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Chapter 1

Introduction to Environmental Microbiology

Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba and Terry J. Gentry

1.1 Environmental Microbiology 1.2.2 What Infects Us 1.3 Environmental Microbiology

as a Discipline 1.2.3 What Heals Us in 2014
1.2 Microbial Influences on our Daily 1.2.4 What We Drink Questions and Problems
Lives 1.2.5 What We Eat References and Recommended Reading
1.2.1 Overall Health of the Planet 1.2.6 What We Breathe

1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY water and wastewater treatment dramatically reduced

AS A DISCIPLINE bacterial waterborne disease. However, other microbial
agents such as viruses and protozoa, which are more
We define “environmental microbiology” as the study of resistant to disinfection than enteric bacteria, still cause
microbes within all habitats, and their beneficial and detri- problems, resulting in water quality continuing to be a
mental impacts on human health and welfare. major focus in environmental microbiology. There is an
Environmental microbiology is related to, but also different estimated 20,000,000 cases of illness per year due to
from, “microbial ecology,” which focuses on the interac- drinking contaminated water (Reynolds et al., 2008). The
tions of microorganisms within an environment such as air, largest waterborne outbreak of disease in the United
water or soil. The primary difference between the two disci- States occurred in 1993, when over 400,000 people
plines is that environmental microbiology is an applied field became ill and around 100 died in Milwaukee,
in which we attempt to improve the environment and bene- Wisconsin, due to the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium
fit society. Environmental microbiology is also related to (Eisenberg et al., 2005). In developing countries, poor
many other disciplines (Figure 1.1). sanitation resulting from a lack of water and wastewater
Microorganisms occur everywhere on Earth. An adult treatment still results in millions of deaths annually.
human body contains 10 times as many microbial cells as Controlling the contamination of our food supply also
mammalian cells, consisting of approximately 1.25 kg of continues to be a concern; and the Centers for Disease
microbial biomass (Wilson, 2005). Although the study of Control estimates that in the United States each year there
microbial inhabitants of humans resides within clinical are 48 million cases with 128,000 people hospitalized and
microbiology, it was the discovery of environmental path- 3000 deaths. The third most deadly outbreak of foodborne
ogenic microorganisms that invaded the human body that infection in the United States occurred in 2011, when 29 per-
resulted in the beginning of environmental microbiology. sons died from Listeria contamination of cantaloupe.
These roots were enabled by the work of Louis Pasteur Information Box 1.1 documents some of these foodborne
and Robert Koch, who developed the Germ Theory of outbreaks.
Disease in the 1870s, following which, the presence of Until the middle of the 20th century, industrial chemicals
waterborne human pathogens then became the initial in the United States were routinely disposed of by dumping
focus of environmental microbiology. In developed coun- them into sewers, soils, rivers or oceans, without regard to
tries, applied environmental studies related to drinking the pollution that this caused, or the subsequent adverse

I.L. Pepper, C.P. Gerba, T.J. Gentry: Environmental Microbiology, Third edition. DOI:
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3
4 PART | I Review of Basic Microbiological Concepts

Hazardous Industrial
Waste/ Microbiology
Soil Food
Microbiology Safety

Environmental Occupational
Microbiology Control

Aquatic Diagnostic
Water Quality

FIGURE 1.1 Environmental microbiology interfaces with many other disciplines.

potentially be degraded by heterotrophic microorganisms

Information Box 1.1 Large-scale Food Recalls Due to including bacteria and fungi. The field of bioremediation
Foodborne Outbreaks
within environmental microbiology involves enhancing and
optimizing microbial degradation of organic pollutants,
Food Recall Year Organism # People
resulting in environmental cleanup and reduced adverse
Turkey and chicken 2002 Listeria 120 human health effects. The efficacy of bioremediation was
products demonstrated in 1989, when the Exxon Valdez oil tanker
Green onions 2003 Hepatitis A 600 spilled approximately 11 million gallons of crude oil into
Spinach 2006 E. coli O157:H7 200 Prince William Sound. Optimization of bioremediation was
Canned meat 2007 Clostridium 4
products botulinum
a major factor in cleaning up and restoring Prince William
Canned beef 2007 E. coli O157:H7 14 Sound. Bioremediation has also been shown to be critically
Fresh salsa 2008 Salmonella enterica 1442 important in cleaning up the more recent 2010 Gulf of
Peanut butter 2009 Salmonella 22,500 Mexico oil spill (see Chapter 31).
Eggs 2010 Salmonella 2000 Also in the 20th century, soil microbiology, a compo-
Cantaloupe 2011 Listeria 29
Strawberries 2012 Norovirus 11,200
nent of environmental microbiology, became important as
a means to enhance agricultural production. Studies on
the rhizosphere (the soil surrounding plant roots), and
specific studies on root-microbial interactions involving
ecological and human health effects. This all changed in the nitrogen fixing rhizobia, and mycorrhizal fungi that
1960s when concern over a toxic dump was highlighted by enhanced phosphorus uptake, were all utilized to improve
Rachel Carson’s landmark book Silent Spring. In essence, plant growth. Other studies of plant growth-promoting
this resulted in the birth of the environmental movement in bacteria that reduced the incidence of plant pathogens
the United States, and a new field of study for environmental were also effective in aiding the “Green Revolution,”
microbiology known as “bioremediation.” Many chemicals which resulted in stunning increases in crop yields
discharged into the environment without regard to the conse- throughout the United States and in many parts of the
quences have been shown to result in adverse human health world. Overall, these fundamental study areas have
impacts. However, since hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents helped shape the current discipline of environmental
and most pesticides are organic in nature, they can microbiology, and all affect our everyday life.
Chapter | 1 Introduction to Environmental Microbiology 5

1.2 MICROBIAL INFLUENCES biogeochemical cycles. In addition, these cycles can bene-
ON OUR DAILY LIVES fit human activity, as in the case of remediation of
organic and metal pollutants, or be detrimental, as in the
Some of the influences that microorganisms have on our formation of nitrous oxide which can deplete Earth’s
daily lives are shown in Table 1.1. These influences can ozone layer (Ravishankara et al., 2009).
be summarized in terms of: A major indirect effect of environmental microbes may
be the influence of soil microbes on global warming.
l The overall health of the planet However, currently there is still debate about the net impact
l What infects us of microbes on this process (Rice, 2006). Soils can be a
l What heals us source of “greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide, meth-
l What we drink ane and nitrous oxide due to microbial respiration, or they
l What we eat can be a sink for carbon due to enhanced photosynthetic
l What we breathe activity and subsequent carbon sequestration. Although the
debate has yet to be resolved, it is clear that even relatively
small changes in soil carbon storage could significantly
1.2.1 Overall Health of the Planet affect the global carbon balance and global warming. In
turn, many scientists believe that continued global warming
Life on Earth depends on the biogeochemical cycles that
will ultimately have catastrophic impacts on human health
are microbially driven. For example, carbon dioxide is
via extreme weather events and natural disasters.
removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis by
both plants and photosynthetic microbes. The result of
this process is that carbon dioxide is converted into
organic carbon building blocks as plant or microbial bio- 1.2.2 What Infects Us
mass, which ultimately results in the formation of organic
matter. Fortunately, this organic matter is ultimately Humans are subject to microbial attack from a plethora of
degraded by microorganisms via respiratory processes, pathogens that can be viral, bacterial or protozoan in
which again release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. nature (Table 1.2). Likewise, the route of exposure is var-
Without microbial respiration, a vast array of organic iable and can be through ingestion or inhalation of con-
matter would accumulate. Similar biogeochemical pro- taminated food, water or air, or from contact with soils or
cesses exist for all other elements, and are also driven by fomites. The infections resulting from microbial patho-
microorganisms. All life on Earth is dependent on these gens can be mild to severe, or even fatal. In extreme

TABLE 1.1 Microbial Influences on Our Daily Lives

Activity Environmental Impact Microorganisms

Municipal wastewater treatment Wastewater Waterborne disease reduction E. coli
Water treatment Water Waterborne disease reduction Norovirus
Food consumption Food Foodborne disease Clostridium botulinum
E. coli O157:H7
Indoor activities Fomites Respiratory disease Rhinovirus
Breathing Air Legionellosis Legionella pneumophila
Enhanced microbial antibiotic Hospitals Antibiotic resistant microbial Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus
resistance infections aureus
Nutrient cycling Soil Maintenance of biogeochemical Soil heterotrophic bacteria
Rhizosphere/Plant interactions Soil Enhanced plant growth Rhizobia
Mycorrhizal fungi
Bioremediation Soil Degradation of toxic organics Pseudomonas spp.
6 PART | I Review of Basic Microbiological Concepts

TABLE 1.2 Emerging Environmentally Transmitted Microbial Pathogens and Biological Agents

Agent Type Mode of Why Important Disease/Symptoms

Adenovirus Virus Water Most resistant waterborne agent Respiratory; gastroenteritis; eye, ear infections
Air to UV light
Toxigenic E. coli Bacterium Foodborne Virulence increasing Enterohemorrhagic fever, kidney failure
(O157:H7) Waterborne
Cryptosporidium Protozoan Waterborne Resistance to chlorination Gastroenteritis
Norovirus Virus Waterborne Low infectious dose Gastroenteritis
Prions Protein Cows/Humans Very stable in the environment Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
Naegleria fowleri Protozoan Water Causes fatal brain disease via Brain encephalitis
swimming and drinking water

cases, pandemics can occur, as in the case of the without pathogenic effects, are a rich source of novel anti-
1918 2 1919 influenza pandemic, which spread world- biotics, antimycotics, immunosuppressants and anticancer
wide and killed more people than the number that died in agents (Strobel and Daisy, 2003). Microtubule-stabilizing
the First World War (Brundage and Shanks, 2008). More agents (MSA) such as paclitaxel have been isolated from
recently, concern has centered on the potential for a pan- endophytic fungi associated with species of the yew tree
demic originating from avian influenza (H5N1) virus (Taxus spp.). Because paclitaxel acts as a cell poison that
(Malik Peiris et al., 2007). Overall, every person on Earth arrests cell division, it has become a highly potent antican-
has experienced some form of infection, and every loca- cer agent (Snyder, 2007). Endophytes have also been
tion on Earth can be a source of infections. For example, shown to have useful applications in agriculture and indus-
hospitals that are designed to house patients recovering try (Mei and Flinn, 2010). A new technology known as
from various maladies can be a source of methicillin “genomic mining” has resulted in new discoveries of
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). useful natural products. These molecular technologies are
allowing for the identification of new drug products that
result from gene clusters that are not normally expressed
1.2.3 What Heals Us under laboratory conditions (Gross, 2009). These new
approaches bode well for future sources of new natural
Although numerous microbes are pathogenic to humans, products that will improve human health.
many others provide a treasure chest of natural products
critical to maintaining or improving human health. The
earliest classes of compounds to be discovered were the 1.2.4 What We Drink
antibiotics. Antibiotics are compounds produced by envi-
ronmental microorganisms that kill or inhibit other micro- Environmental microbes also influence the quality of the
organisms. The first discovered antibiotic was penicillin water we drink, both directly and indirectly. Direct
isolated from the soil-borne fungus Penicillium by Sir adverse effects can include the contamination of surface
Alexander Fleming in 1929. Later, Selman Waksman dis- water or groundwaters with pathogenic microorganisms.
covered streptomycin in 1943, a feat for which he received Microbes can also exacerbate chemical contamination of
the Nobel Prize. This antibiotic was isolated from water, as in the case of arsenic. Specifically, some soil
Streptomyces griseus, and, since then, soil actinomycetes microbes utilize arsenate as a terminal electron acceptor
have been shown to be a prime source of antibiotics. under anaerobic conditions, thus converting arsenate to
In addition to bacteria, fungi are also a source of natu- arsenite which is a more toxic and mobile species that is
ral products that aid human health. In particular, endo- more likely to contaminate groundwater (National
phytes, which are microbes that colonize plant roots Research Council, 2007). On the other hand, microbes
Chapter | 1 Introduction to Environmental Microbiology 7

can also indirectly protect water quality, such as through

degradation of toxic organics in the Critical Zone which
protects groundwater (Lin, 2010).

1.2.5 What We Eat

Soil is a fundamental requirement for food production
since the vast majority of food grown for human or ani-
mal consumption is derived from soil. Soil in close prox-
imity to the plant roots is known as the rhizosphere,
which contains vast numbers of soil microorganisms
essential for plant growth. Without rhizosphere organ-
isms, plant growth is severely repressed, since beneficial FIGURE 1.2 Oil surrounds the site of the Deepwater Horizon
microbes enhance nutrient uptake. In addition, specific oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico near the coast of Louisiana, Monday,
May 31, 2010. Photo Source: Jae C. Hong, Association Press
soil bacteria known as rhizobia fix atmospheric nitrogen (ID #100531020566).
into ammonia for leguminous plants, and mycorrhizal
fungi enhance plant uptake of phosphate. Adverse effects
of microorganisms on what we eat also include contami- influenza virus. It was critical that these exposure routes
nation with pathogenic microbes and microbial toxins be better understood so that appropriate environmental
(Information Box 1.1). controls could be developed. In 2010, the Gulf of Mexico
oil release following an explosion on an oil rig devastated
the economies of local communities, but intrinsic and
1.2.6 What We Breathe enhanced bioremediation was significant in mitigating the
hazard (Figure 1.2) In 2011, a new virulent strain of
Microbes can be aerosolized through both natural and human E. coli (O104:H4) was the source of a foodborne microbial
activities. Humans influence the transport of aerosolized outbreak in Germany that killed more than 50 people
microbes through a variety of activities including, for exam- (Rasko et al., 2011).
ple, land application of wastes. The introduction of cooling On a positive note, new techniques and methodologies
towers and hot showers also creates a route for human expo- are aiding our efforts to contain adverse microbial contami-
sure to aerosolized Legionella bacteria which can result in nants (Information Box 1.2). New molecular techniques
life-threatening infections. With as much as 80% of our time including qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction)
now spent indoors, air quality in these environments can also are allowing for “near real-time” detection of pathogens.
result in “sick building syndrome” and asthma attacks. Microbial source tracking now allows us to pin-point
Microbial derived allergens are also readily transported into sources of microbial contamination. New sensors are allow-
and through the air. Mycotoxins produced by soil fungal ing us to monitor microbial water quality in real time.
molds including Aspergillus, Alternaria, Fusarium and Advances in quantitative microbial risk assessment are now
Penicillium can cause a variety of health problems. For allowing us to determine whether particular activities such
example, aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus is a potent as land application of biosolids and animal manures are
carcinogen (Williams et al., 2004). “safe.” New molecular ecological techniques, including
next-generation genome sequencing technologies, are
allowing us to create better estimates of microbial diversity
1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY in the environment, and exploit that diversity for new
IN 2014 sources of natural products. Advances in DNA synthesis
and transplantation technologies are enabling the construc-
Issues continue to emerge where solutions depend on an tion of “synthetic microorganisms” and may revolutionize
understanding of environmental microbiology. For exam- our approach to characterizing and mining the genomes of
ple, an outbreak of avian bird flu raised concerns about a environmental microorganisms. Self-sanitizing surfaces
worldwide pandemic, with little hope of quickly develop- will potentially provide for proactive disinfection of fomites
ing a vaccine. Better information was needed on how this that will reduce microbial infections.
virus spread through the environment from one person to Overall, the field of environmental microbiology is
another, in order to develop successful interventions. It mature, yet evolving, and well situated to deal with the
became evident that little was known about how important variety of microbial issues that face today’s (and tomor-
routes of transmission occurred (i.e., air vs. fomites vs. row’s) society. Join us on the exciting journey as we
water), and how they influenced transmission of the examine the state of the science.
8 PART | I Review of Basic Microbiological Concepts

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DNA sequencing of Thorstenson, Jansson, J. K., Neufeld, J. D., Moran, M. A., and Gilbert, J. A. (2012)
sequencing microbial genomes 2011 Omics for understanding microbial functional dynamics. Environ.
and communities Microbiol. 14, 1 3.
“OMICS” Molecular estimates of Jansson et al., 2012 Lin, H. (2010) Earth’s critical zone and hydropedology: concepts, char-
diversity and
acteristics and advances. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 14, 25 45.
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qPCR Near real-time van Frankenhuyzen
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Real-time Detection of Miles et al., 2011 Mei, C., and Flinn, B. S. (2010) The use of beneficial microbial endo-
Sensors contaminants in phytes for plant biomass and stress tolerance improvement. Recent
potable water Pat. Biotechnol. 4, 81 95.
Aptamer sensors Detection of specific Song et al., 2012 Miles, S. L., Sinclair, R. G., Riley, M. R., and Pepper, I. L. (2011)
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Microbial source Determine source of Staley et al., 2012 in water distribution systems. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77,
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2. Identify the most recent waterborne and foodborne and carbon sequestration in agriculture and forests. J. Environ.
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4. Identify and describe two major bioremediation pro- Snyder, J. P. (2007) The microtubule-pore gatekeeper. Nat. Chem. Biol.
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monia during 1918 19 influenza pandemic. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 14 Habash, M. B. (2011) A review: molecular pathogen detection in
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Eisenberg, J. N. S., Lei, X. D., Hubbard, A. H., Brookhart, M. A., and zide for viable cell enumeration. J. Microb. Methods 87, 263 272.
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