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“What is it?

By Dmitrij Polukarov

Dr. Wacky Legs returning to his hometown after a magical adventure around the world and doing magic.
He returns to his Home/Greenhouse/Zoo in the middle of the city,descending with his obnoxious
umbrella from the sky with the Moon smiling at his back. As he lands inside of his home garden,with a
little dance he emphesizes his wonderful mood. He notices that he is alone in this marvelous greenhouse
filled with these dead looking sculptures of animals. As the positive magical being that he is,Dr. Wacky
Legs decides that it’s time to party. He does a quick spin,opens his umbrella and releases smoke from
it,closes the umbrella and aims at the statues. A quick shot of this smoke and the statues come to life
and in a great mood at that. As Dr. Wacky Legs runs with a funky dance and continues creating
companions for his party he instatntly stops in front of a fountain. It’s a statue of a mermaid. A thought
hit him. Since he’s an animal lover an all,what would happen with a mermaid if he turned it in to a living
being. He starts to think if it should be considered as a fish or as a human. But,as he covered his mind
with these thoughts,a rabbit by accident pushed the Doctor. Doctor by accident shot some smoke on the
fountain statue of the mermaid. An explosion of smoke. As the Doctor and the Rabbit cough up some
smoke they look with interest what have they just created. What was before them was a mermaid in a
sense. The upper part was the fish and the lower was the human. Doctor looked at it with
amazement,looked at the rabbit and sighs.


The treatment for the story in overall is for it look like a children’s story,yet with a spoon of wacky for
the teenage audience or something a whole family can watch. The story and the film in itself has
practically no unnatural objects,just natural objects doing unnatural things or natural things turn in to
natural things. A combination of magic but with no new unneeded information so that the audience
wouldn’t need to know anything new to understand the story and enjoy it.


Dr.Wacky Legs returns home in a good mood. To share his good mood he turns all the animal statues in
his home alive. By accident he also turned the statue of a mermaid alive which led to unexpected

Character Biography

Dr. Wacky Legs

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown

Occupation: PhD in Magic and Swing Dancing

Likes: Reading,Traveling,Nature,Dancing,Magic,Sweets

Dislikes: Spicy food,Being Alone,Bad Films that use Special FX instead of real Magic.

A wacky Doctor,who uses his magical umbrella for his time consumation lands in to his home and can’t
shove off the good mood he’s in. So he decides to turn all the stone animal statues in his green house in
to real ones. He didn’t expect to meet a statue that he wasn’t confident about,which is a statue of a
mermaid. In the end the results of his magic show quite an interesting result.


The treatment for this story is to show something magical and CG worthy without creating anything that
would limit anyone to understand what is happening. A story for children or a film for the whole family.

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