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Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and

Management Sciences, Quetta.

Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem Project

Course Title: Properties of reservoir fluids

Total Marks: 15 Due time: 29-03-2021 Semester: 5th

Name of the student: SHAIR MUHAMMAD

CMS ID: 45777


Submitted to: SIR JAMAL

Submission method:

Prepare hardcopy and softcopy of graphs of simulation results in a MS Word file and result

Discussion of the results in MS Word file and Send softcopy of MS Word file and your dataset

(.dat) File to And also submit Hardcopy by hand in OAG Hall Room

No: 05

Project requirements:

1. Plagiarism is not acceptable.

2. Project should be finished by CMG Winprop software.

3. In the results of the graph your CMS ID, BS PGE, Your Admit term and well no # last

digit of your CMS ID should appear for example as in figure 1.

4. Data set requirements

5. Units: SI

6. Graph results. Export the results mentioned in every test

7. Result discussion

8. Use Ping Robinson equation of state 1978

9. File name of simulation:

your student ID.dat; MS Word fil: your student ID.doc or .docx.

Project required data:

1. Components and their composition

Components Primary composition

CO2 0.075
N2 0.168
CH4 37.462
C2H6 13.545
C3H8 7.065
IC4 2.024
NC4 3.749
IC5 1.365
NC5 2.556
FC6 2.096
C07 0.853
C08 0.934
C09 0.407
C10 0.859
C11 0.483
C12 0.314
C13 0.908
C14 0.754
C15 0.895
C16 0.617
C17 0.665
C18 0.872
C19 2.105
C20 1.178
C21 0.834
C22 2.541
C23 2.905
C24 0.421
C25 1.405
C26 1.559
C27 1.918
C28 1.191
C29 1.034
C30 1.432
C31 2.807

2. Apply “Normalize composition” option

3. Do lumping of the components and use “Define lumping scheme in grid below” in such
a way that the groups of the components appear like that;
NOTE: When lumping is done it must not appear in dat file.

Other reservoir properties

Initial reservoir pressure 4500 psi
Saturation pressure = pb 2275 psi
Reservoir temperature 180 F

NOTE: When Saturation pressure is not equal to 2275 in “simulation output” in

simulation results then apply start regression and remove regression when the
required saturation pressure is achieved.

Tasks to be performed:

1. Briefly describe Constant mass composition and Differential liberation test (general
2. Generate two phase envelope by simulation
3. Constant mass composition test by simulation
4. Differential liberation test by simulation
On the basis of initial reservoir pressure, saturation pressure and reservoir temperature
perform the above tests

Constant mass composition test (Describe generally)

The main difference between these two types of experiments is that in the Constant Composition
Expansion (or flash expansion) no gas is removed from the PV cell. But instead, the gas remains
in equilibrium with the oil. As a result, the overall hydrocarbon composition in the cell remains
unchanged. In the differential liberation experiment, however, pressure gradually decreases in
steps and any liberated gas is removed from the oil. All depletion stages are performed at the
same reservoir temperature. Therefore, there is a continual compositional change in the PV cell,
the remaining hydrocarbons becoming progressively richer in the heavier components, and the
average molecular weight thus increasing.
For Constant mass composition test generate the following graphs and Results;
For every graph every student has to do the Result and Discussion part like for the result and
discussion in figure 1.
i. Relative oil volume with respect to saturation pressure
ii. Liquid volume with respect to pressure
iii. Gas Z factor with respect to pressure and Oil Z factor with respect to pressure
iv. Oil compressibility with respect to pressure
v. Gas density with respect to pressure and oil density with respect to pressure
1) Relative oil volume with respect to saturation pressure

Figure 1

Result and Discussion:

The bubble point of the reservoir fluid is 2275 psi, which is indicated by a blue square in the
figure 1. The relative volume in the figure 1 is measured based on the saturation pressure of the
reservoir fluid. The result obtained from constant composition expansion test shows that the
relative volume is a function of pressure. From the results it can also be observed that the relative
volume increases when the pressure is lower than the bubble point pressure as compared to the
pressure greater than the saturation pressure.
2) Liquid volume with respect to pressure

Result and Discussion:

This graph shows that the relative volume is constant before the bubble point pressure as shown by
straight line means no change in liquid volume because at that time it is in compress form but when
pressure is reduced the liquid volume is constantly decreased because the gas liberates and heavy
components left.
3) Gas Z factor with respect to pressure and Oil Z factor with respect to pressure:

Result and Discussion:

the gas compressibility factor is constant before the bubble point after the bubble point the gas
compressibility is increased the dissolve gas is liberating and volume expand as result the gas can
compress at that stage

4) Oil compressibility with respect to pressure:

Result and Discussion:

The oil compressibility factor is maximum at the bubble point because the oil at that stage is in full
expands form and can able to dissolve more gas therefore at that point at is high compressibility like
shown in the graph but the after the bubble point it is decreased
5) Gas density with respect to pressure and oil density with respect to pressure:

Result and Discussion:

Initial pressure volume is minimum which indirectly increases density or pressure on it is more below
bubble point density of oil increases as gas starts leaving the oil solution. The gas density at pb is
maximum which starts decreasing .as pressure start reducing where the gas volume increases which
indirectly decrease density.
Table1. Calculated fluid properties by Constant mass composition test
XCalculated Properties PVTi (CMG-Winprop Simulator)

Compressibility Pi , psia-1 1.36803E-0.5

Reservoir oil density, lb/ft3 39.7849

viscosity of oil at Pi, cp 0.173126

viscosity of oil at Pb, cp 1.143624

Differential liberation test (general description)

In the differential liberation process, the solution gas that is liberated from an oil sample during a
decline in pressure is continuously removed from contact with the oil, and before establishing
equilibrium with the liquid phase. This type of liberation is characterized by a varying composition of the
total hydrocarbon system. The experimental data obtained from the test include:

 Amount of gas in solution as a function of pressure

 The shrinkage in the oil volume as a function of pressure
 Properties of the evolved gas including the composition of the liberated gas, the gas
compressibility factor, and the gas specific gravity
 Density of the remaining oil as a function of pressure
For Differential liberation test generate the following graphs and Results;
For every graph every student has to do the Result and Discussion part like for the result and
discussion in figure 1.

Gas oil ratio respect to pressure and relative oil volume respect to pressure

Gas compressibility factor and gas formation volume factor respect to pressure

Oil specific gravity and oil specific gravity respect to pressure

1) Gas oil ratio respect to pressure and relative oil volume respect to pressure:

Result and Discussion:

Start decreasing as pressure decreases up to bubble point as oil molecules will be relaxed due to
pressure depletion and thus volume of oil is maximum at pb. Thus bubble point as the gas leaves
the oil solution the volume of oil starts decreases as molecules come close to each other.
2) Gas compressibility factor and gas formation volume factor respect to pressure:

Result and Discussion:

The oil compressibility is discussed as the change in fluid volume due to change in pressure at constants
temperature. As we can see from graph the oil, compressibility is maximum below the bubble point.
However, after the bubble point the oil compressibility is decreased.
3) Oil specific gravity and oil specific gravity respect to pressure

Result and Discussion:

Specific gravity can be defining as the ratio of the density of oil to the density of water at
standard condition is called specific gravity. before the bubble point pressure, the oil specific
gravity is decreased because the gas dissolve in compressed form
Table2. Calculated fluid properties by differential liberation test

Calculated Properties PVTi (CMG-Winprop Simulator)

Oil volume factor 1.44888

Solution GOR, ft3/bbl 772.058

Reservoir oil density, lb/ft3 39.7849

Residual oil relative density 0.6633

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