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Drug Research: Crack

By Rory O’Brien
Cracks different names and definitions
● The definition of crack is a free from base of cocaine that can be smoked
crack offers, a short intense high to smokers claiming the name of the most
addictive form of cocaine
● Grit, Hail, Hard rock, Jelly beans, Nuggets, Purple caps, Rocks, Scrabble,
Sleet,Snow coke,Tornado,Black rock, Candy, Chemical, Cookies, Dice, Gravel
How it is used and who uses it?
● Crack is used by heating the drug and then smoking it
● Because it is smoked it can reach the brain quicker than if you snorted it
● It was shown that in 2019 70 percent of crack cocaine users were in the age
range of 18 to 25, totalling up to 476,000 people and 59,000 of those people
being between the ages of 12 to 17
Short term and long term effects of crack
● The reason people use the drug is to get a short high that will typically last 15
● In the beginning of use side effects will include paranoia, depression, angry
hostile, muscle spasms and convulsions, faster heart rate, edgeness, craving
more of the drug, and they can’t eat or sleep properly
● Some long term effects include severe respiratory problems, lung damage
and bleeding, heart damage and damage to the liver and kidneys, sleep
deprivation and loss of appetite
Addiction and Withdrawal
● Crack cocaine is highly addictive
● The reason for crack being so addictive is it activate the main pleasure point
in the brain leading the person to want that type of high again
● The want for crack comes from the usage because when you smoke it it
enters the bloodstream quickly
● Withdrawal symptoms include depression, paranoia, fatigue, anxiety, mood
swings, restlessness, agitation, or vivid, unpleasant dreams.
● Some physical symptoms may affect your metabolism and tolerance
Can it be fatal and what are the signs of somebody using
that drug
● Yes, the side effects of the drug can be fatal some of these side effects
include cardiac death, brain seizures, heart attack and stroke.
● Some signs that people are addicted to crack is that they will leave the room
every 15-20 minutes to smoke crack and when they are in the room with you
they tend to struggle to hold a conversation because of their addiction
Where to get help
● Some treatment centers located in NC that are close to us include Carolina
recovery center, Green hill recovery, Welwyn outpatient center, Dual
diagnosis treatment center- mental heal
● The hotline for help is 1-800-662-4375
Works cited
Edited by Marisa Crane, B.S.Last Updated: October 19. “Slang for Cocaine: A List of Nicknames & Street Terms.” American Addiction Centers, 20 Oct. 2020,

“How Addictive Is Crack Cocaine? What Does Crack Feel Like? - Drug-Free World.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World,

“Short- & Long-Term Side Effects of Smoking Crack Cocaine - Drug-Free World.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World,

“Symptoms of Crack Withdrawal: Owls Nest Recovery Community.” 11962657 - Addict, a Syringe, the Drugs and Heroin,

“What Is Crack Cocaine? How to Smoke Crack? Street Names for Crack - Drug-Free World.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World,

Witmer, Denise. “Learn about Teen Cocaine Use Statistics.” Verywell Mind, 27 Apr. 2021,

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