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Michael’s English Class

The Sunshine School

Vocabulary Worksheet

Name: _________________ Date: _______________ Score: ___/40

Each week you will be given a list of 10 words to study. First write each of the words 3 more times each.
Then write a definition for each of the words from Next, find a sample sentence
online that uses each of the words properly. Write that sentence and then write one of your own. ALL
SAMPLE SENTENCES MUST BE WRITTEN IN BLUE. In the final part, write an MLA citation using for each of the outside sources that you used for your sentences.

Write each of the words 3 more times in the space below.

1. Tract tract tract tract

2. Trepidation trepidation trepidation
3. Turbulent turbulent turbulent turbulent
4. Tycoon tycoon tycoon tycoon
5. Ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate
6. Ungainly ungainly ungainly ungainly
7. vice versa vice versa vice versa vice versa
8. vie vie vie vie
9. vilify vilify vilify vilify
10. wrangle wrangle wrangle

Now, search and write each of the words with their definitions in the space
provided below. The first one has been done for you.

1. tract: an expanse of land, water, etc.; region or stretch

2. Trepidation: tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.

3. Turbulent: being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed.
4. Tycoon: a person of great wealth, influence, or power; magnate.
5. Ultimate: last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series.
6. Ungainly: not graceful; awkward; unwieldy; clumsy.
7. vice versa: in reverse order from the way something has been stated; the other
way around.
8. vie: to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority.
9. vilify: to speak ill of; defame; slander.
10. wrangle: to obtain, often by contrivance or scheming; wangle.

Find a sample sentence for each of the words online that uses it correctly and write it in the space
provided below:

1. the digestive tract.

2. Yet even back then, behind the smiles, was great trepidation .
3. turbulent feelings or emotions.
4. a business tycoon; a political tycoon.
5. the ultimate point in a journey; the ultimate style in hats.
6. an ungainly child; an ungainly prose style.
7. She dislikes me, and vice versa.
8. Swimmers from many nations were vying for the title.
9. The angels that resent man’s ability to choose, to deny and even to vilify God's gifts,
want to destroy this creation in honor of their own creator.
10. He wrangled a job through a friend.
Now write a sentence for each of the words in the spaces provided below.

1. I have found a tract.

2. He has trepidation about dark.

3. I ultimately, I have feeling turbulent.

4. My family mad a tycoon.

5. That’s the ultimate thing I want to hear.

6. That’s an ungainly person.

7. He vice versa everyone.

8. We were vying the race.

9. She always talks vilify everyone.

10. She wrangled a job.

Write your citations in alphabetical order here:


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