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Leadership Self-Assessment Activity ‘This survey is designed to provide you with feedback about your level of preferonce or comfort with leadership, characteristics and skils. Ifyou have NOT performed a task before, estimate-how diffcult the task would be for you to learn to perform. Citcte the number on the scale that you believe comes closest to your skill or task level. Be honest about your choices as there aro no right or wrong answors is only for your ovm self-assessment. ‘Adequate || Moderately Weak | make decisions with input from others: My actions are consistent | give others the information they need to do their jobs. _ [keep fociised through folow-up. [s Iisten to feedback and ask questions. ||| show loyalty to the company and to the team_ [° | mombere | create an atmosphere of growth. Thave wide visibility. { give praise and recognition 12, || citcize constructively and address || probiems. 13, |! develop plans. 5 14. | have a vision on whero we are going and set | 6 |[long term goals. 16, | set objectives and follow them through to | 5 |[ completion. { 16. || aisplay tolerance and fexolity is 17. | {can be assertive when needed. [5 Tam a Champion of change [5 [1 veat omers with respect and dignity 5 make olen 7 | make myself available and accessible. 5 os baila ena on | want to take charge 5 22. || accept ovmership for team decisions. 5 | set guidelines for how others are to treat one the bottom line). 25. | 1am close to the business and have a broad | view of where we are going, 26. || coach team members. 27. | determine manpower requirements for my department and vite job descriptions for them, 28. | linterviow and select the most qualified | candidate for an open job positon. 28. || provide new employees with on-the-job training, 20. || determine resources, material, and supply requirements for my department. F can respond to an employee who is upset in the organization, 3, | have counseled employees who have || personal probiome (family, healt, financial. 34. | I react to situations jn which the quality of an | [employee's work goes into a decline, I ||| deal with employees who have performance issues, such as suspected of substance abuse or chronically late. Ir | conduct formal employes performance appraisals, .| can make a presentation to a group of peers | || andlor seniors. i | write reports to be distibuted to a group of peers andlor seniors. i 40, || have a deep-rooted understanding of the 41. | lam curious. 42, | tknow how to sell. 43. | 1am a good learner. 44, | Lknow how to influence people and get | { suppor. 45. | |edit my mistakes and take responsibilty for |Liy actions, | 46, || like to talk to people and | am a great listener. { can separate the important issues from 5 inconsequential ones. 49, || have integrity and can be trusted. 0. | | am poltcat only when needed. rota. Total score for al 5 colurans: Final Score Scoring Total each ofthe five columns and then add the five columns together for your final score. The maximum score {is 250 while the minimum score is 50. ‘As mentioned earlier, there are no right or wrong answers. This means there are no right or wrong scores. This ‘survey is designed to show you the areas you need fo improve in. You lowest scoring answers are the areas you need to improve. See your supervistr or training department for resources to help you to become more proficient in your weak areas, Use the table below for a general guideline of where you stand, ‘+ 175 and above - You are well on your way to becoming 2 leader. © 125 to 174 - You are gotting close. ‘© 124 and below - Don't Give up! Many before you have continued with their studies to become some of the finest leaders around, Use this assessment to help you to determine what skills and abilties you can continue to improve (Strengths) and what skils and abiities you need fo develop (Opportunities for growth) What are your strengths? What are your opportunities for growth? Motivation Exercise Group Factors What do people want from their jobs? | Promotion in the Company Job Security Help with Personal Problems Personal Loyalty of Supervisor High Wages Full Appreciation of Work Done Good Working Conditions Feeling of Being In Interesting Work 1. Indicate in the column titled "Individual" which of the 10 items listed is felt to be of most importance in contributing to morale. 2. Weight the items from 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important item, 2 being the second ‘most important, 3 being the third most important, and so on until all. 10 items have been weighted, 3. When you have completed the ranking, total the individual weights within your group. Rank the 10 items under the column titled "Group."

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