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Characters Reasons to keep alive Reasons to sacrifice

Doctor Can treat the sick, patch Theres no information on what

wounds and save lives. type of doctor he/she is. He
might not be used to open
Scientist Could use knowledge to help Might not be prepared or what
restart technology or even lies outside of the bunker.
assist in growing crops.
Priest Provides religious comfort and Could push religion too hard,
can help calm people down. even on those who would
choose not to partake.
Music DJ Can bring peoples spirits up Not much use outside of morale
with music.
Pregnant Teenager Its immoral to let a pregnant Will slow us down and likely add
woman die. to struggles later on.
Little Girl Its immoral to let a child die. Will slow us down and likely be
a hassle to deal with. Not only
in getting her to calm down but
keeping her safe.
Army General Can help gather food and Could try to contact the
supplies. Has survival government when there is no
knowledge and tactics. government to contact.
Nurse Can help patch up wounds and Not much use outside of
is likely used to dealing with nursing.
open wounds.
Engineer Can assist in repairing things Not much use outside of
like radios or vehicles. repairing.
Lawyer Can help solve disputes within Not much use outside of settling
the group disagreements.
Basketball Player Has physical strength and Doesn’t know much In terms of
probably height. Could help get survival.
materials that are heavy.
My plan is to prepare to abandon the bunker and travel somewhere else, it will most

likely take years. So first of all, we divide the cloths among everyone and set up a library

system so people can read the books there to pass the time. Then we make sure the

doctor and nurse both know where the medical kits and medicine are. Then we have the

scientist start growing the seeds and teach the rest of us how to handle them, so we

can keep farming for as long as necessary. Cause once the 6-month food rations tun

out we are going to need more food. We also make sure to breed the chickens and use

the eggs for food. We take turns on watch out at night, and during the day we use the

drone to scout the area. We also assign sleeping arrangements.

Now that we have everything set up, we need to start progressing. We need to make

100% there is no one alive outside, so we send the army general to scout the

surrounding area, and the nurse in case he gets hurt. They will take some of the

materials in the med kit. While we keep things running in the bunker, they will scout out

the area. Along with looking for survivors they will also be looking for more materials like

cloth and sticks in case they run out of medical supplies. They also look for more

medicine as well as anything else that may be of use. They will return once a week

every time going a kilometer further to gather more supplies.

Before we begin to travel, we will need lots of supplies and a way to transport them with

us. We need a vehicle. So, this time after about 2 months of the army general and the

nurse scouting, I’ll send the engineer to go with them. His job will be to search for fuel

and to search for working car materials like a motor and stuff. If they can manage to find
a broken-down car preferably a truck and fix it, then with the accumulated fuel from the

Many excursions that have taken place over several months we can start to plan on

traveling. Once they manage to bring back enough parts to restore a vehicle to working

condition the engineer will stay behind and work on this while the other two continue

their scouting missions. The engineer consults with the scientist about how they are

going to keep a stable food supply on the go this will take several months to complete

and in that time the food rations we originally had will have run out and we will need to

start to delve into crops we’ve been nurturing since the beginning. We will still need to

have rationed portions because we need to save as much as possible for the journey.

Once the scientist and the engineer finish deciding on how to grow crops on the go, we

load up all the supplies, we dismantle the power system take the solar panels and we

leave. On this long journey to find a good place to rebuild society the doctor will keep

track of everyone’s health and the general will keep a look out using the binoculars. We

will keep the same night watch system we had before. While we are moving the general

will travel 1 kilometer to the left of the vehicle while the scientist travels one kilometer to

the right. Me and the engineer will always remain by the vehicle for various reasons; to

protect the supplies, so the engineer can monitor the vehicle and so I can keep watch

over the scientist and the general using the drone. The doctor and nurse will go to them

one at a time every hour. We will travel like this until we find a location with nearby fresh

water, good land to plant crops and materials build shelter.

Once we find a suitable location the general and engineer will assist us in making

shelters. We will build an irrigation system using wooden pipes. We will set up the solar

panels we took for power. And then we will begin the reproduction process. Since we
have male and female crew members, we can re populate the planet. The general will

teach the children history, the scientist will teach them about science, the doctor will

teach them to treat wounds and the engineer will teach them about wiring and fixing

things. We will all pass on our knowledge. And slowly very slowly. We will repopulate.

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