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: Reda El Makroum

Conference Report

The title of the lecture was «What was before the big bang and why are black holes incompatible

with our habitable universe? » by Professor Ahmad. A. Hujeirat.

The first part was about how stars are formed and their life as well as their death. Stars are formed

in general in molecular clouds.

The different stages of stars formation: it starts when the molecular clouds start contracting,

afterwards, a disc of matter is formed and in the middle of it we find Jets.

The stars go through different transformations depending in their masses .If the star has a small

mass; it will end up becoming a white dwarf. If the star is massive, a dynamical collapse will happen

and the remainder of the explosion will become a neutron star. If the star is even more massive (9

solar masses), the star will collapse into a black hole

A neutron star is formed when the sun is compressed into a very small volume

There is 100 000 000 000 stars in known universe and 2% of them are neutron stars

Euclidean Geometry was the origin of newton’s laws of gravity. Afterwards came non-Euclidean

geometry who opened space for more possibilities

In 1962, the discovery of quasars revived the idea of Black holes as possible solutions to the gr-

equations. According to calculations , we are supposed to be living in a black hole since the density

of the universe is 10^-27 of density of OBS. Super fluids might have had a relation with what was

before the big bang

There were multiple big bangs before the one that resulted in the creation of our universe.

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