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Lecturer Who Teaches Courses :

Prof. Dr. Hj. Neviyarni S, M.S.

Arranged by :


2. DIAN FEBRISKA 20006060
3. DINA AMELIA 20006012





TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................
MIND MAPPING ............................................................................................
CHAPTER I…………………………………………………………………...
CHAPTER II………………………………………………………………….
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................
A. UNDERSTANDING LEADERSHIP .............................................
B. TYPES OF LEADERSHIP..............................................................
C. LEADERSHIP FUNCTIONS ..........................................................
D. LEADERSHIP THEORIES ............................................................
E. REFERENCE...................................................................................
CHAPTER III ..............................................................................................
A. CONCLUSION ...........................................................................
B. SUGGESTION ...........................................................................
QUESTION ......................................................................................................
YEL-YEL ..........................................................................................................




1. Background
Leadership as a management function is none other than "a means or authority
that is able to move other people both individually and in groups within an
organization so as to generate the will and ability to do something in achieving the
stated organizational goals." This means that the leadership scope contains many
dimensions: the duties and functions of leadership, the criteria for success, resources,
requirements that need to be met by a leader, as well as professional abilities in
realizing leadership duties and functions. In a management framework, leadership
functions as a tool. the driving force, motor or motivator of the resources in the
organization, so that the leadership role is expected to be able to dynamize the
organization in achieving its goals. .
Able to understand and live up to their duties and responsibilities as a leader. Because
by understanding and living up to the duties and responsibilities of his leadership, it is
hoped that his mindset, attitude and behavior can be
: formulate or define the organizational mission it carries.
• Behave to achieve organizational goals.
• Maintain the integrity and develop the organization.
Avoid or resolve conflicts that occur within the organization.
• The ability to create awareness and responsibility of those who are responsible
(members), so that everyone who is responsible feels consciously part of the life of
the organization they lead.
• The ability to create a high work ethic as a reflection of a sense of belonging,
carrying out and securing duties and responsibilities.
• The ability to generate organizational dynamics that he leads according to the pace
of development, needs and knowledge and technique.
2. Problem Formulation
1) What is the Definition of Leadership?
2) How about Tori the experts on Leadership?
3) What is the Definition of a Leader?
4) What are the Duties of Leaders?
5) What is an Effective Leadership Strategy?
6) What are the Principles of Leadership?
1. Definition of Leadership
Before discussing the various kinds of leadership roles, we will first describe
the understanding of the leadership role itself.
Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of a group organized
towards achieving goals. In another sense, leadership is the ability and skills of a
person who occupies a position as head of a work unit to influence others, especially
their subordinates, to think and act in such a way that through positive behavior he
makes a real contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. While the
definition of management is a process of planning, organizing, leadership and
controlling the efforts of members of the organization and the use of all existing
resources in the organization to achieve the goals of the organization that have been
previously set [2].
Almost every literature on leadership provides an ideal picture of leadership.
This is understandable, because mankind needs that leadership. And from time to time
leadership becomes the foundation of human expectations, so that today the problem
of leadership is increasingly attracting the attention of many groups, especially in
contemporary studies, because leadership has a broad dimension. According to the
large Indonesian dictionary, leadership is about leading; how to lead. Leadership can
be formulated as a way to influence people to cooperate in fighting for the goals they
want to achieve. Rebecca went on to add that a leader is a driver toward organized
joint efforts. He is an agent or implementer of a power that uses him.
Kusnadi argues that leadership does not only mean a leader and influences
people, but also a leader towards change and a source of aspirations and motivation of
his subordinates.
Winardi defines that leadership is an ability inherent in a person who leads,
which depends on various kinds, internal and external factors, including people;
working from an organizational position; and arise in a specific situation. So that
leadership arises, if these three factors influence each other, namely the situation and
position there is, the people are also there
Some of the implications of the various definitions are:
1) Leadership involves other people, namely followers. As a result of willingness
to accept instructions from a leader. Group members must be able to
understand the status of the leader which allows the leadership process to run
2) Leadership involves power, namely the ability to use influence, meaning the
ability to change attitudes and behavior of individuals or groups.
3) Leadership involves influence, namely the act of behavior that causes changes
in attitudes and behavior of individuals and groups.
Gitosudarmo and Sudita interpret that leadership is a very important factor in
influencing organizational achievement, because leadership is the main activity, to
achieve organizational goals.From this definition leadership is defined as one of the
processes of influencing the activities of individuals or groups to achieve goals in
certain situations.
From this definition, it appears that leadership is a process, that people include
follower leader factors and situation factors to produce achievement and satisfaction.
So leadership is an action or effort to motivate or influence others to want to work or
act towards achieving the goals of the organization that have been set or leadership is
an act of making something come true.
Ideally a leader holds power according to his field and expertise and talents.
Because without this, a leader will have difficulty correcting himself, introspective
difficulty and difficulty distinguishing what is right and what is wrong. So that
rationally, the leader is demanded for his intelligence to lead the course of the
association which is under his / her authority in accordance with the mission of the
association to be formed together, for example a village is ideally led by the village
head. being a leader is when there is a willingness for others to follow suit. Thus, in
general and simply, leadership is defined as the art or process of influencing other
people in such a way that they want to do business or desire a business or desire to
work in order to achieve a goal.
2. The theory of experts on Leadership
Historically, the "leadership" appeared in the 18th century. There are several
definitions of leadership according to experts, including:

1) Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations and directly

through the communication process to achieve one or more specific goals
(Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 24).
2) Leadership is a personal attitude, which leads the implementation of activities
to achieve the desired goals. (Shared Goal, Hemhiel & Coons, 1957, 7).
3) Leadership is a process that affects group activities organized to achieve
common goals (Rauch & Behling, 1984, 46).
4) Leadership is the artistic or technical ability to make a group or person follow
and obey their wishes.
5) Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) to
cooperation and is produced with a willingness to lead in achieving goals
(Jacobs & Jacques, 1990, 281).

3. Definition of Leader
Leaders are the essence of management. This means that management will
achieve its objectives if there is a leader. Leadership can only be exercised by a
leader. A leader is someone who has leadership skills, has the ability to influence the
stand / opinion of a person or group of people without asking the reasons. A leader is
someone who actively makes plans, coordinates, conducts experiments and leads
work to achieve common goals

4. Duties of the Leader

According to James A.F Stonen, the main duties of a leader are:
1. Leaders work with others
A leader is responsible for working with other people, one of his superiors, staff,
co-workers or other superiors in the organization as well as people outside the
2. Leader is responsibility and accountable (akontability).
A leader is responsible for arranging tasks to carry out tasks, conducting
evaluations, to achieve the best outcome. The leader is responsible for the success
of his staff without fail.
3. The leader balances the achievement of goals and priorities
The leadership process is resource-limited, so leaders must be able to organize
tasks by prioritizing priorities. In an effort to achieve goals, the leader must be
able to delegate tasks to staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time
effectively, and solve problems effectively.
4. Leaders must think analytically and conceptually
A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, it can
identify problems accurately. The leader must be able to describe the whole job
more clearly and its relation to other jobs.
5. The manager is a mediator
Conflicts always occur in every team and organization. Therefore, the leader
must be able to become a mediator (mediator).
6. Leaders are politicians and diplomats
A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a
leader must be able to represent his team or organization.
7. Leaders make difficult decisions
A leader must be able to solve the problem
According to Henry Mintzberg, the role of a leader is:
1) The role of interpersonal relations, in this case the function as an exemplary leader,
team builder, coach, director, consultant mentor.
2) Function Informal role as monitor, disseminator and spokesperson.
3) Role of decision maker, function as entrepreneur, disruption handling, resource
allocation, and negotiator.

5. Effective Leadership Strategies

Leadership is an activity to influence the behavior of others so that they want
to be directed to achieve certain goals. Here can be captured an understanding that if
someone has started wanting to influence the behavior of others, then here leadership
activities have begun.
There are many factors that must be considered in order to create effective
leadership. The various factors that need to be considered are generally very difficult
to measure and some are also very difficult to recognize.
Kusnadi, et al (2005: 354) stated that in developing a leadership profile, it is
very important to pay attention to the position of the leader in the organization. What
assumptions will the leader hold in managing his subordinates in the organization so
that they are willing to work effectively and efficiently.
In his position as a leader in a social group including society, a leader will be
required by several things, which include a complex set of roles, and their functions as
well. In the breadth of functions and roles, a leader can delegate authority and
responsibility to his followers, in accordance with existing and valid positions.In
relation to the behavior of this leader, Goleman explains that there are two things he
usually does to followers, namely: directing behavior and support. Behavior directs
only in one-way communication, while supportive behavior is defined as two-way
communication. Because the usual leadership function is to make decisions, this
leadership style will appear if it is practiced in terms of making decisions. The
position of control over problem solving or decision making is held alternately
between the leader and his subordinates, so that their appearance, weight, and
behavior are liked and accepted by their subordinates. Subordinates like it and
consider it a source of information, and a place to ask questions. Leaders often discuss
problems with subordinates, so that an agreement is reached. Decision making is
delegated to subordinates. The source of power rests on the power of expertise and
This is the main point of discussion of leadership in relation to power. Both of
these terms leader or leadership with power have a high enough relevance. Leadership
is a process for influencing the behavior of others. To influence requires power.
Meanwhile, power itself is the potential influence of a leader.
Anoraga (2001: 22) suggests that a leader has a duty to lead and control
specific and detailed things, he also controls the internal relationships within the
group, because basically in a group of people always have interactions. The leader has
the duty to be an observer and controller of the smooth running of the relationships
that occur. Through the smoothness and goodness of human relationships, the ability
to communicate and educate, social skills, and technical skills that include situation
analyzers become demands for him as a leader.
In the position of a leader, the influence of the surrounding conditions can not
be completely removed, both from within, as well as from outside the group or
organization. Due to the existing influences, there will be three important sources in
policy making. As stated by Anoraga (2001: 23), namely:
• Derived from parties who are more powerful, including rules that are
outside the group but still have an influence on the life of the
group.Sourced from the subordinates, as well as subordinates as
followers, still play a significant role in determining the achievement
of common goals.
• Sourced from himself as a leader, then as an autonomous leader he is
held to make decisions about a policy to be taken.
From this opinion, it can be said that through broad authority, the leader has a broad
space for movement. The sharpness of the followers' views of their leaders is nothing
extraordinary. Spotlight and self-assessment of leaders can occur. To that extent, the good
and bad things done by the leadership become the attention of the followers. Regardless of
good and bad, of course the attitudes, actions and ways of a leader are expected to be used as
an example or role model for his followers to imitate and follow. The level of judgment
generated by followers can reflect the good or bad of the group as a whole. On the basis of
these views the leader as a figure with a high level of authority gets an assessment from the
followers through his reflection, so it can be considered that a leader reaches a position as a
symbol of his group. The stamp on the group as a whole, can arise and is formed from the
stamp applied to the leader separately.
In such circumstances, it also plays a role in the problem of the position of a leader.
His willingness to accept mistakes also plays a role in the problem of being a leader.
Admitting mistakes does not mean lowering the level of leadership, but increasing the level
of a leader, rather than looking for unreasonable reasons just to cover up mistakes that are
really wrong.
Anoraga (2001: 24) argues that the skills needed to become a leader are inseparable
from the personality problem itself. Leader's personality problems also have the possibility to
be formed in everyone, as well as the skills needed to become a leader.
Thus the roles of a leader as mentioned above, can be said to be the smallest part of the
demands that arise against him.These roles also require various problems concerning skills
and abilities, as well as certain complex personalities.
John Kotter, said that effective leadership at the senior management level requires
extensive knowledge of the business world, closeness to subordinates, a reputation that is
beyond reproach. , has strong experience, high integrity, energetic and has a strong will to
lead. EFFECTIVE From this, it can be seen that without activity, leading, changing and
controlling the behavior of subordinates, a subordinate will continue to behave forever like in
the past. Successful organizations have a main series that distinguishes them from
unsuccessful organizations, namely dynamic and effective leadership.
Leadership that consistently shows exemplary roles in influencing others means
providing the impetus to motivate oneself in building integrity, which indirectly encourages
others to deeply understand the principle of growing and developing integrity which we call
the first principle is to develop trust and confidence in change. sense awareness to a better
level; the second principle is to give mutual respect and respect for others; the third principle
is to have the ability to mature spiritually, socially, emotionally and intellectually.
With that understanding, it is expected to be a driving force to behave and behave that "can
your leadership and followers achieve success to maintain" integrity "in efforts to build a
strong organizational culture as a vehicle for carrying out transformation in changing
attitudes and behavior to bind ourselves together. and awakens a soul of fulfillment within us.

6. Leadership Principles
According to Stephen R. Covey (1997), principles are part of a condition,
realization and consequence. Perhaps the principle creates trust and operates as an
immutable compass. The principle is a center or the main source of a life support
system which is displayed in 4 dimensions such as; safety, guidance, wisdom, and
strength.The characteristics of a leader are based on the following principles (Stephen
R. Coney):
1. A person who learns for life
Not only through formal education, but also outside of school. For
example, learning through reading, writing, observation, and listening.
Having good or bad experiences as a learning resource.

2. Service oriented
A leader is not served but serves, because the principle of a leader with the
principle of serving is based on career as the main goal. In providing
service, leaders should be more principled about good service.
3. Bring positive energy
Everyone has energy and enthusiasm. Using positive energy is based on
sincerity and a desire to support the success of others. This requires
positive energy to build good relationships. A leader must be able and
willing to work for long periods of time and conditions are not specified.
Therefore, a leader must be able to show positive energy, such as:
A. Believe in others
A leader trusts others, including subordinate staff, so that they have motivation and
maintain a good job. Therefore, trust must be followed by caring.
B. Balance in life
A leader must be able to balance his duties. Oriented to human principles and balance
between work and sports, rest and recreation. Balance also means a balance between
the life of the world and the hereafter.

C. See life as a challenge

The word "challenge" is often interpreted negatively. In this case, challenge means the
ability to enjoy life and all its consequences. Because life is a challenge that is
needed, to have a sense of security that comes from within oneself. Security depends
on initiative, skills, creativity, willingness, courage, dynamism and freedom.
D. Synergy
People with principles always live in synergy and a catalyst for change. They always
overcome their own weaknesses and others. Synergy is group work and benefits both
parties. According to The New Brolier Webster International Dictionary, Synergy is a
group work, which gives more effective results than working individually. A leader
must be able to synergize with every boss, staff, co-workers.

E. Practice developing yourself

A leader must be able to renew himself to achieve high success. So he's not just
process oriented. The process of self-development consists of several components
related to:
a. Retention of material;
b. Expanding the material through learning and experience;
c. Teaching material to others;
d. Apply principles;
e. Monitoring results;
f. Reflect on the results;
g. Adding new knowledge required material;
h. New understanding;
i. Come back to being yourself again.
Achieving principled leadership is not easy, because of several obstacles in the
form of bad habits, for example:
1. unilateral willingness and desire
2. pride and rejection;
3. personal ambition.
To overcome this, requires constant practice and experience. Practice and experience are very
important to gain new perspectives that can be used as a basis for decision making.
1. Conclusion
The conclusions that can be drawn in the discussion of this paper are as
follows: A leader is essentially a person who has the ability to influence the behavior
of others in his work by using power. In its activities, the leader has the power to
mobilize and influence his subordinates in relation to the tasks that must be carried
out. The duties of a leader in leadership include: exploring the needs of the group,
from that desire can be obtained realistic and truly achievable wishes, an effective
leader is a leader who understands his duties and obligations, and can establish good
cooperative relationships with subordinates, so as to create a work atmosphere that
makes subordinates feel safe, at ease, and has a freedom in developing their ideas in
order to achieve the common goals that have been set.

2. Suggestions

Based on the description above, the authors make the following suggestions:
Leaders, especially leaders in the field of education, should carry out their leadership
activities in influencing their subordinates based on good leadership criteria.
• In making a plan or educational management, leaders should understand the circumstances
or abilities possessed by their subordinates, and in the distribution of assignments according
to their respective abilities.
• The leader should fully understand his duties as a leader.

Multiple Choice
1. The process affects the activities - the activity of a group organized towards achieving
goals, is an understanding of the . . .
a. Leadership
b. Succes
c. Liveliness
d. Community
e. Organization
2. Leadership is an inherent ability in the person who leads, is the sense of leadership
according to the . . .
a. Sudarsono
b. Kusnadi
c. Winardi
d. James A. F. Stonen
e. Weschler
3. Here are some of the leaders' duties :
- Leaders working with others
- Leaders make difficult decisions
- Leaders are politicians and diplomats
From the explanation above are the duties of the leader according to the . . .
a. Henry Mintzberg
b. Kusnadi
c. Anoraga
d. John Kotter
e. James A. F. Stonen
4. A person who has expertise, influences the establishment/opinion of a person or group of
people without asking for reasons, is an understanding of the . . .
a. Manager
b. A Leader
c. Director
d. head of field
e. Producer
5. The following roles of leaders :
- decision-making role
- role of relationships between individuals
- informal role functions
From the above statement, is the role of the leader according to the . . .
a. Henry Mintzberg
b. Goleman
c. Anoraga
d. John Kotter
e. Stephen R. Covey

1. Name the duties of leaders according to James A. F. Stonen!
- leaders work with others
- leader is responsibility and accountability (acontability)
- leaders balance achieving goals and priorities
- leaders must think analytically and conceptually
- the manager is a mediator
- leaders are politicians and diplomats
- leaders make difficult decisions
2. Name the role of leader according to Henry Mintzberg!
- role of relationships between individuals
- informal role functions
- decision-making role
3. Explain the definition of leadership according to Jacobs &Jacques (1990, 281)!
Leadership is a process that gives meaning (full meaning of leadership) to
cooperation and is produced with a willingness to lead in achieving goals.

(irama : Menanam Jagung)

Kepemimpinan adalah proses

Mempengaruhi aktivitas – aktivitas
Sebuah kelompok yang diorganisasi
Ke arah pencapaian tujuan

Materinya itu ada 4

Yang harus kita pelajari
Materinya itu ada 4
Yang harus kita pahami

Materinya itu ada 4

Dimulai dari memahami kepemimpinan
Jenis kepemimpinan
Fungsi kepemimpinan
Dan terakhir teori kepemimpinan

Materinya itu ada 4

Yang harus kita pelajari
Materinya itu ada 4
Yang harus kita pahami

Anoraga Pandji. 2001. Psychology of Leadership. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Aliminsyah & Pandji, 2004, Dictionary of Management Terms, Bandung: CV. Yrama Widya
Cravens David, 2001, Strategic Marketing, Jakarta: Erlangga
Gitosudarmo Indriyo & I Nyoman Sudita. 2000. Organizational Behavior. Yogyakarta: BPFE
John Kotter, 2008. Leadership Theory. Online: http: //transdimensi.blogspot. com / 2008
/07/teori-kepemimpin.html. Retrieved: February 20, 2009
Kotler Philips, 2004, Analysis of Implementation Planning and Control, Jakarta: Prenhalindo
Kusnadi et al. 2005. Introduction to Management (Conceptual & Behavior). Malang:
Brawijaya University
Rebecca 2007. Effective Leadership. Online: http: //vianney-jkt.sch. en / a185m23s /
effective-leadership.html. Retrieved: February 20, 2009
Winardi. 2000. Leadership in Management. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

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