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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019 1

Original article
Free radical scavenging activities of phytochemical mixtures and
aqueous methanolic extracts recovered from processed coffee

Xiumin Chen,1,* David D. Kitts,2 Dayi Ji1 & Jian Ding1

1 Department of Food Science and Engineering, School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, # 301 Xuefu Road, Jingkou
District, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province 212013, China
2 Food, Nutrition, and Health, University of British Columbia, 2205 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
(Received 29 September 2018; Accepted in revised form 12 December 2018)

Summary It is well known that the choice of extraction solvents greatly affects both phytochemical composition and
related bioactivity of plant extract. Herein, we show that coffee leaf extracts derived from 80% methanol
have no effect on basal nitric oxide production in Raw 264.7 cells, whereas, a different result was observed
with a previous hot water extract. Phytochemical mixtures formulated to contain equivalent amounts of
CQAs, mangiferin and rutin know to present in coffee leaves showed a relatively low (3.5–18.5%, TPC;
17.6–31.6%, ABTS; 7.9–13.6%, DPPH; and 8.5–29.7%, ORAC) contribution to antioxidant activities
when compared to the coffee leaf extracts. We conclude that the solvent polarity is particularly important
to the unique phytochemical mixture recovered, which in turn governs the bioactivity. This study also
demonstrated that other phytochemicals in coffee leaves that were not measured in this study are impor-
tant in assessing total antioxidant activity of this potential plant beverage.
Keywords Anti-inflammation, antioxidant, aqueous methanol extract, chlorogenic acids, coffee leaf, mangiferin.

Oxidative stress results in the over production of

reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen
Traditional practices of using coffee leaves as tea have species (RNS) in biological systems, which contribute
been used for centuries in countries such as Ethiopia, to initiation of various diseases that include inflamma-
South Sudan and Indonesia (Ross, 2005). Coffee leaves tion, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer
have also been used as ethnomedicines to ameliorate (Moon and Shibamoto 2009). Plant phenolics derived
disorders or diseases in the countries such as Haiti, from foods are good resources of natural antioxidants.
Uganda, Cuba, Nicaragua, Peru, et al (Ross, 2005; A number of chemical based methods used to measure
Patay et al., 2016; Chen, 2018). Recently, researchers antioxidant activity in various food systems including,
who characterised the phytochemical components in 2,20 -azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid;
coffee leaves reported the presence of chlorogenic ABTS), 2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazine (DPPH), oxy-
acids, mangiferin, rutin, caffeine, trigonelline, carote- gen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and ferric
noids, catechins, anthocyanin, quercitrin, kaempferol reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assays (Thaipong
and related glycosides (Ross, 2005; Campa et al., 2012; et al., 2006). We have introduced a cell-based model
Martins et al., 2014; Patay et al., 2016; Chen et al., system using nitric oxide (NO) output from Caco-2
2018). Although the underlying mechanisms for the cells when challenged with an oxidative stress (Chen &
health benefits derived from coffee leaves remains to Kitts, 2008).
be substantiated, it is plausible that the complex and Due to the complexity of plant components that
unique mixture of phytochemicals present in coffee contribute to the differences in polarity of phytochemi-
leaves determine the level of antioxidant and anti- cals extracted using different solvents, efforts have
inflammatory activities recently reported in Chen et al. been directed to optimise the recovery of targeted phy-
(2018). tochemicals that are known to possess significant
bioactivities (Cheng et al., 2012). Ethanol, which is a
safe food grade solvent is commonly used for plant
*Correspondent: E-mail:

© 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology
2 Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al.

polyphenol extraction, whereas methanol, a non-food Ltd. (Chengdu, China). HPLC grade acetonitrile
grade solvent, is more efficient in extracting polyphe- (ACN) was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific
nols with lower molecular weight; in comparison, (Waltham, MA, USA). Fetal bovine serum (FBS) was
aqueous acetone which is more effective to extract purchased from Invitrogen (Burlington, ON, Canada).
higher molecular weight flavanols (Thavamoney et al., Other chemicals were analytical grade and were pur-
2018). One good example of this is the use of chased form Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
methanol as the solvent to extract total phenolics with
excellent recoveries reported from four vegetable by-
Preparation and extraction of coffee leaves
products that compared using hexane, chloroform and
ethyl acetate, respectively (Babbar et al., 2014). Fresh coffee leaves were processed according to the
Our previous study reported that hot water extracts methods described in Chen et al. (2018) to produce
obtained from coffee leaves processed using different products that mimic different tea beverages, namely,
tea processing methods, had different phytochemical white-tea-process (WTP), Japanese-style-green-tea-pro-
recoveries that greatly influenced specific measurements cess (JGTP), Chinese-style-green-tea-process (JGTP),
of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities (Chen oolong-tea-process (OTP) and black-tea-process (BTP)
et al., 2018). We reported in our previous study the fact coffee leaf teas. Young and mature coffee leaves were
that hot water extraction of coffee leaves produced an labelled as Y and M, respectively. The dry coffee leaves
extract that has dual functions on NO production. We were ground into powder followed by extracted with
also found that it was the water fraction which con- 80% methanol at a sample to solvent ratio of 1 : 20 (W
tributed to the NO induction capacities, whereas, aque- : V) for three times with sonication (Elma S-30H ultra-
ous methanol fractions inhibited NO production (Chen sonic cleanser, Tovatech, Germany) for 20 min at room
et al., 2019). Furthermore, the phytochemical mixtures temperature. The samples were centrifuged at 5000 g
containing equivalent amount of 3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4- for 20 min and filtered through WhatmanÒ No. 4 filter
diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, caffeine, mangiferin and rutin, as paper. The supernatant was combined and evaporated
present in corresponding coffee leaf extracts were not under reduced pressure and then freeze-dried. All of the
found to be major contributors to the NO inhibitory extractions were performed at least three times and the
activities. However, the use of methanol as an extrac- yield of the extract was calculated as: weight of extract/
tion solvent for processed coffee leaves to recover weight of coffee leaf 9 100%.
defined phytochemical profiles which react in chemical
based free radical (e.g. AAPH (2,20 -Azobis(2-amidino- HPLC analysis
propane) dihydrochloride), DPPH, ABTS) and cell Phytochemicals including, caffeine, 3-CQA, 5-CQA,
based RNS (e.g. NO) scavenging activity needs to be 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, mangiferin, isomangiferin and
determined. The aims of the present study were to com- rutin were analysed by the method described in Chen
pare the phytochemical composition and antioxidant et al. (2018). These eight phytochemicals were detected
activities of both young and mature coffee leaves pro- simultaneously at one run. HPLC analysis were con-
cessed by different tea processing methods when ducted using Agilent 1100 LC system (Agilent, Santa
extracted using 80% methanol. From these data we esti- Clara, CA, USA).
mate the contribution that phytochemical mixtures
have to elicit antioxidant activities of coffee leaf extracts
Free radical scavenging capacities analysis
derived from different processing methods.
Total phenolic analysis
Total phenolic content (TPC) analysis was performed
Materials and methods
based on the method described by Chen et al. (2018).
Briefly, coffee leaf extract, phytochemical mixtures
(PM) and gallic acid standard were mixed with 10-times
Young (30–90 days) and mature (90–180 days) Coffea diluted Folin-Ciocalteu reagent for 1 min at room tem-
arabica leaves were collected from the Finca La Aur- perature followed by incubated with Na2CO3
ora coffee farm located in the Matagalpa area of (75 mg mL1) for 30 min. The plate was read at
Nicaragua (13°030 35.5″N 85°540 19.0″W) and donated 765 nm using a spectrometer and TPC was calculated as
by Wize Monkey Inc. (Vancouver, BC, Canada). Raw mg gallic acid per g leaf. Triplicate measurements for
264.7 (TIB-71) cell was purchased from ATCC three independent extracts were performed in 96-well
(Manassas, VA, USA). CGAs isoform standards plate.
including 3-caffeoylquinic acid (3-CQA), 5-caffeoylqui-
nic acid (5-CQA), 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid (3,4- ABTS analysis
diCQA), 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (3,5-diCQA) were The ABTS free radical scavenging capacity was mea-
purchased from Chengdu Must Bio-Technology Co. sured based on the method described by Chen et al.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019 © 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al. 3

(2017a). ABTS working solution (absorbance at activities of coffee leaf extracts were calculated as the
734 nm  0.7) was reacted with coffee leaf extract, following (taking TPC assay as an example):
PM or Trolox standard followed by recording the
% contribution
absorbance at 734 nm. The percentage inhibition was
calculated and the Trolox equivalent antioxidant TPC of PM
¼  100
capacity (TEAC) is expressed as lmol Trolox per g TPC of corresponding coffee leaf extract

DPPH analysis Results and discussion

The DPPH free radical scavenging ability of coffee leaf
extract and PM were analysed according to the Phytochemical profiles of methanolic extracts of coffee
method described by Chen et al. (2017a). Coffee leaf leaves
extract, PM or Trolox standard was reacted with
The yield of coffee leaf extracts derived from aque-
DPPH and absorbance at 519 was read by a spectrom-
ous methanolic extraction and related phytochemical
eter. The TEAC was calculated same as above.
compositions are presented in Table 1. The HPLC
profile and the standard curves of the eight phyto-
ORAC analysis
chemicals is shown in Figures S1 and S2. The impact
The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value
of different processing methods on the yield of
of coffee leaf extract and PM was measured based on
methanolic extract was influenced by the age of cof-
the method described by Chen et al. (2017a). Coffee
fee leaves. For example, young leaves (e.g. OTP and
leaf extract, PM or Trolox standard was reacted with
BTP) that had undergone oxidation process had
fluorescein sodium salt and AAPH sequentially in 96-
greater extract yields than those recovered from
well black plate and the Fluorescence (kex = 485 nm;
mature leaves. However, mature leaves without prior
kem = 527 nm) was recorded for 1 h. The ORAC
oxidation tended to produce extracts that were
value was expressed as lmol Trolox per g leaf.
greater or equivalent to extracts recovered from
young leaves when processed in the same way. The
NO analysis
reasons that oxidation affects the extraction yield of
Raw 264.7 cell (TIB-71, ATCC) grown in Dulbecco’s
young vs. old leaves are not known. A plausible
Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) supplement with
explanation, however, could be that there is a
10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U ml1 of penicillin and
decrease of polyphenol oxidase activities during the
100 lg ml1 of streptomycin were seeded at a density
development stages in the leaves which results in a
of 105 cells well1 in 96-well plate and cultured over-
varied transformation of constituents with unique
night followed by treated with coffee leaf extracts with
combined polarity (Mazzafera & Robinson, 2000).
or without interferon c (INF-c) and lipopolysaccharide
This would favour a relatively greater yield in young
(LPS). The NO scavenging capacity was evaluated by
leaves when extracted using methanol.
the ability of coffee leaf extract inhibiting NO produc-
Caffeine and 5-CQA are two of the most abundant
tion in INF-c and LPS-treated Raw 264.7 cells (Chen
phytochemicals present in coffee leaf extract. Com-
& Kitts, 2015). NO content in the cell culture super-
pared with the hot water extract, a greater efficiency of
natant was measured using Griess assay (Chen et al.,
caffeine, mangiferin and rutin recovery occurred using
2017b). The IC50 of NO inhibitory capacity was calcu-
80% methanol extraction. This finding is attributed to
lated using OriginPro software (OriginLab Corpora-
the lower polarity of methanol compared with water
tion, Northampton, MA, USA). Cell viability was
which favours the solubility of phenolic compounds in
accessed using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol -2-yl)-2,5-diphe-
aqueous methanol. Moreover, acoustic cavitation and
nyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and the cell via-
a mechanical effect, produced by ultrasound waves will
bilities in present study are all >90%.
also accelerate solvent penetration into plant tissue,
thus increasing the contact surface area between sam-
Contribution of PM to the antioxidant activities of coffee
ple and solvent and therefore enhancing extraction effi-
leaf extracts
ciency (Ghafoor et al., 2009). The higher temperature
The antioxidant activities of individual phytochemicals
used with boiling water extraction might also result in
including, 3-CQA, 4-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-
degradation of phenolic compounds. Similar to the
diCQA, 4,5-diCQA, caffeine, mangiferin and rutin were
results that observed with hot water extract, Japanese-
investigated. In addition, the antioxidant activities of
style-green-tea-process-young (JGTP-Y) and black-tea-
phytochemical mixtures that have equivalent content of
process-mature (BTP-M) coffee leaves contained the
3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, mangiferin
greatest and lowest measured phenolic compounds
and rutin as coffee leaf extracts were investigated and
among all ten types of coffee leaves, respectively.
percentage contribution of PM to the antioxidant

© 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019
4 Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al.

Table 1 Phytochemical content (mg g1 leaf) of coffee leaves extracted with methanol-water (80/20, v/v)

Sample Yield (%) Caffeine 3-CQA 5-CQA Mangiferin Isomangiferin Rutin 3,4-diCQA 3,5-diCQA

WTP-Y 26.9  0.8d

8.64  0.67b
ND 2.39  0.09h
2.88  0.24ef
0.44  0.03ef
2.64  0.12bc
0.12  0.01c
0.53  0.01f
WTP-M 34.7  0.8a 7.82  0.28bc 0.21  0.01b 11.18  0.65c 4.33  0.19c 0.58  0.02c 2.85  0.04b 0.10  0.01cd 0.71  0.03de
JGTP-Y 33.2  0.7ab 8.00  0.56bc 0.22  0.02b 21.15  0.08a 8.43  0.09a 1.47  0.02a 3.46  0.02a 0.28  0.02a 2.85  0.07a
JGTP-M 32.3  0.2b 8.11  0.33bc 0.30  0.02a 18.79  0.33b 6.31  0.20b 0.88  0.03b 2.49  0.03cd 0.09  0.01cd 1.75  0.03b
CGTP-Y 29.2  1.4c 10.18  0.67a 0.16  0.04c 6.25  0.56e 3.11  0.37de 0.48  0.03de 1.72  0.10ef 0.18  0.02b 1.64  0.13b
CGTP-M 34.0  1.2ab 7.67  0.34bc 0.18  0.00bc 9.87  0.43d 3.20  0.13de 0.46  0.02e 2.38  0.13d 0.10  0.00cd 1.13  0.06c
OTP-Y 26.7  0.1d 7.51  0.71bc ND 1.16  0.04i 0.64  0.03g 0.08  0.00g 0.73  0.08g 0.07  0.01de 0.13  0.01g
OTP-M 24.4  0.1e 10.92  0.48a 0.12  0.01d 3.44  0.17g 2.49  0.11f 0.37  0.01f 1.90  0.07e 0.10  0.00cd 0.63  0.01ef
BTP-Y 30.0  0.6c 11.33  0.35a ND 4.79  0.15f 3.43  0.10d 0.54  0.05cd 1.63  0.03f 0.11  0.00c 0.80  0.03d
BTP-M 24.3  0.7e 7.18  0.33c ND 0.91  0.03i 0.53  0.01g 0.06  0.00g 0.51  0.01h 0.05  0.00e 0.09  0.01g

BTP-M, black-tea-process mature coffee leaves; BTP-Y, black-tea-process young coffee leaves; CGTP-M, Chinese-style-green-tea-process mature cof-
fee leaves; CGTP-Y, Chinese-style-green-tea-process young coffee leaves; JGTP-M, Japanese-style-green-tea-process mature coffee leaves; JGTP-Y,
Japanese-style-green-tea-process young coffee leaves; ND, not detectable; OTP-M, oolong-tea-process mature coffee leaves; OTP-Y, oolong-tea-pro-
cess young coffee leaves; WTP-M, white-tea-process mature coffee leaves; WTP-Y, white-tea-process young coffee leaves.
Data are shown as means  SD. Data in same column not sharing same letters are significantly different at P < 0.05.

compounds that have less active groups (Do et al.,

Antioxidant activities of coffee leaf extracts and
corresponding phytochemical mixtures
The use of methanol to extract OTP-M coffee leaves
The chemical-based antioxidant assays are generally produced lower NO inhibitory capacity compared to a
based on hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) reaction (e.g. similar extraction using young leaves; the opposite was
ORAC assay) and electron transfer (ET) reaction (e.g. observed for BTP leaves. This finding contrasted the
Folin-Ciocalteu based TPC assay, DPPH and ABTS antioxidant activity results for these respective solvent
assays). HAT reaction is used to quantitate the free extracts and pointed to the fact that phytochemicals
radical chain breaking reaction, whereas, ET reaction measured in these extracts may not possess the same
measures the reducing capacity of antioxidants (Huang degree of anti-inflammatory activity. Moreover, our
et al., 2005). Except for the analysis methods, antioxi- previous study also showed that NO inhibitory effects
dant activity of plant extracts is also influenced by of hot water gave different results compared to when
physiochemical properties that include, solubility, extracted with methanol; showing that OTP-Y and
polarity and stability of potential bioactives in the BTP-M had greater IC50s compared with their mature
plant matrix (Nikousaleh & Prakash, 2016). In the pre- or young counterparts, respectively. Interestingly, hot
sent study, the methanol extracts from JGTP-Y coffee water BTP-M coffee leaf extracts were unique in affin-
leaves possessed the greatest ABTS and DPPH free ity to induce basal NO production in Raw 264.7 cells
radical scavenging activity and TPC and ORAC value (Chen et al., 2018), whereas, the aqueous methanol
(P < 0.05), whereas, BTP-M methanol extract had the extract showed no activity to induce NO. Further frac-
lowest antioxidant activities (Table 2). Methanol tionation of JGTP-Y and BTP-M hot water extracts,
extracts of JGTP coffee leaves possessed greater ABTS produced significant NO induction activity (Chen
free radical scavenging activity than that obtained et al., 2019), thereby indicting that recovery of highly
from the hot water extract; however, in the case of hydrophilic compounds was responsible for this activ-
oxidised coffee leaves, including OTP and BTP leaves, ity observed from boil water infusion.
the findings were different. We conclude that the oxi- Our previous study also found that the PM, includ-
dation of phytochemicals will influence the polarity of ing 3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, mangi-
products, thus affecting recovery in different solvents, ferin, rutin and caffeine in coffee leaves were not the
which in turn reflects the extent of bioactivity obtained major contributors to the NO inhibitory capacity
from the extract. The hydrogen bonds formed between (Chen et al., 2019). In order to predict which phyto-
hydroxyl groups of phenolic compounds and organic chemicals contribute to the antioxidant activity of cof-
alcohol explain the greater TPC measured in the aque- fee leaf extracts, we measured the antioxidant activities
ous methanol JGTP-Y extracted samples, compared to of individual phytochemicals (Table 3). Caffeine did
that of hot water extracts (Queimada et al., 2009). In not show capacities to scavenge free radicals (data not
addition, increasing the water content in organic sol- shown). In general, diCQAs (3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA
vent mixtures resulted in decreased TPC and antioxi- and 4,5-diCQA) had greater antioxidant activities
dant activity due to the presence of phenolic compared with mono-CQAs (3-CQA, 4-CQA and 5-

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019 © 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al. 5

Table 2 Total phenolic content and free radical scavenging capacities of coffee leaf extracted with methanol-water (80/20, v/v)

TPC (mg gallic ABTS (lmol DPPH (lmol ORAC (lmol Trolox
Sample acid per g leaf) Trolox per g leaf) Trolox per g leaf) per g leaf) NO (IC50) mg mL1

WTP-Y 40.1  0.5d 225  7d 382  28e 707  52d 1.34  0.10b
WTP-M 58.1  2.9c 361  21b 799  29ab 943  41bc 0.91  0.12c
JGTP-Y 75.4  0.9a 409  12a 820  27a 1115  65a 0.72  0.09c
JGTP-M 67.5  2.3b 367  9b 735  19b 978  24b 0.86  0.03c
CGTP-Y 45.1  2.9d 250  7d 604  4c 692  54d 0.82  0.08c
CGTP-M 56.7  3.1c 310  9c 654  12c 848  35c 0.83  0.03c
OTP-Y 15.1  0.6f 80  2f 193  8f 288  15f 0.88  0.10c
OTP-M 32.1  0.8e 132  1e 421  34de 420  19e 1.78  0.22a
BTP-Y 27.9  0.5e 149  9e 478  38d 460  4e 1.77  0.16a
BTP-M 12.4  1.2f 67  4f 181  19f 236  9f 1.46  0.11ab

BTP-M, black-tea-process mature coffee leaves; BTP-Y, black-tea-process young coffee leaves; CGTP-M, Chinese-style-green-tea-process mature cof-
fee leaves; CGTP-Y, Chinese-style-green-tea-process young coffee leaves; JGTP-M, Japanese-style-green-tea-process mature coffee leaves; JGTP-Y,
Japanese-style-green-tea-process young coffee leaves; OTP-M, oolong-tea-process mature coffee leaves; OTP-Y, oolong-tea-process young coffee
leaves; WTP-M, white-tea-process mature coffee leaves; WTP-Y, white-tea-process young coffee leaves.
Data are shown as means  SD. Data in same column not sharing same letters are significantly different at P < 0.05.

Table 3 Antioxidant activities of individual phytochemical standards†

DPPH (lmol ORAC (lmol

TPC (mg gallic acid g1) ABTS (lmol Trolox g1) Trolox g1) Trolox g1)

3-CQA 445  29c 2825  71bc 1943  131de 11 004  409bc

4-CQA 448  32c 2762  154bc 2130  153cd 10 714  478bc
5-CQA 454  33c 2692  103c 1960  155cd 9286  308c
3,4-diCQA 513  13bc 3087  85b 2501  173ab 15 597  1275a
3,5-diCQA 558  1ab 3203  213b 2698  140a 16 703  543a
4,5-diCQA 594  31a 3845  145a 2605  109ab 16 912  781a
Mangiferin 499  16bc 3942  318a 2562  59ab 12 032  651b
Rutin 450  17c 1891  213d 2309  27bc 11 201  579bc

Caffeine did not show detectable antioxidant activities.
Data in same column not sharing same letters are significantly different at P < 0.05.

CQA) and mono-CQA isomers had similar antioxidant 30 ,40 -ortho-dihydroxy (catechol) group in the B ring
activities, indicating that the position of esterification and 2,3-conjugation double bond, which contributes to
did not affect the antioxidant activities of mono-CQA. its antioxidant activity (Seyoum et al., 2006).
These results are similar to Xu et al. (2012). The order The antioxidant activities and the percentage contri-
of the free radical scavenging capacity of mangiferin bution of PM to the antioxidant activities of coffee
and rutin varied depending on the antioxidant assay leaf extracts were present in Table 4. The total amount
methods used. For example, mangiferin exhibited the of 3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, mangiferin
greatest ABTS radical scavenging capacity, whereas, and rutin only accounted for a range of 0.2–3.8% of
when analysed by the ORAC assay, it displayed equiv- the weight of coffee leaves. The contribution of PM to
alent antioxidant activity compared with mono-CQAs the antioxidant activities measured by TPC, ABTS,
and rutin. Rutin had similar TPC and ORAC value DPPH and ORAC assays was 3.5–18.5%, 17.6–31.6%,
compared with mono-CQA, however, ABTS scaveng- 7.9–13.6% and 8.5–29.7%, respectively. This result
ing capacity was much lower compared to other phy- indicates that these PM are not major contributors to
tochemicals. Although, each molecule of mangiferin the antioxidant activities observed herein. We therefore
and rutin both has four aromatic hydroxyl groups, the suggested that other factors including phytochemicals
orientation of hydroxyl groups may produce different that were not measured in the extracts in present study
antioxidant activity. Mangiferin is a xanthone and the involved in the observed antioxidant activities. On the
catechol moiety of mangiferin enables it chelate iron other hand, the unit antioxidant activity of PM was
and showing free radical scavenging capacity (Khare relatively high, considering the low concentration of
& Shanker, 2016). Rutin is a flavonoid that contains a PM in the coffee leaf extract.

© 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019
6 Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al.

Table 4 Antioxidant activities of phytochemical mixtures and the contribution (%) to antioxidant activities of coffee leaf extract


† 1 § 1 1
PM (lmol Trolox g ) % (lmol Trolox g ) % (lmol Trolox g ) % (lmol Trolox g1) % g per 100 g

WTP-Y 3.0  0.6f 7.5 45.4  4.8c 20.2 45.1  2.1e 11.8 112.1  8.3ef 15.9 0.9
WTP-M 7.6  0.1b 13.0 63.4  7.9b 17.6 73.8  5.6c 9.2 213.1  17.6c 22.6 2.0
JGTP-Y 14.0  1.2a 18.5 107.6  7.2a 26.3 111.6  4.7a 13.6 330.8  20.9a 29.7 3.8
JGTP-M 11.5  0.6b 17.0 106.3  12.5a 29.0 89.4  1.4b 12.2 278.0  23.8b 28.4 3.1
CGTP-Y 5.8  0.4de 12.8 51.8  2.2bc 20.7 51.5  2.3d 8.5 120.9  4.3e 17.5 1.4
CGTP-M 6.2  0.6cd 10.9 57.1  2.6bc 18.4 55.4  3.0d 8.5 157.5  8.5d 18.6 1.7
OTP-Y 0.5  0.4g 3.5 16.6  4.7d 20.8 15.3  5.9f 7.9 24.4  0.3g 8.5 0.3
OTP-M 3.6  0.1f 11.1 41.7  2.5c 31.6 46.3  3.3de 11.0 81.2  2.4f 19.3 0.9
BTP-Y 4.5  0.1ef 16.1 43.0  2.0c 28.9 48.5  0.4de 10.1 92.3  65.7ef 20.1 1.1
BTP-M 0.5  0.2g 3.9 13.9  3.6d 20.7 16.6  2.6f 9.2 23.1  1.0g 9.8 0.2

PM: phytochemical mixtures that have equivalent amount of 3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-diCQA, mangiferin and rutin as corresponding coffee leaves.

PMC: phytochemical mixture content (g per 100 g) in different coffee leaves. The content equals to the sum of 3-CQA, 5-CQA, 3,4-diCQA, 3,5-
diCQA, mangiferin, isomangiferin and rutin from Table 1.
%: Percentage contribution of phytochemical mixtures to the antioxidant activities of coffee leaves.
Data in same column not sharing same letters are significantly different at P < 0.05.

Figure 1 Principal component analysis. (a)

Score plot of coffee leaves according to pro-
cessing method and age of leaves; (b) Load-
ing plot of variables (caffeine, 3-CQA, 5-
CQA, 3,4-di-CQA, 3,5-di-CQA, mangiferin,
isomangiferin, rutin, sum [total phytochemi-
cals detected by HPLC]), TPC, ABTS and
DPPH radical scavenging activity, ORAC,
IC50 of NO scavenging activities.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019 © 2019 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Antioxidant activities of coffee leaves X. Chen et al. 7

Correlation between phytochemicals and free radical scav- capacity dramatically. Aqueous methanol solvent
enging activities extraction had no effect on basal NO production, but
PCA analysis and correlation coefficients were per- did show activity to inhibit NO activity. The impact of
formed to further interpret the complexity of results the solvent on recovery yield and antioxidant activities
presented in Fig. 1 and Table S1, respectively. of coffee leaf extracts was also affected by the oxida-
Phenolic compounds except for 3,4-diCQA were cor- tion process. We recommend that different solvents
related with TPC, ABTS and DPPH scavenging should be used to extract coffee leaves when assessing
activity and ORAC value, however, only TPC and specific bioactivity; more so, depending on how the
ORAC values were correlated with the NO inhibi- leaves were initially processed and the age of the leaf.
tory activity (Table S1). This result indicated that Similar to the impact of phytochemical mixtures on
phenolic compounds other than what were measured NO inhibitory, we also found that the phytochemical
herein contribute to the NO scavenging patterns mixtures prepared to define coffee leaves were not a
derived from these coffee leaf extracts. Our finding major contributor to the antioxidant activities reported
that the phytochemical mixtures which contained herein. Further research is needed to elucidate what
equivalent amount of measured phytochemicals also specific phytocompounds, or phytochemical mixtures
did not inhibit NO production strongly points to from coffee leaves, contribute to the antioxidant activi-
other phytochemicals, not yet identified in coffee ties reported in this study.
leaves that contribute to NO scavenging capacity
(Chen et al., 2019).
Principle component analysis also showed clearly
that two components contributed to 75.8% and This study was supported by Jiangsu University senior
11.6% of the total variance, respectively. Score plot talent start up fund (No. 4111360002) to XC and
graph (Fig. 1a) showed five separate groups. Except NSERC-Engage (499039) and MITACS accelerate
for caffeine and 3-CQA, the methanol extract derived (IT08181) grants to DDK. We thank Arnaud Petitval-
from JGTP-Y coffee leaf had the highest other mea- let and Max Rivest from Wize Monkey Inc. (Vancou-
sured phytochemicals, and showed high antioxidant ver, BC, Canada) for the kind donation of coffee
activities. In contrast, the BTP-M and OTP-Y coffee leaves and a contribution to the MITACS accelerate
leaves had the lowest phenolic compound content grant, as well as the Finca La Aurora coffee farm in
and this corresponded to low antioxidant activities. Nicaragua for providing samples of coffee leaves.
BTP-Y and OTP-M possessed the lowest NO inhibi-
tory activities. Mature (JGTP-M, CGTP-M and
WTP-M) and young (WTP-Y and CGTP-Y) leaves Conflict of interest
that were processed by green or white tea processing The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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