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EDUP 3073: Culture and Learning (NOTES)

What is culture? – An inherited way, norm or standard of life which includes how a person in the
particular group act, behave, belief and thinking

Material culture: can be seen, touch and clear (shelter, costume, tools)

Not material culture: an abstract inherited creation (trust, customs and traditions, rules, taboo)

Elements of culture:

Language (spoken or written words)

Shelter (place to protect people from weather, danger, status and privacy)

Clothing (something to cover up, decorate and status)

Economy (way of people to get and use money), Religion

Education (the development of people’s mind, knowledge and character through study & training)

Values (a standard and belief that become a guidance of someone to live on)

Climate (weather of the particular place)

Government/ Laws

Recreation/ entertainment (something for fun or relaxation, dances, musics)


Tools (Keris, katana, boat)

Culture and races in Malaysia: Malay, Chinese, Indian, Native Sabahan and Sarawakian

Importance of teacher to understand culture: Foster unity, apply and introduce cultural elements,
respect differences, professional and can create a comfortable and easy learning environment

Sociocultural: Socio is society and surroundings, people’s lifestyle either in their mindset or actions

The environment will influence sociocultural development

Brofenbrenner Ecological theory:

Sociocultural theory of cognitive development Vygotsky: It emphasizes the crucial influence of social
interaction, language and culture on the child’s cognitive development, children learn more through
interaction with more knowledgeable others by developing some knowledge or skills that unable to
acquire on his own
The role of teachers in sociocultural development in the classroom

 Ensure a conducive classroom in teaching and learning

 Provide good values in classroom teaching and learning process implicitly or explicitly
 Be kind, understanding, fair and professional to everyone and situation
 Give guidance and correct mistakes
 Provide orderly and systematic teaching

Multicultural awareness:

Race: A group of people with the same way of life, tradition and norms (Malay, Chinese, Indian)

Social integration: The process of integrating various group through one identity along with eliminating
differences and identities society.

The process of social integration involves:


 Acceptance of cultural elements among individuals or group of things different cultures (borrowing
elements culture).


 Mergers and consolidations between ethnic groups different cultures up to form a group with culture
and identity the same.

 The ability of ethnic minorities eliminate identity them and accept identity the majority ethnic group.

 Eg: local food or how to dress (shirt parentheses).


 The process of mixing diverse cultural entities race to form a culture and a new race.

 Eg: intermarriage.


 Communication system that uses sound, symbol in the sense that used arbitrarily (arbitrary).
 Cultural creation tools for human beings communicate with each other.

Social Structure- Consists of living human beings together and organized on the basis of interconnected
in various terms aspects of the way of life.

Main features for classifying something society:

1) Living in groups 2) Have a Culture 3) Often undergoes changes 4) Interact with each other either
internal with external parties. 5) Have leadership 6) Have social order (Arrange Layer, Class, Status and
Trust Means the statement will be true against something. Someone who puts trust on something the
matter will accompanied by a feeling of ‘certainty’ or certainty of the matter concerned.

In the context of religion as well, trust is a part of the foundation stone of development morals (creed or

Traditions: Lifestyle habits, institutions, regulations, laws, norms upheld by the group society.

In short, the rules that been practiced for generations in a society.

Eg: custom of birth, marriage and death.

The Importance of Diversity Awareness Sociocultural for Teachers in Malaysia

1) Build relationships and interactions between the various races in the room degrees.

2) Create a classroom atmosphere conducive.

3) The use of speech is independent of mixed with racism and sensitivity religion.

4) Add knowledge about other cultures. (appreciate the uniqueness)



Socialize with each other in performing PdPc activities.

Respect beliefs and practices the religion practiced by each student in the classroom

Using standard language in speech.


Plan the PdPc activities effective

Shaping the classroom environment which is conducive and culturally friendly.

Ensure students use correct standard language.

Use a caring approach in communication. For example, reprimand pupil error in a appropriate way.


Implement nurturing activities racial unity and integrase.

RIMUP Program: Ministry effort Lessons to ensure unity nurtured among students without

considering background, religion, race, gender and so on.

Provide extracurricular learning degrees through co -curricular activities such as the establishment of
Kelan Rukun Negara.

Curriculum refers to systematic written planning include objectives, content, delivery and evaluation
strategies for implemented.

Implicit curriculum also refers to norms, values and beliefs which is disseminated through education
formal and interaction in school.

The implicit curriculum encompasses the values formed by the school population itself such as practices,
procedures, rules, relationships and structures in school.

It is carried out indirectly as students learn behavior good behavior of teachers, teachers exhibit

Equality of Educational Opportunity

 All members of the community have the same chance in enjoy various aspects such as facilities,
equipment, opportunities, career and more

 Equal access to education for all individuals regardless of background, location and social class.

1) Gender

- Discrimination over one gender either male or women.

2) Social Class

- The upper class/rich with lower class/poor.

3) Interior

- There is an education gap for city and rural schools

- Eg: infrastructure, facilities

4) Minority Groups

- An ethnic group in a society that has a small number

- Ex: The Malays who attended SJK (C/T)

Efforts to face the gap or inequality:

1) Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT)

2) Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pelajar Miskin (KWAPM)

3) Bantuan Makanan Asrama

4) Elaun bulanan murid kurang upaya

5) Skim pinjaman buku teks (SPBT)

6) Skim baucer tuisyen (SBT)6) Tuition voucher scheme (SBT)

Education Program for All in Malaysia

Indigenous & interior education program (Problems that arise):

o Lack of teachers

o Students are more interested in outdoor activities versus indoor

o The attitude of the parents about students’ education is not important

o Lack of students involvement

o Lack of facilities or complete infrastructure

Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (2013-2025)

o Mastery of 3M skills

Program Transformasi Pendidikan Orang Asli (2013-2017)

o Designed to ensure the good quality of country's education system which can be enjoyed by all as well
as being able to catapult the quality of education of indigenous to a better standard.

Methods of ‘treating’ juveniles:

o Counseling

o Religious and moral approach

o Communication skills program (inter/intrapersonal)

o Educational programs and vocational skills

o Recreational programs

The Challenge of Equality of opportunity

Education in Malaysia

1) Lack of teachers

2) Requires more funds.

3) Teachers find it difficult to recognize students /no effort

4) Challenges in educating students (needs patience)

5) Position and geographical factors

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