who were initially compensate for a glucose-containing preload at the
fatter lost most weight, while those who were initially subsequent lunch, again, with and without television
lean maintained their bodyweight (Lim & Lee 1994). watching. Watching television significantly increased the
As the function of stored fat is to supply the body with boys’ energy intake at lunch. When not watching tele-
energy when demands are not met by energy intakes vision, the boys reduced their energy intake at lunch to
and/or the need for physical activity is high, it may be compensate for the glucose preload, but did not do this
that excess adipose tissue buffers the effect of an as effectively when watching television at lunch time.
energy deficit and that a compensatory increase in No significant differences were seen in appetite ratings,
energy intake occurs when lean body mass is threatened despite the differences in energy intake. The authors
(Blundell et al. 2003). The evidence from intervention concluded that television viewing had made the boys
studies using physical activity to promote weight loss or less sensitive to internal signals of satiation and satiety
prevent weight gain is mixed. Thus, physical activity- (Bellissimo et al. 2007).
induced negative energy balance may be reduced over Temple et al. (2007) looked at the effect of watching
time until the individual compensates completely for the television on children’s motivation to eat and their
additional energy expenditure. However, there may also energy intake. Firstly, children were given a computer-
be issues with compliance in these studies (see Miles based task that had to be completed to earn portions of
2007). food. The group that watched television while doing this
Stubbs et al. (2004) investigated the effects of a reduc- spent more time doing the tasks and ate more food than
tion in physical activity by imposing a sedentary routine the control group who were not watching television.
on lean men for nine days and comparing their energy The second experiment measured the effect on energy
intakes and appetite ratings with those when they had a intake of a continuous segment of television, which was
moderately active routine. The reduction in physical compared with showing repeated short segments and to
activity caused a significant reduction in energy expen- no television. The group that watched a continuous
diture compared with the active routine, but this did not segment of television consumed more energy and spent
lead to reductions in appetite or energy intake, resulting longer eating than the other groups. Based on these
in positive energy balance and weight gain on the sed- results, the authors suggested that television increased
entary regime (Stubbs et al. 2004). motivation to eat and that the attention needed to watch

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a continuous television programme distracted children 5.7 Social situations

from their habitual eating patterns (Temple et al.
2007). It has been shown that, typically, people eat significantly
In a review of cognitive influences on eating behav- more (on average 44%) when with other people than
iour, Higgs (2008) concluded that the memory of a they do alone (De Castro & De Castro 1989). In addi-
previous meal reduces subsequent snack intake and that, tion, the satiating power of these meals per unit of
if the formation of this memory is disrupted, subsequent energy is lower in those eaten in a group than those
energy intake is increased. This effect can be seen in eaten alone. In fact, there appears to be a direct rela-
amnesiacs who eat multiple meals because they do not tionship between the number of people present at a meal
remember the previous eating occasion (Higgs 2008). and the amount that the diners eat, so that the more
In a subsequent study, Higgs et al. (2009) found that people present at a meal, the more energy is consumed
watching television while eating reduced the vividness of (De Castro & De Castro 1989). This may be because, in
the memory of the meal, compared with a eating a meal the presence of people eating large amounts, others will
without distraction. Snack intake after the meal with imitate this and consume more. It has also been sug-
television was higher than that without, suggesting that gested that the emotional effect of eating with others
the disruption of the memory of the meal increased stimulates energy intake, that social interactions while
energy intake (Higgs et al. 2009). It is possible that this eating might facilitate disinhibition (i.e. relaxing any
effect could apply to any form of distraction that affects cognitive restraint when eating) and finally, that eating
the memory of eating. in groups might simply mean that people will eat for
The idea that distractions while eating can influence longer and thus eat more (De Castro 1994; Feunekes
energy intake was explored by Bellisle and Dalix et al. 1995).
(2001) in women who cognitively restrain their eating De Castro (1994) looked at the effect of different
(the effect of dietary restraint is discussed in section dining companions on energy intake: spouses, family,
3.3.2). They tested the effects of four conditions on friends, co-workers and others. In all cases, meals eaten
women’s energy intake: eating alone, eating alone with other people were larger and longer in duration
while listening to a recording that encouraged them to than those eaten alone. However, there were some dif-
pay attention to their food, eating alone while listening ferences depending on the eating companions. Meals
to a recorded detective story, and eating in a group. eaten with spouses and family were larger and eaten
The first two conditions were considered as non- faster than those with other companions, while meals
distracting and the second two as distracting. In both eaten with friends were also larger but of longer dura-
the ‘distracting’ conditions, the women consumed more tion. The author suggested that, in general, the social
energy than in the ‘non-distracting’ conditions, but interaction of eating with others prolongs meal times,
this was not reflected in differences in appetite ratings thus increasing energy intake. Eating with family and
(Bellisle & Dalix 2001). The results from this study friends may have increased this effect by relaxing diners
may reflect a loss of cognitive restraint in these women and allowing disinhibition of restraint, making energy
when distracted, or that distraction inhibited the effects intake even greater (De Castro 1994).
of internal signals of satiation and satiety. Listening to Kristensen et al. (2002) performed a qualitative study
music while eating has also been shown to increase in Denmark that investigated 20 people’s perceptions of
energy intake compared with eating without music ‘proper satiety’ in different social situations, in order to
(Stroebele & de Castro 2006). gather information on the social contexts and cultural
Overall, there is some evidence that distractions when norms surrounding satiety. There was a variation in the
eating (commonly television) can make people less sen- subjects’ preferences regarding satiety. Some preferred
sitive to internal appetite controls and lead to increased a light feeling of satiety, as experienced when eating
energy intake. The relationship between television vegetables, and associated being full after high-fat foods
viewing and weight gain is complex, as watching tele- with feeling sluggish and lethargic; while others pre-
vision introduces more sedentary time as well as the ferred the feeling of being really full and felt unsatisfied
opportunity to eat more (Crawford et al. 1999). without this. Many subjects reported enjoying eating to
However, a recent review suggests that part of the asso- excess with friends, and enjoyed the feeling of being
ciation that appears to exist between obesity and time sated and lazy but said that they avoided this with those
spent watching television may be mediated by increased who they did not know well. Conversely, those who
consumption of food and drink while watching televi- described themselves as having a weight problem tended
sion (Cleland et al. 2008). to limit their intake when eating with others and were

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Key points
• Palatability tends to reduce satiation and satiety and leads to increased energy intake. Palatable foods are often
energy dense, which may drive this relationship, but the relationship can also be manipulated by using different
ingredients and flavours.
• Offering a variety of foods seems to decrease satiety and increase energy intake within a meal. ‘Sensory-specific
satiety’ describes the process of reduced palatability and increased satiety for a particular food when it is consumed
repeatedly, and it is this process that drives increased consumption if alternative foods are offered.
• Most people consume more energy when offered larger portions of food, and satiety does not appear to be
increased after this greater energy intake.
• Children younger than four years do not consume more when given a larger portion size, which may be a result
of a greater sensitivity to internal satiation and satiety signals.
• Lack of sleep has been associated with increased bodyweight. Some studies have shown that sleep deprivation
affects hunger and satiety signals in a way that would be expected to reduce satiety, but this requires further
• In the short-term, large energy deficits can be induced by physical activity, without a corresponding reduction in
satiety. However, this cannot be maintained indefinitely, and the negative energy balance is gradually compensated
for by an increase in energy intake over the longer-term. Nevertheless, there are inter-individual differences in the
extent to which the energy deficit is compensated for.
• People tend to eat more and be less responsive to satiety signals when distracted by television or other means,
and television watching has been associated with an increased risk of obesity. This association is complicated by
the sedentary nature of television watching, which could also contribute to obesity risk.
• When eating with others, people consume significantly more energy than when eating alone. This may be the
result of a number of factors, such as longer duration of eating and to a relaxation of dietary restraint.

more likely to eat in excess when alone. Female subjects genetic changes that have lead to the increased risk of
reported feelings of guilt surrounding excessive eating weight gain. However, within this current ‘obesogenic’
and the subsequent feelings of satiety, whereas males environment, certain individuals appear to be at greater
generally did not. Many subjects felt the need to control risk of developing obesity than others. The reasons for
food intake, with the aim of limiting satiety, if at work or this are complex and involve physiological, psychologi-
working at home, in order to be more alert, and meals in cal and environmental factors (Foresight 2007). Appe-
this context were viewed as more functional than plea- tite control, including the development of satiation and
surable. However, meals eaten in one’s spare time were satiety, is one of the variables that are important to
enjoyed more, and it was seen as more acceptable to eat consider in weight management.
more and to feel more sated after eating (Kristensen et al. This section evaluates some of the factors that may
2002). Although this study must be viewed in context of affect either the development of satiation and satiety or
its location and small size, it highlights the fact that, as an individuals’ responsiveness to these internal signals,
well as internal mechanisms of satiation and satiety, and how these may modulate the risk of obesity. There
there will be expectations about satiety that can change are a number of levels at which differences in satiation
according to the social context of the situation, and these and satiety could increase the risk of obesity. Genetic
will also influence eating behaviour. differences, for example, may impact on components of
satiation and satiety signalling pathways. There may
also be physiological differences in the way that satia-
6. Satiation, satiety and weight control
tion and satiety develop or are linked into reward and
Levels of obesity in the UK have tripled since the 1980s learning systems that influence eating behaviour. Behav-
(National Audit Office 2001), and this trend is predicted ioural, neurological and psychological factors may also
to increase so it is estimated that over half of UK adults affect how much internal appetite signals control energy
will be obese by 2050 (Foresight 2007). This rapid intake compared with the hedonic experience of eating
increase suggests that it is environmental rather than or external influences on energy intake.

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6.1 Obesity genes and satiety the genetic profile can influence the risk of obesity via
components of appetite control systems and pathways
In relatively rare cases, obesity may be linked to a single involved in hedonic responsiveness.
mutation in a gene that renders its product non-
functional. All obesity genes that have been character-
6.2 Physiological differences in satiation and satiety
ised appear to cause obesity by disrupting satiety
responses in obese people
(O’Rahilly & Farooqi 2008). For example, mutations in
the leptin gene cause extreme over-eating and obesity in In addition to genetic differences that may influence
early childhood. This can be dramatically reversed by appetite, there may also be differences in the physiologi-
administration of leptin (Gibson et al. 2004). Mutations cal signals of satiation and satiety that influence risk of
in the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene are the obesity.
most common mutation linked to human obesity As discussed in section 2.1.1, gastric distension is
(Farooqi et al. 2003). As outlined in section 2.3.1, involved in satiation. Some studies have found that
MC4R is expressed in appetite centres in the brain and obese subjects have greater gastric capacities (Geliebter
conveys signals of satiety, resulting in a reduction in 1988; Kim et al. 2001), which could result in a greater
energy intake. Humans have two copies of every gene, energy intake before gastric distension-stimulated
and mutation of both copies of the MC4R gene results satiation occurs. However, this may be related to binge
in over-eating and severe obesity. If only one copy of the eating and not strictly to obesity itself, and, although
gene is affected, these symptoms are still present but are the likelihood of binge eating increases with the degree
less severe (Farooqi et al. 2003). of obesity, the gastric capacity of normal weight
Gene mutations, such as those described above, bulimic patients has been found to be larger than that
account for a very small proportion of cases of human of some obese subjects (Geliebter & Hashim 2001).
obesity. However, it has been estimated that a person’s The gastric capacity of obese subjects can be reduced
genetic profile may account for 45% to 75% of their after weight loss, and it is possible that this could help
variation in BMI (Farooqi & O’Rahilly 2007), indicat- restore a stronger satiation response (Geliebter et al.
ing that, within the current ‘obesogenic’ environment, 1996).
genetic profile affects an individual’s risk of obesity. There may also be differences in satiety signalling
Although all humans have the same set of genes, varia- in obese people. Ghrelin increases hunger and is sup-
tions known as polymorphisms give rise to interindi- pressed after energy intake (see section 2.2.1). Ghrelin
vidual differences between people. Polymorphisms in levels are significantly lower in obese than in lean sub-
over 100 genes have been linked to obesity (Rankinen jects (English et al. 2002). In addition, the post-prandial
et al. 2005) and, although their contribution to increas- suppression of ghrelin that occurs in lean subjects is not
ing or decreasing the risk of obesity is relatively small, it observed in obese people. This may be because levels
is possible that they are part of a phenotype (the physi- of ghrelin have already been maximally suppressed
cal expression of a genetic profile) that increases the because of excess fat storage (English et al. 2002). Mor-
likelihood of weight gain. bidly obese subjects appear to have an altered pattern of
Many genes that have been linked to obesity are hunger without the pre-prandial rise and post-prandial
involved in the control of appetite, and a recent update of fall in hunger seen in lean individuals. However, it has
15 new genetic locations linked with BMI found that been found that normal hunger profiles can be restored
the roles of all of the proteins the genes code for could be in these morbidly obese subjects by administering exog-
traced to appetite centres in the hypothalamus (Hofker & enous ghrelin (Huda et al. 2009). Although suppression
Wijmenga 2009). One example is the FTO gene, of which of ghrelin in obesity may be an adaptive response to
certain polymorphisms were found to increase or excess energy storage, any effects on reducing hunger do
decrease the risk of obesity (Frayling et al. 2007). Poly- not appear to be reflected in reductions in energy intake
morphisms in the FTO gene that increase the risk of and bodyweight. Indeed, it has been suggested that
obesity have recently been linked with increased energy disruption of hunger may result in continuous ‘grazing’
intake in adults (Haupt et al. 2008) and children (Cecil rather than defined meals (Huda et al. 2009).
et al. 2008; Wardle et al. 2009). Wardle et al. suggested Gut hormones that signal satiety are also altered in
that the low risk form of the FTO gene was protective the obese. Release of PYY, which is secreted from the
against this increased energy intake by promoting gut after feeding and induces satiety (see section 2.2.1),
responsiveness to internal signals of satiety (Wardle et al. is lower in obese than in lean subjects (Batterham et al.
2009). Thus, overall, the evidence strongly implies that 2003a), and this is associated with reduced satiety (le

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Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 161

Roux et al. 2006). Although a lack of PYY could poten- eating rates to positive energy balance and weight gain.
tially contribute to an increased risk of obesity, it is Equally, as obese people have greater energy require-
also possible that obesity itself causes a reduction in ments, it is possible that faster eating is related to con-
PYY release. Release of GLP-1, another gut hormone suming larger meals in order to maintain energy balance
involved in satiety (section 2.2.1), has also been found and is a consequence, rather than a cause, of obesity.
to be attenuated in the obese (Ranganath et al. 1996). High consumption of high-fat foods is a risk factor
When GLP-1 release was compared in lean, obese and for obesity (e.g. Bray et al. 2004). An interesting link
obese subjects who had significantly reduced their body- between preference for fat and behaviour has been
weight, the obese subjects who had reduced their body- described by Blundell et al. (2005). When characterising
weight released GLP-1 at a level between that of the lean obese subjects with habitually high-fat diets (not all
and obese subjects (Verdich et al. 2001). This indicates those with a habitually high proportion of fat in the diet
that weight loss improves GLP-1 secretion and that were obese), it was found that their eating behaviour
impaired GLP-1 secretion may be a consequence of seemed to predispose them to weight gain. Their satiety
weight gain. response to fatty meals was weaker, and satiety did not
PYY and GLP-1 are raised significantly after gastric reduce their preference for fatty foods. They also had
bypass surgery to treat obesity because of the drastic greater hedonic responses to palatable foods and to
change in the structure of the gut, and it is thought that eating in general, and reported greater feelings of hunger
this contributes to the weight loss seen after surgery (le and were more prone to disinhibition (the loss of control
Roux et al. 2007). In addition, a number of gut hor- over eating) (Blundell et al. 2005). This cluster of
mones are being tested in clinical trials as obesity treat- behavioural characteristics appears to predispose these
ments (Field et al. 2008). Therefore, changes in gut individuals to gain weight in the current ‘obesogenic’
hormones that have been implicated in increasing the environment.
risk of obesity may also be useful in treating it. With regard to food preferences, it should be noted
Thus, some aspects of the physiological induction of that this concept can be divided into two components:
satiety appear to be altered in obese people. As these are ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’. These describe the difference
only parts of the complex physiological control of appe- between enjoying the taste of a food (liking) and the
tite, it is difficult to determine how much they may be desire to consume it (wanting), and it is possible for
involved in increasing the risk of weight gain or inhib- these to operate separately. The relationship between
iting weight loss. However, they may be important when obesity and increased ‘liking’ of foods is not consistent,
considering the relationship between satiation, satiety and it has been suggested that it is an increased moti-
and obesity. vation to eat (wanting), not necessarily accompanied
by an increased liking of foods, that could predispose
individuals to obesity (Mela 2006).
6.3 Behavioural differences in the response to
Another aspect of research into the relationship
satiation and satiety in obesity
between eating behaviour and weight control is the
Previous sections in this chapter have outlined genetic ‘externality theory’ of obesity, which suggests that sus-
and physiological differences that may affect satiation ceptibility to external cues such as time, presence of
and satiety and thus bodyweight. There may also be food and situation is greater in the obese (Schachter
behavioural differences that affect an individual’s 1968). However, the relationship between the external
responsiveness to internal signals of satiation and environment, eating behaviour and obesity is complex
satiety. and difficult to measure, and results from studies inves-
The way people eat may encourage excess energy tigating this have been inconsistent (Mela 1996). It has
intake and weight gain. For example, a number of studies been suggested that susceptibility to over-consuming
have found associations between bodyweight and the palatable foods is the external factor that most consis-
speed of eating (Barkeling et al. 1992; Sasaki et al. 2003; tently accounts for differences between lean and obese
Otsuka et al. 2006; Maruyama et al. 2008). Laessle et al. subjects (Spitzer & Rodin 1981). This susceptibility to
(2007) studied the eating behaviour of lean and obese external influences may mean that internal signals of
individuals and found that obese subjects ate faster, took satiation and satiety have less impact on energy intake in
bigger spoonfuls and had a greater overall energy intake obese individuals.
than lean subjects. Differences in the rate of eating may Carnell and Wardle (2008) investigated the effect of
encourage excess energy intake before internal signals of responsiveness to internal satiety signals and to external
satiation can take effect, predisposing those with faster food cues on BMI and waist circumference in 2- to

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162 B. Benelam

3-year-old and 8- to 11-year-old children. In both age capacity to experience reward in obese people has also
groups, lower satiety responsiveness and higher food been observed in brain-imaging studies. The dopamine
cue responsiveness were associated with greater BMI D2 receptor, which is involved in hedonic pathways in
and waist circumference (Carnell & Wardle 2008). The the brain, has been found to be decreased in obese
authors highlighted the fact that it is important to dis- compared with lean subjects, in proportion to BMI
tinguish whether low satiety responsiveness and suscep- (Wang et al. 2001). Thus, it appears that the relation-
tibility to external food cues operate separately or are, ship between STR and obesity is complex. It has been
in effect, two sides of the same coin. In this study, these suggested that hedonically driven over-consumption of
two factors were correlated but also contributed inde- palatable foods may eventually lead to down-regulation
pendently to predicting adiposity, suggesting that they of the dopamine system in the brain, leading to a reduc-
are related but separate (Carnell & Wardle 2008). tion in the capacity to experience reward from food.
Further studies to determine the mechanisms behind This would mean that high STR could be a risk factor
these phenomena are needed in order to disentangle this for weight gain but not necessarily a characteristic of
relationship. obese people (Blundell & Finlayson 2004).
In addition to the possibility that susceptibility to Overall, it is emerging that variations in eating behav-
external cues may influence eating behaviour, it is also iour may be particularly important in determining the
possible that variations in a person’s sensitivity to the risk of obesity. Within the current environment, which
internal hedonic response to foods may also play a role. is replete with food cues, it may be a person’s overall
The role of ‘sensitivity to reward’ (STR), (i.e. the capac- sensitivity to positive stimuli to eat, rather than single
ity to experience pleasure) has been investigated with specific defects in internal signals of satiation and
regards to the risk of weight gain. There are two pos- satiety, that play the most important role in weight gain.
sible routes by which STR could affect energy intake
and risk of obesity. Heightened STR could stimulate
7. Conclusions
excess consumption of palatable foods because of their
increased reward value. Alternatively, reduced STR Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour
could increase consumption of palatable food in order are important when considering energy intake, particu-
to gain an optimal level of hedonic stimulation larly with regard to weight control and obesity.
(Finlayson et al. 2007). There is some evidence that both Satiation and satiety are typically measured by using
may be involved in increasing the risk of obesity. a combination of energy intake and self-reported
Franken and Muris (2005) found a direct relationship appetite ratings, and there are many factors that can
between STR and BMI. However, Davis et al. (2004) potentially confound these measurements. For these
measured STR in lean, overweight and obese subjects confounders to be controlled, studies are generally per-
and found a U-shaped relationship, with overweight formed in a laboratory setting and are relatively short-
subjects having greater STR than both lean and obese term (i.e. 6–12 hours per test condition). It is much
subjects (Davis et al. 2004). The possibility of a lower more difficult to get reliable data about satiation and

Key points
• Satiation and satiety are important in controlling energy intake and, therefore, should be taken into account
when considering weight control and the risk of obesity.
• The majority of obesity genes that have been characterised affect the risk of obesity via effects on appetite
control. In rare cases, single-gene mutations can cause severe obesity, but more commonly, there appear to be
particular genetic profiles that affect the risk of obesity within the current ‘obesogenic’ environment.
• There are some physiological differences in the development of satiation and satiety that have been observed in
obese people, including increased gastric capacity and differences in the production of gut hormones. However, it
is not clear whether these are a cause or effect of obesity.
• Differences in eating behaviour affect an individual’s responsiveness to internal signals of satiety, and these may
predispose certain people to excessive energy intake and obesity.
• Knowledge about the relationship between satiation, satiety and eating behaviour may help when designing
strategies to reduce or prevent obesity in the future.

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Journal compilation © 2009 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 34, 126–173
Satiation, satiety and their effects on eating behaviour 163

satiety in the longer term, outside a laboratory setting, Acknowledgements

because of problems in obtaining accurate self-
The Foundation wishes to thank the members of the
reported dietary intake data. This raises issues as to
Foundation’s Scientific Advisory and Industrial Scien-
how far laboratory data can be extrapolated to free-
tists Committees who have helped to shape the contents
living people.
of this Briefing Paper, and Professor John Blundell,
Energy density appears to be the major dietary factor
Professor Barbara Livingstone and Dr David Mela who
influencing satiation and satiety, and there is a substan-
reviewed the paper. The Foundation also wishes to
tial body of evidence to suggest that low-energy density
thank Kellogg’s for their financial support in writing the
foods and diets promote satiation and satiety and may
Briefing Paper.
help to control weight. For this to be of benefit to people
who wish to prevent weight gain or lose weight, prac-
tical guidance is needed on how to reduce dietary energy Conflict of interest
density. There are a variety of ways to reduce the energy
density of the diet, for example, eating only small por- The Foundation has received financial support from
tions of fatty foods, increasing the water content of Kellogg’s in the production of this Briefing Paper.
dishes, eating more fruit and vegetables and choosing However, the views expressed are independent and
higher-fibre foods. This could provide the flexibility to Kellogg’s have not been involved in writing or shaping
make this approach acceptable to consumers who want the contents of this paper.
to control their weight.
However, regardless of how effective a dietary
manipulation might be in enhancing satiation and
satiety, the fact remains that people do not always Adams SH, Won WB, Schonhoff SE et al. (2004) Effects of peptide
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