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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Zambales
Subic National High School
Mangan-Vaca, Subic, Zambales

Narrative Report
Brigada Eskwela 2014

The six-day Brigada Eskwela 2014 conducted by different schools in different parts of
our country started. It was in the 19th of May, 2014 when Subic National High School began the
As early as 6:30 AM, the students, teachers, stakeholders and other participants who
voluntarily helped for the said Brigada were ready for the motorcade. This motorcade is the
school’s instrument for public announcement that asks for some hand in cleaning and preparing
the school for another school year this June 2. It was instructed that the first day of classes
shouldn’t be done by cleaning but by starting the lessons first. From the starting point at Subic
National High School grounds, the motorcade went around Subic until Matain and stopped over
Subic Central School. At SCS, the school held a simple program.
Brigada Eskwela motorcade is also a competitive stepping stone for the participation in
the Brigada Eskwela best schools. But the most important objective of Brigada is the students’
benefits. Ma’am Pamela Reyes Gatdula, District Supervisor, explained the goals and significance
of the performed Brigada Eskwela together with other schools. Mr. Castor M. Feria, greeted the
teachers and students for an active Brigada Eskwela this year. After some documentation, the
motorcade went back to the SNHS and then geared up for beginning the Brigada Eskwela.
Division of labor has been done with each department in the area directed to them. SSG
officers are also divided in pairs or threes to help each department. We were in the Brigada not
only to monitor, but also to lend a hand in the innovation of our school. We cleaned the ground
and cut the grass in designated areas to have clearer vicinity to clean. We picked up unnecessary
trash around the school grounds and disposed it to the trash bin, still observing the proper waste
disposal. Stairs and hallways were also cleaned and polished. Replanting and planting new plants
were done to have a greener school. We cleared the grasses that grew on the plant boxes.
On the following days, people participating on the program lessen because most of the
teachers had participated seminars. Although there are lesser volunteers, SSG officers still
continued to perform the tasks given to us and let not a day to pass by without any achievement.
On the last days of Brigada Eskwela, finishing and polishing works were done. By the help of
CAT officers, painting of balusters were done. We also watered the plants that are replanted and
also the newly planted ones. For us not to waste time, as part of the “Araw ng Watawat”
celebration, we also posted flaglets on school buildings. Brigada Eskwela 2014 ended on May
24, 2014 and SNHS buildings and grounds is now armed and ready for the enrollment and the
beginning of classes.
SSG Officers didn’t just help for our personal profit and achievements as officers. We are
challenged to take responsibility from most of Brigada Eskwela 2014 as students who are aware
of the necessity of our school for a new and better school year that we will welcome. Instead of
finding leisure inside the house or a mall, we dedicated ourselves in helping the school and be
productive citizens.
We have built a better acquaintance of our colleagues in this activity. Cleaning, preparing
and helping each other in achieving a desired goal bonds SSG family more. Shortcomings like
lesser volunteers or participants in the Brigada Eskwela didn’t hinder us completely in getting a
successful feedback. We worked together to fill the empty slots that is because of our lack of
participants. The teamwork that is built from this activity didn’t only result positive outcome for
our school but also to us leaders for this school year. Brigada Eskwela 2014 is not only for the
preparation of our school physically but also armed and practiced us, the student body – leaders
of the upcoming school year 2014-2015.

Prepared By:


SSG Secretary

SSG President


SSG Adviser


Principal IV

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