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Michael Phelps Meal Plan

By Rory O’Brien
History of the sport and Nutrition/training facts
The sport that my athlete plays is swimming
● This sport is played by the athletes doing different swimming forms trying to
race each other in a pool for the best time can vary between solo races and
relay races
● Each race averages to be around 40 to 45 seconds
● A main nutrient needed for swimmers is probably carbohydrates because they
need are quick burst of energy for their races
● Michael spends a lot of time in the pool working on stuff but he also does
some on land training. The on land training he participates in includes weight
training, isometrics, and HIIT
Description of Michael Phelps
● Name: Michael Phelps
● Age: 35 years old
● Height: 6 foot 4 inches
● Goal weight: 185 pounds
● Activity level: Daily
● gender : male
● Michael Phelps is practically built for swimming having many of his body attributes perfectly
fit in to what you need to be a successful swimmer such as short legs, a long wingspan, and
double jointed in his legs. Even though he is retired now I’m researching him for when he
was participating in the sport. While participating in the olympics he won a total of 28
medals, 23 of those are gold medals and 13 solo metals
Meal Plan

● 2-3 egg sandwiches, The benefit of eggs help with the workout, better sleep quality, and
faster recovery speed. This is eaten at 7:30 am because he has to prepare himself for a day
of training and eggs have so many benefits so it a good way to start
● 3-5 egg omelette, This is like a repeat of the first bullet point the only thing that changes is the
time it was eaten which is roughly 10 minutes because he can’t eat to much at one time and it
still in preparation for training after the first meal but even if these two amounts of eggs
seems like it is a lot it is perfect for the amount of energy required to train and build muscle
● 2 pancakes There really is no benefit but there is not a lot of negatives depending how you
make it and it still provides a sufficient amount of calories should be eaten around 7:50
keeping 10 minute intervals between each part of the meal and this is just to provide variety
as well
● Grits 2 cups, grits benefit is that they are full of protein and help build muscle and just incase
he is still hungry they are very filling should be eaten around 8 am, this time is chosen
because it is the end of the meal finishing it and leaving the athlete with proteins to end the
Meal Plan
● About a pound of pasta, benefit of pasta is that is provides instant energy with
carbs and helps against fatigue, this should be eaten at 12:10 pm this is eaten
at this time to give him energy after morning training
● 1-2 ham and cheese sandwiches, this will provide protein and calcium.
Protein helps maintain muscle mass and cheese provides calcium which
helps build your bones. 12:20 pm is the time it should be eaten to provide him
with protein and calcium for his next workout
● Energy drinks this should be drank during the other meals and is important
because it helps replace fluids lost through sweating during the workout
This project taught me that having a healthy balanced diet is part of your training
because it helps your muscles grow and gives you the energy that you need to
train with. Other things I saw is that not changing your diet will keep your body
Meal Plan

● A pound of pasta gain at 6 pm to replace the carbs he lost in his past workout
to fuel him with anything else he has to do that day.
● A pizza at 6:30 pm would be a good recovery food after a day of working out
and it should fill him up also providing some important nutrients
● Energy drinks should be drank during this to gain back fluids that he lost just
like lunch time and prepare for his workout the next morning
● All the meals combined should total to around 12000 calories a day
Cited Information

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