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Insisivus foramen
2. hard palate / palatum durum
3. condylus mandibula
4. sygmoid notch
5. coronoid processus
6. floor of maxillary sinus (dasar)
7. sinus maxila
8. medial border of maxillary sinus
9. nasal septum
10. canalis infraorbita
11. inferior orbital / floor of intraorbita
12. orbita
13. articular eminence
14. fossa glenoid
15. ANS
16. posterior wall of sinus maxillary
17. prosessus malar
18. externus auditory meatus
19. zygomatic arch
20. cervical vertebrae
21. styloid processus
22. os hyoid
23. angulus mandibula
24. oropharyngeal airspace
25. posterior border of ramus mandibula
26. inferior border of ramus mandibula
27. foramen mentalis
28. lingula
29. canalis mandibula
30. auricle
31. nasal airspace
1. condylus mandibular
2. sygmoid notch
3. coronoid processus
4. sinus maxilla
5. floor of the sinus maxilla / dasar sinus
6. medial border of sinus maxilla
7. nassal septum
8. infraorbital canal
9. orbita
10. pterygoid plate
11. articular eminence
12. glenoid fossa
13. meatus auditory externus
14. posterior wall of sinus maxilla
15. prosessus malar
16. cervical vertebrae
17. os hyoid
18. canalis mandibula
19. epiglottis
20. foramen mentalis
21. angulus mandibula
22. posterior border of ramus mandibula
23. inferior border of ramus mandibula
24. lingula
25. styloid processus
26. tuberositas maxillaris
27. ANS
28. auricle
29. floor of orbita
30. zygomatic arch
31. insisivus foramen
32. nasal airspace
1. insisivus foramen
2. ans
3. nasal septum
4. nasal airspace
5. infraorbital canal
6. floor of orbita
7. orbita
8. floor of sinus maxilla  dasar sinus
9. medial wall of sinus maxilla
10. sinus maxilla
11. posterior wall of sinus maxilla
12. prossesus malaris
13. articular eminence
14. prossesus coronoid
15. condylus mandibula
16. sygmoid notch
17. fossa glenoid
18. meatus auditory externus
19. auricle
20. zygomatic arch
21. tuberositas maxillaris
22. palatum durum
23. posterior border of ramus mandibula
24. angulus mandibula
25. lingula
26. canalis mandibula
27. inferior border of ramus mandibula
28. foramen mentale
29. cervical vertebrae
30. os hyoid
1. External auditory meatus
2. Glenoid fossa
3. Articular eminence
4. Mandibular condyle
5. Infraortbita canal
6. Coronoid process
7. Sigmoid notch
8. Floor of the maxillary sinus
9. Maxillary sinus
10.Posterior wall of the maxillarysinus
11.Hard plate
12.Nasal septum
13.Anterior Nasal spin
14.Floor of the orbita
16.Medial border of the maxillarysinus
17.Nasal air space
18.Cervical vertebrae
19.Styloid Process
20.Incisive Foramen
21.Maxillary tuberosity
22.Malar process
23.Zygomatic arch
25.Angle of mandible
26.Posterior border of ramus
27.Inferior border of ramus
28.Hyoid bone
29.Mandibular canal
30.Mental foramen

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