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How you will design a proper learning experience including

Your lesson plan and learning objectives for each lesson

Learning experiences are critical to teachers and students. The teacher should prepare lessons such
as lesson plans and a significant topic to the class and student to make them more engaging. The teacher
should consider a student to be more academically connected. The teacher's personality is a power that
Greatly affects students. According to Aristotle “we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, it is not
an art, but a habit.” He believed that knowledge is a subjective experience and depends directly on the
students’ perceptions. Aristotle in his great works on Ethics wrote about his theory of Virtues. He taught
his students how learning is all about perceiving this reality first hand, analyzing its properties and then
interpreting it through thorough logical inquiry. Aristotle, hence laid one of the first milestones in the
history of experiential learning. Aristotle laid the foundation to how experience makes human beings
better and virtuous. Throughout history, his work has been revered as a prime example of experiential

The educator should prepare an effective and efficient learning materials and conducive environment to
provide a good learning experience to learners. The teacher should design a good lesson plan to attain a
positive result. In this essay I will discuss the step that educators can follow in designing an effective
learning experience, it concludes with a table outlining each step a template that can be used by the
educator to apply the step in actual practice.

Situation factor

Teachers are likened to "knowledge boat drivers," but for the boat trips to successfully land.  Surely, those
boat drivers faced many difficulties and ups and downs.  Primary pedagogical situations are such a prime
example.  Not only is the person transmitting knowledge and respect to students, teachers also have to
know how to flexibly and softly handle situations in the teaching process. 
Situation You are given a homeroom class at the beginning of the new school year. 

However, the class of homeroom classmates is quiet, in both learning and extracurricular activities.  How
can you improve this situation? Solution 1: it is necessary to determine the cause of such depression in the
class.  If you have identified the source, you can build many improvement solutions such as Regularly
visiting, encouraging the students' spirit; Deploying numerous exciting games and activities that stimulate
the curiosity and excitement of the students;  It is necessary to promote their activeness, constantly giving
praise and encouraging them when participating in school activities;  Building a learning emulation
movement among groups of students, rewarding and honoring achievements for groups and individuals
who strive. situation 2: In class, there is a student who is distracting during class and that affects the
subject teacher and classmates.  You are a class staff, what should you do to resolve that situation?
First you should determine why that student is disruptive in the classroom and every subject is the same
or just some subjects.  If the reason given by the student is unreasonable, you will need to clearly explain
it to the student.  For example: Why they do not like to study that subject.  Or if the teacher or teacher of
the subject is not teaching well or the subject is difficult to understand, you must analyze for the student
to understand the role and effect of that subject.  Or talk to the teacher of that subject to find other
teaching methods that are more suitable.
Teaching and learning activities

Recently, the requirement of education requires reforming teaching methods in all subjects and levels to
improve the quality of teaching and learning.  Therefore, English in general and English at Primary level
in particular also must have stronger innovations, promoting students' activeness, initiative and creativity,
taking students to work.  center.  To do that, the teacher needs to be interested in learning by engaging
them in learning activities through content-rich games using real language.  Interesting and useful in
accordance with their perception.  Through the games, the children will gather the knowledge and ability
to use language in communication easily; consolidate and inculcate knowledge firmly, giving them
passion and interest in learning.  When we make games in English lessons regularly, with science, the
quality of teaching English will surely improve.

Goals and objective

Goals and Objectives are necessary for every teacher. if I do not have goals, learners will lose interest in
class. So if I must have a clear goal I can easily deliver a powerful lesson in my class. If I have a clear
purpose, it would be easy to impart knowledge experiences to students and follow the learning plans I
planned earlier.

Students should associate with the teacher and the teacher's communication also has the depth you should
Communicate with a positive spirit so that students are comfortable in the teaching process and one more
thing.  Students need to cooperate flexibly with their teachers. 

Before starting your lesson, try to make a positive impression on your students.  Smile and say hello so
your children feel comfortable at the beginning of the school day.  You must also show enthusiasm
throughout the teaching process

If I were a homeroom teacher I want my students to Know a lot of knowledge such as listening, speaking,
reading, writing, grammar and international communication, so I prepared good lessons.  Useful lessons
for my students. 

Feedback and Evaluation methods

Giving feedback to learners is not easy.  Once used properly, it can become one of the most effective
strategies for improving student learning outcomes.  These studies also show that, if it is given and used
inappropriately, it leads to “negative impact. “All of us teachers want our comments to be encouraging,
but to students, it can be misunderstood as a judgment or criticism.

Correct mistakes discreetly Teenagers always care to pay attention to what other peers think about you. 
Constructive comments from a teacher (even when it is carefully planned) can be viewed as public
criticism.  It can lead to fear of failure and unwillingness to assert themselves in public.  One way to
overcome these difficulties, according to the author Doug Lemov, is called "discreet correction."  This
limits the focus of the crowd on an individual, reduces negative feedback while the messages are still
clearly expressed by the teacher.  This is like the techniques Doug Lemov calls a "whisper prompt" -
selective responses are given in public, but the pitch and volume are just enough for the individual student
to hear.


In conclusion, these  four significant outlinings Will help you achieve great results. Also, teachers need a
sense of humor, a positive attitude, and know how to set expectations for students, Consistency, Fairness,
time flexibility. If you are indifferent to students' learning, you do not set goals in them, they will also
give up on learning.  You should show that you believe they can achieve your goals and that you instill
that belief in them.  Your expectation is an important factor in stimulating your student to learn well and
achieve high results. I realize that a teacher that designs a good plan for his or her class  will achieve a
great result in his class. I also want to add that learning experience has a big vital role in the teaching

Lesson: Parts of the Body

Prepared by: Lim Ly Heang

Time: 45 minutes
Objectives:  Saying different parts of the body. 
Structures:  "Which part of the body is that?" 
"Touch your ..." 
Target head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose 

Lesson Overview:

 Warm Up and Maintenance:

 1. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.

 New Learning and Practice: 

1. Teach the body vocab
2. Practice the vocab
3. Play "Flashcard Exercises" 
4. Sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" song
5. Play “Teacher Says”

Wrap Up: 

1. Set Homework: "Match-Up the body parts" worksheet.

2. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.

Lesson Procedure: 

Warm Up and Maintenance: 

See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet. 

New Learning and Practice: 

1. Teach the body vocab

Depending on the age / level of your students you may want to teach a just few words per class, building
up to the full 8 words over a series of lessons. Prepare flashcards of the parts of the body used in the song.
Slowly reveal each flashcard card and have your students touch their part of the body (so, when you show
the "head" flashcard get everyone to touch their heads). Chorus each word three times and then ask your
students to individually say each word.

2. Practice the vocab 

Lay the flashcards that you have just taught in front of you, facing your students (or lined up on the
board). Randomly touch each card and have your students touch that part of their body and say the word.
Do a final round with the cards in the correct order of the song (so they are basically doing a practice run
of the song).

3. Play "Flashcard Exercises"

Get everyone sitting on the floor and facing the front of the class. Give out body flashcards so that each
student has at least one card (even better is for each student to have two cards). Shout out a random
flashcard word (e.g. "ears") with an action (e.g. "ears - hands up!"). All students with the ears flashcards
have to do that action. Continue with other words and different actions (e.g. jump up and down, run on
the spot, turn around, stand up / sit down, wiggle, touch your toes, etc.

4. Sing the “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes” 

song Everyone stand up. As the song plays the teacher sings and does all the actions, touching each part
of his/her body with two hands in time with the song. Make sure your students are following along. It’s
easy and fun so your students will love doing this. Each verse gets faster so by the last verse it will be
frantic but great fun. 
5. Play "Teacher Says"

This is the game "Simon Says" but using the word "teacher", or your name, instead. Go straight into the
game (no explanations necessary) by saying "Teacher says touch your (knees)". Do the action and make
sure everyone else follows along. Do a few more "touch your eyes, touch your toes", etc. Then at some
point give a command without the "Teacher says" part (e.g. "Touch your mouth"). First time round,
everyone will touch their mouth, so make it very clear that they shouldn’t do this when you don’t say
"Teacher says". After a while your students will get the hang of it. Play the game faster and faster. When
a student makes a mistake they have to sit the rest of the game out. The last student 

Wrap Up: 

1. Assign Homework: "Match-Up the body parts" worksheet. 

2. Wrap up the lesson with some ideas from our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet. 

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