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Abstract: To capture students' interest in learning is an important element of teacher

responsibility. To attract students' attention, teachers need adequate teaching methods. One of the
teacher's efforts to involve students is to implement the E.S.A. This study aims to test the
implementation of E.S.A (Engage, Study, Activate) in English learning in class X SMA N 1
Dolopo, Madiun. This research uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, participant
observation, and documentation. The results of this study reveal that first, E.S.A can be applied
in any lesson and skill in English lessons. Second, the most effective E.S.A procedure is
patchwork because it has unique stages to produce good results from student achievement. Third,
students have different perceptions of the teacher's teaching process by using E.S.A. It is hoped
that this research can provide some recommendations for a more effective teaching of English.

Keywords: E.S.A, implementation, teaching English

Results and Discussion


In the first finding, the teacher will treat students as usual before learning. The teacher greets
students and asks for student attendance. He considers reviewing lessons before starting lessons.
Does she show students some paper full of animal pictures, she guides them to say whatever
sentence or phrase comes to their mind. They are free to comment on each picture. In addition,
the teacher explains about verbal and nominal sentences in a simple form (Simple Present
Tense). Students are not only silent when taught by him. The teacher often gives questions
related to the lesson and they actively answer the questions.

While students comment on the picture, teacher the sentence on the board. Students analyze
whether verbal and nominal sentences are attached to it. To understand students, the teacher
provides exercises to understand students orally. More animals, explain which favorite is their
next activity. After doing this assignment, they have to make a presentation to the class by giving
sentences and correct pronunciation. This is expected to foster self-confidence in students'
attitudes. If one of the students came in front of the class, the other students must have guessed
about the animal. As a support in learning, for the next meeting, he asked students to bring
family photos.

At the same time, at the beginning, the teacher greets students and performs student attendance
as usual. He reviewed the lesson on the last meeting and asked students to put outside their
family photos. Unfortunately, at that time there were some students who didn't bring their
pictures. Sequentially, the teacher advises and gives the appropriate permission to do so. Time is
running fast. Therefore, he explained descriptive text. The teacher tells students how to describe
something through their relatives. Next he divided the class into groups of 3 to 4 students. The
roles in carrying out these activities are made into several columns (name, status, age, physical
appearance, nose shape, face and body, as well as the characteristics to be described) that must
be filled in. One student explains to other students about the learning. the image he carries and
does the same to others. Based on this activity, students can practice speaking (telling stories
about family), listening (what friends say), and writing.

Initially the teacher always greeted him, rolled up the student list, and reviewed lessons. To
continue the learning process, the teacher shows several pictures to engage students and asks
students to make sentences based on each picture. Based on these examples, he asked students to
analyze which subject and which verb. He randomly assigned the students one by one to make
free sentences. In the discussion session, the teacher and students discuss the simple present
tense pattern. Through this activity it is analyzed together.

The teacher checks students' understanding by making groups about the simple present tense
using games, but it must be done individually. The game the teacher uses to teach is
"Grammarific". The shape of the paper is in the form of many small boxes, each of which has a
different question. Sometimes students answer by completing sentences using a subject or verb
or making sentences based on the subject or verb. Each group consists of 3 to 4 students. After
that it must be written on paper. This activity will run until they finish the level box.

In this way, students can practice speaking and listening without thinking much. The winners are
those who can complete the box level quickly. The teacher asks students to collect the papers.
Teachers will evaluate their understanding based on this paper.


Zhou (2011) states that learning occurs when we observe changes in the behavior of students as a
result of what has been experienced. This means that the purpose of the learning process is a
change in behavior including knowledge and attitudes. The most important learning process does
not only depend on teachers and students but also uses good methods that can make a big
contribution to the learning process. Learning a second language is not as easy as your mother
tongue. More practice and different strategies in language presentation are needed. Language
teaching, especially English, must be integrated using various models, techniques, methods and
procedures in giving to students.

The E.S.A implementation is divided into three procedures, namely Straight Arrow, Boomerang,
and Patchwork.

1. Straight Arrow Procedure

It sets up for Engage, Study, Activate (E.S.A). In the In-Engage phase, the teacher shows several
sheets of animal pictures to students. The teacher guides students to talk about sentences or
phrases that come out of their mind. This picture is about an interesting activity so that students
are interested in the learning process.

The next phase is learning. Here the teacher explains about verbal and nominal sentences in a
simple form (Simple Present Tense). Susilo (2014) examines that teacher talk is seen as a special
communicative interaction between teacher and students. The use of teacher speech aims to
convey material to students, create communicative interactions, and develop students' language

The last phase of this procedure is Activate. The teacher asks students to do an assignment to
describe using simple sentences about their favorite animal. After working on this assignment,
they must make a presentation in front of the class by giving sentences and correct
pronunciation. In the activation phase, students practice exercises and activities designed so that
students use all language knowledge. They can interact with their friends and stimulate their
friends to answer each other's questions.

2. Boomerang

This sets it to Engage, Activate, Study, and Activate (E.A.S.A). In the interactive phase, the
teacher asks students to put family photos outside. This aims to get students' attention before
learning. Apparently, the teacher appointed several students to be randomly asked about the

In addition, at the activation stage, the teacher asks students to describe the picture sentences
freely. This is an individual task that will be presented in a group after the teacher gives the
order. This is expected to increase students' self-confidence and be a good way of learning for
only one student who makes a presentation in a group consisting of several students.

At the Study stage, the teacher explains the lesson. Teacher talk is about descriptive text. The
teacher tells students how to describe something through relatives. Based on this activity students
can practice speaking (telling stories about family), listening (what friends say), and writing.

Lastly is the Activate phase. The teacher asks students to make groups of 3 to 4 students. The
teacher writes the role of carrying out the activity by making several columns (name to be
explained, status, age, physical appearance, nose, face and body shape, and characteristics) that
they must fill in. One student describes the other students about the picture he brought and does
the same to others.

3. Patchwork sewing

The setting for this procedure is E.A.A.S.A.S.E.A. In the Engage phase, the teacher shows
several pictures to engage students. Then at the activation stage, the teacher asks students to
make sentences based on this picture. Here the teacher guides students to imagine the correct
sentence based on the picture without thinking about the tense first. The teacher then asks
students to analyze which subject and which verb.

After that, the study stage was carried out after this. The teacher analyzes sentences and guides
students to make Simple Present tense patterns. After the teacher explains this, the teacher
checks the students' understanding by directing the students one by one randomly to make free
sentences. The teacher discusses with students about the simple present tense pattern. From here
students can conclude by themselves about tense. This phase becomes the learning phase.

If class conditions become weak, the teacher needs to provide something interesting again to
attract students' attention as a phase of engagement. The teacher checks students' understanding
of the simple present tense by using games. The game the teacher uses to teach is "grammar".
Grammarific is a grammar game that students must complete or answer based on the questions in
the box. Like a leader and snake shape who have to use the dice to play this game. To do this, the
teacher divides the class into groups, such as small discussions where students have to sit
randomly with other friends to create intense interactions between them. Partin (2009) found this
arrangement enhances small group discussion and cooperative learning, but also invites chatting
and socializing.

For the last stage, activate it. Through playing in a team, students can explore their understanding
in speaking and listening. In this activity students become active students because they have to
practice talking to other friends and listening to what their friends have to say. One speaks the
answer and writes, the other listens. They can practice speaking and listening without spending
more time thinking. The teacher will evaluate his understanding through this activity.

In conclusion, these activities can improve students' understanding of the topics presented and
student involvement. In addition, through teacher explanations, in learning activities, about
aspects of language and various language exponents as early as possible, students can use them
appropriately after the activity.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2005), effective means "producing
successful results." Effective teaching defines what results in useful and directed student learning
through the use of appropriate procedures. Meanwhile, an effective procedure means how to
produce and have a positive influence on the student learning process through appropriate
procedures, especially in English or a second language. Then the most effective ESA procedure
means that one of these procedures makes a major contribution to student outcomes and
understanding of learning in this way.

Straight arrow goes in a straight line: engage, learn and activate. The ESA procedure is effective
for teaching form and structure. Later, the boomerang follows E.A.S.A.'s orders, making it a
more task-based approach. Students are first involved in lessons. Then, they are asked to do
productive or communicative tasks. Through their performance in doing assignments, teachers
can learn about their needs. So the part where students do poorly in learning.

Unlike the straight arrow and boomerang lessons, patchwork can follow E.A.A.S.A.S.E.A. For
example, teachers first engage students in assignments, activate them, and then help them learn
them. After that, the teacher can return to the active phase and then continue to engage students
before making them learn additional aspects of the lesson.
Judging from the patchwork, it is a unique procedure because in one procedure it has many
stages to make students understand. The teacher invites students to invite students to do
activities. Thus, students can learn the language and know how the language is built. The teacher
gets involved again and then the students do the exercises. In addition, the Patchwork procedure
has several variations in providing activities to students related to their activities. Students are of
course more attentive, motivated, and helpful when they perceive content to connect their lives
according to Partin (2009).

Bagaimana sikap siswa di kelas tergantung juga pada bagaimana guru menyadari peran guru
sebagai motivator. Sebagai motivator, seorang guru mampu mendorong siswa yang malas,
pendiam, tidak percaya diri, dan putus asa secara bertahap menjadi lebih percaya diri dan penuh
harapan, menurut Leo (2006). Keyakinan diperoleh ketika siswa mampu melakukan sesuatu
yang membanggakan diri dengan kemampuannya. Sehingga memberikan banyak aktivitas
kepada siswa yang dapat menggali lebih dalam pemikiran dan pemahaman siswa.

Bagaimanapun, praktik mengajar termasuk dalam aktivitas yang berpusat pada siswa, bukan
aktivitas yang berpusat pada guru. Kegiatan yang berpusat pada guru menjadi pusat perhatian
karena guru adalah satu-satunya pelaku utama di kelas. Di kelas yang berpusat pada guru,
kontrol adalah yang terpenting dan otoritas ditransmisikan secara hierarki yang berarti guru
memberikan kontrol atas siswa (Garret, 2008). Guru mendominasi pembicaraan, waktu, dan
lebih berwibawa serta aktif. Ini sering disebut komunikasi satu arah. Guru aktif dalam
mentransfer ilmunya sedangkan siswa menjadi pasif dan potensinya belum berkembang dengan
baik. Mereka tidak memiliki cukup kesempatan dan keberanian untuk mengungkapkan gagasan
atau pendapat mereka.

Berbeda dengan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, Attard, Ioio, dan Geven (2010)
berpendapat bahwa seorang guru perlu memiliki pemahaman yang jelas untuk dapat membuat
siswa terlibat dalam aktivitas pembelajaran yang mendalam. Pembelajaran yang berpusat pada
siswa, seperti istilahnya, adalah metode pembelajaran atau pengajaran yang menempatkan
pelajar di pusat. Dalam kegiatan ini, peserta didik tidak hanya mendengar, melihat, menulis,
mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan apa yang mereka pelajari, dan menghubungkannya dengan
pengetahuan mereka sendiri tetapi juga melakukan dan menggunakan apa yang mereka pelajari
dan ajarkan kepada orang lain. Pengajaran yang berpusat pada siswa itu sendiri berkontribusi
pada lingkungan belajar yang positif; siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang menantang
dan bermakna memiliki sedikit kebutuhan atau kesempatan untuk tidak melakukan tugas atau
mengganggu (Garret, 2008).

In conclusion, the Patchwork procedure is the most effective procedure in presenting activities
and providing understanding to students about English lessons, especially because there are
many activities or stages in this procedure that can provide opportunities to build interaction and
self-confidence and student performance. student motivation in learning. The more opportunities
they try, the more confident they will become. Indirectly, students are more confident in showing
their learning abilities. Students need many things in learning (Leo, 2013). This can also be
proven based on student activity and the results of their understanding

Teaching English to teens is fun, but it can also be distracting. This depends on how the teacher
views and manages students in relation to their activities in class. They even feel comfortable
learning English if there are games or pictures that can build their curiosity before learning the
lesson. Students who like English feel happy when taught English lessons, but they will feel
happier if they are given interesting media in teaching. If they feel they enjoy the activity, the
lessons taught will be easily absorbed by them. Student attitudes often depend on students'
perceptions of the class, the subjects taught and the attitudes of the teacher. Their positive
perceptions bring positive energy and their negative perceptions not only develop negative
energy but also other students (Leo, 2013).

In the In-Engage phase, students may be interested in learning. If the teacher does not give
something engaged, the students' attention at the beginning and end of the teaching and learning
process will be increasingly difficult to convey material to students. Making students interested
in learning English, means making students involved with the lesson. There are several activities
and materials that usually involve students. For example, an English teacher can use games
(depending on the age of the English learner and the type of play), pictures, music, discussions,
dramatic stories, etc. Games are useful for entertaining the classroom atmosphere, to arouse
student motivation. and attention, to relax tough situations, and have fun (Leo, 2013).

Furthermore, the positive perception of students when giving the engagement phase can be seen
from the way they pay attention to teachers or other students while being taught. Their body
movements can provide an idea of the level of interest and attention of students. They provide
great attention and feedback when teaching the process. At the Study stage, students learn how
language or information is constructed. The purpose of this study is for students to understand
the material provided by the teacher. Many activities based on this research, the teacher explains
the lesson and asks to analyze sentences gathered with students after the interactive phase. This
can be useful for students to think creatively during the teaching process.

At the Activation stage, it is the success stage of language learning based on exercises and
activities that students get both in the learning process. Activities that are usually carried out in
the active phase include role-playing, advertising design, debate and discussion, writing in
groups, etc. They can show their abilities through this phase, both individual assignments and
group assignments. They can explore what they know with other friends so that confidence can
emerge in this phase.


In short, the E.S.A implementation implements three kinds of procedures, namely the Straight
Arrow, Boomerang, and Patchwork procedures. Each procedure has a different number of phases
and effects for students. In addition, they create student involvement in the teaching process that
is suitable for application in a variety of subject matter using all skills as well. Better to
determine skills. To create good teaching and learning outcomes, teachers must be able to
understand the needs of students and choose the appropriate approaches, techniques, methods
and procedures.

The most effective ESA procedure is Patchwork. This procedure is unique because in one
procedure it has many stages to make students understand and related student achievement
properly. For example, there are variations in providing activities to students related to their
activities. Of course, students are more attentive, motivated, and helpful when they understand
the content to connect their lives.

In addition, each student has different perceptions, but their understanding has the same
understanding. They understand learning because learning has been designed almost according to
the needs of students in learning. The teacher uses all the procedures in different meetings.
Students like the teacher teaching because of many interesting things and various activities
during the learning process. If they are involved from the beginning to the end of the lesson, they
will have a large learning capacity, good potential to show creativity and a high commitment to
the things that make them interested. This is because the learning objectives can only be
achieved if students are involved in effective and productive activities through the methods
applied (Susilo, 2013).

From the conclusions above, there are several suggestions that can be drawn when applying the
E.S.A. First, to attract students' attention, several other interesting activities, and materials that
involve students must be diverse. Not only using pictures to engage students, but teachers can
also use games, funny music videos, or stories related to the subjects being taught so that the
teaching and learning process will be more varied and interesting for students. Second, to find
out the characteristics of students, teachers can always provide different activities in providing
learning experiences to students in accordance with their learning styles. Third, most teachers
should know that ESA can be an additional teaching method that can provide positive results for
student understanding which must be balanced with the needs and characteristics of students in
language learning.

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