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Managerial Economics


On a personal perspective, I think the ones who should receive the bread and roses after
they are produced are those who pays for it (e.g. tax payers). It should also be based on equality
where in every group/family will be receiving the same exact amount without prioritizing anyone
since everyone gets the same cut on their salaries. But there are also instances wherein the
government will only give the bread and roses to those who are in need of it like senior citizens
who most likely does not have work or any other source of income other than their pensions.
And then the receivers will be the ones to allocate the budgets on where they think it
should be because once the bread and roses are given away, the government, for example, will
not be able to control the mass on where they will be using it whether it be for their wants or
Distribution choices should be made when it is needed. For example, the “ayudas” that
were for the sudden lockdown should’ve been distributed immediately because no one expected
it and there were thousands of workers who got unemployed. Another example would be giving
of financial assistance to scholars, it should be given by the time of enrolment.
And lastly, most of the time the government would also be the ones to choose the amount
that they will be giving to the people considering the needs of the people.

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