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3/23/2021 IGCSE ICT - Computer Viruses

The ICT Lounge

Section 8.9:
Computer viruses are self-replicating files that attach themselves to
normal files within a computer system. Key Concepts of this section:

Once a computer system has been infected, viruses can cause many # Understand what a computer virus is.
problems including slowing the computer down or deleting files. # Know how computer viruses can infect computers.
# Be able to describe what damage viruses can cause to
In this section we discuss ways in which virus infection can be computers and how to prevent infection.

Computer viruses Key Words:

Virus, Replicate, Infect, Crash,
What is a computer virus? Pop-Up, Prevention

# Viruses are programs that automatically make replicates (copies) of themselves and
then attach to other files within the computer. Examples:

# Any files which have viruses attached to them are said to have been 'infected'.

Once a virus has infected one file, it can spread to others. Pretty soon the whole
computer system can become infected.

# Computer viruses can cause many problems if they are allowed to infect a computer.

What problems can viruses cause?

# Viruses are programmed to carry out different malicious (harmful) functions.

Some effects that viruses can have on infected computers include:

Viruses infect computers and make them kind of sick.
Annoying pop-up messages on the screen
Clog up the computer so that it slows down and crashes a lot
Delete important files or data
Access personal data like passwords, bank details or credit card numbers.

How do viruses infect computers? 1/3
3/23/2021 IGCSE ICT - Computer Viruses
# Viruses can infect computers in many different ways. Some include:

Downloading infected files from the internet (especially from illegal sharing
Opening email attachments that contain infected files
Plugging portable storage media that contains infected files into your computer
(USB sticks, CD's, external hard disks etc.).

How can you prevent virus infection? Viruses can cause your computer to slow down and
# The best ways to help prevent your computer becoming infected with a virus are outlined
in the table below:

Ways to prevent computer viruses:

1. Use up-to-date anti-virus software.

2. Use genuine copies of software.

3. Only open email attachments from people you trust.

4. Don't allow people to attach portable storage media to your computer with Computer viruses can be downloaded from the
scanning it with anti-virus software first. internet.

5. Only download software from legitimate websites.

Keeping your anti-virus software up-to-date is very important.

This is because new versions of viruses are being made all the time and if your anti-
virus is out of date it won't be able to remove these newer viruses.

Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about computer viruses:
Use up-to-date an -virus so ware.

Security against computer viruses - Research Sheet

Click the above task and answer the questions about computer

Portable storage media should scanned for viruses

before being plugged into your computer.

The first computer virus 2/3
3/23/2021 IGCSE ICT - Computer Viruses
The first computer virus sent over
the internet was created in 1988 by
Robert Morris.

Click here for more information.

Previous - Encryption Next - Using Credit Cards


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Links to Theory Units:

Section 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Section 2: Input and Output Devices Section 3: Storage Devices and Media
Section 4: Networks and the Effects of using them Section 5: The Effects of using ICT Section 6: ICT Applications
Section 7: The Systems Life Cycle Section 8: Safety and Security Section 9: Audience
Section 10: Communication

Links to Practical Units:

Section 11: File Management Section 12: Images Section 13: layout
Section 14: Styles Section 15: Proofing Section 16: Graphs and Charts
Section 17: Document Production Section 18: Data Manipulation Section 19: Presentations
Section 20: Data Analysis Section 21: Website Authoring

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