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Service marketing:

Case study 1
Sullivan Ford Auto World:
Answer no 1:
Marketing a car:
Marketing a car is buying and selling of a car their advertisement,
promotions, that attracts customer to buy a car to generate profit

It works on marketing mix and it’s an orthodox way.

Marketing a service:
It is based on relationship and value. It is a form of a product that consists of
activities benefits or satisfaction offered for sale and are essentially intangible and
don’t result in ownership of anything.

Marketing A car Marketing a Service
It emphasize on the buying and selling It emphasizes on monetary transactions,
prospects of consumer making transaction ,to time and efforts are exchange for labor
take ownership of the product skills.
But ownership of product is not seem
It works on marketing mix consists on 4ps It works on marketing mix consists on 7ps
(Price, place, promotion, product) (process ,physical environment ,people)

Marketing a car is easy. Because the product Marketing a services cannot be seen. It’s
can be seen ,touched or can be experienced an intangible products which making it
tough for the customers to imagine what
actually happens
Illustrate the features of the products. Not illustrate the features of the products.

It sales value It sales relationship

It can be owned and resold to another party. It is neither owned nor transferred to
another party.

Quality of product can be easily measured. Quality of service is not measurable

The process of identifying a market to Promotion of services being offered by the

promote products with the aim of generating company
It has Rapid response It has relatively low response

In marketing a car customer receive product In customer avail value

Question no 2:
Compare Sales and service department:
Sales department Service department
It’s a front end process new Ford vehicles and It’s a backend process where
pre-owned or traded vehicles that they Service Department offers servicing for cars that
refurbish in the service department broke-down and/or need parts replacement.
Eye-catching site in convenient location Same location but service building is greasy and
hidden behind showroom

Extensive advertising and promotions to No mention of advertising, reminders, special

attract car buyers offers to generate service business

Customers can walk-in Customers must make appointments

In the front end department it is a high The back end is quite the opposite with its
ceilinged showroom where latest models of cramped room and walls with peeling paint.
cars, polished to a high sheen, displayed to There was no mention of chairs or waiting
attract prospective buyer. lounge, customers stood while waiting for their
work orders.
In this department price is not hard predict In this department price is hard to determine
At the front end, car salespersons are there to For the back end, service writers and mechanics
assist and answer queries of possible assist customers by coming up with estimates or
customers that are looking for brand new or quotations for services that need to be done on
pre-owned vehicles. the vehicles.

Car Sales or the Front–end team is composed The Service Department is composed of the
of the Sales Manager, 7 Sales People, the Service Manager, Parts Supervisor, 9 Mechanics
Office Manager & the Secretary. and 2 service writers.
High-polished new cars on display Modern, well-maintained equipment in service
Customers can examine the cars (and sit in Customers wait in line for service writers; can
them if they wish) while they wait for a look at file-cabinets and listen to telephones
salesperson ringing

Answer no 3:
Since it is directed at humans, the quality of service in the health sector must be
mastered. Humans seeking overall fulfillment in their wellbeing receive health care
from professionals in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and other care providers.

Also remarkable satisfaction is requested by customers who seek car service.

Services address customer’s experience that consists of different elements such as
the quality of the service provided by employees whether health practitioners
(health sector) or skilled workers (auto industry), the reception of customers and
dealing with customer complaints, the facility (health center or auto service
center), time of service, etc. Both service providers must enhance this experience
by improving its corresponding different elements Furthermore building trust and
tight relationship is essential in both sectors. This ensures business sustainability
where existing customers are not just willing to purchase the services again but to
even recommend the service provider. Both service providers need to maintain
strong healthy customer relationships.

Health Care
• New Baby

• Treating sick people

• Customers generally prefer to have a regular doctor whom they trust

• Regular checks up are usually a good idea

Car Dealership
• New Car

• Fixing broken cars

• Customers generally prefer to have a regular service arage they trust Preventive
maintenance & checks ups are a good idea

Answer no 4

 Improving services quality:

 Areas needing improvement, especially items rated "bad" or "poor"
 Computerization of customer records
 Physical renovation of the area
 Effort to recruit and train better service workers
 Marketing the service department
 Physical renovation of the facility
 Customers introduced to service department when new
cars are purchased
 Reminders to customers when cars are due for service
 Promotional incentives to bring cars in for service
 Handling service customers

Case # 2
Four customers in search of solutions:
Answer #1
Geographical segmentation:
Winston chens: he calls to countries in south Asia on weekend evenings, almost
daily calls to Kingston around midday and calls to Vancouver, British Columbia
most weekends.

Portillo: most calls are local but occasionally to Mexico and South America
Robbins: Calls are to be made to the United States. Long distance calls within
Canada are made by Chen and Robbins.

I see four segments local calls, international calls, internet modern, home
subscribers. Some calls are day time, evening and weekends.

Type of problems: Chen is concerned about overcharging, Portillo about missed

calls, Vanderbilt about obscene calls, and Robbins about poor sound quality. They
have different problems that the company should solve.

Answer no 2:
 Probably in Winston Chens case the best way is to have a look at the bill
again and make some adjustments if so and reimburse the amount to the
Customer. Try to be assumed to him
 Portillo case seems to be a case of network Problem.
Is there a particular time of day when the busy signals were received by her
Is there anyone else at that address who could have been using her phone at
those times?
Depending on the response, different solutions may be appropriate she has
no value-added services, she clearly doesn’t subscribe to call waiting
The best Possible solution for her is to refer her Complaint to the Service
Delivery Department and tell them about this Problem so that they could do
something as soon as possible.
 Mrs. Vanderbilt case is a case of distressed calling as she is being receiving
a series of Obscene telephone calls. The best way to provide her a solution is
by Tracing the Persons number who is being calling her and referring it to
the appropriate authorities.
 Mr. Richard Robbins problem is that his phone line has been making strange
humming and Cracking noises which he thinks is that because of the old
answering machine and which loses messages also. The best Possible
solution for him is to replace the old machine with a new machine so that he
doesn’t face any problem in the near future or check their connection line to
engineer if he is not able to change device
Answer #3
Marketing opportunities are still available in any case, but you must first make the
customer very happy, even if they are moaning about something. Tell them that I
will do my utmost to solve their problems and that I will pursue their case before I
receive a response from my higher authority, and that they should stay calm and
patient because it is not in my possession.

We must do this in order for the customer to feel understood and to want to
continue buying my product; this is a marketing opportunity for my business. We
must also remind them that there could be special pricing options that will
minimize their phone bill if they spend a lot of time with us, as well as discount
plans that would benefit them, such as with international calls.

Case # 3

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