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To: All County Employees

From: Fernando R. Macias

Date: May 15, 2021

Subject: Return to On-Site Work Directive

With Doña Ana County having entered the Turquoise phase of re-opening on May 5, 2021, plans
and procedures to have all County employees return to work on-site have been finalized. We are
looking forward to welcoming all employees back to their pre-pandemic work location effective
June 1, 2021.

In order to ensure a safe work environment, the County will continue to adhere to the State of
New Mexico health orders regarding the use of face coverings if applicable on June 1st and other
COVID safe practices. The employee break room will be limited to 20 employees at a time, and
other common areas will have limited capacity. Tables and umbrellas are being purchased for
the patio outside of the breakroom to provide additional seating for breaks and lunch times.

Over 90% of County employees have been vaccinated and all new employees are required to be
vaccinated as a condition of employment. If you have not yet been vaccinated, I strongly
encourage you to do so as soon as possible. If you have difficulty getting scheduled, advise Lani
Davis or Crystina Holman in the Human Resources department. They will assist in getting you
scheduled for vaccination. If you have questions about the vaccine you may contact Jamie
Michael in HHS or visit the New Mexico Department of Health website.

As more individuals in the community are vaccinated, the restrictions regarding use of face
coverings are being revised as you read this directive. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention is now advising that those who have been vaccinated no longer need to use face
coverings either indoors or outdoors. The New Mexico Public Health orders still require the use
of face coverings. We will continue to adhere to this Order until it is changed. In order to assess
readiness and make plans for the County to revise procedures based on any modifications, it is
important to know which employees have been vaccinated. The human resources administrator
assigned to your department will be scheduling time to come to the department to make copies of
your vaccine card. The copy will be placed in the confidential medical file maintained in the
human resources department. Any employee who has not provided a copy of their card will be
required to adhere to the same restrictions as an unvaccinated employee. Vaccination will allow
employees a greater degree of latitude and freedom in the work environment.
The information technology department is creating an electronic screening questionnaire to
replace the process that currently exists at the Government Center. Upon completion of the
screening tool, guidance will be provided to you regarding its use.

Timekeeping utilizing the County’s electronic timekeeping system will also resume on June 1,
2021. Employees with computer or smart phone access will clock in and out on their device
using Workforce Dimensions web interface. Employees who do not have access to a computer
will be required to resume using the time clock in their work area. Sanitizer will be provided for
use prior to and after touching the time clock.

The County continuously monitors the latest public health information regarding best practices to
prevent the spread of COVID-19. We will remain vigilant to ensure a safe, healthy work
environment as we welcome you and the community back on June 1, 2021.

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