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13.00 – 13.10 Greeting (MC) + Opening Prayer

13.10 – 13.15 Singing Mars “Wajib Belajar”

13.15 – 13.20 Watching a video “Ki Hajar Dewantara”

13.20 – 13.25 Opening Remarks From Mr Johnson

13.25 - 13.40 Quiz

13.40 – 13.55 Announcement

13.55 – 14.00 Closing Prayer


Ms. Jay + Ms Dara : Good Afternoon, everyone! Welcome to the QUIZ BEE Event 2021.

Ms. Jay : Yes, Ms. In this Event, We also celebrate Indonesia National Education Day.
As we know HARDIKNAS is celebrated on 2 May and it’s one of the historic
day for Indonesia.

Ms. Dara : Yes, Ms. Ok, so Let us introduce our self, Ms. I’m Ms Dara and My partner..

Ms Jay: I’m Ms Jay. We would like to start this event with an opening prayer. I invite Mr
Ridwan to lead us in the prayer.

(Opening Prayer)

Ms Jay: Thank you Mr Ridwan

Ms Dara : Next, we would like to singing a Mars “Wajib Belajar” and followed by a
video about Ki Hajar Dewantara. Listen, kids There will be simple quiz for you from these
videos. So, give your full attention while you’re watching the video.

(Singing “Wajib Belajar”) + (watch “Ki Hajar Dewantara)

Ms Jay: It’s such a meaningful historical day for us to this day. What is the famous Motto
from KI Hajar Dewantara, Ms Dara?

Ms Dara : The motto is “Ing ngarso Sung Tulodo., Ing Madyo Mangun Karso..Tut Wuri

Ms Jay: What is the meaning, Ms?

Ms Dara : In front gives examples, in the middle builds up the spirit and from behind
should give support

Ms Jay: Wow, it’s such powerful message, isn’t it Ms?

Ms Dara : Sure, Ms.. To this day these wise principle are still guiding Indonesian
Education. And do you know Ms, who is Ki Hajar Dewantara?

Ms Jay: Of course, He was declared as the Father of Indonesian National Education, a

national hero, and his birthday is appointed as the National Education Day.

Ms Dara : Yeah, you’re right Ms. Ok now, we are pleased to have Our principal, Mr
Johnson to deliver the opening remarks.

(Opening Remarks – Mr Johnson)

Ms Dara : Thank you, Mr Johnson for that wonderful remarks.

Ms. Jay : Ok it’s time for us to do a simple quiz. Are you ready for the quiz? We will do
it in quizizz. There are 3 questions only. Ms Monica will share the link in the chat room.

(The link will be shared and students will join)

Ms Dara : Q1 (When is Indonesia National Education Day celebrated?).

Ms Jay: Q2 (What is the famous motto from Ki Hajar Dewantara?)

Ms Dara : Q3 (Which one is the logo of tut wuri handayani?)

Ms Jay: Ok… So, the quiz was closed. And the winner will be announced in the end of this

Ms Dara : Ms. Jay now is the time for us to announce the winner of quiz bee. Let’s see…

(Operator will show the slide)

Ms Dara : We start from grade 1… LOWER PRIMARY


1st Winner : Oliver Rain 1A 1st Winner : Javen Audric 1st Winner : Kayren
Clarence 1D Valerie Piter
2nd Winner : Archie Thaddeus
Kharismantik 1B 2nd Winner : Dashton Kai Wijaya 2nd Winner : Reuven
1A Gerrit Frederick
3rd Winner : Gracille Leticia Tio Hutagalung
1C 3rd Winner : Javier Gavin Thamrin
1C 3rd Winner : Archelia
1 Runner up : Jessica Andrea 1D Keisha Pranata
1st Runner up : Celestyn Evangeine
Emmanuella 1B 1st Runner up : Sean
Emmanuel Sastrawidjaja



1st Winner : Euzee 1st Winner : Leonell Iskandar 2C 1st Winner : Keona
Hermesio Leismana 2C Quinnbelle Sutantri 2B
2nd Winner : Reeya Sneha 2A
2 Winner : Leonidas 2nd Winner : Vanessa
Immanuel Yulius 2A 3 Winner : Andrian Joshua Braun 2A
Edgardo Marpaung 2B
3rd Winner : Ciello 3rd Winner : Josep
Made Evanko Axellino 2B Deodato Utarja 2C


1st Winner : Dominic Marvalo 1st Winner : Dominique 1st Winner : Annete Carlyn
Kandila P3B Sophie Calista P3C Prinsa Hermawan P3B

2nd Winner : Alvaro Nevin 2nd Winner : Yhuro 2nd Winner : Evano Resnanda
Gavriel P3A Nathaniel Andreas P3B Raharjo P3A

3rd Winner : Emily Margaret 3rd Winner : Kent Reagan 3rd Winner : Gradey Matthew
Yang P3C Sulianto P3A Loewito P3C


Ms Jay and Ms Dara will announce the winner

Ms Jay: Ok, Now our event has come to an end. And this is the last announcement of Quiz
today. The winner is…… grade……

Ms Dara : Congratulation for all winners. And to end this event we want to watch last
video as conclution of this event..

(Operator will play the video)

Ms Jay: And let’s end the meeting by closing prayer. I invite Mr Ridwan to lead us in prayer.

(Mr Ridwan leads the closing prayer)

Ms Jay: Thank you Ms Novel.

Ms Fitri & Ms Jay : Good bye and see you……….

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