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By: Eliza Mae Fausto

Happiness is not something that just appear out of nowhere, It is

something you get, you’ve seek for it, long and prayed for. To I’ve a happy
life is through ad with God. We cant fully enjoy life unless we learn to enjoy
God, and when we learn how to enjoy God, we will love life. Strengthen
your relationship with God , talk to him through prayers, be thankful, to be
satisfied on what God gave. Be contented. To live a happy life is have a
life with him. We are CHRISTIANS, without CHRIST I Am Nothing.

To live a happy life is to have a life with love. With love you’ll find peace
and harmony. Fill your hearts with love and kindness instead of hatred,
greediness, pride. To live a happy life is to live the life you want/love.
Loving starts within yourself, how can you live a happy life and give love
where you cant even love and appreciate yourself. Believe in yourself, trust
your guts . Love is such a wonderful feeling , with love in your life you’ll find
happiness .

To be happy is to accept failures, critics and challenges on hwat may life

bring. Making this as motivation, to do better , to always keep trying. Some
days can be really tough but you just have to keep trying , look on the
bright side, in that way you’ll find happiness, positivity to any situation. In
order to have a happy life is to fight what is right. Don’t put yourself into
situations where you feel less worthy. To be happy in life is to know how to
stand for yourself, to have courage and to fight any obstacle might come.
Happiness is something you fight for, fight for it.

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