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Executive summary
The study sheds light on the evaluation of the business plan which have been
designed for a start-up in producing sustainable water bottles for the pollution issues.
Infinite Heaven Bottle is an organization designing the bottles which have the quality
supported for the product along with the reduction in the environmental threats of the
regular bottle. There also lies the evaluation of the customer engagement plan,
financial plan and many more

Table of contents


Customer value proposition canvas.............................................................................4

Lean business model canvas.......................................................................................5

CMO Marketing.............................................................................................................7

Customer engagement plan.........................................................................................7

Finance and financial planning...................................................................................10



Reference list..............................................................................................................12



Responsibility of a Chief Customer Officer lies in maintaining a relationship with the

customer. The current organization, Infinite Heaven Bottle, has appointed me as a
CCO to review the business of introducing the new product of reusable bottles in the
market. The basic objective of such an innovation is to improve the quality of water
which is being used for drinking purposes. Customers at present more attracted to
safe water and the proposed plan aims at adding more value to the refreshment
quotient of products in the market. With the objective of launching the new packaging
system, the company is aiming at the reduction of waste from the product circulated
in the market. The designing of the product is to be made with tallying of cost and
loan available from the market. With the primary objective analysis the capacity of
the organization is to be evaluated to meet up with the current trend of the UK
market regarding the sales of the bottle.
The cost structure for the entire business plan is to be followed. Here, the cost price
of each bottle is given as £ 18 and the sales revenue of the product designed needs
to be really high, because of the increase in demands of the particular product in the
UK market. Profit margin scales for the business are set to be quite high with respect
to sales ratio. This determines the key financial target of the organization. Further
regions of business plan are reviewed in the report with emphasis on the customer
value proposition and business model canvas which has been designed in the
product planning. The three-year-long report of cash flow has established that the
cost structure remained more or less the same with the help of alternate markets for

Customer value proposition canvas

The designing of the customer value proposition is made up of from relationship with
the proposed value of an organization. Products and services are designed in the
company for the betterment of the organization as well as the potential customer
base. de Campos et al. (2019) have defined with choosing a proper price helps
individual to attract the customers. In producing the new bottles the details are to be
provided regarding components, manufacturing details and benefits of using the
product. With this, we can help in providing details of ideas to the customer about

our product and detail of using products. The value chain which has been proposed
by our organization has also provided with the profile of customers being satisfied
with the products. Our customers will be provided with a new refreshment with a
totally new product. The proposition made by us in the launch of the product has
helped customers to attain a life with proper aspiration lookout. Our customers can
face hardship with low knowledge regarding the product and the use of the product.
A value analysis of the project presently assigned with Infinite Heaven Bottle is
selling the product with a cost price of £18. The cost assigned has been evaluated
with the level of borrowing, dividing the cash and capital formation of cost. Apart
from, cist value, the overall value of cost assigned has been evaluated with the help
of details from provisions of the marketed product.

Figure 1: Customer value proposition canvas

(Source: Influenced by de Campos et al. 2019)

Lean business model canvas

Business model canvas has been used in the previous section for coining out the
business plan of launching new products of a sustainable water bottle. Ensslin et al.
(2018) commented that a proper business plan mainly for startups can be used with
Lean Business Model.
Infinite Heaven Bottle has been using a strong pan for business execution with the
help of evaluating the lean business plan that has been adopted in the section. The
partners which are chosen for water bottle designing are effectively chosen among
the purifier suppliers, suppliers of metals and the research and development
authority. Choosing of the potential partners help with manufacturing and the purifier
brands can use their branding for marketing (Pádua and Jabbour, 2015). The

suppliers of purifier along with the metal suppliers can help in construction as well as
the marketing of the products which are designed as per marketing plan. The Lean
Canvas is an adjustment of Business Model Canvas and it is particularly intended for
business people. The canvas centers around issues, arrangements, key
measurements and upper hands. The Lean Canvas incorporates viewpoints for new
companies to manage vulnerability and hazard (Harmeling et al. 2017). He included
the components Issue and Arrangement just as Key Measurements and Uncalled for
advantage. The Lean Canvas likewise mirrors the standards of the "Lean Startup"
approach manufacture measure-learn. This methodology of Lean Canvas got helpful
for new businesses. Since new businesses regularly have no items to test the
interest in the market, it doesn't give a lot of consideration to client segments (Pádua
and Jabbour, 2015). This is regularly deciphered as its disadvantage. Business
people invest a large portion of their energy in structuring and drafting a well-inquired
about and a careful business plan which isn't essential at the ideation arrange or the
presentation phase of their item. One of the significant downsides of building up a
business plan is that it is not really perused (twice) by anybody which leaves its
extent being altered to zero (Harmeling et al. 2017). The lean canvas is another and
effective way to deal with building up a solitary page business plan that encourages
you to deconstruct your business thought into key suppositions to investigate it
Metal suppliers are used for the supply of trustworthy raw materials creating
collaboration for succeeding in the marketing of the product. Lean business canvas
also identified the potential resource which is to be used for producing the bottles
and the key resources for production include the labor force with exceptional
knowledge regarding the roles that they are playing for the job. Moreover, the
allocation of labor is to be done properly for helping the production phases. The
research and development plan has been assigned with the task of researching and
finding suitable market conditions for launching products, as it is quite trending in the
market. Moreover, there also underlies the essence of finding out the proper
production place for carrying out the entire process of production. The Business
Model Canvas applies the strategies and procedures utilized by Skype and Apple to
accomplish item achievement in the market while the lean canvas is more target-
explicit and coordinates both little and enormous businesses viably. Lean Canvas is
planned explicitly for new businesses; it rotates on tending to more extensive client

issues and arrangements and through a one of a kind offer, it conveys them to client
segments. The business model canvas was made to understand the issue of
business plans being uninterruptedly obsolete when they are in the underlying
phases of improvement (Pádua and Jabbour, 2015). Thus, it tends to be said that it
was created for the organizations which had a physical nearness in the market to
facilitate the arranging and fruitful execution of the following stages. Be that as it
may, when new businesses which didn't have a genuine physical nearness utilized
the business model canvas, they couldn't fill all the cases and the canvas remained
mostly complete (Harmeling et al. 2017). The Lean Canvas is acclimatized for new
companies toward the start of their reality, not at all like Business Model Canvas
which is material for existing businesses too. The canvas utilizes a similar 9 squares
system with the exception of the squares have been renamed to suit superbly to the
necessities of a lean startup. It gives the authors a chance to record the business
model of their startup which will at that point be refreshed continually over the long
haul (Pádua and Jabbour, 2015). Lean Canvas is consistently Business visionaries
centered and is similarly helpful for each individual engaged with presenting the new
item or thought to the market.
The value proposition for the production is to be done with the details analysis of the
constituents and utility of products sold in the market. In the case of the particular
product there lies the essence of carrying out the health benefits and additional
benefits of the product marketed. The low-cost price of the product can help in
attracting more customers to the market. The use of the product also aims at
benefitting the aspirational health factors of the body of the individuals. The values
are undertaken by the company which also involved in supplying the products which
are oriented to customer satisfaction.
Channels which are chosen for the marketing of the products include the existing
channels of retailers, mostly through supermarkets, super shops as well as the
malls. The company has also chosen an effective channel of selling products
through online channels. As per the business canvas, the most identified market for
selling sustainable bottles are the youth to middle-aged person. Mostly employed
people are chosen as the primary target market for the organization. The cost
structure of the entire project involves the cost for machinery, rent, depreciation of
the cost and insurance of the company. The sales from the project will involve the
details of breaking even the cost structure.

CMO Marketing

Chief marketing officer plays an important role in carrying out the C level
responsibilities of jobs. Objectives of CMO also deal with the creation,
communication, and carrying out the delivery of the products. Henningsen et al.
(2015) defined that the marketing officer is also termed important for the
maintenance of the relationship with the different stakeholders of the business. As
the CCO there lies the responsibility of evaluating the plan of business as well as the
review of distribution channels which are used for the perspectives of carrying out
the business in the target market. Execution of plans for engaging the customers
along with the evaluation target audience acts as the responsibility for the business.
The CCO has the job role of emphasizing the advertisement, managing the brand
and carrying out better exposure for digital marketing (Harmeling et al. 2017).
Expansion of the business plan also falls under the responsibility of the CMO for
carrying out consumer-centric marketing. The current marketing plan with the launch
of the sustainable bottle aims at having control of the market. There also lies the
importance of the product being circulated with the market for the high demand.
Nobre et al. (2019) mentioned that with effective skills of technology and finances,
there also lies the necessity of having problem-solving capabilities.

Customer engagement plan

Goals ● Goals for developing knowledge regarding the products.

● Engaging the benefits of AMI with the evaluation of
customer’s trend.

Objectives ● To make the customers accept the changes.

● To provide customers with clear as well as apparent
● To integrate the participation of customers.

Customer ● The customers are to be provided with the awareness of

education regarding products.
● Customers are to be provided with information and
engagement details with the project.

Privacy data ● The customers are to be provided with protection for the

data sources along with an assessment of privacy.
● The controlling principles are also to be adopted for the
betterment of customers regarding the protection of
their interests.

Customer ● A proper system is to be adopted for connecting with

connection the customers along with the option for collaborating
with the data sources.
● The implementation plan is to be chosen for generating
proper customer engagement process.

Innovation of ● The designing rates are to be chosen for the proper

design rate pricing of designed products.
● Since, the organization is a start-up with a common
product designed, the pricing strategy needs to be

Cost savings and ● Proper frameworks are chosen for the identification of
revenue the business.
opportunities ● The business framework is chosen with respect to the
identified opportunities for customers as well as third
parties responsible for the business.

Amendments ● Engagement of customers is also based on the

development of the amendments for them. This is
because with the proposed amendment there lie the
tariff policies.

The customer engagement plan is carried out with respect to engaging as many
customers as possible with the market of new products. Dudin et al. (2015) have
defined that the engagement plan involves the details of attributes which attract
customers to the market. Infinite Heaven Bottle is one of the most innovative sources
for producing products for middle-aged to old-aged persons need to have the
identified customer base because of spreading the business ideas. The engagement
plan needs to have the provision to engage more customers to market of sustainable
bottles. Clear communication with customers forms the basis of customer
engagement as well as retention. Bezrukova et al. (2017) commented with the factor
when customers feel important with the marketing and participation of decision
making, there occurs the more propensity with the producers in the market.
Collaboration with the customers is available with the help of education of customers
and sharing of strategies. This requires the essence of giving a perfect portal, which
is the online website for the company. There needs to be a particular timing for the
sequencing of messages and the particular duration of meetings. Use of artifacts like
meetings, website designing and social media platform has been successfully used
by Infinite Heaven Bottle for the attraction of customers and conducting the details of
the customer engagement.
As per the role assigned to the CMO, there lies the importance of contributing to the
entire business which can develop the business ideas further. Effective application of
technology skills helps in the identification of the techniques of business and proper
expansion of the business. Effective application of management skills helps in the
development of financial skills which can result in the development of the financial
results and consideration of planning the business.

Finance and financial planning

(Refer to Appendix 2)


The business ideas are to be developed among participants of production

processes. The business models which have been adopted are successful in
adopting the strategies, parts of business along with proper cost structure among the
business owners. The development of business practices has occurred with the
adjoining activities of the partners who are chosen for the business. Customer-
oriented production and value-oriented production has resulted in providing details of
the production process with the benefits of production. Since, the market of
sustainable water bottles is increasing in the UK market, at present the production of
these bottles lie out to be profitable enough. Revenue earned from the process of
production is more than 7000 Euros. The break-even analysis is adopted within the
point unit of 1 only and for the first three years, the cost structure is quite similar for
Infinite Heaven Bottle.


It can be recommended that the business proposal can achieve better success with
the following ways:
● Infinite Heaven Bottle needs to have regular contact with all the stakeholders
and customers.
● The financial plan needs to be competent enough to carry on the total cost of
the business.
● The stocks can be affluent enough to absorb losses and there can be an
effective engagement of the research and development team to analyse the
marketing environment in a better way.

Reference list

Bezrukova, T.L., Stepanova, Y.N., Shanin, I.I., Busarina, Y.V. and Nesterov, S.Y.,
(2017). Aspect-Oriented, key-Index based regional business entities' evaluation
framework. European Research Studies, 20(3B), p.183.
de Campos, E.A.R., Resende, L.M. and Pontes, J., (2019). Barriers, external
aspects and trust factors in horizontal networks of companies: a theoretical proposal
for the construction of a model for evaluation of trust. Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, 30(4), pp.1547-1562.
Dudin, M., Kucuri, G., Fedorova, I., Dzusova, S. and Namitulina, A., (2015). The
innovative business model canvas in the system of effective budgeting. Asian Social
Science, 11(7), pp.290-296.
Ensslin, L., Ensslin, S., Dutra, A., Longaray, A. and Dezem, V., (2018). Performance
assessment model for bank client's services and business development process: a
constructivist proposal. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 11(1),
Harmeling, C.M., Moffett, J.W., Arnold, M.J. and Carlson, B.D., (2017). Toward a
theory of customer engagement marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 45(3), pp.312-335.
Henningsen, M.S., Hægeland, T. and Møen, J., (2015). Estimating the additionality
of R&D subsidies using proposal evaluation data to control for research
intentions. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2), pp.227-251.
Nobre, P., Bilro, R.G. and Loureiro, S.M.C., (2019). The influence of cross-cultural
effect on Kérastase (L'oreal Group) consumer-brand relationship and
engagement. The influence of cross-cultural effect on Kérastase (L'oreal Group)
consumer-brand relationship and engagement, pp.804-809.
Pádua, S.I.D. and Jabbour, C.J.C., (2015). Promotion and evolution of sustainability
performance measurement systems from a perspective of business process
management: from a literature review to a pentagonal proposal. Business Process
Management Journal, 21(2), pp.403-418.


Appendix 1: Primary and secondary market research

Primary market research
The primary market research is carried out by conducting interviews with the
customer support manager of the organization. He was asked two questions, whose
responses are as follows:

Questions Responses

1. How is the preference of customers “The customer preferences have grown

acting for the growth of the business? towards the aspiration development of
the growth and development of the
organisation. Their refreshment quotient
has been increasing for the products
because of which customer retention
has been increasing.”

2. How far is the market grown for the “Market has expanded a lot for the
sustainable water bottle? bottles. Near about 1000 bottles are
being sold in a fortnight. The market has
been expanding with the help of the
new entries to the market.”

Secondary market research

Market research

Market size The market size of sustainable bottles has been


Market growth There has been a huge growth in the market as

the sales have been increasing gradually.

Customer preferences Customers are highly preferred towards using the

bottles, which are reusable, have quality water and
also increase the aspiration quotient of their

Market segments The several segments of the market of sustainable
bottle included price based segments, distribution
based segments and media-based segments.

Size of the segments Price based segment re very large, there as the
distribution of media-based segments are
relatively low.

Market competitors ● S’well water bottles

● Hydro flask

Key partners of the business ● Water purifier suppliers

● Metal suppliers
● Research and development institutions

Marketing channels ● Retail market channels

● Shopping malls
● Online portals

Appendix 2: Finance and financial planning

Cost structure

Working Out for cost structure

Items Year 1 (£) Year 1 (£) Year 1 (£)


Machinery 2540 2550 2560

Caps 558 589 610

Plastic pellets 1140 1102 1132

Rent 2210 2200 2210

Depreciation 459 480 460

Insurance 260 265 270

Total 7167 7186 7242

Revenue structure

Working Out for Revenue structure

Year 1 Year 1 Year 1

Items (£) (£) (£)


Credit Sales
(Recycling) 4589 4560 4680

Cash sales 2600 2780 2800

Total 7189 7340 7480

Break Even analysis

Working for Break Even analysis

Items Figure (£)

Fixed Cost 5209

Divided by: Contribution 5231

Selling Price 7189

Less: Total Variable Costs 1958

Break Even point in units 1.0

Cash flow analysis

Working Out for Cash flow analysis

Year 1 Year 1 Year 1

Items (£) (£) (£)

Cash flow from operating


Machinery 2540 2550 2560

Caps 558 589 610

Plastic pellets 1140 1102 1132

Rent 2210 2200 2210

Depreciation 459 480 460

Insurance 260 265 270

Total Cash flow from

operating activity 7167 7186 7242

Cash flow from Financial


Less: Cash dividend 554 558 562

Add: Borrowing 1120 1140 1102

Total Cash flow from

Financial activity 566 582 540

Cash flow from investing


Less: Capital expenditure 1350 1450 1550

Net Cash 6383 6318 6232

Add: Cash at the beginning 250 115 145

Closing cash balance 6633 6433 6377

Sources of finances Funding, debt financing, government

funds and grants and many more

Uses of finances The use of finances in meeting up the

financial requirements and encouraging
the growth of the business. The finances
are also necessary for dealing with gap
of the demands of suppliers and the
orders of customers.


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