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1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the

policies thatyou prefer. It produces the policies that much
smarter people prefer.

I do not agree, I think that the best political system would be the
one made for the good of the entire country and not for the
benefit of the rulers themselves, which is what we see today. The
system is so corrupt that it does not matter who governs, if they
do not think about the people.

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the


The issue of political culture is of fundamental importance for current

political science, since it is from the knowledge of the values, beliefs,
convictions and behaviors of citizens in a given society that it is
possible to understand and influence the possibility of building and
guarantee the solidity and permanence of a democratic system.
More specifically, the author suggests that in order to have strong
democratic institutions, the existence of an entrenched democratic
political culture among the population is essential.
3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for
jobs based ontheir ability.

In the new world of work there is no longer a job, but a job. There is
no unemployment, but on job offer. The worker must above all know
how to do, rather than knowing what and why to do. Work space and
time are diluted to give way to efficiency in achieving results. The
tasks are multiple and varied, to the point of overcoming work
routines due to creativity in the deployment of projects. Two keys
characterize the new situation: the free individual and the processes
in action and thought. This in turn determines the new curricula in
secondary and vocational education.

There is no longer employment, only work: "Employment was a

figure created by industrial society, a great consumer of labor. But
the current knowledge society does not require a large number of
jobs, but rather workers"

4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by

public interest

Unfortunately we must accept that, in government as in any form of

commerce, people will pursue their own private interests, and that
they will achieve goals reasonably close to those of corporate
shareholders or citizens only if it is in their private interest to do so.
that. The primacy of private interest is not inconsistent with the
observation that most people, in addition to pursuing their private
interests, have some charitable instincts, some tendency to help and
engage in morally correct activities. Gordon Tullock, The theory of
public choice, 2005

There is definitely a public interest and a private interest. It is

presumed that the first is defended by those who perform public
functions, while the second corresponds to the actions of individuals
and companies that seek to maximize their own benefits. There is
no reason to conclude, however, that there is always a contrast
between the two interests; in fact, private interests can perfectly
match the interests of the community. The provision of essential
goods and services to satisfy social needs is a good example of the
compatibility between what is public and what is private.

Although it is clear that individuals seek their own interest, it is not

so clear that public bureaucrats - elected or appointed - pursue the
interest of the community. At first glance, it is difficult to find reasons
that assure us that an individual to whom we attribute a certain
degree of selfishness becomes - once in public office - a different
individual and assumes the common good as the benchmark for
their decisions. We do not deny that the incarnation of public officials
is possible - in any of the powers of the State - who place
themselves above their own interests; what we mean is that we
should not assume that they will always behave that way, and that
they will probably most often act to maximize their own profits. Even
if there is an identification with the common interest, there are also
no guarantees that the decisions they adopt will be consistent with
that purpose.
5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide
welfare programs for people in need.

Economic growth has the power to transform societies, increase

incomes, and enable citizens to prosper, but growth alone is not
enough. To reduce poverty and guarantee shared prosperity, growth
needs to create more jobs and for them to be of better quality and
more inclusive, as they are the surest path out of poverty. In recent
years, among other interventions, the World Bank has supported
employment programs in the countries, providing professional
training to job seekers, financing loans for micro and small
businesses, and mobilizing financing to support job growth in the
private sector.

That’s right, taxes are annoying but necessary.

Governments are continually searching for additional funds to pay

for the needs of their citizens, businesses, and bureaucrats. At
the local level, taxes support spending for schools roads,
libraries, athletic facilities, fire and police services, and the
salaries of county and municipal employees.

6. Governmental programs encourage people to become

dependent and lazy instead of inspiring them to become
hard-working and independent
Governmental programs do not encourage people to become
dependent and lazy, but a bad designed program does.
Governamental programs need to have conditions and requirements
to assure the effectivity of the help given.

the programs that give financial aid or so without any

requirements are useless.

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