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Google Inc.

 Founded: California, US Sept 4 ,1998

 Founder: Sergey Brin, Larry Page.

 It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple,
and Facebook
 Area Served : World Wide
 Today Google has 12000 employees in offices throughout the world.
 Headquarter in California “ GOOGLEPLEX”
 On fortune magazine’s list of best companies to work for, Google ranked first in 2007 and 2008
and fourth in 2009 and 2010.
 is the most visited website in the world

Google Inc., is an American Search Engine Company, founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry

Page, which is a subsidiary of the holding company Alphabet Inc. More than 70 percent of
worldwide online search requests are handled by Google, placing it at the heart of
most Internet users’ experience. Its headquarters are in Mountain View, California.

Larry Page (left) and Sergey Brin. © Google Inc.

Google began as an online search firm, but it now offers more than 50 Internet services and
products, from e-mail and online document creation to software for mobile phones and tablet
computers. In addition, its 2012 acquisition of Motorola Mobility put it in the position to sell
hardware in the form of mobile phones. Google’s broad product portfolio and size make it one of
the top four influential companies in the high-tech marketplace, along with Apple, IBM,
and Microsoft. Despite this myriad of products, its original search tool remains the core of its
success. In 2016 Alphabet earned nearly all of its revenue from Google advertising based on
users’ search requests


The mission is the reason behind the company’s existence and the vision provides guidance over
how to reach where it is destined for.

 Google’s mission and vision together is to organize the world’s information and make it
universally accessible and useful.
CASE: The internet giant receives 250 applications for every vacancy, according to Liane
Hornsey, Google's HR director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). "Our number one
objective is to hire the right Googlers,” she said. “We never just put a bum on a seat. This ensures
we only recruit high-potential, culturally compatible staff – 100% talent.”
Google operates a 70:20:10 policy to encourage innovation. Some 70% of an employee’s time is
spent on their day job, 20% is spent on project work and 10% (or one day a fortnight) is spent
working on whatever the employee wants to do.
All this emphasis on people development requires a hefty HR resource. In the EMEA region,
Google has 300 HR staff as part of a total workforce of 2,500.

Google’s HRM: A Look at the Tech Giant’s Strategy, Policies and Practices.
Human capital and its management has become more important than ever in the 21st century.
However, very few are ‘good
as Google‘(Parent company – Alphabet) at
managing people. Google has proved that it
relies upon innovation in every aspect of its
business, even HRM. It has established an
employee centred culture at whose core is
employee empowerment.  The HR function is
a strategic partner at Google and it has
focused on benefiting the company’s core
operations by hiring and retaining only the
best. Apart from Google’s technological
capabilities, innovative and efficient HR is the
reason that it has acquired as much success
and fame. It differs from most others in terms of its focus on employees and their happiness.
When it comes to keeping employees happy, Google believes in nothing less than the best.  It
favours ability over experience and hires only the smartest people. Several things are different
about Google’s HR approach. Most outstanding thing about the tech giant is its mix of salaries and
perks meant to keep its employees motivated and satisfied.

Google caters to a global audience and its diverse workforce reflects the diversity of its global
customer audience.  In more than 40 countries around the world, it has opened more than 70
offices. Google is headquartered at Mountain View, California.  The search engine giant provides
a variety of internet and cloud based services aimed at individual, professional and business use.
Google has reached a leading position in the technology industry with the help of a highly talented
and motivated workforce that it has managed with great care.
However, with time it has grown famous for its employee friendly work environment and HR
policies just as much as for its search engine and other internet products.  Being ranked
continuously as the best employer requires intense focus on HR management. However, Googlers
themselves tell the stories of how great it feels inside those offices. (You can ask directly on Quora
and find out from Google engineers.) Google has not achieved these things by managing an
airtight environment like several other companies. Instead, every individual employee is given
enough space to use his talent and perform at his best. It has managed to maintain higher
transparency than others. The focus is also on the use of technology to drive employee
Innovative and employee friendly work culture:
The secret of Google’s success is its innovative work culture. This culture drives commitment.
Some key facts about its culture are as follows:
 Committed employees driven by a passion for innovation.
 Efficient leadership that empowers and strives to create an environment of trust.
 Recognition and incentive system that encourages performance and innovation.
 Learning environment that ensures continuous learning and growth.
 Top leadership committed to technological innovation
 Inclusive policies that encourage diversity
Google’s success is because of its culture and work environment and its HR has played a major
role in sustaining these things. Google’s organizational structure supports a system made to
pursue innovation. Google’s HR nurtures its creative and innovative company culture by
formulating policies that hire and retain the best talent. If Google has stood at the top as the best
employer for years continuously, the reason is that its focus on HR management is exceptional.

Recruitment and Staffing at

Human resource policies begin from great
hiring. Every year more than 2 million
applicants apply to secure a job at Google.
Thousands of applications are filed each
year for every vacant position. The main
focus of Google’s recruitment policy is to
have the right person in the right position. 
It does not officially reveal its number of
recruiters but sources say that more than
400 internal and external recruiters were
working for hiring new Googlers in 2009.
These recruiters are well paid
professionals, many of them external
recruiters, to recruit new candidates.  In
2012, the number of new recruits Google hired was more than 8000. Recruiters focus on hiring
staff that is highly talented and culturally compatible. Culture plays an important role when it
comes to hiring new people. How culturally compatible you are with Google decides how well you
will perform once you are inside. The role of culture and cultural compatibility has also been
highlighted by research. The more culturally compatible are the employees, the higher will be the
overall productivity of an organisation.  
However, the recruitment process is not so straightforward. Instead, the applicants have to be
through a lengthy and complicated process. The budget for recruitment at Google is also high.  
Productivity matters at Google and so there is a lot of investment behind hiring each new
employee.  It tests several things before recruiting. To some, it may appear too complicated but
then things are complicated inside technology companies and it is also why their turnover rates
are higher compared to other industries. Surviving the pressure is not possible for everyone and in
this sense Google is not wasting money by spending on recruitment. The way Google does it has
also become a lesson for other players in the industry.

Recruitment is not only the HR function’s job, but the entire organisation is somehow involved. 
Another key focus of Google’s recruitment strategy is diversity. It has partnered several
organizations to make its selection process a success and to bring a highly diverse workforce
together. Diversity is not just an HR concern, instead something visible in all aspects of Google’s
business.  Google itself notes, “There’s no one kind of Googler, so we’re always looking for people
who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our teams. If you’re looking for a place
that values your curiosity, passion, and desire to learn, if you’re seeking colleagues who are big
thinkers eager to take on fresh challenges as a team, then you’re a future Googler”. Google has
created an efficient recruitment system composed of skilled people. The recruitment team has
members in roles like recruiting research analysts, candidate developers, process coordinators,
candidate screeners and several others. Handling such a high number of applications as Google
receives each year is not an easy task and requires a lot of planning and coordination.

 Why are Google employees so disloyal? – Bloomberg
 Fortune – Inside Google’s recruiting Machine -(2012)
 Google makes the mind boggle with its recruitment challenges – Personnel today

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