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How climate change

has changed the nature

of weather patterns?
By Isabelle McGuire

Implications of Australia's fires and Texas

winter storm. Is this the new norm?
2020 Tied with 2016: Hottest Years

The global temperature raised to 1.5 celsius in 2020. The year started
in the warmest phase and ending the year with a freezing phase of the
El nino cycle. "El Nino this year is evidence that the background
climate continues to warm is due to greenhouse gases," Schmidt said.
We are the Change

The Paris agreement has been an official guideline of how to tackle

climate change between 197 countries. The goal of this agreement, is
to limit global warming below 2 degrees celsius, invites countries
to formulate long-term low greenhouse gas emissions strategies
Mother Nature's Wrath
Thesis: Climate change has been causings a rise in
extreme weather patterns by raising temperatures in
the ocean and atmosphere, which has been leading
people unprepared for unusual and more severe
2020’s New Flame
"Australia has always had a fire season, but what we
see now is more severe with bigger fires happening
more often," says Dietze. Has fire season always
been a regular thing or has it recently become the
new norm? Australia's fire grew up to 46 million acres
and killing hundred or animals. Leaving some of
Australian homeless.
Texas Snowbull Rodeo
Winter storms dumped 3 to 9 feet of snow across the state, pipes
bursting and power lines down, leaving the majority of Texas
without water and power for weeks. Places like Lebanon and Syria
were also affected by the same freezing temperatures
2020 El nino cycle
"El Niño years: ocean waters
warm above normal
more rain than usual in
South and Central America
and the United States."
Increasing the level of
greenhouse gases, Earth will
keep getting hotter
Are We Sure Climate Change has an Effect?

Climate change and storms do have a connection but is very

complex to say climate change has affected it drastically.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (2017), climate change has been affecting
“mild weather.”
Did you know only 10% of what we recycle
actually gets recycled...
Companies have been focusing
on the recycling part of reduce
reuse recycle. Cheaper for
companies to buy single use
plastic for packaging, advertised
as durable and last longer than
glass. If most of what we recycled
can’t be recycled, how is this a
Numbering system making hard and confusing what can and can’t be recycled
But COVID-19 Reduced CO2 Emissions?

Quaratine appear to have reduced the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)

emissions last year, but overall CO2 concentrations continued to
increase, and since warming is related to cumulative emissions, the overall
amount of avoided warming will be minimal.
Trust the Science
Evidence of loss of sea ice and ice
sheet mass and sea-level rise. The
ocean absorbs most of the
excess heat from greenhouse
gas emissions. Rising
temperatures in atmosphere
causes more prolonged and more
intense heat waves. Greenhouse
gases warm the atmosphere by
trapping heat.
What else can we individually do to help
battle climate change?

How can we tell governments or these

muticoperations to change their structures
in place?
There is no evil in the
world but there is a good
and bad way to do things,
so we as humans need to
consciously think about our
“Climate Change to Shift Global Pattern of Mild Weather.” Climate Change to Shift Global

Pattern of Mild Weather | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2017,


Davenport, Coral. “What Will Trump's Most Profound Legacy Be? Possibly Climate Damage.” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 9 Nov. 2020,

Gibbens, Sarah. “15 Ways the Trump Administration Has Impacted the Environment.” Environment, National Geographic, 10 Feb. 2021,

James, Brian. “How Much Snow Did We Get In North Texas?” NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth, NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth, 17 Feb. 2021,
Robert Kenner, Melissa Robledo, & Participant Media (Producers), & Kenner, R. (Director). (2015). Merchants of Doubt. [Video/DVD]

Sony Pictures Classics.

Schwartz, John. “How Climate Change Is Affecting Winter Storms.” The New York Times,

The New York Times, 17 Dec. 2020,

Vitali, Ali. “Trump Pulls U.S. Out of Paris Climate Agreement.”, NBCUniversal

News Group, 2 June 2017,

Young, Rick, director. Plastic Wars. Frontline, Public Broadcasting Service, 31 Mar. 2020,

McGrath, Matt. “Climate Change: US Formally Withdraws from Paris Agreement.” BBC News,

easyBBC, 4 Nov. 2020,

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