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Cómo presentar

un concepto arquitectónico
en inglés.
A free mini guide by Daniel Smith
1 Introducción 6 Problemas principales
Do’s & Don’ts
Presentación impresionante 7 Fases del proyecto de arquitectura en
Reino Unido (RIBA)
Imágen vale más que mil palabras
8 Glosario
2 Requisitos y regulaciones del proyecto Description of a concept
Building elements
3 Análisis de sitio
Projects management
4 Inspiración
9 Sobre Daniel Smith + Partners
5 Descripción del concepto
Nunca muestres un mal diseño
1. Introducción

So you have already met the prospective client who entrusted in you to develop
the concept of future development.

How to make the client fall in love with your vision?

The structure and style of the presentation are as important as a concept itself, if
not more, to convince the client that your design is the only way forward.

This task is tricky and challenging on its own. But now you need to do a Pitfall (hidden dander,
presentation in English! Let's talk about the pitfalls: unexpected problem) =
el escollo
● What are your main weaknesses when presenting in English?
● What do you need to revise and learn to make a compelling presentation?
● What structure should the presentation have?

What are your main weaknesses when presenting in

Shyness of speaking in English can be even more severe

when you need to present an idea. The best thing you can
do to practice with your English speaking friends. Ask them
to pretend to be your client. In this way, you will get used to
presenting to a native speaker or a foreigner.

Accent. The majority of English conversations in the World

are held by non-native speakers. Yor accent your your

Nowadays English is a tool, not an art to master.

Speed. People tend to speak faster, even in a foreign

language when they are nervous. Speak at a steady pace. It
will help you relax during the presentation.

Pronunciation of certain sounds, which are not common in your mother
tongue. For example, sound [ ʃ ] like in "shower" maybe be difficult for some
Spaniards. To improve your pronunciation, I recommend doing the next exercise:

1. Record yourself when speaking or reading aloud.

2. Listen the audio and identify which sounds you don't pronounce correctly.

3. Go to Youtube and find a video where it is explained how to "create"

correct sound. There are plenty of English teachers who upload videos
only about the pronunciation mistakes typical for native Spanish speakers.



What do you need to revise and learn to make a compelling presentation?

Technical vocabulary and general expressions. During the presentation, you have
to know the essential vocabulary by heart! Do your homework and learn all the
terminology which can be useful during the meeting, even those words which you
will not use in the presentation but can be important for the further discussion.

prepare the presentation in Spanish and then translate it into English.
Do not waste precious time before the deadline for the translation.

draft the text along as you develop the design and look up unfamiliar
words. This will help you to learn the vocabulary. So you will only need to
revise the text the night before the meeting!


The key to the successful presentation is to focus on your audience.

Who is your client: private house owner, residential developer*,
investor or a business owner?
Depending on the client profile and purpose of the new development,
you need to focus on the most important aspect for the client in your


Regardless who your client is, do not overload your presentation with
wordy slides and technical details. Focus on essential information,
which the client would want to hear in conjunction with your
architectural and aesthetic vision.
For example, for an investor, it will be financial aspect. For private client,
it will be the cost of the custom-made elements along with the
emotional atmosphere of the interiors.

*palabras en negrita: busque la

traducción en un Glosario
custom-made elements -
los elementos de diseño personalizados
2. Requisitos y regulaciones del proyecto

Always name the project!

To start the presentation, in the first slide, you can put

the client's logo or name of your concept. This will give QUICK TIP
a theme to the presentation.

In any informative presentation, you need to refer to

the initial data and project requirements to confirm that
you have interpreted the given information correctly
and used the relevant data.

FRASES ÚTILES para comenzar a hablar sobre el proyecto:

“Let me begin by reminding you about the project program...”
“As you all know ...”
“When we discussed the project the first time ...”

VOCABULARIO In addition to the project requirements and technical
brief, you need to research local government
Use estructuras gramaticales
activas con verbos tales como:
regulations and constraints. Usually, commercial clients
push the project programme to the upper limit allowed
want, require, give, will allow, by the local authorities and are not prepared to see the
to be important to achieve, to project with lower technical and economic
be necessary to remember etc. performance (características técnicas y económicas).

3. Análisis de sitio

PIVOTAL - de importancia crucial

en relación con el desarrollo o el
éxito de otra cosa.

The “Site Analysis” is your chance to show

the limitations and advantages of the site
which the client was not aware of before.
Here you can emphasise the importance of
certain aspects of the construction site, Los capítulos de esta parte de la presentación
which are crucial for your idea and vision. seguirán la idea de global to local:

● location in the country, city

This part of the presentation is one of the
● transport and pedestrian network
pivotal moments when you can “prepare” ● north-south orientation
the client and argue that the concept which ● the shape of the site
he/she is going to see later is the best ● disadvantages and limitation on the site
● advantages and opportunities
option in terms of design and finances.

Walkability - La medida en que el entorno
Principle criteria of a site analysis construido permite caminar para el transporte y
la recreación.
Accessibility - La facilidad de llegar a los
destinos Permeability - La medida en que la estructura
urbana permite o restringe el movimiento de
Connectivity - El número de rutas de conexión
personas o vehículos a través de un área.
dentro de un área particular
Amenity - Las características de un área, calle o
Legibility - La facilidad con la que una persona
edificio, que proporcionan instalaciones y
puede ver, comprender y orientarse en un área,
servicios que contribuyen a la comodidad y el
edificio o desarrollo
beneficio físico o material, y que los usuarios
Urban context - se refiere a la configuración valoran
más amplia de un área identificada y puede
Utilities infrastructure - las tuberías, cables,
incluir el entorno físico de topografía, patrones
alambres, alcantarillas, desagües, plantas y
de movimiento e infraestructura, formas y usos
equipos que suministran un servicio público a la
construidos, y muchos otros aspectos.

4. Inspiración

Once you have covered all the initial data SHOW YOUR PERSONALITY
and project requirements, it is time to talk This part of the presentation is most
about your inspiration, vision and a creative and provides an opportunity
concept itself. for you to show your design
Before you present the "final" CGI, you approach and methods. It should be
should explain and show what your brief enough to express your idea
inspiration was. but not bore the client.

This will build up the anticipation and will

allow you to strengthen the connection
between you and the client by showing
that you have thoroughly investigated the CGI (Computer-generated imagery) =
background information about the client's la imagen en 3D generada por ordenador
profile or business.

Use estructuras gramaticales simples de tiempo presente y
pasado simple y voz pasiva. Desea referirse al esfuerzo del
equipo y la fuente de inspiración.

Pattern - un diseño decorativo repetido.

Custom - Una forma tradicional y ampliamente aceptada
de comportarse en la sociedad, el lugar o el tiempo.

FRASES ÚTILES para hablar sobre la inspiración y las ideas:

“We were inspired by cultural traditions and customs of the country.”
“The motive of this project is motion and energy.”
“The source of the inspiration for us was the fabric pattern of...”

5. Descripción del concepto
Finally, when you describe the concept, you
need to show that everything that was
mentioned before is reflected in the concept
with aesthetic harmony.

The best way to talk about technical and

economic performances is to have several
images with the massing of the building
volume where simple geometrical forms
represent floor area but at the same time
follow the architectural outline.

So the client will know what to expect on

ultimately = por último, al final
the final CGI, but ultimately you create
“WOW moment” in the end. WOW moment = Uno de esos momentos
que realmente te toma por sorpresa.

Modular - utilizando módulos como base de diseño o construcción.

Typology - es la clasificación de características comúnmente encontradas en

edificios y lugares urbanos, de acuerdo con su asociación con diferentes

Human scale - El tamaño, la textura y la articulación de elementos físicos que

coinciden con el tamaño y las proporciones de la vista y la velocidad humanas.

Materiality - La calidad de estar compuesto de materia.

FRASES ÚTILES para describir el concepto:

Play with (light, space, materials) -
“In order to create warm and relaxing atmosphere we
were playing with colors, materials, textures and light.”

6. Problemas principales

One of the main problems you encounter when

you start working in English is the knowledge of
the professional terminology.

You know it in Spanish, but it feels like you are

trying to climb over the Great Wall of China
when you try to find appropriate translation in
English. It is easier when you work in an
international company and learn from your QUICK TIP
While it is almost impossible to
But what is the best way to learn essential find a good dictionary for
vocabulary on your own? translating technical terms, there
is a better way of interpreting
and translating with a contextual
dictionary where you can see
examples in the texts.

7. Fases del proyecto de arquitectura en Reino Unido(RIBA)
Probably the most confusing issue to get your head around are the names of the project stages primarily because
they don’t correlate with Spanish stages. Secondly, because there are some differences between British and
American titles. Here is explanation chart of British project stages in relation to Spanish ones.

Strategic Definition Stage 0: Esta etapa suele ser previa a la cita, por lo que ofrece una oportunidad para que el cliente

tenga una idea de lo que el arquitecto puede ofrecer. Esto incluye evaluar su experiencia y cartera.

Preparation and Brief Stage 1: Se le conoce como la preparación y engloba las primeras entrevistas con el cliente en el que

se nos transmite el briefing del proyecto, para hacer un primera valoración.

Concept Design Stage 2: Conocido como “Concepto del diseño” - proyecto, para hacer una primera propuesta para el

cliente, incluyendo plantas, alzados, secciones y visualizaciones.

Developed Design 3 Stage 3: Lo más parecido a un proyecto de ejecución.

Technical Design Stage 4: En esta fase las subcontratas desarrollan los detalles técnicos

con la supervisión del arquitecto.

Construction Stage 5: Periodo de construcción. To get your head around = Si dices


que “you can't get your head around

Stage 6: Certificado final de obra something”, quiere decir que no
Handover and Close Out

puedes entenderlo.

In use Stage 7: “En uso” - Mantenga la relación con el cliente,


ofrezca servicios adicionales en uso según lo designado.

8. Glosario

Description of a concept

Alcance del trabajo - Scope of Work Pendiente - Slope

Aproximación al diseño - Design approach Forma - Shape
Diseño preferido - Preferred design Límite - Boundary
Planta - Floor plan Limitaciones - Constraints
Alzado - Elevation Espacioso / Amplio - Spacious
Sección transversal - Cross section Sostenibilidad - Sustainability
Superficie (de objeto) - Surface Solar / Parcela - Plot
Boceto / Croquis - Sketch Ocupación de parcela - Plot coverage
Borde - Edge Edificabilidad - Floor Area / Buildable area
Planimetría - Plans / Blueprints Coef. de edificabilidad - Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Normativa - Regulation Piso / Planta - Floor / Level
Desfase - Offset Urbanización - Housing development

Project Management Building elements

Promotor - Developer Cimentación - Foundation

Urbanista - Town Planner Zapata - Footing
Constructora - (General) contractor Forjado - Slab
Director de obra - Technical Project Manager Losa de cimentación - Foundation slab
Obra - Construction Site Viga - Beam
Jefe de obra - Site Manager Pilar - Column
Relevamiento de Obra - Site Survey Sótano - Basement
Perito - Expert Witness Dosel, marquesina - Canopy
Obrero - Worker Chaflán, bisel - Chamfer
Inversor - Investor Losa o viga en voladizo - Cantilever
Resumen técnico - Technical brief Cerramientos - Building envelope
Encargado de presupuestos - Quantity Surveyor (UK)
Aparejador - Building engineer / Technical
architect / Quantity Surveyor (Es)
Sobre Daniel Smith + Partners
Daniel Smith + Partners es una empresa que está especializada en mejorar
tu nivel de inglés hablado así como tu nivel de comprensión, ambos
especialmente importantes cuando te encuentras en un entorno de trabajo
internacional. Tenemos una sólida experiencia trabajando con estudiantes
españoles, y sabemos exactamente cómo podemos ayudarte, tanto si eres
una empresa como si eres un particular.

Creemos firmemente que sólo cuando aprendes con profesores nativos,

hablando y siendo corregido por ellos, realmente empiezas a ser fluido en
inglés. Por esta razón, todos nuestros profesores son nativos. Este hecho
ofrece muchísimas más ventajas porque los alumnos se acostumbran a un
acento nativo real y lo que es más importante, empiezan a copiarlo, lo cual
es muy beneficioso.

Teléfono 91 452 98 47


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