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Special Occasion Speech Outline

Title : Ballon D’Or acceptance speech

Name: Reda El Makroum

General Purpose: to Accept an Award

Specific Purpose: to Accept the Ballon d’Or for 2018 as the best player of the year with a special

occasion speech.

I. Introduction

A. Being introduced by someone

B. Connecting with audience through funny acting with the Award

C. Describing my feelings

II. Body

A. Thanking :

a. God

b. Parents

c. Coaches

d. Teammates

B. Talking about struggles

a. Sacrifice

b. Injuries

C. Motivational story

a. A story on how broken porcelain in japan is fixed using gold

b. It doesn’t matter how hard you’re brought down , but how better you become after

getting up
III. Conclusion

A. Reminding the audience of the moral

B. Thanking everyone one last time

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