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Presented By

Dr. Vipul Rathi


To understand the basic concept of function and dysfunction of human TMJ.

We first understand the specific requirement and demanding for other

The Role of feeding in vertebrate evolution

- It is believed that locomotion and feeding are the two factors primarily
responsible for adoptive modification in the morphology of mammals.
- Some says joint led the way us all joint evolution.
- In primitive vertebrates the process of cephalization led to the purpose of
collecting food at a way early stage of evolutions.

Early stages in the Development of

Functional Activity of the Jaws
-The earliest function activity of the jaws was concerned of the ability to seize a
prey & weight be accepted to be vigorously trying to escape.

- Then for swallowing many adaptive modifications occurred such as

complicated arrangements of the articular basis in the palatal region of the upper

- Communication commenced as a crude tearing of the portion from a longer

whole. For this process

1. The possession of sharp piercing pointed cusps.

2. The development of sharp cutting edges to incise, slice on grind

-The TMJ is an essential element in the functional anatomy of the process of


-On the basis of masticatory activity mammals are classified as:

2. Ungulate grinding or mill type.

3. Rodent gnawing or anterior shift type.

4. Miscellaneous grip include aberrant degenerate forms.

-It has been suggested that the temporalis act at one pole of the force couple with
massater and medial pterygoid acting synergistically out the other. The dual action of the
muscle of mastication is a means of reducing resultant pressures on the TMJ.

-Mandibular act as a lever and who have analyzed the moment of muscle forces and
mandibular condyle as a fulcrum.

-Mandible moves against the stable cranium. It as class 3 lever.

In Mandible,
-Joint = fulcrum
-Muscle = Effort forces
-Teeth = Resistance forces

Mass jaws has been severely shortened and reduced as part of the adaptation of the
cranium for balancing it on erect vertebrate column, to produce working gape, condyle
slide forward occur the eminence to allow room for the body and angle of the mandible to
swing down and back against the neck then the entire mandible rotates and transverse
axis that passes approx through the centre of mandible.


-Precise nomenclature is important in a subject where variations are structure bound.

Jaws Joint = to embrace all developmental stages

Of the articulation

-“primitive jaws joint” or “reptilian jaw joint”

Quadrate articular articulation

-“Mammalian type of jaw joint”

“dentary squamosal” articulation.

Evolution History of Dentary squamosal joint

-Hinge development in the first visceral Arch

-The most primitive form of vertebrates jaw joint is to be found in the flexible plate of
fibro cartilage the upper and lower cartilage jaws in the modern shark.[synartherosis]

-The most primitive form of articulation is known AMPHISTYLIC method of suspension

where upper jaws attached to the brain case by two articulation, one immediately behind
the eye and one at the back of skull where the hyomand. cartilage formed a connection
below the brain case and the back of the upper jaw. This provides limited mobility as the
functioning and development of the jaws.

-It is replaced by HYOSTYLIC suspension in which the hyo mandibular element was the
only articulation below the jaws & cranial base.

-In holocephalic upper jaw become firmly fused to the brain case AUTOATYYLIC
TYPE, chimera only member with AUTOSTYLIC type.

-Mobility of upper and lower jaw

-In many reptiles, iguanas, there is freedom of movement below the cranial base

-It arises to assist the swallowing of food by animal on dry land.

-To meet out the requirement of extra muscle and for architectural stability, the
maxillary, palatine and pterygoid element become directly attached to the cranium but the
hymond, graduate and articulate continued to form a mandible joint with considerable
modification of function.

-The cartilaginous case of the lower jaw becomes invested in a surrounding layer of eight
separate dermal bony plates. These dermal bones ossified intramembranously with in a
connective tissue foundation. They include the dentary with the marginal row of mand.
Teeth, two splenials, the angular, surangular, prearticular and two coronoid bones. The
articular was not a demand done but was the ossified post. end of the mekel’s cartilage
which articulated with the quadrate bone, another end in chondral ossification.

1. PREHENSION; Ability to grasp and prevent the escape of a slippery pray was
perhaps the functional activity of the dentition in the earliest vertebrates four hundred
million years ago.

-Interlocking canines is present for prehension.

-Longer muscle of temporalis muscle are responsible for snapping action in a carnivore
and the hinge like TMJ articulation ensure adequate reproducibility in the path of closure

-Interlocking canines controls jaw movements and thus help in the development of
hinged articulation.

-Development of a pre Glenoid process laterally and post Glenoid process medially
which encircles laterally elongated condyle so preventing dislocation.

2. TEARING; Simplest form of communication of food to make swallowing possible and

enable digestion.

-Pull development by the musculature of the neck sufficient to tear off the bitten portion.

-Once the prey interlocked by the canines and the jaws muscle, cervical musculature act
against the weight of the prey, which produce the tearing action.

-There is a greater risk of dislocation of condyle which gives rise to the development of
preglenoid process in carnivores animals .

3. Crushing in primitive vertebrates

-Ability to bring post canine teeth together give the development of shearing grinding and
crushing masticatory function.

4. Crushing in primitive mammals.

-The transition from reptile to mammal can be seen by comparing the fossilized bones
and teeth.

Diarthrognathus a reptile from the Triassic beds of South Africa with the morganucodon,
a primitive mammal from the upper Triassic of Europe & Asia.

-Both processes a double jaw joint the quadrate articular articulation lying side with
developing dentary squamosal articulation.

1. Post canine teeth had a simple morphology.

2. Alterations in orientation of jaws musculature appear to home

3. Older joint is dominant.

4. Less interocllusion relationship stability.

5. Absent


1. Post canine teeth were differentiated into premolars and molars with many cusps
arranged linearly done long axis tooth &double roots.

2. Moroganucoden have slender lower jaw muscle of mastication act attach to dentary
which have developed coronoid process for attachment of temporalis muscle. There is
well formed condyle and articulate with squamosal bone of the skull.

3. New joint TMJ is dominant.

4. More stability for inter-occlusion relationship due to faulted occlusion of post

canine teeth.

5. Triangulat arrangement of cusps resulted in class fitting dentition and crushing

action possible.

-Great example is giant panda =herbivorous carnivorous.

1. Molar teeth richly covered with cusp tubercles.

2. Transverse cylinder rotatary with a hinge movement in a deep groove.

3. Interlocking canines.

4. Articular disk thin level of occlusion is lower than the articular - the help in
antero-posterior grinder movement to the losing movement.
5. Two half of mandible fused at symphysis.
-This represents the adoption for herbivorous diet with the carnivore.

5. Cutting in the carnivore

-Wear of tooth substance during function the development and maintenance of sharp
edges which performed the cutting action. Improvement part played by sharp vests and
ridges which extend from one cusp to the other.

-The condyle which transversely elongated and cylindrical in shape, less at the same level
as the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular teeth no intraocular disk .

-Coronoid process is very large and projects vertically a considerable distance above the
level of condyle. It provide large area of insertions for the temporalis muscle.[prevents

-Well developed massater muscle present with large depression on the lateral side of the
ascending ramus below the level of coronoid process.

-The right and left halves of the mandible are not joined by bone at the symphysis is the
majority of carnivores. [It allow rotation of each half of mandibular in a coronal plane]

-Prominent preglenoid and postglenoid process tend to completely encircle the condyle as
it ties in the fossa preglenoid processes laterally placed while the postglenoid process as
medially placed.

-Interarticular disk present with upper and lower synovial cavity .the cylindrical condyle
rotates with in the tubular Glenoid fossa .the joint capsule and ligaments permit a slight
amount of lateral translator movement.

6. Cutting in Rodents

-Sliding postereo- anterior movement of condyle with relatively little hinge like rotation

-Inter articular disk well developed. = Growing activity of rodents.

7. Grinding in Herbivore

-Sharp cusp modified to blunt cones and crests and ridges. The area and height of the
crown increases.

-Ascending ramus of mandibular is of considerable height with long slender coronoid

-The articular surfaces of Glenoid fossa is convex

-The articular surfaces of the condyle is oval.

-Biconcave articular disk present.

-Less developed massater and temporalis.

-Lateral pterygoid muscle well developed for lateral movements .

8. Grinding in Rodents

Three phrases of movements could be distinguished;

1. Gnowing – Where lower jaw shifted forward to bring the chisel shapes lower incisor
opp. Thors the upper jaw. the upper incisor are usually less sharp.

2. Shifting - Mandibular must shift into a more anterior or and more posterior portion
according to whether the incisors or molars are to be used.

3. Masticating – Movements which brings the molar teeth into occlusion without the
incisors hampering the process.

Variation in the Primate Tempero manndibular Joint

Three general types of TMJ in the primitive have been distinguished;

A . An unspecialized hinge type of joints of a primitive nature. It is associated with

generally uniform, sharp-cusped teeth and a long body of the mandibular with a low of
the plane of occlusion.

Example; In Tupaiidae where

1. Wide but short Glenoid fossa lies transversely to the long axis of skull.

2. Small post Glenoid process articulate with cylindrical condyle.

3. Opening and closing movements are in scissor like manner.

B. A specialized type of joint suitable for propenial ex cursion of the mandible and of
related to a pronounced increase and loss of canine [rodent like specialization Ex. Seen in
lemuridae and lorisdae . In this,
1. Articular evidence present

2. Level of the joint rises upward and forward on a sagittal plane.

3. In size and function which concentrate masticatory activity in cheek teeth.

C. In all other primates, a universal type of joint which permits excursion of the mandible
on all three dimension of space and which is recognized by the increase area of occlusion
surfaces of the cheek teeth. The mandibular ramus is high and the TMJ is well above the
occlusion plane.

-New ability is that food is communicated in the cheek region by a combination of

propenial and transverse movement of the mandibular.

-Development of articular eminence and post Glenoid process.

-The inter articular disk consisting of three bands of tissue transverseing the joint in
coronal plane. An anterior moderately thick band, an intermediate thin band and a post
thick band.

-Study of hominids feeding mechanisms two forms of Austealo pithecines have been

1. Gracil form; typified by austropitheues Africans. There is a moderate development of

both temporalis and master muscle with relatively short moment arm in relation to that of
devotion .This is suitable for omnivorous diet.

2. Robust form; typified by autrolopithius bosei, It shows great in size of massater with
the moment arm equal to that of devition . This arrangement closely resembles to that of
herbivores .Dubel believe that modern human jaw retain certain features of each of the
early forms.
Development of Tempromandibular Joint

Temperomandibular joint is a bilateral synovial diarthosis. It means that one finely

movable joint on each side, left and right surrounded by a capsule whose internal living
produces a viscid synovial fluid.

Present condyle growth

Sixth week of life: Condensation of mesenchyme develops lat. To mekel’s cartilage

.The development of this mesenchymal condensation with in one weak a complete
mandibular bony plate is formed parallel and locally enveloping the bilateral mekel’s
cartilage rod.

Tenth week of in life: The bony mandibular has recognized form and mekel’s cartilage
starts to be resorbed. During same period. Condoyle field develop at the cranial to end of

- Within two week the condyle process are clearly recognized and 2cartilage production
will begun.

-Another two week endochondral ossification of the new cartilage will starts centrally in
the ramus proceeding upwards.

From 20week: There occur equilibrium below the production of cartilage and subsequent
replacement by a bone, create the typical picture of growing mandibular condyle.

At 10 week: The lat. Pterygoid muscles is also formed and attach to the neck of the

Post natal growth of candyle

The growing mandible as a whole is dependent for

the bulk of substance on the process of intra membranous bone formation and remodeling
and little on endo chordral contribution of condyle.
- Condyle grows in harmony wit h the disk and Glenoid fossa as a tubercle undergoes
development at the temporal part. This change involves both intramemb. And endo
chordral bone formation and continuous reattachment of the connective tissue of the
associated ligaments and capsule.
- The fosse simultaneously enlarges by means of anterior remodeling relocation and
vertical development of the tubercle condyle expand simultaneously by oppositional and
some interstitial growth.

- Capsular ligament and disk enlarges.

- The condyle relocate us posterior direction by deposition posteriorly and medially. (V-
principle) and resorbtion in anterior aspect.

-Vertical growth of condyle is by endochandral bone growth and bulk by intra

mandibular bone growth.

-Due to this vertical and horizontal growth, the capsular ligament stabilizes the joint by
detachment and continuous reattachments.

-To accommodate the complete condition that arises due to horizontal and vertical middle
cranial fossa enlargement, progressive horizontal and vertical adaptation of mandibular
form and portion are necessary in order to place lower arch in correct position with upper

- These complex condition are like:

- Pharyngeal and nasal expansion

- Displacement of palate and maxillary arch.

- Remodeling adjustment of the palate and upper alveolar structure.

- Drifting of permanent dentition (vertical straight components)

- Basi cranial angular changes.

- Nosomax .primary location.




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