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Describing the number of

Parts of speech been

Used in the text.

 In this text I found they are about:

 Nouns:150
 Pronouns:33
 Verbs:75
 Adjective :103
 Preposition :51
 Adverb:23
 Conjunctions:32
 Interjection: None

Describing which part of Speech is used the most in the text and why.?
1. In this text as i read the noun was used the most bcz when we discuss or when we
want to write or give comments or details during our writing so we have to have a
theme and it can be a person place or thing and it can be a real reason for this that
why noun is used the most in text so also in this text we have many nouns and the
details belongs to them bcz we always discuss about someone someplace or
Goals of the text.

First paragraph .
Most of the teachers think that the textbook is not suitable with students and it don.t
have the suitability for learners age. so abook or textbook is not designed according the age
for learners just it can be bcz of complexity .and textbook is full of visual text and the layout
of the textbook is really attractive and long lasting and learners can found it free in all of the
schools of country but yet some teachers claimed that the textbook lacks supplementary
materials like an audio for listening video for watching so these prohibit teaching and
anyother learning skills.
Second paragraph .
It has been assumed that the teaching all the contents of a book in general
suitable significantly .However the creteria used for listening skills and its related to
sub elements of teaching method .and its have resulted that the english 12grade
textbook of afghanistan overwhelmingly lacks the listening skills and anyother
activities and some supplementary materials in addition there is not anymore
activities that could increase some meaningfull contacts between the students in the
listening skill but the book is only designed for reading purpose which are graded
interesting according the level of students.

Third paragraph .
The vocabulary and some writing skills are
Supplanted in the 12th grade english textbook
And its sufficient for students and the goal which is selected for writing activities its really
achievable and the text of the book is more interesting and comprehensible for students
and the students can percept it in a simple way so easily.and its beleived that some simple
words are effictively presented from simple to complicated.

Fourth paragraph.
The grammar in the book is clear and distributed systematically and its
achievable with its explicit clear and interesting examples only with one difference
that the textbooks lacks supplementary materials like listening skills and
pronunciation skills .so pronunciation and other activities they are prescriptive and
it is assumed that the exercises are learner friendly and enough for the students
including highe and lower level students.
Fifth paragraph .
This stydy or the goal of this text was about the perception of teachers about
english 12th grade textbook they said that textbook not suits for teaching to the
learners bcz of lacking supplementary materials of listening skills but respondents
refered the textbook for teaching the students in afghanistan.s schools bcz the
physical layout of the text book is attractive and full of important and valuable
contents and the listening skills with pronunciation they are prescriptiv from book
so after conducting this research it strongly suggested that the listening skills with
its supplementary materials must be included to the textbooks of 12 th grade in
afghanistan schools.

Prepared by: Abdul Wali “Hassand”

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