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Company Details for Booking and Enquiries

West Group Treinamentos Industriais

Edition: 03

Av. Nossa senhora da Penha, 1235,
Rua Tenente Rui Lopes Ribeiro, 231 Rua Teófilo Otoni, 15 - Loja B
loja 02, Ed. New York Plaza,
Centro - Macaé/RJ Centro – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Santa Lúcia - Vitória.
+55 22 2796-7350 +55 21 2516-5656
Telefone: +55 (27) 3227-0387
Copyright © 2012 by West Group Treinamentos Industriais Ltda.

© All duties reserved: No part from this document can be reproduced,

stored or introduced in a recuperation system, or other way transmitted, by
means (electronics, mechanical, photocopy, record or other) or purpose,
without write permission from West Group.

The examples of companies , organizations, products, e-mails addresses,

logos, persons, places and happenings here mentioned are fictitious , unless
when have reverse indication. No association with any items above is
intentional or should be deduced.

The company philosophy of the West Group Industrial Training can be described by
recognizing the people value and in its ability to add new skills, in order to meet not
just your professionally development, but including you as an integral human.

In this way, we are qualified to offer and develop solutions that provide what is
needed in business training and consulter, with focus the life preservation, in this
larger meaning, adding important ways to scope the goals from our customers in
business excellence.

This Participant’s Guide is applied to training in Work at Height and aims to

capacitate professionals to act safely in places that require work suspended and
protective measures for working at height, involving the planning, organization and
execution in order to ensure the safety and health of workers directly or indirectly
involved in this activity.

The course meets the technical and educational requirements for the implementation
of the courses to critical activities that determine, among other initiatives, training

We believe that your improvement in this course will be efficient for the confrontation
with the daily matters and could really contribute for your personal and professional


West Group Treinamentos Industriais Ltda

Company Details For Booking and Enquiries


CHAPTER 2 – RISKS ASSOCIATED TO WORK AT HEIGHT ................................. 9

CHAPTER 3 – EQUIPMENTS OF SAFETY............................................................. 17

CHAPTER 4 - RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE RELEASE ...................................... 29

CHAPTER 5 – METHODOLOGY OF WORK........................................................... 30

CHAPTER 6 – FORMS OF ACCESS TO WORK AT HEIGHT ................................ 31

CHAPTER 7 – CONDUCT IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS .................................... 45


CONSTRUCTION AND NAVAL REPAIR INDUSTRY (ITEM 34.6) ......................... 55

ANNEX II – NR 35 WORK AT HEIGHT ................................................................... 64



2. The slowly reading makes that at the end of a

1. Read all the titles. Be well-informed about the paragraph, we forget your beginning and must return
contents in order to your mind get a larger vision and to see it. Who reads well and quickly meets time to
scope all of it. read and makes an increase to his time.

4. Study without distraction. Find a way to

3. The reading place makes an influence in the
minimize the extern noises; what are sporadic
performance. Give preference to a spacious room,
noises, strangers sounds, like a shout, horn etc. To
with a good ventilation, light, and silence. Besides
study at night when there is silence, or, early
the text it’s important to have a dictionary, a pencil
(Sunday morning is an excellent hour)
and enough paper to make notes.

5. Underline with intelligence. Underlining is an art 6. The dominion each time better of the
that helps us to put in prominence central ideas, key- vocabulary enriches our possibility of
words and other important things. Who underlines understanding and increases the reading velocity.
with intelligence keeps the attention to the reading.

7. Do not interrupt the Reading, the text sequence

will make clear the meaning from the unknown word; 8. Read and understand what did read. Interact
register the unknown word in a paper and continue with the subject bringing it constant in your day-by-
to read. At the end of each chapter, take the day.
dictionary to look for the unknowns words registered.

9. Do not lament for didn’t study yesterday. Start 10. Pronounce the words: “I will study two pages”,
now. Never say “on Monday I’ll begin”, wants to “I’m going to dominate this rules now”. Say the words
pass? Then begin just now. in firmly to your own self, like a strong suggestion
for your unconsciously.

12. You should give classes for someone. Show a

11. Many repetitions will help you to fix the content. part from the content to a friend and do it together.
So many times you see that it will make you Once you, once he. To study in a team usually
comfortable with the subject. See it again and animates us when everyone participate and one
always, because in each revision little problems help the other for not to desists and the study can
appear and get resolved also other things are more goes farther.

14. Feeding is the life energy, seek food that has

natural sugar (fruits); because the cerebrum is feed
exclusively by sugar (try not to eat so much and do
13. A tired body assimilates less content. That’s why not keep eating during the study, it can perturb this
sleep well is fundamental. moment – you’ll lose time and the concentration will
be split between eat and read, use this moment to
look forward and respire profoundly)

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Work at height is defined as those executed at heights over 02 meters as well as

works in depths (excavation; wells, etc).

Any work that requires the employee's feet are above a primary work surface.


Work on scaffolding, ladders, machines, lift platform under trucks, "pipe racks", roofs,
edges of platforms, excavations and lifting cages.

If you ask to any security professional what kind of work accident that causes more
deaths, for sure we will get as answer falls from different levels.

The falls from works at height represent a major cause of mortality from accidents not
only in Brazil, but probably worldwide. The measures of collective protection against
falls from height are mandatory and priority. In the place where this is not possible,
the employee must use the seat belt harness.

1.1 Norms and Regulations applicable in Work at Height

• NR 6 Equipment and individual protection;

• NR18 Conditions and Work Environment in the Construction Industry;

• NR 34 Conditions and Work Environment in the Construction Industry and

Naval repair;

• NR 35 Work at Height.

• NBR6494 Safety in the scaffolding;

• NBR15475 Rope access. The ropes are basic elements of technical rescue
and often this type of rescue is known as rope rescue. Which presents several
types and forms. Usually are manufactured in two basic categories dynamic
and static.


 Preliminary Analysis of Risk –APR, comprising: location, weather conditions,

approval of those involved, drop of materials, equipment of fire fighting,
signaling and isolation, PPE and EPC's;

 Define how to act in emergency situations;

 Work Permission – WP;

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 Execute the DDS.

Ensure the completion of the Preliminary Analysis of Risk - APR for work at height

 Adverse weather conditions;

 The place where the services are executed;

 The authorization of the involved;

 The selection, use and form of limitation of use of protective collective and
individual equipment, taking into account the principles of reducing the impact
and fall factors;

 The risk of falling materials;

 The emergency situations, especially the escape routes or means of

abandonment properly signalized.

Issue the Work Permission - PT for any work at height, which should include:

 The inspection of the collective protection and of the personal protective


 The measures to prevent the fall of materials and tools;

 Isolation and signalization in the vicinity of the work area;

 The prohibition of work in isolation;

 The relationship of all involved and their authorizations;

 The planning of the rescue and first aid, to reduce the time of the inert
suspension of worker;

 The communication system;

 The availability of fire fighting equipment in the workplace, according to APR.

It is up to the workers stop the work, informing to the supervisor of any change in
environmental conditions, which makes it potentially dangerous to the physical and
psychological integrity of workers.

Develop and implement emergency procedures appropriate to the rescue in work at

height covering at least:

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 Description of possible accident scenarios, obtained from the APR;

 Description of rescue and first aid measures to be performed in case of


 Selection and techniques of use of the equipments of communication,

emergency illumination, rescue, first aid and transport of victims;

 Conduct the team responsible for the implementation of the measures of

rescue and first aid;

 Simulated exercise periodic of rescue and fire fighting, considering possible

accident scenarios for work at height, held at least once every year.

Work at height should be stopped immediately in case of insufficient illumination and

adverse weather conditions such as rain, winds exceeding 40 km / h among others.

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As the execution

As the execution of work at height involves particular risk to the health and safety of
workers, the employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure that their
employees are informed and trained about the risks inherent to the work which will be
developed, complying with the equipment and techniques required to be applied in
the exercise of their activity.

Figure 01: Risks of Accidents: Dangerous assembly of scaffold

The performance of work at height needs extra care, which should be planned and
organized sequentially in time and space, allowing a greater control over risk and
which must have into account the following aspects before starting any work:

 Study the work method to adopt, in accordance with the risk factors,
respecting the criteria of efficiency and quality in the work;

 Plan previously the different tasks and individual responsibilities, including the
evaluation of all types of risks;

 Perform proper study for the use of collective and individual protections,
necessary and sufficient for each type of task;

 Ensure that all workers involved will receive training and information
necessary for the proper development of their tasks.

The risks associated to the work at height are:

 Loss of balance of the worker at the edge of space, without protection;

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Figure 02: Risks Associated - Loss of Balance

 Lack of protection;

Figure 03: Risks Associated - Lack of protection

 Failure of a facility or of a protection device. (Break of support or rupture of

steel cable);

Figure 04: Risks Associated – Defects in the facilities

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 Inappropriate method of work;

Figure 05: Risks associated - inappropriate support

 Incidental contact with drivers or mass under electrical voltage;

Figure 06: Risks Associated – lack of protection

 Workers not able to work at heights. (Health Problems);

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Figure 07: Risks Associated - fear

The health status of the worker - although not being the factor that most often leads
to falls from high plans should be considered relevant and object of observation when
analyzing accidents from falls, and the factors that predispose the worker to this type
of accident should be properly investigated at the occupational exams (admission,
periodic, return to work or change of function).

There is a variety of conditions that predispose the fall from the level itself or heights.
Among these conditions, we cite epilepsy, vertigo and dizziness, and other disorders,
such as balance, movement, cardiovascular, neurological and psychological,
particularly anxiety and phobia of heights (acrophobia). Concurrent with these clinical
conditions, other circumstantial factors that are independent of prior medical
examination should be considered. This is the case of alcohol consumption by a
healthy worker before starting the work at heights, poor diet, the sleepless nights and
the use of medications that act on the central nervous system, which may not always
be identified in occupational exams.

In general, the main risks of accidents in work at height can be summarized as


 Fall of people from the high level to the ground level or intermediate floors
during the access to work surfaces;

 Fall of persons from the work surface to ground level or intermediate floors;

 Fall of objects, materials, tools, etc, from the high level to the ground level or
intermediate floors;

 Difficulties in providing emergency aid as eyewash when the occurrence of

chemical spills;

 Twist or wrick mainly in the column by poor posture at work;

 Burns from contact with hot surfaces unprotected, such as steam lines, etc;

 Inappropriate operations or mismatched motivated mainly by communication


 Electric shock on contact with bare wires;

 Sudden dizziness or vertigo for not adapting to the work;

 Delay and difficulties to take care to the emergency situations.

The presence of products or noxious agents in the workplace does not mean that
there is no danger to health. It depends on the combination, or relation between
many factors such as concentration and the form of the contaminant on the
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workplace, the toxicity level and time of exposure of the person. However, in view of
prevention, there are no micro or small risks.

This way, in any type of work activity, it is essential the need of investigation of the
workplace to know the risks to which workers are exposed.


The philosophy of prevention of falls from height must attend a sequence, for
different degrees of fall prevention:

1. Reduced time of exposure to risk: transfer what is possible so that the service
can be executed in the ground, the risk eliminated. E.g.: pre-assembled parts.

2. Preventing the fall: eliminate the risk by designing and organizing the work in
the building, e.g.: Placement of body guard.

3. Limiting the fall: if the fall is impossible, one must resort to the protections that
limit, e.g.: safety nets.

4. Individual protection: if unable to adopt measures to reduce the exposure time,

prevent or limit the fall of persons, must resort to personal protective
equipment, e.g.: seatbelt.

Note: For normal work, this technique of individual protection should be limited to
short-term tasks. However, must be used individual protection when the total risk of
the operations of placing and / or dismantling of collective protection is superior to the
use of collective protection.


Whenever possible combine two techniques of prevention, Achieved 100% of



1. Time of exposure: necessary time for the service execution;

2. Number of people involved: quantity of workers that will work on the service;

3. Repeatability of the service: the services are done with frequency or the
equipment may be used in other services;

4. Cost-benefit: check how much it costs and how much effective protection it

5. Productivity: The protection increases the worker productivity;

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6. Interference and physical space: there is space for placement of protection

and there is no interference.


2.3.1 Fatalities from falls from height occur mainly in:

 Civil construction works and reforms;

 Services of maintenance and cleaning of facades;

 Cranes;

 Assembly of several structures;

 Services in bus and trucks;

 Deposits of materials;

 Services in transmission lines and electrical poles;

 Maintenance work on towers and of communication;

 Several services in locations with openings in floors and walls without



 Conduct inspection at the place of the service before the work, in order to
carry out a survey of existing risks.

 Inspect the protection devices, checking if they are in good condition, if they
offer resistance to the efforts.

 Prepare and assemble all the necessary equipment to prevent accidents.

 Workers must have tool holders and / or tying the belt of small tools.

 It is forbidden to carry out other work simultaneously to work at height, if

necessary the implementation of this service, the work at height must be


The vertical works involve obviously that the risk of workers' falls from different levels
(falling from heights), is always present and can cause accidents with the following
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The lack of protection on the terraces;

The loss of balance of the worker on the edge of an unprotected area;

The failure of a protection device (e.g.: break of bodyguards or rupture of the steel

The inadequacy of the work method implemented (e.g.: inappropriate use of portable

Accidental contact with the driver or mass under voltage;

The lack of knowledge of workers related to the risks, prevention measures and
protection relating to the execution of tasks in the verticals work;

Inappropriate use or poor attachment of safety harness;

Oscillation / fall from motorized platform for lifting people, by static overload or
dynamic or by instability of lashing devices;

Fatigue, tiredness and precipitation in the execution of the work;

The inability of the worker to perform work at height (e.g.: epilepsy, heart problems,
dizziness and dependency on alcohol and drugs).


The prevention of occupational accidents, injuries and illnesses related to work not
only reduces costs, but also helps to improve the company performance. The health
and safety of workers can affect the performance of the company, for example:

 Healthy workers are more productive and the quality of its work can be higher;

 Fewer accidents and fewer work-related diseases mean less absences because
of illness, which translates into lower costs and minimize stoppages in the
production cycle;

 An equipment and an environment appropriate to the needs of the labor process,

and whose maintenance is ensured, increase the productivity, improve quality and
reduce risks to health and safety;

 The reduction of injuries and illnesses means less damage and fewer obligations
to repair the damage.

The workplaces, by the nature of the activity and by the characteristics of the
organization, relationship, handling or exposure to falls, chemicals, biological,
situations of ergonomic disability or risks of accident, may compromise the health
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and safety of workers on short, medium or long term, causing immediate injury,
disease or death, and loss of legal order and asset to the company.

All the team of work at height must have a coordinator; that to develop its work
should receive compatible training. Should know the steel cables and strings, at a
point to inspects them, fixed them correctly and rejects them before the start of each
day when not submit full conditions of use. Should know scaffolding and ladders
should, since the correct assembly of the first to the detailed inspection of both. Must
know inspect, assemble and use seat belts with odd skill. Must have knowledge
about the capacity and resistance of several types of shingles and roofing. It should
also be trained in methods of rescue to help employees designed and arrested for
the seatbelt.

Figure 08: PPE’s and CPE’s are necessary to prevent accidents

Currently the work at height are coordinated in most cases by people with no
knowledge, that is exposed and does the same with his entire team.

It is necessary a previous planning of work, as if it were an act of war, with elaborate

risk analysis, questioning whether phase to phase, setting up passes, transport of
materials and responsibilities.

Medical examination compatible with the risk of the work. However, the medical team
should not only be the only phase of responsibility in the matter, since workers drunk
should be removed from this type of work, a situation that must be clear to all team
members in the planning phase.

The vast majority of teams that works at heights never trained for this. Is it really
worth the bravery? It is not necessary to be a specialist to understand that walk or
remain in high surfaces is not something inherent to the human person.

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The selection and use of equipments must be done correctly, guided by a qualified
supervisor preferably by a Security Technician of the company. The preventive
measures for the risk of falling from height should make up following these general

 Prevent the fall by elimination of the risk in the design phase (if possible) or
eliminate the risks through the design and organization of work (in case of do it,
should prevent the fall through the employment of an appropriate working method
of work and means of collective protection);

 Limit the possibility of falling, as if it is impossible to eliminate it, should make the
installation of collective protection (safety nets);

 Reduce the consequences when the work conditions permit it, this is, impossible
to use the collective protections and should protect the workers involved with
Personal Protective Equipment (harnesses and accessories of individual kits
against falls from a height).

We must also remember that:

 The collective protection is paramount and overrides the individual protection;

 The integral safety belts and their components or accessories are Individual
Protective Equipment Anti Fall and should be anchored to a fixed point of mooring,
selected in the structure, or to a Lifeline.

 On inspection there has to be precision and quality to the better functioning of

work and all the equipments being preferably new or with preventive maintenance.

Figure 09: Equipments of protection

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 Protection net and net of body guard;

 Provisional platform and protective tray;

 Fall arrest device and cable guide;

 Guardrail;

 Planks anti-skid;

 Suspended scaffold;

 Lift of people.

3.2.1 Rope of Security (Life Line)

It consists of a cable, usually of steel, of variable-length, extended horizontally,

attached in the ends to secure anchor points existing in the building and that aims to
serve as an attachment to snap hook (mosquetões) of the safety harnesses or
safety belts that should equip each worker.

According to the use of access and positioning techniques through strings must be
limited to situations in which the evaluation of risk indicates that the work can be
performed safely and does not justify the use of safer equipment. The use of access
and positioning techniques through strings must meet the following conditions:

 The system must have at least a working rope to use as a mean of access,
descent and support, and the safety rope to use as backup, which should
have points of independent anchorage;

 The work rope must be equipped with a safe mechanisms of ascent and
descent, as well as a self-blocking system that prevents the fall in case the
worker lose control of their movements;

Figure 10: Life Line

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3.2.2 Dynamic ropes

Are kernmantle ropes of high-stretch (stretching), constructed to have elasticity

between 6% and 10% with a load of 80 kg (kilograms) and 40% at breaking load.
This feature allows to absorb the impact in case of fall of the worker without
transferring the force of impact, thus preventing injury. It is important to use a rope of
good construction for situations where the fall factor is high. However, a string that
stretches can be a disadvantage when used for rescue, or when it needs low down a
load from a tall building or a litter suspended by rope rescue operation. Moreover, the
dynamic ropes are less resistant to abrasion and wear.

3.2.3 Static ropes

It is a rope that has soul nylon under the stretch (stretching), being its internal strands
the one that contribute to the increased resistance to effort. For the strength of the
rope is consistent, these ropes must be continuous, seamless throughout the rope.
At the same time, to ensure a minimum elasticity, these cords must be parallel to
each other, unlike the dynamic ropes that are twisted. That is, the soul (kern) is what
bears the burden, and the hood (mantle) responsible for protection against dirt,
abrasion and wear.

3.2.4 Guide Cable

The purpose of this equipment is to serve as support to the belt for works at height
that require the displacement of workers, or in places where there is no possibility of
fixing the belt without the cable guide. Accessories required for use:

 Steel cable for its support, fixed through devices that prevent slippage and

 Independent system of fixation for the seat belt type parachutist connected to
the lock falls in a cable guide;

Figure 11: Cable guide

Are obligatory for work at height that require displacement, preventing that the worker
is released for lack of fixing point of the belt or when changing the point of coupling /
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The steel cables must be according to the recommendations of NBR 6327/83 from
ABNT and never less than 8.0 mm in diameter. They must be fixed by clips as
technical standards. The cable guides must have their ends fixed to the permanent
structure of the building by means of stainless steel or other material of equivalent
strength and durability.

The cable guides must be replaced when they have conditions that compromise its
integrity in the face of the use to which they are subjected. When there is no
definitive cable guide on the work the Company should fix it temporarily while
performing the service. The cable guide with temporary installation should be
inspected after assembly, by the Safety Technician or Supervisor, who will issue
authorization for service through the Work Permission form (PT).


The cable guide with temporary installation should be inspected after assembly, by
the Safety Technician or Supervisor, who will issue authorization for service.


It is obligatory the company to provide to the workers, free, PPE appropriate to the
risk and in perfect condition and functioning under the provisions contained in NR 6 -
Personal Protective Equipment - PPE

The law states that the employees must use mandatory the personal protective
equipment, as well as other means for their safety, under penalty of punishment in
accordance to the provisions of Article 158 of Law 6.514 of 12/22/1977 amending
the Chapter V title II of CLT - Consolidation of Labor Laws related to Health and
Safety at Work.

It is considered Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, every device or product, of

individual use, designated to protect the physical integrity and health of workers,
possessing CA - Certificate of Approval. The PPEs are those that protect each
worker individually (belts, individual ropes of progression, position and connection,
helmets for protection, safety shoes, etc) and should be tested considering the load
applied to its respective factor of safety and approved by the competent authority to
prove its effectiveness.

Before starting work we must inspect the PPE, record the inspection and refuse to
submit the PPE that presents failures, distortions or have suffered the impact of a fall,
in the case of seat belts.

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Figure 12: Personal Protective Equipment - PPE

Examples of personal protective equipment used for work at height:

 Safety helmet;

 Safety shoes;

 Safety glove;

 Safety goggles;

 Respiratory protection (when necessary);

 Seatbelt the type parachutist;

 Fall arrest device.

Safety helmet: To work at height, it is recommended a helmet with jugular of three

points. This type of helmet has CA (Certificate of Approval) and has national
manufacturer, as an additional guarantee in case of a fall, because it prevents the
jugular to get off the neck. This model is widely used for work involving industrial

Figure 13: EPI - Safety Helmet with jugular of 3 points

Safety shoes: it is an important equipment to be used in many jobs. There are wide
characteristics of safety that can be incorporated into footwear, the toe security (often
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of steel), the security insole (also steel), electrical resistance, and thermal resistance
to fire, resistance to oils and chemicals, and many others. The characteristics to be
incorporated in footwear depend on the risk analysis of jobs: first conduct an analysis
of the risks to which the employee is subject and search in the market for footwear
that has protection features to protect workers from hazards.

Figure 14: PPE – Safety Boots.

Safety Glove: are specific gloves that play the role of Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE). According to NR 06 the gloves can be used:

 Against abrasive and prop agents;

 Against cutting and perforating agents;

 Against electric shock;

 Against thermal agents;

 Against biological agents;

 Against Chemical Agents;

 Against vibrations;

 Against ionizing radiation;

 Against non-ionizing radiation.

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Figure 15: PPE – Safety Glove.

Safety goggle: are intended to protect the eyes against damage caused by particles,
spills, chemical vapors and intense light radiation.

Figure 16: PPE – Safety Goggle

Respiratory protection: ensure the functioning of the respiratory system against

gases, dusts, fumes and metal fumes.

Figure 17: PPE – Respiratory Protection


Safety equipment used to protect against risk of fall in the positioning in the work at
height, being used in conjunction with safety belt type paratrooper.

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The baldric or damping system must be set above the waist level of the worker,
adjusted to limit the fall from height and ensure that in the event the employee does
not clash with the bottom structure.

The equipment is adjustable allowing its length to be adjusted.

Figure 18: Baldrics


Safety equipment used to protect against risk of fall in the moving at work at height.

Figure 19: Safety Baldric


It is a device that allows you to create anchor points of the safety rope.

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Figure 20: Ribbon of Anchorage

Inspection: Must be inspected all anchor points before use, to identify all the
definitive anchor points and the maximum load applicable and perform the load test
on all temporary anchor points before use.

Seat Belt: must be used in all other activities that has risk of falling from a height.
The safety belt type paratrooper provides safety for possible falls and ergonomic
working position. It is essential to adjust the belt to the body of the employee to
ensure the proper distribution of the impact force and minimize the effects of inert

Figure 21: Seat Belt

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Figure 22: PPE – Safety Belt type parachutist

Operation: Hold the belt around the waist, so that the tapes of the legs are facing
down and the part of the chest is facing up. Wear the belt so that the front waist half
ring (wherein the baldric can be attached) is facing forward.

Use the buckles legs outward. Put your legs and lift the belt until the belt is part of the
correct height. No tape may be crossed or twisted. Adjust the buckles of the legs and
waist. Then the top view (chest) of the belt, passing a tape on each side of the neck.
The end of the breastplate should be joined to the waist through the snap hook that
should be connected directly to tape which is half the front docking ring. After
adjusting the chest through the buckle, the belt is ready for use and you can use the
baldric to anchor in one of the points: front, back, chest and side.

Inspection of seat belts: It is recommended that before using the equipment be

checked for signs of wear or damage that may compromise the safety of the user.

Maintenance of the Seatbelt: Can be washed with warm water and mild soap
whenever this is necessary. Drying should be natural and shadow. Do not dry in the
machine and do not expose to the sun to avoid ultraviolet rays.


Its function is to provide links and also works as a pulley with friction. The resistance
values of the snap hook should be indelibly printed so as to ensure the appropriate

The snap hook must have a double lock. In the most common models, there is a
threaded ring. To avoid the possibility of the lock stiffen after the snap hook be
subjected to voltage, will be necessary to rotate it until the end and then slack it
slightly to eliminate the pressure of the thread. Never open it when it is under voltage.

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Figure 23: Snap Hook

Fall arrest device: Device lock fall of security to protect the user against falls in
operations with vertical or horizontal moving when used with safety belt for fall
protection. All lock falls should be used obligatorily with safety belt type paratroop.

Selecting the type of fall arrest device:

 In permanent installations (ladders type sailor) it is used steel cable.

 In mobile services usually use nylon string and in applications involving solder,
corrosive chemicals, abrasion, etc. it is used steel cable.

Figure 24: PPE – Fall arrest device


It is not necessary the hands to work. The handle of the device, forced by a spring,
usually stays down, keeping the equipment locked in security cable. In the ascent or
descent, the safety belt holds the handle up, unlocks the device and allows perfect

In the falls or sudden declines the equipment immediately latch on the cable. The
device can immediately be attached or removed at any point in the cable.

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Applications of the fall arrest device:

a) Balancim individual;

b) Ladder type "Sailor";

c) Suspended Scaffold;

d) Roofs and Ramps (Gardens);

e) Or Tubular Scaffolding and Towers.

Figure 25 - PPE – Application of the lock fall.

Inspection of the mobile fall arrest device:

Before each use, inspect: the fall arrest device should not have loose rivets, worn or
crooked parts or doubtful appearance.

Note: disable the device that has any of the problems above. The latch falls, without
the snap hook, should provide perfect mobility of levers, i.e. without moving the
levers upwards, they should quickly and fully return to its original position.

Maintenance of the mobile lock falls:

 Keep clean the lock falls, away from chemicals harmful to stainless steel and
protected from the dry weather.

 The devices can be dipped in cleaning solvent and have their axes lubricated with
oil type "sewing machine", to regain perfect mobility.

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Safety of Work: It is responsible for enforcing this instruction, evaluating the

workplaces involving other levels of responsibilities, training those involved in work at
height and providing an Authorization of Work at Height.

Employees and Contractors: They are responsible for complying with all steps in
this procedure.

Managers / Coordinators: They are responsible for facilitating and encouraging the
employees to perform the operation in accordance with the instructions and appeal to
Security when there is doubt regarding to the operations involving risk of accidents.

Service Requestor: It is up to the area and / or sectors involved in the activity to

follow the necessary procedures and others that may be adopted, ensuring
compliance of the same with his subordinates and others.


The Doctor should alert the workers, the management and leadership of the
company that the main factors to prevent accidents are good prevention, appropriate
signalization, the procedure for service release in height, the use of safety belts type
paratroops and good anchorage points for seat belts, calculated by expert engineers.

The Doctor's work should also guide the safety team and those responsible for
carrying out the services in height on the need to ascertain the state of health of the
worker before starting the work. There are several situations that can cause
accidents in the higher plans, as mentioned above, and it is worth being
remembered: poor diet, alcohol consumption and psychoactive drugs, sleep


Be in perfect physical and psychological conditions, stopping the activity if you notice
any change in your conditions;

Being trained, capacitated and directed to the risks involved;

Have in the badge one of the following identifications: assembler of scaffold, "able to
work at height" or “operator of machine platform lift."

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In the execution of the work at height the following actions must be taken:

a) Isolation and signalization of the entire area under the service;

b) Adoption of measures to prevent the fall of materials and tools, including the case
of stoppage of work;

c) De-energizing, locking and tagging of all air electrical installation near the service;

d) Installation of protection or barriers to prevent accidental contact with aerial

electrical installation, according to the procedure of the local dealership, in the
technical impracticability of its de-energization;

e) Immediate interruption of the work at height in case of insufficient illumination or

adverse weather conditions such as rain and winds exceeding 40km / h, among

Figure 26: Methodology

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6.1.1 Mobile ladder

Used to access locations of different levels and to perform small services and that
does not exceed the maximum capacity supported by the same. For extended
service it is recommended the installation of scaffolding.

The ladders can be up to 7.00 meters (seven feet) in length and spacing between the
steps should be uniform, varying between 0.25 m (twenty five centimeters) to 0.30 m
(thirty centimeters).

It is prohibited to place hand ladders:

 Nearby doors or circulation areas;

 Where there is risk of falling objects or materials;

 Nearby vents and openings.

The hand ladder should:

 Exceed at 1.00 m (one meter) the upper floor;

 Be fixed in the upper and lower floors or be provided with a device to prevent
slipping and provided with non-slip steps;

 Be supported by resistant floor.

There are many types of ladders that we can find and, depending on the work to be
done, can be used manual ladders, extensible and rigid.

Figure 27: Mobile ladder

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6.1.2 Ladder type Sailor

The ladder type sailor in general consists of metal structures and is used to access
high places or depth exceeding 6m, with degree of inclination to the floor ranging
from 75 º to 90 º, having protector cage from 2.00 m (two meters) above the base up
to 1.00 m (meter) above the last working surface.

For each step of 9.00 meters (nine feet), there must be an intermediate level of rest,
protected by body-guard and footer.

The upstream must be fixed in the wall every 3m, the steps can be affixed directly to
the wall or on the amount.

The cross section of the steps must have a format that facilitates the grip of the hand,
having a resistance of approximately three times the effort required.

Figure 28: Ladder type Sailor

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Figure 29: Ladder type Sailor - bottom view and top view, respectively

6.1.3 Care with the use of ladders

 Use only ladders in good condition and suitable size;

 Place the ladder at the correct angle, with the bottom at ¼ of the length of the
ladder, use the steps to facilitate the counting;

 Never place a ladder in front of a door opening, unless it is well signalized or

have someone watching;

 A ladder should be well supported and securely fastened in the base or tied in
the point of support;

 Do not place the ladder under any equipment or machinery;

 Ascend or descend facing the ladder, do not ascend beyond the last two

 Materials can not be transported up or down the stairs, use proper equipment
for lifting or lowering materials.


 The user must inspect the ladder before using it if it shows any abnormality,
forwards it for maintenance or replacement. Routine inspection - check:

 Upstream: If there are cracks, signs of beats or other defects.

 Steps: If they are loose, cracked or otherwise damaged.

 Hardware (Hinges, guides, pulleys, etc.). If they are loose, broken, oxidized,
out of alignment, others.

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 Safety dead block: If they are loose, worn or otherwise damaged.


Ramps are surfaces of passage to transport people and materials, consisting of

inclined planes, that form with the horizontal angles ranging from 0 ° (zero degrees)
to 15 ° (fifteen degrees). The angles cited are a recommendation aiming to avoid
overexertion of workers to cross the ramp.

Figure 30: Ramps to transport people and materials

There should be no bumps between the floor of the ramp or footbridges and the
surfaces to be achieved.

To obtain a greater flow of workers without undermining its security, the width of the
ramp or footbridge is given according to the number of workers who use it. This way,
the sizes are settled below:

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Figure 31: Sizes of ramps to transport people and materials

The footbridges are surfaces of passage to transport people and materials on the
bridge spans consisting of a horizontal plane (0 ° - zero degree).

Figure 32: Footbridge

The ramp or footbridge with width greater than 1.50 m (one meter and fifty
centimeters) must possess intermediate bottom reinforcement to prevent flexing of
the floor.

The ramps and footbridges should be provided with a body-guard with height of 1.20
m (one meter and twenty centimeters) for traverse superior, 0.70 m (seventy
centimeters) for intermediate traverse with footer 0.20 m (twenty centimeters) tall.

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Figure 33: Footbridge with complete side protection

Figure 34: Provisional footbridge suspended

Ramps with an incline between 6° (six degrees) and 20° (twenty degrees) must be
provided with antiskid system, crimp type, rulers or other means to prevent slippage
of the worker.

The supports of the ends of the footbridge must overcome at least on each side, 1/4
of the total width of the span, and should be set so as to ensure its stability.

The areas near to the access of ramps or footbridges should be protected by a

guardrail system, as well as being signalized.

Ladders, planks and other materials can not be used as ramps and footbridges,
should be avoided any improvisation.

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Figure 35: Ramp with signalization.



Suspended platforms or suspended scaffolds are scaffolds, heavy or light, in which

the platform is supported by metal or wooden beams, supported by steel cables,
moving vertically with the help of winches. It is indicated for external coating services,
roughcast, placement of inserts, marble, ceramic and services of masons. This type
of equipment is used to significant heights, where the assembly of scaffold is
infeasible. The attachment of the platforms to the consoles or other suspension
points is made so that offers complete safety, being prohibited the use of
counterweights to maintain the position of the support beams.

Figure 36: Suspended Platform (or scaffold)

Any doubt on the strength of the support point and the mean of fixation of the lever
arm, may require the presentation of stability calculations, based on a load equal to
three times the maximum working load.

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Figure 37: Suspended Scaffold

6.3.2 Lifting platforms

The lifting platforms can be dived into:

• Aerial Platform type Scissor - is an aerial hydraulic lifting platform with self-
propelled, equipped with a work platform on the end of the mechanism "Sizzor" of
elevation. It is used to place the workers with their tools and supplies, in position of
elevated work

• Aerial Platform like articulated boom- it is a hydraulic elevator that works with
self-propelled and is equipped with a working platform. It is used to position people
with their tools in positions above the ground level and can be used to reach work
areas located above the machinery or equipment.

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Figure 38: Aerial platforms - articulated boom and scissor


Designed for large walls, pathways achievements and alpine climbing. Join in the
most efficient, comfort and low weight. It has leaked stuffing to widen the ventilation
in the waist area, and a rigid and comfort support for the column. Equipment fitted
with lifting and lowering device with double safety lever when the support is through
steel cable.

Figure 39: Balancim individual


Mobile Disco around of an axis perpendicular to its plane, with a groove called collar
or neck on its peripheral contour, and whose axis binds a piece called loop,
designated to, isolate or associated to others, to lift heavy objects.

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Figure 40: Pulleys

It is indispensable that the ropes or steel cables are perfectly positioned in the
grooves of the pulleys for proper operation. It should be noted the load capacity
suitable for the choice of the pulley.


A scaffold is essentially a structure with one or more platforms, allowing the access
of people for execution of work above ground level. These structures are usually
used temporarily, although some have a total duration of a work (designating these of
semi-permanent). They are fitted with lifted horizontal platforms, supported by
structures of the reduced section, and are designed to support the implementation of
construction, maintenance, repair or demolition of structures.

Figure 41: Scaffold

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The work of scaffold assembly has peculiar characteristics, because in general, the
anchor points are their own scaffolding, which requires special attention to every
movement, because the worker should only connect to the points that are already
correctly positioned and locked.

Previous to the assembly we should inform us about the characteristics of the

scaffold, and the correct way to assemble the same. The area must be insulated to
avoid the falling of materials and the lift of the parts should be done with assistance
of special equipment for this purpose. The use of PPE required are indispensable as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 42: Scaffold Assembly

Note: The use of safety belts, double baldrics and connectors of great opening satisfy
perfectly all the safety requirements.

In all the situations of work at height where there is no collective protection systems
installed, the employee must possess and use a system of individual protection
against fall, it consistently during its displacement through structures or ladders type

A way to meet this requirement of safe and efficient manner is the use of "Double
Baldrics of Progression"; these are used alternately connecting each of the two ends

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of the baldric, so that the worker has always one of the two connectors of large
opening, connected to the structure, protecting it from any possible fall.

This system should have an energy absorber, installed between the baldrics and to
the body of worker, to minimize the impact of the latter, in case of a fall. It is
important that baldrics are always connected to points above the head of the worker,
at a fixed point of the structure and / or cable guide.

Figure 43: Scaffold - safety requirements


It is the one that is simply supported and can be fixed or can move horizontally, light
or heavy.


It consist of vertical and horizontal frames, base plaque, diagonal traverse, guardrail,
steps and canvas. Allow the access of people and materials to work, being widely
used in maintenance services of facades and building, when you can not access the
inside of the work. The vertical accesses to the facade scaffold must be made in
ladder incorporated into its own structure or through tower of access.

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Figure 44: Supported Scaffold


Scaffolds that protrude outwardly of the building and are supported by connectors
(wood or metal) or structures at balance, either by inlay or other system against
balance, inside the building, that may be fixed or movable. They are usually used
when the scaffolding can not rely on the ground or on a horizontal surface resistant.

Figure 45: Scaffold at balance.

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Isolate and signalize the area, below where the services are executed:

 The steel cable of the balancim individual should be fixed independently of the fall
arrest device rope and should remain stretched through a weight;

 It is obligatory the use of seat belt paratrooper, connected to the fall arrest device
in independent cable guide;

 The cable must be properly placed and properly seated in the grooves of the
pulleys, after closing the lid tighten the handbrake to start the ascend;

 On the descent tighten the handbrake through the crank and control the speed, to
stop tighten the handbrake;

 Use the helmet.

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Inert suspension is the situation in which a victim, equipped with seatbelts, remains
suspended, completely motionless, either for fatigue or unconsciousness. Depending
on the location or time in which the person is suspended, may suffer consequences.

Much is said about the protection of worker from falling, but very little is discussed
about the consequences of the fall when a worker is connected to protective
equipment. The anchor is made at the wrong point of the seat belt can cause serious
ergonomics damage to the worker, damage to the abdominal internal organs,
especially to the spinal cord and the rib region. Another consequence, no less
important but little discussed, is what is commonly called a "suspension trauma."

This type of lesion is connected to the time in which a person might be suspended,
after the crash, only by the seat belt generated due to compression in the blood
vessels, mainly the femoral and, more specifically, femoral vein.

This compression induced by gravity action, decreases the blood flow making difficult
the return of blood to the heart (return circulation). Thus, there is a gradual decrease
in the volume of blood pumped, reaching extreme cases, cause a hypovolemic shock
(in which the heart receives little blood, which is distributed in smaller quantities for
the body, affecting the functioning of vital organs) and then a cardiac arrest if the
redemption be long.

Experts from the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSE) and the University of
Birmingham consider this situation not as a "trauma" due to injury of the fall, but as a
pre-syncope of suspension (or inert suspension syndrome), of vascular nature,
because of improper posture and without support for long time. Such occurrence can
cause headaches, abnormal blood pressure, nausea, numbness in arms and legs,
fainting and visual disturbances and lead the person to a cardiac syncope (collapse)

The severity of the situation recommends that the rescue measures should be taken
as soon as possible, in no more than 10 minutes.

If the rescuer find it difficult to immediately release the injured worker, the simple act
of raising the legs of the victim or be helped by the rescuer, can extend their
tolerance to the situation of suspended position until the end of the rescue.

To alleviate or even prevent this type of consequence, it is recommended the use of

belts with a sub-pelvic ribbon and use, in addition, of the so-called "slings" of
suspension, in order to provide relief for the distribution of effort, saving the
cardiovascular system and allowing more time for the rescue.

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It is recommended that after the rescue, if the victim is

conscious and has been suspended more than 15 minutes,
she is not lying immediately. The ideal conduct is that it
remains sitting with the knees and feet being flexed for some
time, to recover the bloodstream gradually, then so be
positioned lying. This procedure is recommended by experts
for prevention, although the HSE recommends further studies
about the subject. But if the person is unconscious or semi-
conscious should follow the standard procedures of first aid
existing in view the possibility of the worsening situation.

Figure 46: Rescue of victim in inert suspension


It is the fire of minimum proportions, embryonic, and can be easily extinguished by

the use of one or more portable fire-extinguishers. E.g.: fire on small equipment.


The extinction methods aim to break up one of the three elements that form the fire
triangle. The methods can be employed individually or simultaneously.

 Cooling - consists in reducing the amount of heat present in the reaction.

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 Smothering - Aims to isolate the oxygen from the combustion process.

 Isolation - aims to break down the combustion process the fuel element.

Figure 47: Fire Triangle


Are safety devices that have the purpose of extinguish or control fires principles in
cases of emergencies. In general have cylindrical body and can be carried to the
location of fire, containing an extinguishing agent under pressure.

Figure 48: Portable Extinguishers

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a) Extinguisher of Pressurized Water

b) Extinguisher of Foam

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c) Extinguisher of CO2

Figure 49: Summary of use of Portable Fire Extinguishers

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Figure 50: Fighting Method to Principle of Fire

Note: If the professional does not feel able to perform extinction to the principle of
fire, it becomes prudent the communication and request for the extinction be done by
a third party.

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7.3.1 The sequence of the distress actions

"What should I do first? And after? "

Of course, each accident is different. And because of it, we can only speak about the
best way of rescue, if we know what are their characteristics.

A scaffold or yard that is on fire, a dangerous place (difficult access, for example),
trapped victims, with presence of toxic loads, etc, all of this interferes in the way the

Their actions will also differ if there are other people starting the aid, or even if you're

But the sequence of actions to be taken will always be the same:

1. Keep calm;

2. Ensure the safety;

3. Request for help;

4. Control the situation;

5. Check the victim’s situations;

6. Perform some actions with the victims.

Security of the Local Scene:

Keep the safety at the site of care, prevent other accidents from happening, including
with you. How to keep the safety:

 Avoid the direct contact with substances that can transmit infectious diseases
such as blood, urine, feces, vomit, saliva, mucus, sewer, water, clothing or
contaminated surfaces. Therefore, the rescuer should use personal protective
equipment (PPE).

 Avoid or eliminate the causative agents of injuries or health problems, such as

fire, explosion, electricity, smoke, water, toxic gas, traffic (collision or run
over), and drop of structures, hardware sharp and hazardous materials.

 To the rescue proceed safely, even before examining the victim, the location
should be carefully and systematically evaluated. Therefore it is essential to
make the "scene evaluation ".

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Steps of Safety:

1. What is the situation? Consists in identifying the situation itself, what is happening,
what the rescuer sees;

2. Where it goes? Analysis of the potentiality or of how the situation may evolve. For
example: the imminence of total collapse of a scaffold or footbridge, an energized
wire that can give shocks, fire can spread, etc.

3. What to do to control it? Identification of the resources to be employed, including

the request for help to adequately address the situation, taking into account
rigorously the two previous steps. You should always seek expert help first!

These steps should be followed always in this sequence, for safety of the rescue
work to the victims.

Evaluation of the victim:

The evaluation of the victim is divided between primary and secondary. It is through
these assessments that we identify the conditions of the victim.

a) Primary evaluation

Must be careful and respect an order, as we can see below:

1. Check if the victim is conscious, this is, if answered - call it without moving it;

2. If the victim does not respond, check if breathes (see, hear and feel the breathing
movements) being careful not to misalign the spinal cord;

3. Check the circulation (pulse);

4. Check if there is bleeding.

b) Secondary evaluation

Only after completing all steps of primary evaluation is that you can go for the
secondary evaluation:

Observe the victim from head to toe, check if there is something wrong, for example:

 Mental confusion (the victim does not give adequate answers to questions);

 Burns;

 Fractures;

 Ingrown objects
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7.3.2 Leadership, meeting point and escape route

Not everyone is prepared to assume the leadership after an accident. This may be
the case, but in an emergency you may have to take the lead. Follow the
recommendations below for everyone to work in an organized and efficient way,
reducing the impact of the accident:

 Show the decision and firmness in your actions;

 Ask for help from others involved in the accident and those who are close;

 Distribute tasks to individuals or form teams to complete the tasks;

 Do not waste time arguing;

 Pass the simplest tasks in locations away from the accident, most people who
are unbalanced or confrontational;

 Work hard, do not just give orders;

 Motivate all, praising and thanking each share held.

Finally, know how to operate the local Central of Emergency, always keeping in mind
the scope and their contact numbers. Armed with all the information of the incident,
its location and condition of the victim, will be easier and faster the work of the rescue

It is essential to know the meeting point and escape route of your work place, and
before the start of activities, elect the "Escape Leader" as being the expert on escape
route and its variations, and as the individual responsible to organize, monitor and
check the evacuation of all present in the area where the incident occurs.

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Figure 51: Examples of Escape Route and Meeting Points Signs

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34.6 Work at Height

34.6.1 It is considered work at height all activities performed on different levels, and
in which there is a risk of falling capable to cause injury to the worker. Additionally, this norm is applicable to any work performed above two
meters off the floor, where there is risk of fall of the worker.

34.6.2 Planning and Organization All work at height will be planned, organized and executed by an authorized
and trained worker. It is considered a worker trained to work at height who underwent training,

theoretical and practical, with a minimum duration of eight hours, which should
include curriculum and risks present in the activity:

a) The protective equipment for individual and collective work at height: selection,
inspection and limitation of use;

b) The behaviors in emergencies situations, such as inert suspension, principles of

fire, rescue and escape route, among others. It is considered the authorized worker to work at height the one qualified and
whose health was assessed and was considered able to perform this activity. Regarding the assessment of the health status of workers trained and
authorized to work at height, is up to the company:

a) ensure that the evaluation is done periodically, considering the risks involved in
each situation;

b) ensure that the exams and the systematic of assessment are integral parts of their
Medical Control Program Occupational Health - PCMSO and should be stated
therein. The company must establish identification system enabling at any time to
know the scope of the authorization for every worker. In the planning of work, should be taken the following measures:

a) measures to avoid the work at height whenever there is an alternative means of

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b) measures to eliminate the risk of workers fall, in the impossibility of execution of

the work otherwise;

c) measures to minimize the distance and consequences of the fall, when the risk of
a fall can not be eliminated. The APR for the work at height must be executed and consider:

a) the adverse weather conditions;

b) the location where the services will be performed;

c) the authorization of those involved;

d) the selection, form of use and limitation of use of the equipment of collective and
individual protection, taking into account the principles of reducing the impact and fall

e) the risk of falling materials;

f) the emergency situations, especially the escape routes or means of abandonment

properly signalized. Before the start of any work at height must be issued a Work Permission,
that covers:

a) the inspection of the protections of collective and personal protective equipment;

b) the measures to prevent fall of tools and materials;

c) the isolation and signalization in the vicinity of the work area;

d) the prohibition of work in isolation;

e) the relationship of all involved and their authorizations;

f) the planning of rescue and first aid, to reduce the time of the inert suspension of
the worker;

g) the communication system;

h) the availability of fire fighting equipment in the workplace, according to APR.

34.6.3 Personal Protective Equipment

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WORK AT HEIGHT The Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, anchoring systems and

accessories should be selected according to the load applied to them and their
respective safety factor when the fall. Before beginning the work, must be performed and recorded the inspection
of all PPE to be used by refusing the equipments that present failures or deformities
or have suffered the impact of a fall, in the case of seat belts. The seat belt should be type skydiver, equipped with fall arrest device and a
safety cable attached independent of the structure where the worker is found. In the technical impossibility of using the security cable proven by APR
approved by a qualified worker in safety, may be used an alternative means of
protection against fall from height. The baldric or damping system must be fixed above the waist level of the
worker, adjusted to limit the fall from height and ensure that in the case of
occurrence, the employee does not clash with the bottom structure. As for the anchor points must be taken the following action:

a) inspect all parts before use;

b) identify the definite points and the maximum load applicable;

c) perform the load test at all temporary points before use. The sizing of the maximum load of the definitive anchor point must be
performed by a professional legally qualified. The load test procedure of temporary points must be prepared by a

professional legally qualified, which will oversee its implementation. Must be kept in the establishment the memory of calculating the design of
anchor points and final results of load tests conducted in the temporary anchor

34.6.4 Emergency and Rescue The company shall develop and implement emergency procedures

appropriate to the rescue and working at height covering at least:

a) description of possible accident scenarios, obtained from the APR;

b) description of the rescue measures and first aid to be performed in an emergency;

c) selection and techniques of use of the communication equipment, emergency

illumination, rescue, first aid and transport of victims;
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d) drive the team responsible for implementing the measures of rescue and first aid;

e) periodic exercise simulated of rescue and fire fighting, considering possible

accident scenarios for working at height, held at least once every year. The people responsible for carrying out rescue measures must possess
physical and mental ability compatible with the activity to perform.

34.6.5 Work Methodology In the execution of the work at height must be taken the following action:

a) isolation and signalization of the whole area of the service, before the start of

b) adoption of measures to prevent the fall of materials and tools, including the case
of stoppage of work;

c) de-energizing, blocking and tagging of all aerial electrical installation near of the

d) installation of protection or barriers that prevent accidental contact with aerial

electrical installations as the local dealership procedure, in the technical
impracticability of its de-energizing technique;

e) immediate interruption of work at height in case of insufficient illumination or

adverse weather conditions such as rain and winds exceeding 40km / h, among
others. May be authorized the execution of work at height in conditions with winds
exceeding forty kilometers per hour and less than fifty-five miles an hour since met
the following requirements: (Inserted by Order n SIT. º 318, of May 8, 2012)

a) justified the impossibility of the advance of services through the document

appended to the APR, signed by a professional of safety and health at work and the
person responsible for the execution of the services, consigning the additional
security measures applicable;

b) performed by operation assisted by professional of safety and health at work and

the person responsible for executing activities.

34.6.6 Ladders, ramps and walkways The transposition of floors with a difference of level superior to thirty

centimeters must be made by ladders or ramps.

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WORK AT HEIGHT The ladders of collective use, ramps and footbridges for the movement of
people and materials must possess solid construction, rail and baseboard. For the construction of stairs, ramps and bridges, should be used dry wood
and of good quality, not having cracks that can compromise its strength, being
forbidden the use of paint to cover imperfections.

Ladders In hot work, it is forbidden to use wooden ladders. The provisory ladders of collective use should be sized according to the flow
of workers, with a minimum width of eighty centimeters, intermediate at least every
two meters and ninety centimeters in height, width and length at least equal to the
width of the stairs. The hand ladders should be of restricted use to access provisional and
small services, and:

a) be scaled up to seven meters long and uniform spacing between steps, ranging
between twenty-five and thirty centimeters;

b) be installed so as to exceed one meter in the upper floor;

c) be fixed in the lower and upper floors or have a device to prevent slipping;

d) have non-slip treads, and

e) be supported on sturdy floor. Is forbidden the use of ladders with single amount and next to unprotected
electrical equipment and networks. It is prohibited to place hand ladders near doors or circulation areas,

openings and gaps and in places where there is a risk of falling objects or materials. The ladders of open should be rigid, stable, and possess devices that
maintain constant opening and maximum length of six meters when closed. The ladders must have extended stroke limiter device, placed in the room
ranging from the ratchet or, if there is not a stroke limiter, should allow an overlap of
at least one meter when extended. The fixed ladders, sailor type, possessing six meters or more in height shall

a) protective cage from two feet above the base up to one meter above the last
working surface;
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b) intermediate level of rest, protected by guardrails and footer for every move of nine

Ramps and footbridges The temporary ramps and walkways shall be constructed and maintained
in proper conditions of operation and safety. The provisory ramps must be fixed in the lower and upper floor, not
exceeding thirty degrees of inclination to the floor. In the provisory ramps with a inclination exceeding eighteen steps, must be
fixed cross pieces spaced at forty centimeters, at most, for the footrest. There should be no bumps between the walkway floor and the floor of the
land; The supports of the ends of walkway must be dimensioned according to

the overall length thereof and the loads to which they are subjected.

34.6.7 Fixed Platforms The platforms must be designed, approved, installed and maintained to

withstand the maximum of loads allowed. The platform design and its supporting and fixation structure should be
performed by a legally qualified professional. The calculation memory of the platforms projects should be kept on the
property. Is forbidden the use of any means to reach higher places on the work floor
of platforms. It should be affixed on the platforms, in a visible and indelible way, a plate
containing the maximum load allowed.

34.6.8 Lifting Platforms The work platforms with vertical drive system in rack and pinion and the
hydraulic platforms should observe the manufacturer's technical specifications
regarding to the assembly, operation, maintenance, removal and periodic inspections
under the technical responsibility of a legally qualified professional. In case of imported equipment, the designs, technical specifications and

manuals of assembly, operation, maintenance, inspection and disassembly must be
reviewed and approved by a professional legally qualified in the country, meeting the
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technical standards laid down by the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms -

ABNT or international entities countersigned by it, or even another entity accredited
by the National Council of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality. The manual of manufacturer's instructions, in English, should be available in

the establishment. The installation, maintenance and periodic inspection of these platforms of

work must be done by a skilled worker, under supervision and technical responsibility
of a professional legally qualified. The equipment of the lifting platform must only be operated by trained
workers. All workers users of platforms should receive guidance about the correct
loading and positioning of materials in the platform. The person responsible for daily checking of the conditions of use of the
equipment should receive the manual of procedures for daily check routine. The minimum load capacity in the work must be one hundred fifty kilograms
- force per square meter. The telescopic extensions, when used, should offer the same resistance to
the platform floor. Are prohibited the improvisation in the assembly of parts in balance and
the interconnection of platforms. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer or locator the indication of the

efforts in the structure and supports of the platforms, as well as the indication of the
points that resist to these efforts. The area under the working platforms must be properly signalized and
defined, being prohibited the movement of workers within that space. The lifting platforms must have:

a) system of sound signaling triggered automatically during its ascent and descent;

b) emergency Stop button on the control panel;

c) safety devices that ensure the perfect leveling at the point of work, which may not
exceed the maximum inclination specified by the manufacturer. In the vertical route of the platforms there can not be interference that may
hinder their free movement.

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WORK AT HEIGHT In case of electrical outage, the equipments must be fitted with mechanical
devices that maintain the emergency stop platform allowing manual release by the
operator, for safe descent all the way to its base. The last upper element of the tower must be blind, containing no gear
racks so as to ensure that the rollers remain in contact with the guides. The fasteners used to lock the platforms must be properly sized to
withstand the efforts indicated in design. The spacing between the anchors or intersection must comply to the
manufacturer's specifications and be listed in the project. The anchoring of the tower is required when the height of it exceeds more
than nine meters. The use of lifting platforms without anchoring or intersection should strictly
follow the conditions of each model specified by the manufacturer. In case of using lifting platforms with mobile chassis, this must be properly
leveled, stabilized and / or locked in the beginning of the assembly of vertical towers
of support to platform, remaining that way during use and removal. The guardrails, including telescopic extensions, must meet the provisions
of paragraph 34.11.15 and observe the manufacturer's specifications, not being
allowed the use of ropes, cables, chains or other flexible material. The equipments, when off duty, should be at the level of the base off and
protected against unauthorized actuation. The work platforms should have their access equipped with electronics
devices that prevent its movement when opened. It is prohibited the use of lifting platforms of work for the transportation of
people and materials not related to running services.

34.6.9 Access by Rope In the execution of activities with access through rope should be used
technical procedures of industrial climbing as set out in the national technical norm
or, on its absence, on international standards. The company responsible for the service and the team of workers must be
certified in accordance with national technical norms or, on its absence, with
international norms. The work team should be able to rescue at height and composed for at least
three people, being one the supervisor.
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WORK AT HEIGHT For each workplace should be a plan for self-rescue and rescue of the
professionals. During the execution of the activity, the employee must be connected to at
least two anchor points. Should be used ropes and equipment that are certified in accordance with
national norms or, failing that, the international norms. The equipment used for rope access must be stored and maintained as
recommended by the manufacturer / supplier. The information of the manufacturer / supplier must be maintained to allow

the traceability. The work of access through rope should be stopped immediately in case of
insufficient light and adverse weather conditions such as rain and winds exceeding
forty kilometers per hour, among others. May be authorized the execution of work at height using rope access in
conditions with winds exceeding forty kilometers per hour and less than forty six
miles per hour since met the following requirements:
(Inserted by Order n SIT. º 318, of May 8, 2012)

a) justified the impossibility of the advancement of services through document

appended to the APR, signed by professional of safety and health at work and by the
person responsible for the services execution, consigning the additional security
measures applicable;

b) performed through operation assisted by a professional of safety and health at

work and by the person responsible for executing the activities.
The work team should possess radio telephony or similar telephony equipment.

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35.1. Purpose and Field of Application

35.1.1 This Norm establishes the minimum requirements and protective measures for
work at height, involving the planning, the organization and execution, to ensure the
safety and health of workers directly or indirectly involved in this activity.

35.1.2 It is considered work at height all activities performed over 2.00 m (two
meters) from the lower level, where there is a risk of falling.

35.1.3 This norm is complemented with the official technical standards set by
competent entities, and in the absence or omission of those with international

35.2. Responsibilities

35.2.1 It is up to the employer:

a) ensure the implementation of protective measures established in this norm;

b) ensure the implementation of Risk Analysis - AR and, when applicable, the

issuance of the Permission of Work P- PT;

c) develop the operational procedure for routine activities of working at height;

d) ensure the realization of prior assessment of conditions in the workplace at height,

by the study, planning and implementation of actions and the additional measures of
safety, applicable;

e) adopt all the measures required to monitor the compliance with the security
measures established in this standard by contractors;

f) ensure to the workers up to date information about the risks and control measures;

g) ensure that any work at height only begins after adopted protective measures
defined in this Standard;

h) ensure the suspension of work at height when checking situation or condition of

unanticipated risk, whose immediate elimination or neutralization is not possible;

i) establish a system of authorization for employees that work at heights;

j) ensure that all work at height is carried out under supervision, whose shape is
defined by risk analysis in accordance with the peculiarities of the activity;

k) ensure the organization and filing of the documentation prescribed in this Norm.

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35.2.2 It is up to the workers:

a) comply with the laws and regulations on working at height, including the
procedures issued by the employer;

b) cooperate with the employer in implementation of the provisions contained in this


c) interrupt their activities exercising the right of refusal, whenever they find evidence
of serious and imminent risk to their health and safety or that of others, immediately
communicating the fact to your superior, who shall make every reasonable

d) ensure their safety and health and of others who may be affected by their acts or
omissions at work.

35.3. Education and Training

(Enters into force on 03/27/2013 - See Article 3° of Ordinance no. 313/2012)

35.3.1 The employer must promote training program for employees to carry out work
at height.

35.3.2 It is considered a worker trained to work at height the one approved in

training, theoretical and practical, with a minimum duration of eight hours, which
syllabus should at least include:

a) Norms and regulations applicable to work at height;

b) Risk Analysis and hindering conditions;

c) Potential risks inherent to work at height and measures of prevention and control;

d) Personal Protective Equipment for work at height: selection, inspection,

maintenance and use limitation;

e) Typical accidents in work at height;

f) Conducts in emergency situations, including notions of rescue techniques and first


35.3.3 The employer must conduct periodic training every two years and whenever
any of the following situations occur:

a) change in the procedures, operations or work conditions;

b) event indicating the need for further training;

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c) return to work after removal for a period exceeding ninety days;

d) change of company; The biennial periodic training must have a minimum of eight hours according
to the syllabus content set by the employer. In the cases provided in the paragraphs "a", "b", "c" and "d", the workload
and syllabus content must meet the situation that motivated it.

35.3.4 The initial training, periodic and possible to work at height can be taught in
conjunction with other training company.

35.3.5 The training should preferably be done during normal working hours. The time spent in training shall be counted as effective working time.

35.3.6 The training must be taught by instructors with proven proficiency in the
subject, under the supervision of a qualified professional in work safety.

35.3.7 Upon completion of the training a certificate should be issued containing the
name of the worker, syllabus content, workload, date, location of the training, name
and qualifications of the instructors and signature of the person responsible. The certificate must be given to the employee and a copy filed in the

35.3.8 The training should be reflected in the employee record.

4. Planning, Organization and Execution

35.4.1 All work at height must be planned, organized and executed by authorized
and trained worker. It is considered authorized worker to work at height that one qualified,

whose health state was assessed and was considered able to perform this activity
and having formal consent of the company. It is up to the employer to assess the state of health of the workers engaged
in activities at height, ensuring that:

a); the exams and systematic evaluation are integral parts of the Medical Control
Program Occupational Health - PCMSO and should be stated therein;

b) the evaluation is performed periodically, considering the risks involved in each


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c) A medical examination is executed to the pathologies that can originate sudden

illness and falls, considering also the psychosocial factors. The ability to work at height must be recorded on the certificate of

occupational health of the worker. The company shall maintain updated the records to ascertain the scope of
the authorization of each employee for working at height.

35.4.2 In planning the work should be adopted, according to the following hierarchy:

a) measures to avoid work at height whenever are alternative means of execution;

b) measures to eliminate the risk of fall of workers, in the impossibility of execution of

the work otherwise;

c) measures to minimize the consequences of the fall, when the risk of a fall can not
be eliminated.

35.4.3 All work at height must be performed under supervision, whose way is defined
by the risk analysis in accordance with the peculiarities of the activity.

35.4.4 The execution of the service must consider the external influences that may
change the conditions of the workplace already provided in the risk analysis.

35.4.5 All work at height must be preceded of Risk Analysis. The Risk Analysis should, in addition to inherent risks to work at height,

a) the location where the services will be performed and its surroundings;

b) the isolation and signalization in the vicinity of the work area;

c) the establishment of systems and anchor points;

d) the adverse weather conditions;

e) selection, inspection, form of use and limitation of use of the systems of collective
and individual protection, meeting the current technical standards, guidelines of
manufacturers and principles of reduction of the impact and fall factors;

f) the risk of fall of materials and tools;

g) work simultaneously presenting specific risks;

h) to attend to the requirements of health and safety contained in the additional

regulatory norms;
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i) the additional risks;

j) the impeding conditions;

k) the situations of emergency and planning of rescue and first aid, to reduce the time
of the inert suspension of the worker;

l) the need of the communication system;

m) the form of supervision.

35.4.6 For routine activities of work at height the risk analysis can be contemplated in
its operating procedure. The operating procedures for the routine activities of work at height must
contain at least:

a) guidelines and requirements of the task;

b) the administrative guidelines;

c) the details of the task;

d) the control measures of the risks characteristics to the routine;

e) the impeding conditions;

f) the systems of collective and individual protection required;

g) the competences and responsibilities.

35.4.7 The activities of non-routine work at height must be previously authorized by a

Work Permission. For non-routine activities the measures of control must be evidenced in the
Risk Analysis and Work Permission.

35.4.8 The Work Permission should be issued, approved by the responsible for
authorizing the permission, available at the place of execution of the activity and in
the end closed and archived to enable its traceability. In the Work Permission must contain:

a) the minimum requirements to be met to perform the work;

b) the provisions and measures set out in the Risk Analysis;

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c) the relationship of all involved and their authorizations. The Work Permission must have validity limited to the duration of the
activity, restricted to the work shift and may be revalidated by the responsible of the
approval in the situations that do not occur changes in the conditions established or
in the work team.

35.5. Personal Protective Equipment, Accessories and Anchor Systems

35.5.1 The Personal Protective Equipment - PPE accessories and anchoring

systems must be specified and selected according to their efficiency, comfort, load
applied to them and their safety factor in case of eventual downfall. In the selection of PPE should be considered in addition to the risks to which
the worker is exposed, the additional risks.

35.5.2 In the acquisition and periodically must be made inspections of PPE,

anchoring systems and accessories, designated to the protection of high falls,
refusing those that have defects or deformations. Before beginning the work, must be performed routine inspection of all PPE,
anchoring systems and accessories. Must be registered with the results of inspections:

a) in the acquisition;

b) periodic and routine when the PPE, anchoring systems and accessories are
refused. The PPE, anchoring systems and accessories that presents defects,
degradation, deformation or suffer the impacts of falling must be unused and
discarded, except when its restoration is planned on national technical standards or,
in their absence, international standards.

35.5.3 The safety belt must be with type paratrooper and equipped with a connection
device for anchoring system. The anchoring system should be established by the Risk Analysis. The employee must remain connected to the anchor system throughout the
period of exposure to the risk of falling. The baldric and fall arrest device shall be secured above the waist level of
the worker, adjusted to restrict the height of fall and ensure that, in case of
occurrence, minimize the chances of workers clash with bottom structure. It is obligatory to use energy absorber in the following situations:

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a) when the fall factor be greater than 1;

b) when the baldric length is longer than 0.9 m.

35.5.4 As for the anchor point must be taken the following action:

a) be selected by a professional legally qualified;

b) have resistance to withstand the maximum load applicable;

c) be inspected for integrity before its use.

35.6. Emergency and Rescue

35.6.1 The employer must provide answers to team in case of emergencies to work
at height. The team can be external or composed by the workers who perform the
work at height, depending on the characteristics of the activities.

35.6.2 The employer must ensure that the team have the necessary resources for
emergency response.

35.6.3 Shares of responses to emergencies that involve work at height must be

included in the company's emergency plan.

35.6.4 People responsible for the execution of the rescue measures must be trained
to perform the rescue, first aid and have physical and mental ability compatible with
the activity to perform. (Enters into force on 03/27/2013 - See Article 3° of Ordinance
no. 313/2012)

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Energy absorber: device designed to reduce the impact transmitted to the body of
the worker and safety system during the restraint of the fall;

Risk Analysis - AR: evaluation of the potential risks, their causes, consequences
and control measures;

Routine activities: daily activities, independent of the frequency, which are part of
the company's work process.

Seatbelt type parachutist: Personal Protective Equipment used for work at height
where there is a risk of falling, consisting of support at the bottom of the chest, above
the shoulders and thighs wrapped.

Impeditive conditions: situations that impede the execution or continuity of the

service that may endanger the health or physical safety of the worker.

Fall factor: ratio between the distance that the worker would travel in the fall and the
length of the equipment that will stop it.

External Influences: variables that must be considered in the definition and

selection of protective measures for safety of people, whose control is not possible to
implement in advance.

Work Permission - PT: written document containing set of control measures aiming
the development of safe work, as well as emergency and rescue measures.

Anchorage point: point designed to withstand load of people to connect safety

devices such as rope, steel cables, baldrics and fall arrest device.

Professional legally qualified: employee previously qualified and with registration

in the competent class counsel.

Additional risks: all other groups or risk factors, in addition to the existing in the
work at height, specific to environment or activity that directly or indirectly affect the
safety and health at work.

Anchor systems: definitive or temporary components, designed to withstand fall

impact, to which the worker can connect the Personal Protective Equipment, directly
or through another device, so that it remains connected in case of loss of balance,
fainting or fall.

Inert suspension: situation where a worker remains suspended by the security

system, until the rescue.

Baldric: connecting device of a security system, adjustable or not, to support,

position and / or limit the movement of the worker.
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Qualified worker: worker that prove the completion of specific course for its activity
in an institution recognized by the official educational system;

Fall arrest device: safety device to protect the user against falls in operations with
vertical or horizontal movement, when connected with safety belt for fall protection.

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